Пример #1
    void SpawnObstacle()
        if (!Player_ControlerScript.isGameOver)
            int obstaclesindex = Random.Range(0, obstacles.Length);
            //GameObject obstacle = Instantiate(obstacles[obstaclesindex], spawnPos, obstacles[obstaclesindex].transform.rotation);

            if (obstaclesindex == 2)
                GameObject obstacle  = Instantiate(obstacles[obstaclesindex], spawnPosBarrier, obstacles[obstaclesindex].transform.rotation);
                Move_Front obsSrcipt = obstacle.GetComponent <Move_Front>();
                obsSrcipt.speed = obsSrcipt.speed + (float)obstacleDestroyedCount;
                GameObject obstacle  = Instantiate(obstacles[obstaclesindex], spawnPos, obstacles[obstaclesindex].transform.rotation);
                Move_Left  obsSrcipt = obstacle.GetComponent <Move_Left>();
                obsSrcipt.speed = obsSrcipt.speed + (float)obstacleDestroyedCount;

            float randomDelay = Random.Range(repeatRateMin, repeatRateMax);
            Debug.Log("Random interval" + randomDelay);
            Invoke("SpawnObstacle", randomDelay);
Пример #2
        private void Move_Airplane(bool con, int chk)
            if (con == true)
                if (chk == 1)
            //int left_from = -260;
            //int left_to = 440;

            //int top_from = 19;
            //int top_to = 100;

            //int Scale_from = 1;
            //int Scale_to = -1;

            ////for(int i = 1; i < 6; i++)

            //    //if(i == 2)
            //    //{
            //    //    left_from = 400;
            //    //    left_to = -260;

            //    //    top_from = 19;
            //    //    top_to = 100;

            //    //    Scale_from = -1;
            //    //    Scale_to = 1;
            //    //}
            //    //else if(i == 3)
            //    //{
            //    //    left_from = 260;
            //    //    left_to = -440;

            //    //    top_from = 100;
            //    //    top_to = 200;

            //    //    Scale_from = 1;
            //    //    Scale_to = -1;
            //    //}
            //    //else if(i == 4)
            //    //{
            //    //    left_from = -260;
            //    //    left_to = 440;

            //    //    top_from = 200;
            //    //    top_to = 300;

            //    //    Scale_from = -1;
            //    //    Scale_to = 1;
            //    //}
            //    //else if(i == 5)
            //    //{
            //    //    left_from = -260;
            //    //    left_to = 440;

            //    //    top_from = 300;
            //    //    top_to = 400;

            //    //    Scale_from = 1;
            //    //    Scale_to = -1;
            //    //}
            //    DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames keyAnima1 = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
            //    {
            //        EnableDependentAnimation = true,
            //        KeyFrames = new DoubleKeyFrame(KeyTime(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7))),

            //    }
            //    DoubleAnimation anima = new DoubleAnimation
            //    {
            //        EnableDependentAnimation = true,
            //        From = -260,
            //        To = 440,
            //        Duration = new Duration((TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7))

            //    };
            //    DoubleAnimation anima2 = new DoubleAnimation
            //    {
            //        EnableDependentAnimation = true,

            //        From = 19,
            //        To = 100,
            //        Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)),
            //        BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7)
            //    };

            //    Storyboard.SetTarget(anima, Img_Airplane);
            //    Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(anima, "(Canvas.Left)");

            //    Storyboard.SetTarget(anima2, Img_Airplane);
            //    Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(anima2, "(Canvas.Top)");

            //    Storyboard storyboard = new Storyboard();
            //    storyboard.Children.Add(anima);
            //    storyboard.Children.Add(anima2);
            //    storyboard.Begin();

            //DoubleAnimation anima3 = new DoubleAnimation
            //    EnableDependentAnimation = true,
            //    From = 440,
            //    To = -260,
            //    Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7)),
            //    BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7.5)
            //DoubleAnimation anima4 = new DoubleAnimation
            //    EnableDependentAnimation = true,
            //    From = 100,
            //    To = 200,
            //    Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)),
            //    BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8)

            //Storyboard.SetTarget(anima3, Img_Airplane);
            //Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(anima3, "(Canvas.Left)");

            //Storyboard.SetTarget(anima4, Img_Airplane);
            //Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(anima4, "(Canvas.Top)");

            //Storyboard storyboard2 = new Storyboard();
            //storyboard2.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7.5);
