Пример #1
        protected override bool DidTrainingUnitComplete(ref bool wasUnitSuccessful)
            float tolerance = TSHints[ERROR_TOLERANCE];

            float sin = RelativeSin(m_target.GetGeometry().Location, m_agent.GetGeometry().Location);
            float cos = RelativeCos(m_target.GetGeometry().Location, m_agent.GetGeometry().Location);

            sin = (sin + 1) / 2;
            cos = (cos + 1) / 2;
            if ((sin - tolerance <= WrappedWorld.Controls.Host[0] && WrappedWorld.Controls.Host[0] <= sin + tolerance) &&
                (cos - tolerance <= WrappedWorld.Controls.Host[1] && WrappedWorld.Controls.Host[1] <= cos + tolerance))
                wasUnitSuccessful = true;
                wasUnitSuccessful = false;

            // TODO: Partial reward

Пример #2
        public override void PresentNewTrainingUnit()
            m_stepCount = 0;

            // Scale the noise in the world base on randomness_level
                float randomness = TSHints[RANDOMNESS_LEVEL];
                WrappedWorld.ImageNoiseStandardDeviation = 7 * randomness * randomness;

            int noObjects = (int)TSHints[TSHintAttributes.NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_OBJECTS];

            // Generate an artificial invisible agent
            m_agent = WrappedWorld.CreateNonVisibleAgent();
            PointF agentPos = m_agent.GetGeometry().Location;

            m_agent.GameObjectStyle = GameObjectStyleType.None; // Prevent reseting movement vector when colliding with something from the top (default style is Platformer)

            // Generate shapes around the agent
            CreateTargets(noObjects, agentPos);

            // Pick one target and duplicate it in the pow center
            m_pickIdx = m_rndGen.Next(noObjects);
            var   pick  = m_targets[m_pickIdx];
            Color color = TSHints[TSHintAttributes.IS_VARIABLE_COLOR] > 0 ? LearningTaskHelpers.RandomVisibleColor(m_rndGen) : pick.ColorMask;

            m_question = WrappedWorld.CreateShape((Shape.Shapes)m_shapeIdcs[m_pickIdx], color, agentPos, pick.Size);