private bool ResolveDuplicateProjectEntry(bool wasChanged, ProjectItem buildItem)
#if GLUE
            var mbmb = new MultiButtonMessageBoxWpf();

            mbmb.MessageText = "The item " + buildItem.UnevaluatedInclude + " is part of " +
                               "the project twice.  Glue does not support double-entries in a project.  What would you like to do?";

            mbmb.AddButton("Remove the duplicate entry and continue", System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK);
            mbmb.AddButton("Remove the duplicate, but show me a list of all contained objects before removal", System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No);
            mbmb.AddButton("Cancel loading the project - this will throw an exception", System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel);

            DialogResult result = DialogResult.Cancel;

            if (mbmb.ShowDialog() == true)
                result = (DialogResult)mbmb.ClickedResult;
                switch (result)
                case DialogResult.OK:

                case DialogResult.No:
                    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var item in mProject.AllEvaluatedItems)
                        stringBuilder.AppendLine(item.ItemType + " " + item.UnevaluatedInclude);
                    string whereToSave = FileManager.UserApplicationDataForThisApplication + "ProjectFileOutput.txt";
                    FileManager.SaveText(stringBuilder.ToString(), whereToSave);


                case DialogResult.Cancel:
                    throw new Exception("Duplicate entries found: " + buildItem.ItemType + " " + buildItem.UnevaluatedInclude);
            wasChanged = true;
Пример #2
        public NamedObjectSave CreateNewNamedObjectInElement(IElement elementToCreateIn,
                                                             EntitySave blueprintEntity, bool createList = false)
            if (blueprintEntity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"{nameof(blueprintEntity)} cannot be null");

            if (elementToCreateIn is EntitySave && ((EntitySave)elementToCreateIn).ImplementsIVisible && !blueprintEntity.ImplementsIVisible)
                var mbmb = new MultiButtonMessageBoxWpf();
                mbmb.MessageText = "The Entity\n\n" + blueprintEntity +
                                   "\n\nDoes not Implement IVisible, but the Entity it is being dropped in does.  " +
                                   "What would you like to do?";

                mbmb.AddButton("Make " + blueprintEntity.Name + " implement IVisible", DialogResult.OK);
                mbmb.AddButton("Nothing (your code will not compile until this problem is resolved manually)", DialogResult.Cancel);

                var dialogResult = mbmb.ShowDialog();

                DialogResult result = DialogResult.Cancel;

                if (mbmb.ClickedResult != null && dialogResult == true)
                    result = (DialogResult)mbmb.ClickedResult;

                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    blueprintEntity.ImplementsIVisible = true;

            var addObjectViewModel = new AddObjectViewModel();

            // We'll add "List" or "Instance" below
            //string newName = FileManager.RemovePath(blueprintEntity.Name);
            addObjectViewModel.ObjectName = FileManager.RemovePath(blueprintEntity.Name);

            #region Set the source type properties for the new NamedObject

            if (createList)
                addObjectViewModel.ObjectName            += "List";
                addObjectViewModel.SourceType             = SourceType.FlatRedBallType;
                addObjectViewModel.SourceClassType        = "PositionedObjectList<T>";
                addObjectViewModel.SourceClassGenericType = blueprintEntity.Name;
                addObjectViewModel.ObjectName     += "Instance";
                addObjectViewModel.SourceType      = SourceType.Entity;
                addObjectViewModel.SourceClassType = blueprintEntity.Name;


            #region Set the name for the new NamedObject

            // get an acceptable name for the new object
            if (elementToCreateIn.GetNamedObjectRecursively(addObjectViewModel.ObjectName) != null)
                addObjectViewModel.ObjectName += "2";

            while (elementToCreateIn.GetNamedObjectRecursively(addObjectViewModel.ObjectName) != null)
                addObjectViewModel.ObjectName = StringFunctions.IncrementNumberAtEnd(addObjectViewModel.ObjectName);


                                                                      elementToCreateIn, null));
Пример #3
        public NamedObjectSave CreateNewNamedObjectInElement(IElement elementToCreateIn, EntitySave blueprintEntity, bool createList = false)
            if (blueprintEntity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"{nameof(blueprintEntity)} cannot be null");

            if (elementToCreateIn is EntitySave && ((EntitySave)elementToCreateIn).ImplementsIVisible && !blueprintEntity.ImplementsIVisible)
                var mbmb = new MultiButtonMessageBoxWpf();
                mbmb.MessageText = "The Entity\n\n" + blueprintEntity +
                                   "\n\nDoes not Implement IVisible, but the Entity it is being dropped in does.  " +
                                   "What would you like to do?";

                mbmb.AddButton("Make " + blueprintEntity.Name + " implement IVisible", DialogResult.OK);
                mbmb.AddButton("Nothing (your code will not compile until this problem is resolved manually)", DialogResult.Cancel);

                var dialogResult = mbmb.ShowDialog();

                DialogResult result = DialogResult.Cancel;

                if (mbmb.ClickedResult != null && dialogResult == true)
                    result = (DialogResult)mbmb.ClickedResult;

                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    blueprintEntity.ImplementsIVisible = true;

            NamedObjectSave newNamedObject = new NamedObjectSave();

            // We'll add "List" or "Instance" below
            string newName = FileManager.RemovePath(blueprintEntity.Name);

            #region Set the source type properties for the new NamedObject

            if (createList)
                newName += "List";
                newNamedObject.SourceType             = SourceType.FlatRedBallType;
                newNamedObject.SourceClassType        = "PositionedObjectList<T>";
                newNamedObject.SourceClassGenericType = blueprintEntity.Name;
                newName += "Instance";
                newNamedObject.SourceType      = SourceType.Entity;
                newNamedObject.SourceClassType = blueprintEntity.Name;


            #region Set the name for the new NamedObject

            // get an acceptable name for the new object
            if (elementToCreateIn.GetNamedObjectRecursively(newName) != null)
                newName += "2";

            while (elementToCreateIn.GetNamedObjectRecursively(newName) != null)
                newName = StringFunctions.IncrementNumberAtEnd(newName);

            newNamedObject.InstanceName = newName;


            // We need to add to managers here.  Why?  Because normally when the type of a NamedObject is changed,
            // the PropertyGrid handles setting whether it should be added or not. But in this case, we're not changing
            // the type of the new NamedObject through the PropertyGrid - instead it's being set programatically to be an
            // Entity.  So, we should add to managers programatically since the PropertyGrid won't do it for us.
            // Update December 11, 2011
            // AddToManagers defaults to
            // true on new NamedObjectSaves
            // so there's no need to explicitly
            // set it to true here.
            //newNamedObject.AddToManagers = true;

            NamedObjectSaveExtensionMethodsGlue.AddExistingNamedObjectToElement(elementToCreateIn, newNamedObject, true);

            Plugins.PluginManager.ReceiveOutput($"Created {newNamedObject}");
