bool IsDummyChange(MouseDownChanges changes)
     return(changes.Positions == null);
 public override void ProcessEvent(TileSelectionEvent e)
     this.currSelectedTileType = e.TileType;
     this.currChanges          = new MouseDownChanges(this.currSelectedTileType.Value);
        void ProcessInput()
            // TODO rectangle selecting multiple tiles

            // need to check if mouse click collides with any UI
            if (InputManager.Instance.CanAcceptInput(TentativeFarmGrid.inputPriority))
                this.tileHighlighter.HighlightTileAtMouse = true;
                if (Input.LeftMouseButtonDown)
                    var pos = this.playerCamera.MouseToTilePosition();
                    if (!this.currChanges.Positions.ContainsKey(pos))
                        var x = (int)pos.X;
                        var y = (int)pos.Y;
                        var originalTileType = this.TileGrid[x, y] != null ? this.TileGrid[x, y].Tile.TileType : FarmDefaultTiler.DefaultTileType;
                        if (this.currSelectedTileType.Value == TileType.Destruct)
                            if (this.RemoveTile(x, y))
                                this.AddChange(x, y, originalTileType);
                        else if (this.currSelectedTileType.Value == TileType.Upgrade)
                            if (this.UpgradeTile(x, y))
                                this.AddChange(x, y, originalTileType);
                        else if (this.currSelectedTileType.Value == TileType.Reset)
                            if (this.ResetTile(x, y))
                                this.AddChange(x, y, originalTileType);
                        // else selected an actual (non utility) tile
                        // add new tile only if no existing tile or new tile is of different type
                        // and tile is placeable
                        // TODO better way to determine if existing tentative tile should be directly replaceable
                            var tmpTile = Tile.CreateTile(this.currSelectedTileType.Value, x, y, this);
                            if ((, y) == null ||
                                 !Tile.AreSameBaseTileType(Tile.GetFutureTileType(, y)), this.currSelectedTileType.Value))
                                (this.TileGrid[x, y] == null ||
                                 !Tile.AreSameBaseTileType(this.TileGrid[x, y].Tile.TileType, this.currSelectedTileType.Value))
                                this.playerState.Money >= tmpTile.Cost)
                                this.AddTile(new WeakTile(this.currSelectedTileType.Value, x, y, this));
                                this.AddChange(x, y, originalTileType);
                this.tileHighlighter.HighlightTileAtMouse = false;

            // add change to log when left click released, wherever it occurs
            if (Input.LeftMouseButtonReleased && !this.currChanges.IsEmpty())
                // remove all nodes after this
                while (this.currChangesNode.Next != null)
                this.currChangesNode = this.changeLog.AddLast(this.currChanges);
                this.currChanges     = new MouseDownChanges(this.currSelectedTileType.Value);

            // clear selected tile regardless of where right click occurs
            if (Input.RightMouseButtonPressed)
                this.currSelectedTileType = null;
                this.tileHighlighter.HighlightTileAtMouse = false;