public static MushroomModelPrediction PredictSingleResult(MLContext mlContext, ITransformer model, MushroomModelInput input)
            //Creating the prediction engine which takes data model input and output
            var predictEngine = mlContext.Model.CreatePredictionEngine <MushroomModelInput, MushroomModelPrediction>(model);

            var predOutput = predictEngine.Predict(input);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Creating MLContxet model to be shared accross model building, validation and prediction process
            MLContext mlContext = new MLContext();

            //Loading the data from csv files
            //Splitting the dataset into train/test sets
            TrainTestData mushroomTrainTestData = LoadData(mlContext, testDataFraction: 0.25);

            //Creating data transformation pipeline which transforma the data a form acceptable by model
            //Returns an object of type IEstimator<ITransformer>
            var pipeline = ProcessData(mlContext);

            //passing the transformation pipeline and training dataset to crossvalidate and build the model
            //returns the model object of type ITransformer
            var trainedModel = BuildAndTrain(mlContext, pipeline, mushroomTrainTestData.TrainSet);

            //Sample datainput for predicrtion
            var mushroomInput1 = new MushroomModelInput
                cap_shape                = "x",
                cap_surface              = "s",
                cap_color                = "n",
                bruises                  = "t",
                odor                     = "p",
                gill_attachment          = "f",
                gill_spacing             = "c",
                gill_size                = "n",
                gill_color               = "k",
                stalk_shape              = "e",
                stalk_root               = "e",
                stalk_surface_above_ring = "s",
                stalk_surface_below_ring = "s",
                stalk_color_above_ring   = "w",
                stalk_color_below_ring   = "w",
                veil_type                = "p",
                veil_color               = "w",
                ring_number              = "o",
                ring_type                = "p",
                spore_print_color        = "k",
                population               = "s",
                habitat                  = "u"

            //Sample datainput for predicrtion
            var mushroomInput2 = new MushroomModelInput
                cap_shape                = "b",
                cap_surface              = "y",
                cap_color                = "y",
                bruises                  = "t",
                odor                     = "l",
                gill_attachment          = "f",
                gill_spacing             = "c",
                gill_size                = "b",
                gill_color               = "k",
                stalk_shape              = "e",
                stalk_root               = "c",
                stalk_surface_above_ring = "s",
                stalk_surface_below_ring = "s",
                stalk_color_above_ring   = "w",
                stalk_color_below_ring   = "w",
                veil_type                = "p",
                veil_color               = "w",
                ring_number              = "o",
                ring_type                = "p",
                spore_print_color        = "n",
                population               = "s",
                habitat                  = "m"

            //passing trained model and sample input data to make single prediction
            var result = PredictSingleResult(mlContext, trainedModel, mushroomInput2);

            Console.WriteLine("================================= Single Prediction Result ===============================");
            // Evaluate(mlContext, pipeline, trainedModel,  mushroomTrainTestData.TestSet);
            Console.WriteLine($"Predicted Result: {result.Label}");
