private void DoCategory(EntityCategory node, int openMask, int indentLevel) { if (!node.DescendantThings.Any()) { return; } base.OpenCloseWidget(node, indentLevel, openMask); base.LabelLeft(node.LabelCap, node.Description, indentLevel); MultiCheckboxState multiCheckboxState = this.AllowanceStateOf(node); if (Widgets.CheckboxMulti(new Vector2(this.LabelWidth, this.curY), multiCheckboxState, this.lineHeight)) { bool allow = multiCheckboxState == MultiCheckboxState.Off; foreach (var thing in node.DescendantThings) { this.filter.SetAllow(thing, allow); } foreach (var spFilter in node.catDef.DescendantSpecialEntityFilterDefs) { this.filter.SetAllow(spFilter, allow); } } base.EndLine(); if (node.IsOpen(openMask)) { this.DoCurrent(node, openMask, indentLevel + 1); } }
public static MultiCheckboxState NextState(this MultiCheckboxState state) { MultiCheckboxState nextstate; // On -> Partial -> Off -> On ... switch (state) { case MultiCheckboxState.On: nextstate = MultiCheckboxState.Partial; break; case MultiCheckboxState.Off: nextstate = MultiCheckboxState.On; break; case MultiCheckboxState.Partial: nextstate = MultiCheckboxState.Off; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(state), state, null); } return(nextstate); }
public static void CheckBoxLabeledMulti(Rect rect, string label, ref MultiCheckboxState state, bool disabled = false) { var anchor = Text.Anchor; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Verse.Widgets.Label(rect, label); if (!disabled && Verse.Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect)) { switch (state) { case MultiCheckboxState.On: state = MultiCheckboxState.Partial; SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOn.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); break; case MultiCheckboxState.Partial: state = MultiCheckboxState.Off; SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOff.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); break; case MultiCheckboxState.Off: state = MultiCheckboxState.On; SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOn.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); break; } } var r = new Rect(rect.x + rect.width - 24f, rect.y, 24f, 24f); Verse.Widgets.CheckboxMulti(r, state); Text.Anchor = anchor; }
public bool CheckboxPartial(string label, ref MultiCheckboxState state, string tooltip = null, bool enabled = true, bool allowPartialInCycle = false) { var result = GuiPlus.CheckboxPartial(GetRect(Text.LineHeight), label, ref state, tooltip, enabled, allowPartialInCycle); Gap(verticalSpacing); return(result); }
private static void SaveThreeState(XContainer xRoot, string containerName, MultiCheckboxState state) { if (state == MultiCheckboxState.Partial) { return; } var xContainerElement = new XElement(containerName); xRoot.Add(xContainerElement); xContainerElement.Add(new XElement(StateNode, state.ToString())); }
public void DoCategory(TreeNode_ThingCategory node, int indentLevel, int openMask, Map map) { base.OpenCloseWidget(node, indentLevel, openMask); base.LabelLeft(node.LabelCap, node.catDef.description, indentLevel, 0f); MultiCheckboxState multiCheckboxState = this.AllowanceStateOf(node); MultiCheckboxState multiCheckboxState2 = Widgets.CheckboxMulti(new Rect(this.LabelWidth, this.curY, this.lineHeight, this.lineHeight), multiCheckboxState, true); if (multiCheckboxState != multiCheckboxState2) { this.filter.SetAllow(node.catDef, multiCheckboxState2 == MultiCheckboxState.On, this.forceHiddenDefs, this.hiddenSpecialFilters); } base.EndLine(); if (node.IsOpen(openMask)) { this.DoCategoryChildren(node, indentLevel + 1, openMask, map, false); } }
public void DoCategory(TreeNode_ThingCategory node, int indentLevel, int openMask) { base.OpenCloseWidget(node, indentLevel, openMask); base.LabelLeft(node.LabelCap, node.catDef.description, indentLevel); MultiCheckboxState multiCheckboxState = this.AllowanceStateOf(node); if (Widgets.CheckboxMulti(new Vector2(this.LabelWidth, this.curY), multiCheckboxState, this.lineHeight)) { bool allow = multiCheckboxState == MultiCheckboxState.Off; this.filter.SetAllow(node.catDef, allow, this.forceHiddenDefs, this.hiddenSpecialFilters); } base.EndLine(); if (node.IsOpen(openMask)) { this.DoCategoryChildren(node, indentLevel + 1, openMask, false); } }
public void DoCategory(TreeNode_ThingCategory node, int indentLevel, int openMask, Map map) { OpenCloseWidget(node, indentLevel, openMask); LabelLeft(node.LabelCap, node.catDef.description, indentLevel); MultiCheckboxState multiCheckboxState = AllowanceStateOf(node); MultiCheckboxState multiCheckboxState2 = Widgets.CheckboxMulti(new Rect(LabelWidth, curY, lineHeight, lineHeight), multiCheckboxState, paintable: true); if (multiCheckboxState != multiCheckboxState2) { filter.SetAllow(node.catDef, multiCheckboxState2 == MultiCheckboxState.On, forceHiddenDefs, hiddenSpecialFilters); } EndLine(); if (node.IsOpen(openMask)) { DoCategoryChildren(node, indentLevel + 1, openMask, map); } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a dictionary from a list of RimWorld definitions (<see cref="Def" />) where keys are <see cref="Def" /> /// and values are <see cref="ThreeStateItem" />. /// The propertyChangedName makes it so that if a <see cref="ThreeStateItem" /> item changed an event is fired for the /// whole dictionary rather than the contained item. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the items in the list parameter. <b>T</b> should be a RimWorld <see cref="Def" />.</typeparam> /// <param name="initList">A list of <see cref="Def" /> (each entry will be used as a dictionary key).</param> /// <param name="dictionary">The dictionary to be initialized.</param> /// <param name="propertyChangedName"> /// The bound property name (the name of the dictionary in this class). Each time a value /// in the dictionary is changed, this fire an event related to the dictionary name and not the contained values. /// </param> /// <param name="defaultSate">The default state of the <see cref="ThreeStateItem" />.</param> protected void InitSelectedDictionary <T>(List <T> initList, Dictionary <T, ThreeStateItem> dictionary, string propertyChangedName, MultiCheckboxState defaultSate = MultiCheckboxState.Partial) { dictionary.Clear(); foreach (var elementDef in initList) { var item = new ThreeStateItem(defaultSate); item.PropertyChanged += delegate { // cheat! rather than saying that a ThreeState item changed // just pretend the whole dictionary has changed. // We don't need a finer grain control than that, as the dictionary will contain just a few elements. OnPropertyChanged(propertyChangedName); }; dictionary.Add(elementDef, item); } }
public static bool CheckBoxLabeledSelectableMulti(Rect rect, string label, ref bool selected, ref MultiCheckboxState state, bool disabled = false) { if (selected) { Verse.Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect); } Verse.Widgets.Label(rect, label); var flag = selected; var butRect = rect; butRect.width -= 24f; if (!selected && Verse.Widgets.ButtonInvisible(butRect)) { SoundDefOf.Tick_Tiny.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); selected = true; } var color = GUI.color; GUI.color = Color.white; CheckBoxMultiDraw(rect.xMax - 24f, rect.y, state, false); GUI.color = color; var butRect2 = new Rect(rect.xMax - 24f, rect.y, 24f, 24f); if (Verse.Widgets.ButtonInvisible(butRect2)) { var nextState = state.NextState(); if ((nextState == MultiCheckboxState.Off) || (state == MultiCheckboxState.Partial)) { SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOn.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else { SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOff.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } state = nextState; } return(selected && !flag); }
public static void CheckBoxMultiDraw(float x, float y, MultiCheckboxState state, bool disabled, float size = 24f) { var color = GUI.color; if (disabled) { GUI.color = InactiveColor; } Texture2D image; switch (state) { case MultiCheckboxState.On: image = Verse.Widgets.CheckboxOnTex; break; case MultiCheckboxState.Partial: image = Verse.Widgets.CheckboxPartialTex; break; case MultiCheckboxState.Off: image = Verse.Widgets.CheckboxOffTex; break; default: image = Verse.Widgets.CheckboxOffTex; break; } var position = new Rect(x, y, size, size); GUI.DrawTexture(position, image); if (disabled) { GUI.color = color; } }
// View of standard toggles, with multipicker. static void DoToggleView(Rect middleRect) { List <Toggle> groupToggles = ToggleManager.Toggles.Where(x => x.Group.Equals(ActiveGroup)).ToList(); float middleY = (groupToggles.Count() + 5) * 25f; var middleView = new Listing_Toggles(); middleView.BeginListing(middleRect, ref scrollPositionMiddle, middleY); // Establishes references for checking if Option buttons are disabled further down. string optionsEntryButton = $"{ButtonCat.ButtonsEntry}_Options"; string optionsPlayButton = $"{ButtonCat.ButtonsPlay}_Options"; bool optionsEntryFlag = ToggleManager.IsActive(optionsEntryButton); bool optionsPlayFlag = ToggleManager.IsActive(optionsPlayButton); // Draw multi picker. // Only show if any button has been clicked at start. if (!ActiveGroup.NullOrEmpty()) { bool wasPartial = false; if (groupToggles.All(x => { state = MultiCheckboxState.On; } else if (groupToggles.All(x => ! { state = MultiCheckboxState.Off; } else { state = MultiCheckboxState.Partial; wasPartial = true; } state = middleView.MultiCheckBoxLabel(state, GetHotkeyFloatOptions(groupToggles), "Hotkey".Translate(), ActiveGroup.Translate(), $"{ActiveGroup}Desc".Translate()); // If partial is clicked, it defaults to off. This workaround turns all on instead, by checking if it was partial before clicking. if (state == MultiCheckboxState.On || (wasPartial && state == MultiCheckboxState.Off)) { groupToggles.ForEach(x => = true); } else if (state == MultiCheckboxState.Off) { groupToggles.ForEach(x => = false); } } middleView.GapLine(); // Draw toggles in middle view depending on what button is active in left view. foreach (Toggle toggle in groupToggles.OrderBy(x => x.PrettyLabel)) { middleView.CheckboxLabeled(toggle.PrettyLabel, toggle.PrettyHotkey, ref, GetHotkeyFloatOptions(toggle)); } // Opens confirmation window if user has deactivated the Options button. CheckOptionsActive(optionsEntryButton, optionsEntryFlag); CheckOptionsActive(optionsPlayButton, optionsPlayFlag); middleView.EndListing(); }
public static bool CheckboxPartial(Rect rect, string label, ref MultiCheckboxState state, string tooltip = null, bool enabled = true, bool allowPartialInCycle = true) { var prevAnchor = Text.Anchor; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(rect, label); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect); if (!tooltip.NullOrEmpty()) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, tooltip); } } var result = false; if (enabled && Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect)) { if (state == MultiCheckboxState.Off) { state = allowPartialInCycle ? MultiCheckboxState.Partial : MultiCheckboxState.On; SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOff.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else if (state == MultiCheckboxState.Partial) { state = MultiCheckboxState.On; SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOn.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else { state = MultiCheckboxState.Off; SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOff.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } result = true; } var prevColor = GUI.color; if (!enabled) { GUI.color = InactiveColor; } Texture2D image; if (state == MultiCheckboxState.Partial) { image = Widgets.CheckboxPartialTex; } else if (state == MultiCheckboxState.On) { image = Widgets.CheckboxOnTex; } else { image = Widgets.CheckboxOffTex; } GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((rect.x + rect.width) - CheckboxSize, rect.y, CheckboxSize, CheckboxSize), image); if (!enabled) { GUI.color = prevColor; } Text.Anchor = prevAnchor; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="defaultSate">The default state of the item.</param> public ThreeStateItem(MultiCheckboxState defaultSate = MultiCheckboxState.Partial) { _state = defaultSate; DefaultState = defaultSate; }
private void DrawPartButtons(ref float curY, Rect partListViewRect, List <Hediff_AddedMutation> mutations, List <BodyPartRecord> parts, MutationLayer layer, string label) { // Draw the main mutation selection button. It should take up the whole width if there are no mutations, otherwise it will leave a space for the edit button. float partButtonWidth = partListViewRect.width - (mutations.NullOrEmpty() ? 0 : editButtonWidth); Rect partButtonRect = new Rect(partListViewRect.x, curY, partButtonWidth, Text.CalcHeight(label, partButtonWidth - BUTTON_HORIZONTAL_PADDING)); if (Widgets.ButtonText(partButtonRect, label)) { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); void removeMutations() { foreach (Hediff_AddedMutation mutation in mutations) { addedMutations.RemoveByPartAndLayer(mutation.Part, layer); if (cachedInitialHediffs.Select(m => m.hediff).Contains(mutation)) { addedMutations.AddData(mutation.Def, mutation.Part, mutation.Severity, mutation.ProgressionHalted, true); }; } recachePreview = true; RecachePawnMutations(); } options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(NO_MUTATIONS_LOC_STRING.Translate(), removeMutations)); List <MutationDef> mutationDefs = cachedMutationDefsByPartDef[parts.FirstOrDefault().def]; foreach (MutationDef mutationDef in mutationDefs.Where(m => m.RemoveComp.layer == layer && (DebugSettings.godMode || m.IsTagged()))) { void addMutation() { foreach (Hediff_AddedMutation mutation in mutations) {; } foreach (BodyPartRecord part in parts) { addedMutations.RemoveByPartAndLayer(part, layer); addedMutations.AddData(mutationDef, part, mutationDef.initialSeverity, false, false); MutationUtilities.AddMutation(pawn, mutationDef, part, ancillaryEffects: MutationUtilities.AncillaryMutationEffects.None); //don't give the green puffs } recachePreview = true; RecachePawnMutations(); } options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(mutationDef.LabelCap, addMutation)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options)); } curY += partButtonRect.height; // If there are actually mutations, draw the edit button. if (!mutations.NullOrEmpty()) { Rect editButtonRect = new Rect(partButtonWidth, partButtonRect.y, editButtonWidth, partButtonRect.height); if (Widgets.ButtonText(editButtonRect, editButtonText)) { detailPart = (detailPart.Item1 == parts.FirstOrDefault() && detailPart.Item2 == layer) ? new Tuple <BodyPartRecord, MutationLayer>(new BodyPartRecord(), 0) : new Tuple <BodyPartRecord, MutationLayer>(parts.FirstOrDefault(), layer); } } // If the currently selected part and layer match up with the part to give details for, draw the edit area below the buttons. if (detailPart.Item1 == parts.FirstOrDefault() && detailPart.Item2 == layer) { foreach (MutationDef mutationDef in mutations.Select(m => m.Def).Distinct()) { List <Hediff_AddedMutation> mutationsOfDef = mutations.Where(m => m.Def == mutationDef).ToList(); // Draw the LabelCap of the current Def if there is more than one type of mutation in the current list. if (mutations.Select(m => m.Def).Distinct().Count() > 1) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref curY, partListViewRect.width, mutationDef.LabelCap); } // Draw the various labels for the severity bar (need to refine this later). string stageLabelText = $"Stage {mutationsOfDef.FirstOrDefault().CurStageIndex}: {mutationsOfDef.FirstOrDefault().LabelCap}"; Rect severityLabelsRect = new Rect(partListViewRect.x, curY, partListViewRect.width, Text.CalcHeight(stageLabelText, partListViewRect.width)); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(severityLabelsRect, stageLabelText); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; Widgets.Label(severityLabelsRect, mutationsOfDef.FirstOrDefault().Severity.ToString("n2")); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; curY += severityLabelsRect.height; // Draw the severity slider float curSeverity = mutationsOfDef.Select(n => n.Severity).Average(); float newSeverity = Widgets.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(partListViewRect.x, curY, partListViewRect.width, SLIDER_HEIGHT), curSeverity, mutationDef.minSeverity, mutationDef.maxSeverity); if (curSeverity != newSeverity) { curSeverity = newSeverity; foreach (Hediff_AddedMutation mutationOfDef in mutationsOfDef) { MutationData relevantEntry = addedMutations.MutationsByPartAndLayer(mutationOfDef.Part, layer); if (relevantEntry != null) { relevantEntry.severity = newSeverity; } else { addedMutations.AddData(mutationOfDef.Def, mutationOfDef.Part, newSeverity, mutationOfDef.ProgressionHalted, false); } mutationOfDef.Severity = newSeverity; } recachePreview = true; } curY += SLIDER_HEIGHT; // If the mutation has the ability to be paused, show the toggle for it. // This is a CheckboxMulti to handle edge cases, but likely could be replaced with a simple Checkbox. if (mutationDef.CompProps <CompProperties_MutationSeverityAdjust>() != null) { float pauseLabelWidth = partListViewRect.width - IS_PAUSED_CHECKBOX_SIZE.x; Rect pauseLabelRect = new Rect(partListViewRect.x, curY, pauseLabelWidth, Text.CalcHeight(IS_PAUSED_LOC_STRING.Translate(), partListViewRect.width)); Rect checkBoxRect = new Rect(partListViewRect.x + pauseLabelWidth, curY, IS_PAUSED_CHECKBOX_SIZE.x, IS_PAUSED_CHECKBOX_SIZE.y); MultiCheckboxState initialState = !mutationsOfDef.Select(n => n.ProgressionHalted).Contains(true) ? MultiCheckboxState.Off : !mutationsOfDef.Select(n => n.ProgressionHalted).Contains(false) ? MultiCheckboxState.On : MultiCheckboxState.Partial; Widgets.Label(pauseLabelRect, IS_PAUSED_LOC_STRING.Translate()); MultiCheckboxState newState = Widgets.CheckboxMulti(checkBoxRect, initialState); if (initialState != newState) { initialState = newState; mutationsOfDef.FirstOrDefault().SeverityAdjust.Halted = !mutationsOfDef.FirstOrDefault().SeverityAdjust.Halted; foreach (Hediff_AddedMutation mutationOfDef in mutationsOfDef) { MutationData relevantEntry = addedMutations.MutationsByPartAndLayer(mutationOfDef.Part, layer); if (cachedInitialHediffs.Select(m => m.hediff).Contains(mutationOfDef)) { bool initialHediffIsHalted = cachedInitialHediffs.Where(m => m.hediff == mutationOfDef).FirstOrDefault().isHalted; if (newState == MultiCheckboxState.On == initialHediffIsHalted) { addedMutations.RemoveByPartAndLayer(mutationOfDef.Part, layer); } } if (relevantEntry != null) { relevantEntry.isHalted = newState == MultiCheckboxState.On; } else { addedMutations.AddData(mutationOfDef.Def, mutationOfDef.Part, mutationOfDef.Severity, newState == MultiCheckboxState.On, false); } } } curY += Math.Max(pauseLabelRect.height, checkBoxRect.height); } } } // Create a zone for updating the lower description box (The one that shows details based on the currently hovered over mutation). Rect descriptionUpdateRect = new Rect(partListViewRect.x, partButtonRect.y, partListViewRect.width, curY - partButtonRect.y); if (Mouse.IsOver(descriptionUpdateRect)) { foreach (MutationDef mutation in mutations.Select(m => m.def).Distinct()) { Hediff_AddedMutation firstMutationOfDef = mutations.Where(m => m.def == mutation).FirstOrDefault(); partDescBuilder.AppendLine(firstMutationOfDef.LabelCap); partDescBuilder.AppendLine(firstMutationOfDef.Description); partDescBuilder.AppendLine(firstMutationOfDef.TipStringExtra); partDescBuilder.AppendLine(); } } }
protected ThreeStateItem InitThreeStateItem(string propertyChanedName, MultiCheckboxState defaultState = MultiCheckboxState.Partial) { return(new ThreeStateItem(defaultState)); }
public void DrawFilters(Rect canvas) { GUI.BeginGroup(canvas); var listing = new Listing_Standard(); var viewPort = new Rect(canvas.x, canvas.y, canvas.width - 16f, _filters.Sum(f => f.Height)); Widgets.BeginScrollView(canvas, ref _scrollPos, viewPort); listing.Begin(viewPort); foreach (ThingItemFilterCategory category in _filters) { Rect lineRect = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); if (!lineRect.IsVisible(viewPort, _scrollPos) && !category.Expanded) { continue; } Rect arrowIconRect = new Rect(lineRect.x, lineRect.y, lineRect.height, lineRect.height).ContractedBy(4f); Rect checkStateRect = new Rect(arrowIconRect.x + arrowIconRect.width, lineRect.y, lineRect.height, lineRect.height).ContractedBy(4f); var categoryTextRect = new Rect( checkStateRect.x + checkStateRect.width + 5f, lineRect.y, lineRect.width - 5f - arrowIconRect.width - checkStateRect.width, lineRect.height ); GUI.DrawTexture(arrowIconRect.ContractedBy(2f), category.Expanded ? Textures.ExpandedArrow : Textures.CollapsedArrow); MultiCheckboxState state = Widgets.CheckboxMulti(checkStateRect, category.CheckState, true); if (state != category.CheckState) { category.CheckState = state; foreach (ThingItemFilter filter in category.Filters) { switch (category.CheckState) { case MultiCheckboxState.Off: filter.Active = false; break; case MultiCheckboxState.On: filter.Active = true; break; } } } UiHelper.Label(categoryTextRect, $"TKUtils.FilterTypes.{category.FilterType}".TranslateSimple()); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(arrowIconRect)) { category.Expanded = !category.Expanded; } if (category.Expanded) { DrawFiltersFor(category, listing, viewPort); } } GUI.EndGroup(); listing.End(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
internal MultiCheckboxState MultiCheckBoxLabel(MultiCheckboxState state, List <FloatMenuOption> floatMenuList, string keyGroup, string label = null, string infoText = null) { float lineHeight = Text.LineHeight; Rect rect = base.GetRect(lineHeight); base.Gap(this.verticalSpacing); rect.x += 10f; rect.width -= 10f; Texture2D tex; if (state == MultiCheckboxState.On) { tex = Widgets.CheckboxOnTex; } else if (state == MultiCheckboxState.Off) { tex = Widgets.CheckboxOffTex; } else { tex = Widgets.CheckboxPartialTex; } Color color = Widgets.NormalOptionColor; // Checkbox Rect texRect = new Rect(rect.width - texSize.x, rect.y, texSize.x, texSize.y); MouseoverSounds.DoRegion(texRect); // Info Icon Rect infoRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 22f, 22f); Texture2D infoTex = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Buttons/InfoButton", true); GUI.DrawTexture(infoRect, infoTex); // Text label Rect labelRect = new Rect(rect); labelRect.x = infoRect.width + 15f; Widgets.Label(labelRect, label); // InfoText, tooltip if (infoText != null) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(infoRect, infoText); } // KeyGroup Button MakeFloatMenu(rect, keyGroup, floatMenuList); MultiCheckboxState stateCheck = (state != MultiCheckboxState.Off) ? MultiCheckboxState.Off : MultiCheckboxState.On; if (AnyPressed(Widgets.ButtonImageDraggable(texRect, tex))) { if (stateCheck == MultiCheckboxState.On) { SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOn.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); } else { SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOff.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); } return(stateCheck); } return(state); }