// Use this for initialization void Start() { self = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); self.enabled = false; player = FindObjectOfType <BasePlayerStats>(); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); }
void TurnOnSlow() { if (slowOn) { GameObject[] activeEnemies; activeEnemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy"); foreach (GameObject activeEnemy in activeEnemies) { if (activeEnemy) { MoveTowardsPlayer mtp = activeEnemy.GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer> (); if (mtp) { //mtp.attackWait *= 2.5f; mtp.attackForceHigh *= 0.5f; mtp.attackForceLow *= 0.5f; } } } } else { CancelInvoke(); } }
private void Awake() { fieldOfView = Instantiate(fieldOfViewPrefab); fieldOfView.zombie = gameObject; fieldOfView.OnRaycastHit += ZombieRaycastHit; fieldOfView.OnPlayerNotFound += PlayerNotFound; moveTowardsPlayer = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); fieldOfView.viewDistance = 20f; }
private void Awake() { fieldOfView = Instantiate(fieldOfViewPrefab); fieldOfView.zombie = gameObject; fieldOfView.OnRaycastHit += SoldierRaycastHit; fieldOfView.OnPlayerNotFound += PlayerNotFound; fieldOfView.viewDistance = 30f; soldierStateManager = GetComponent <EnemySoldierStateManager>(); moveTowardsPlayer = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); }
private Transform m_playerTransform; // Player Transform // Use this for initialization void Start() { timer = 0; m_projectilePool = new ObjectPool(projectile, 10, limitedFire); m_movementComp = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); m_animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); m_playerTransform = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; }
public void Awake() { if (soldierState == EnemySoldierState.Pacing) { GetComponent <PaceInCircle>().enabled = true; } hitManager.OnHitWithBullet += EnemySoldierHitWithBullet; healthManager = GetComponent <ZombieHealthManager>(); moveTowardsPlayer = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); rigidBody = transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); }
public void StartGame() { hasGameStarted = true; titleScreen.gameObject.SetActive(false); scoreText.gameObject.SetActive(true); playerControllerScript = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponentInChildren <PlayerController>(); moveTowards = GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); StartCoroutine(SpawnObjects()); StartCoroutine(SpawnPowerup()); StartCoroutine(KeepScore()); }
public void Awake() { if (zombieState == ZombieState.Pacing) { GetComponent <PaceInCircle>().enabled = true; } hitManager.OnHitWithBullet += ZombieHitWithBullet; healthManager = GetComponent <ZombieHealthManager>(); moveTowardsPlayer = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); rigidBody = transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); audioManager = FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>(); }
public void LevelUp(float oldLevel) { enemyLevel = ++oldLevel; lerpFromRedToWhite = true; health += 100f; transform.localScale = new Vector3(enemyLevel * 0.35f, enemyLevel * 0.35f, 1f); mtp = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer> (); mtp.attackWait += 0.25f; mtp.attackForceHigh -= 75f; mtp.attackForceLow -= 25f; GetComponent <AudioSource> ().PlayOneShot(warning, 0.4f); }
void Start() { rand = new System.Random(); timer = Random.Range(0, 1); playerScript = player.GetComponent <Player>(); blackScreen = GameObject.Find("BlackScreen"); twitterScript = GameObject.Find("UI/TwitterScriptObject").GetComponent <TwitterScript>(); moveTowardsPlayer = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); originalRotation = transform.eulerAngles.z; audioSource = transform.Find("CameraSound").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); cameraSounds = Resources.LoadAll <AudioClip>("Sounds"); }
private void OnEnable() { if (rigidBody2D == null) { rigidBody2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); } if (coll2D == null) { coll2D = GetComponent <Collider2D>(); } if (moveTowardsScript == null) { moveTowardsScript = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); } coll2D.enabled = true; moveTowardsScript.enabled = true; Animator.Play(IdleAnimation.name); }
void Start() { rigidBody2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); coll2D = GetComponent <Collider2D>(); moveTowardsScript = GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); }
IEnumerator PickUp(Collider2D player) { activated = true; Destroy(Instantiate(powerupVFX [selection], Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity), 4f); GetComponent <AudioSource> ().PlayOneShot(powerup); GetComponent <AudioSource> ().PlayOneShot(pickup); gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = false; gameObject.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D> ().enabled = false; lerpFromRedToPurple = true; if (selection == 0 || selection == 1 || selection == 2) { //fast bpms //stop music if player dies w powerup in gc /*gc.beat.Stop (); * gc.beat.clip = fastBeat; * gc.beat.volume += 0.2f; * gc.beat.Play ();*/ gc.ekg.clip = fastEKG; gc.ekg.pitch += 0.2f; gc.ekg.Play(); //increase score multiplier gc.powerupScoreMultiplier *= 2.5f; } if (selection == 0) { /*use if setting base shot round 2.1875f * pillayer.GetComponent<LookAtMouse> ().shot.transform.localScale = new Vector3 * (pillayer.GetComponent<LookAtMouse> ().shot.transform.localScale.x * 0.6f, * pillayer.GetComponent<LookAtMouse> ().shot.transform.localScale.y * 2f, * 0f);*/ pillayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); pillayer.GetComponent <LookAtMouse> ().shot.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2.18f, 2.18f, 0f); AudioSource audioSource = pillayer.GetComponent <AudioSource> (); audioSource.pitch = 0.65f; audioSource.volume *= 1.7f; lam.is2x = true; gc.healthHit *= 2; es.spawnWaitMin -= 1.5f; es.spawnWaitMax -= 1.5f; StartCoroutine(TimerText(selection)); powerupName.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Shots 2x powerful"; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(effectTimer[selection])); pillayer.GetComponent <LookAtMouse> ().shot.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 3f, 0f); lam.is2x = false; es.spawnWaitMin += 1.5f; es.spawnWaitMax += 1.5f; gc.healthHit /= 2; audioSource.pitch = 1f; audioSource.volume /= 1.7f; } else if (selection == 1) { lam.shotWaitTime *= 0.3f; lam.GetComponent <AudioSource> ().pitch = 1.15f; lam.holdToShoot = true; es.spawnWaitMin -= 1f; es.spawnWaitMax -= 2.5f; powerupName.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Hold Mouse to Shoot"; StartCoroutine(TimerText(selection)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(effectTimer[selection])); es.spawnWaitMin += 1f; es.spawnWaitMax += 2.5f; if (lam) { lam.holdToShoot = false; lam.shotWaitTime /= 0.3f; lam.GetComponent <AudioSource> ().pitch = 1f; } } else if (selection == 2) { InvokeRepeating("TurnOnSlow", 0f, 1f); slowOn = true; powerupName.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Slow Enemies"; StartCoroutine(TimerText(selection)); es.spawnWaitMin -= 0.75f; es.spawnWaitMax -= 0.75f; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(effectTimer[selection])); slowOn = false; es.spawnWaitMin += 0.75f; es.spawnWaitMax += 0.75f; GameObject[] activeEnemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy"); foreach (GameObject activeEnemy in activeEnemies) { if (activeEnemy) { MoveTowardsPlayer mtp = activeEnemy.GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer> (); if (mtp) { //mtp.attackWait /= 2.5f; mtp.attackForceHigh /= 0.5f; mtp.attackForceLow /= 0.5f; } } } } else if (selection == 3) { shieldRing.SetActive(true); shieldRing.transform.parent.GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D> ().enabled = false; GameObject.Find("PowerupCanvas").transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.SetActive(true); //show white shield logo on bottom left //Set it such that the powerupLastActiveTime is also set properly //add fake wait time if needed //make arrangements in shield.cs & destroyoncontact.cs } if (selection == 0 || selection == 1 || selection == 2) { //revert bpms /*gc.beat.Stop (); * gc.beat.clip = slowBeat; * gc.beat.volume -= 0.2f; * gc.beat.Play ();*/ gc.ekg.clip = slowEKG; gc.ekg.pitch -= 0.1f; gc.ekg.Play(); //revert score multiplier gc.powerupScoreMultiplier /= 2.5f; } powerupName.GetComponent <Text>().text = ""; lerpFromRedToPurple = false; lerpFromPurpleToRed = true; gc.powerupLastActive = Time.time; Destroy(gameObject, 3f); }
void Awake() { towardsPlayer = this.GetComponent<MoveTowardsPlayer>(); awayFromPlayer = this.GetComponent<MoveAwayFromPlayer>(); StartCoroutine(TowardsPlayer()); }
void Awake() { towardsPlayer = this.GetComponent <MoveTowardsPlayer>(); awayFromPlayer = this.GetComponent <MoveAwayFromPlayer>(); StartCoroutine(TowardsPlayer()); }