Пример #1
        public PlayerControler(ConnectedHost host,WorldControler world)
            mHost = host;
            mWorld = world;
            mPathFinder = new Pathfinder();
            PlayerBaseInformations = new PlayerBaseInformationsModel(mHost);
            PlayerCharacteristics = new PlayerCharacteristicsModel(mHost);
            PlayerInventory = new PlayerInventoryModel(mHost);
            PlayerSpells = new PlayerSpellsModel(mHost);
            PlayerJobs = new PlayerJobsModel(mHost);
            mMoveFrame = new MoveFrame(mHost);
            PlayerFightInformations = new PlayerFightInformationsModel(mHost);

Пример #2
    public void AddMove(float time, Transform trans, Vector2 velocity, string action)
        // set end marker of last item to false if more than one item in List
        int i = frames.Count - 1;

        if (i > 0)
            MoveFrame temp = frames [i];
            frames [i] = new MoveFrame(temp.deltaTime, temp.trans, temp.vel, temp.action, false);
            t          = t + frames [frames.Count - 1].deltaTime;

        frames.Add(new MoveFrame(time, trans, velocity, action));           // add new item

        // only keep enough frames to replay total time in history
        if (HistoryFull())

        Debug.Log(string.Format("Items:{0} Time:{1}", frames.Count, t));
Пример #3
    public MoveFrame GetFrame(int i)
        MoveFrame ret = i < frames.Count ? frames [i] : frames [frames.Count - 1];

Пример #4
    //checks what to do at the start of each frame in an attack animation
    public void RunAttackFrame(PlayerController user, Attack attack, int frame)
        MoveFrame attackFrame = attack.frameData[frame];

        user.canGrabLedge = attackFrame.ledgeGrab;

        //runs on frames that play audio
        if (attackFrame.playSound && user.moveState != PlayerController.MoveStates.HITLAG)

        //B-reversing in the first few frames of a move
        if (attack.special && attack.reversable && frame < attack.reverseFrames)
            if (user.isFacingLeft)
                if (user.hori >= user.horiThreshold)
                    user.isFacingLeft   = false;
                    user.airMomentum.x *= -1;
                if (user.hori <= -user.horiThreshold)
                    user.isFacingLeft   = true;
                    user.airMomentum.x *= -1;

        //Sets user's transparency

        //user.render.material = GameLoader.SetAlpha(user.render.material, attackFrame.frameAlpha);

        //moves the user by the frames specified vector, if any
        if ((attackFrame.userMovement != Vector3.zero || attackFrame.userMomentum != Vector3.zero || attackFrame.userTranslation != Vector3.zero) && user.moveState != PlayerController.MoveStates.HITLAG)
            Vector3 tempMovement;
            Vector3 tempMomentum;
            Vector3 tempTranslation;

            if (user.isFacingLeft)
                tempMovement    = attackFrame.userMovement;
                tempMomentum    = attackFrame.userMomentum;
                tempTranslation = attackFrame.userTranslation;
                tempMovement    = new Vector3(-attackFrame.userMovement.x, attackFrame.userMovement.y);
                tempMomentum    = new Vector3(-attackFrame.userMomentum.x, attackFrame.userMomentum.y);
                tempTranslation = new Vector3(-attackFrame.userTranslation.x, attackFrame.userTranslation.y);

            if (user.topColl)
                tempMovement.y    = GameData.ClampFloat(tempMovement.y, true);
                tempMomentum.y    = GameData.ClampFloat(tempMomentum.y, true);
                tempTranslation.y = GameData.ClampFloat(tempTranslation.y, true);
            if (user.leftColl)
                tempMovement.x    = GameData.ClampFloat(tempMovement.x);
                tempMomentum.x    = GameData.ClampFloat(tempMomentum.x);
                tempTranslation.x = GameData.ClampFloat(tempTranslation.x);
            if (user.rightColl)
                tempMovement.x    = GameData.ClampFloat(tempMovement.x, true);
                tempMomentum.x    = GameData.ClampFloat(tempMomentum.x, true);
                tempTranslation.x = GameData.ClampFloat(tempTranslation.x, true);

            if (user.isGrounded)
                if (attackFrame.setMomentum)
                    user.groundMomentum = tempMovement;
                user.groundMomentum += tempMomentum;
                if (attackFrame.setMomentum)
                    user.airMomentum = tempMovement;
                user.airMomentum += tempMomentum;

            user.transform.position += tempTranslation;

        //allows for multihit moves. Always put rehit on an inactive frame
        if (attackFrame.reHit && user.moveState != PlayerController.MoveStates.HITLAG)
            foreach (List <Attack> nullify in nullAttackLists)

        //runs on i-frames
        if (attackFrame.iFrame)

        //runs on frames with no active hitboxes
        if (attackFrame.startupFrame == true || attackFrame.endlagFrame == true)
            if (!allHitboxesDisabled)
                foreach (GameObject hitbox in currHitboxes)
                    hitbox.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().enabled = false;
                allHitboxesDisabled = true;

        //runs on frames that spawn projectiles
        if (attackFrame.spawnProjectile && user.moveState != PlayerController.MoveStates.HITLAG)
            attack.projectile.GetComponent <HitBox>().user = user;
            Projectile proj = attack.projectile.GetComponent <Projectile>();
            proj.user = user;

            foreach (GameObject go in attack.hitBoxes)
                go.GetComponent <HitBox>().user = user;

            if (!user.isFacingLeft)
                Instantiate(attack.projectile, user.transform.position + proj.offset, proj.rotation);
                Instantiate(attack.projectile, user.transform.position + new Vector3(-proj.offset.x, proj.offset.y), new Quaternion(proj.rotation.x, proj.rotation.y + 180, proj.rotation.z, 0));

        //runs on frames that contain active hitboxes
        if (attackFrame.hitboxActive == true)
            allHitboxesDisabled = false;

            //Animates animated hitboxes
            if (attackFrame.hitboxAnimated)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (Vector3 offset in attackFrame.allHitboxesAnimated)
                    if (offset.x != 0 || offset.y != 0)
                        currHitboxes[i].transform.Translate(new Vector3(offset.x, offset.y));


            //Disables/enables hitboxes as described in allHitboxesActive
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < attackFrame.allHitboxesActive.Count; i2++)
                if (attackFrame.allHitboxesActive[i2])
                    currHitboxes[i2].GetComponent <SphereCollider>().enabled = true;
                    currHitboxes[i2].GetComponent <SphereCollider>().enabled = false;

        //runs on the last frame of an attack
        if (attackFrame.lastFrame == true)