/// <summary>
        /// Provides the description of the model settings for summary (GetFullSummary)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formatForParentControl">Use full verbose description</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ModelSummary(bool formatForParentControl)
            string html = "";

            if (ProportionToRemove == 0)
                html += "No dry breeders will be sold";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + ProportionToRemove.ToString("0.##%") + "</span> of ";
                html += "dry breeders with a minumum conception rate of ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + MinimumConceptionBeforeSell.ToString("0.###") + "</span> and at least ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + MonthsSinceBirth.ToString() + "</span> months since last birth will be sold";
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the description of the model settings for summary (GetFullSummary)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formatForParentControl">Use full verbose description</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ModelSummary(bool formatForParentControl)
            string html = "";

            html += "<div class=\"warningbanner\">This is a depreciated activity.<br />It is recommneded that you use a <span class=\"activitylink\">RuminantActivityMarkForSale</span> to perform this activity. With this activity you have more control over defining a dry-breeder which has a number of definitions.<br />For example you can specify the number of days since last birth as a measure of failed births, or look at number of successful pregnancies and the age of the breeder. More metrics can be added if required.</div>";

            html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">";
            if (ProportionToRemove == 0)
                html += "No dry breeders will be sold";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + ProportionToRemove.ToString("0.##%") + "</span> of ";
                html += "dry breeders with a minumum conception rate of ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + MinimumConceptionBeforeSell.ToString("0.###") + "</span> and at least ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + MonthsSinceBirth.ToString() + "</span> months since last birth will be sold";
            html += "</div>";
