Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point of the crawler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Setting Up Log
            LogSetup.InitializeLog("PlayStoreCrawler.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool isUsingProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use HTTP proxies or not
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                _logger.Info("Loading Proxies from File");

                // Setting flag to true
                isUsingProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists(fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines(fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                catch (Exception ex)

            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            _logger.Info("Setting up MongoDB Collections and Indexes");
            _mongoDB = new MongoDBWrapper();
            string fullServerAddress = String.Join(":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);

            _mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase(Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Ensuring the database collections have the proper indexes
            _mongoDB.EnsureIndex("IsBusy", Consts.QUEUED_APPS_COLLECTION);
            _mongoDB.EnsureIndex("Url", Consts.QUEUED_APPS_COLLECTION);

            // Main Flow
            _logger.Info("Started Bootstrapping Steps");

            // Scrapping "Play Store Categories"
            foreach (var categoriesKVP in BootstrapTerms.categoriesAndNames)
                CrawlCategory(categoriesKVP.Key, categoriesKVP.Value, isUsingProxies);

            // Queueing Apps that start with each of the characters from "A" to "Z"
            foreach (var character in BootstrapTerms.charactersSearchTerms)
                CrawlStore(character, isUsingProxies);

            /// ... Keep Adding characters / search terms in order to increase the crawler's reach
            // APP CATEGORIES
            foreach (var category in BootstrapTerms.categoriesSearchTerms)
                CrawlStore(category, isUsingProxies);

            // Extra "Random" Search terms to increase even more the crawler's reach
            foreach (var miscTerm in BootstrapTerms.miscSearchTerms)
                CrawlStore(miscTerm, isUsingProxies);

            // Country Names as Search terms to increase even more the crawler's reach
            foreach (var countryName in BootstrapTerms.countryNames)
                CrawlStore(countryName, isUsingProxies);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a Search using the searchField as the search parameter,
        /// paginates / scrolls the search results to the end adding all the url of apps
        /// it finds to a AWS SQS queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchField"></param>
        private static void CrawlStore(string searchField)
            // Console Feedback
            Console.WriteLine("Crawling Search Term : [ " + searchField + " ]");

            // Compiling Regular Expression used to parse the "pagToken" out of the Play Store
            Regex pagTokenRegex = new Regex(@"GAEi+.+\:S\:.{11}\\42", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // HTML Response
            string response;

            // MongoDB Helper
            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            MongoDBWrapper mongoDB           = new MongoDBWrapper();
            string         fullServerAddress = String.Join(":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);

            mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase(Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Ensuring the database has the proper indexe

            // Response Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser();

            // Executing Web Requests
            using (WebRequests server = new WebRequests())
                // Creating Request Object
                server.Host = Consts.HOST;

                // Executing Initial Request
                response = server.Post(String.Format(Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), Consts.INITIAL_POST_DATA);

                // Parsing Links out of Html Page (Initial Request)
                foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                    // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                    // or is queued to be processed
                    if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                        // Console Feedback
                        Console.WriteLine(" . Queued App");

                        // Than, queue it :)
                        Thread.Sleep(250);  // Hiccup
                        // Console Feedback
                        Console.WriteLine(" . Duplicated App. Skipped");

                // Executing Requests for more Play Store Links
                int initialSkip       = 48;
                int currentMultiplier = 1;
                int errorsCount       = 0;
                    // Finding pagToken from HTML
                    var rgxMatch = pagTokenRegex.Match(response);

                    // If there's no match, skips it
                    if (!rgxMatch.Success)

                    // Reading Match from Regex, and applying needed replacements
                    string pagToken = rgxMatch.Value.Replace(":S:", "%3AS%3A").Replace("\\42", String.Empty).Replace(@"\\u003d", String.Empty);

                    // Assembling new PostData with paging values
                    string postData = String.Format(Consts.POST_DATA, pagToken);

                    // Executing request for values
                    response = server.Post(String.Format(Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), postData);

                    // Checking Server Status
                    if (server.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        LogWriter.Error("Http Error", "Status Code [ " + server.StatusCode + " ]");

                    // Parsing Links
                    foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                        // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                        // or is queued to be processed
                        if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                            // Console Feedback
                            Console.WriteLine(" . Queued App");

                            // Than, queue it :)
                            Thread.Sleep(250);  // Hiccup
                            // Console Feedback
                            Console.WriteLine(" . Duplicated App. Skipped");

                    // Incrementing Paging Multiplier
                }  while (parser.AnyResultFound(response) && errorsCount <= Consts.MAX_REQUEST_ERRORS);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryUrl"></param>
        private static void CrawlCategory(string categoryUrl, string categoryName, bool shouldUseProxies)
            // Console Feedback
            _logger.Warn("Crawling Category : [ " + categoryName + " ]");

            // Hashset of urls used to keep track of what's been parsed already
            HashSet <String> foundUrls = new HashSet <String> ();

            // Control variable to avoid "Loop" on pagging
            bool isDonePagging = false;

            // HTML Response
            string response;

            // MongoDB Helper
            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            MongoDBWrapper mongoDB           = new MongoDBWrapper();
            string         fullServerAddress = String.Join(":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);

            mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase(Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Ensuring the database has the proper indexe

            // Response Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser();

            // Executing Web Requests
            using (WebRequests server = new WebRequests())
                // Creating Request Object
                server.Host      = Consts.HOST;
                server.UserAgent = Consts.GITHUBURL;
                server.Encoding  = "utf-8";

                // Executing Initial Request
                response = server.Get(categoryUrl);

                // Parsing Links out of Html Page (Initial Request)
                foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                    // Saving found url on local hashset

                    // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                    // or is queued to be processed
                    if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                        // Than, queue it :)

                // Executing Requests for more Play Store Links
                int baseSkip          = 60;
                int currentMultiplier = 1;
                int errorsCount       = 0;
                    // Assembling new PostData with paging values
                    string postData = String.Format(Consts.CATEGORIES_POST_DATA, (currentMultiplier * baseSkip), baseSkip);

                    // Executing request for values
                    response = server.Post(String.Format(categoryUrl + "?authuser=0"), postData);

                    // Checking Server Status
                    if (server.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        _logger.Error("Http Error" + " - Status Code [ " + server.StatusCode + " ]");

                    // Parsing Links
                    foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                        // If a certain app is found twice, it means that the "pagging" logic got stuck into a
                        // Loop, so the all the apps for this category were parsed already
                        if (foundUrls.Contains(url))
                            isDonePagging = true;

                        // Saving found url on local hashset

                        // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                        // or is queued to be processed
                        if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                            // Than, queue it :)

                    // Incrementing Paging Multiplier
                }  while (!isDonePagging && errorsCount <= Consts.MAX_REQUEST_ERRORS);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a Search using the searchField as the search parameter, 
        /// paginates / scrolls the search results to the end adding all the url of apps
        /// it finds to a AWS SQS queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchField"></param>
        private static void CrawlStore (string searchField)
            // Console Feedback
            Console.WriteLine ("Crawling Search Term : [ " + searchField + " ]");

            // Compiling Regular Expression used to parse the "pagToken" out of the Play Store
            Regex pagTokenRegex = new Regex (@"GAEi+.+\:S\:.{11}\\42", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // HTML Response
            string response;

            // MongoDB Helper
            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            MongoDBWrapper mongoDB   = new MongoDBWrapper ();
            string fullServerAddress = String.Join (":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);
            mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase (Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Ensuring the database has the proper indexe
            mongoDB.EnsureIndex ("Url");

            // Response Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser (); 

            // Executing Web Requests
            using (WebRequests server = new WebRequests ())
                // Creating Request Object
                server.Host = Consts.HOST;

                // Executing Initial Request
                response    = server.Post (String.Format (Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), Consts.INITIAL_POST_DATA);

                // Parsing Links out of Html Page (Initial Request)                
                foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls (response))
                    // Checks whether the app have been already processed 
                    // or is queued to be processed
                    if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed (Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued (url)))
                        // Console Feedback
                        Console.WriteLine (" . Queued App");

                        // Than, queue it :)
                        mongoDB.AddToQueue (url);
                        Thread.Sleep (250); // Hiccup
                        // Console Feedback
                        Console.WriteLine (" . Duplicated App. Skipped");

                // Executing Requests for more Play Store Links
                int initialSkip       = 48;
                int currentMultiplier = 1;
                int errorsCount       = 0;
                    // Finding pagToken from HTML
                    var rgxMatch = pagTokenRegex.Match (response);

                    // If there's no match, skips it
                    if (!rgxMatch.Success)

                    // Reading Match from Regex, and applying needed replacements
                    string pagToken = rgxMatch.Value.Replace (":S:", "%3AS%3A").Replace("\\42", String.Empty).Replace(@"\\u003d", String.Empty);

                    // Assembling new PostData with paging values
                    string postData = String.Format (Consts.POST_DATA, pagToken);

                    // Executing request for values
                    response = server.Post (String.Format (Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), postData);

                    // Checking Server Status
                    if (server.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        LogWriter.Error ("Http Error", "Status Code [ " + server.StatusCode + " ]");

                    // Parsing Links
                    foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls (response))
                        // Checks whether the app have been already processed 
                        // or is queued to be processed
                        if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed (Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued (url)))
                            // Console Feedback
                            Console.WriteLine (" . Queued App");

                            // Than, queue it :)
                            mongoDB.AddToQueue (url);
                            Thread.Sleep (250); // Hiccup
                            // Console Feedback
                            Console.WriteLine (" . Duplicated App. Skipped");

                    // Incrementing Paging Multiplier

                }  while (parser.AnyResultFound (response) && errorsCount <= Consts.MAX_REQUEST_ERRORS);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a Search using the searchField as the search parameter,
        /// paginates / scrolls the search results to the end adding all the url of apps
        /// it finds to a Mongo "QUEUE" collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchField"></param>
        private static void CrawlStore(string searchField, bool shouldUseProxies)
            // Console Feedback
            _logger.Warn("Crawling Search Term : [ " + searchField + " ]");

            // Hashset of urls used to keep track of what's been parsed already
            HashSet <String> foundUrls = new HashSet <String> ();

            // Control variable to avoid "Loop" on pagging
            bool isDonePagging = false;

            // Compiling Regular Expression used to parse the "pagToken" out of the Play Store
            Regex pagTokenRegex = new Regex(@"GAEi+.+\:S\:.{11}\\42", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // HTML Response
            string response;

            // MongoDB Helper
            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            MongoDBWrapper mongoDB           = new MongoDBWrapper();
            string         fullServerAddress = String.Join(":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);

            mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase(Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Ensuring the database has the proper indexe

            // Response Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser();

            // Executing Web Requests
            using (WebRequests server = new WebRequests())
                // Creating Request Object
                server.Host      = Consts.HOST;
                server.UserAgent = Consts.GITHUBURL;
                server.Encoding  = "utf-8";

                // Checking for the need to use "HTTP Proxies"
                if (shouldUseProxies)
                    server.Proxy = ProxiesLoader.GetWebProxy();

                // Executing Initial Request
                response = server.Post(String.Format(Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), Consts.INITIAL_POST_DATA);

                // Parsing Links out of Html Page (Initial Request)
                foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                    // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                    // or is queued to be processed
                    if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                        // Than, queue it :)
                        Thread.Sleep(250);  // Hiccup

                // Executing Requests for more Play Store Links
                int initialSkip       = 48;
                int currentMultiplier = 1;
                int errorsCount       = 0;
                    // Finding pagToken from HTML
                    var rgxMatch = pagTokenRegex.Match(response);

                    // If there's no match, skips it
                    if (!rgxMatch.Success)

                    // Reading Match from Regex, and applying needed replacements
                    string pagToken = rgxMatch.Value.Replace(":S:", "%3AS%3A").Replace("\\42", String.Empty).Replace(@"\\u003d", String.Empty);

                    // Assembling new PostData with paging values
                    string postData = String.Format(Consts.POST_DATA, pagToken);

                    // Executing request for values
                    response = server.Post(String.Format(Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), postData);

                    // Checking Server Status
                    if (server.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        _logger.Error("Http Error" + " - Status Code [ " + server.StatusCode + " ]");

                    // Parsing Links
                    foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls(response))
                        if (foundUrls.Contains(url))
                            isDonePagging = true;
                        // Checks whether the app have been already processed
                        if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed(Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued(url)))
                            // Than, queue it :)
                            Thread.Sleep(250);  // Hiccup

                    // Incrementing Paging Multiplier
                }  while (!isDonePagging && parser.AnyResultFound(response) && errorsCount <= Consts.MAX_REQUEST_ERRORS);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryUrl"></param>
        private static void CrawlCategory (string categoryUrl, string categoryName, bool shouldUseProxies)
            // Console Feedback
            _logger.Warn ("Crawling Category : [ " + categoryName + " ]");

            // Hashset of urls used to keep track of what's been parsed already
            HashSet<String> foundUrls = new HashSet<String> ();

            // Control variable to avoid "Loop" on pagging
            bool isDonePagging = false;

            // HTML Response
            string response;

            // MongoDB Helper
            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            MongoDBWrapper mongoDB   = new MongoDBWrapper ();
            string fullServerAddress = String.Join (":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);
            mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase (Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Ensuring the database has the proper indexe
            mongoDB.EnsureIndex ("Url");

            // Response Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser (); 

            // Executing Web Requests
            using (WebRequests server = new WebRequests ())
                // Creating Request Object
                server.Headers.Add (Consts.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE);
                server.Host      = Consts.HOST;
                server.UserAgent = Consts.GITHUBURL;
                server.Encoding  = "utf-8";

                // Executing Initial Request
                response = server.Get (categoryUrl);

                // Parsing Links out of Html Page (Initial Request)                
                foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls (response))
                    // Saving found url on local hashset
                    foundUrls.Add (url);

                    // Checks whether the app have been already processed 
                    // or is queued to be processed
                    if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed (Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued (url)))
                        // Than, queue it :)
                        mongoDB.AddToQueue (url);

                // Executing Requests for more Play Store Links
                int baseSkip       = 60;
                int currentMultiplier = 1;
                int errorsCount       = 0;
                    // Assembling new PostData with paging values
                    string postData = String.Format (Consts.CATEGORIES_POST_DATA, (currentMultiplier * baseSkip), baseSkip);

                    // Executing request for values
                    response = server.Post (String.Format (categoryUrl + "?authuser=0"), postData);

                    // Checking Server Status
                    if (server.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        _logger.Error ("Http Error" + " - Status Code [ " + server.StatusCode + " ]");

                    // Parsing Links
                    foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls (response))
                        // If a certain app is found twice, it means that the "pagging" logic got stuck into a 
                        // Loop, so the all the apps for this category were parsed already
                        if (foundUrls.Contains (url))
                            isDonePagging = true;

                        // Saving found url on local hashset
                        foundUrls.Add (url);

                        // Checks whether the app have been already processed 
                        // or is queued to be processed
                        if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed (Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued (url)))
                            // Than, queue it :)
                            mongoDB.AddToQueue (url);

                    // Incrementing Paging Multiplier

                }  while (!isDonePagging && errorsCount <= Consts.MAX_REQUEST_ERRORS);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a Search using the searchField as the search parameter, 
        /// paginates / scrolls the search results to the end adding all the url of apps
        /// it finds to a Mongo "QUEUE" collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchField"></param>
        private static void CrawlStore (string searchField, bool shouldUseProxies)
            // Console Feedback
			_logger.Warn ("Crawling Search Term : [ " + searchField + " ]");

			// Hashset of urls used to keep track of what's been parsed already
			HashSet<String> foundUrls = new HashSet<String> ();

			// Control variable to avoid "Loop" on pagging
			bool isDonePagging = false;

            // Compiling Regular Expression used to parse the "pagToken" out of the Play Store
            Regex pagTokenRegex = new Regex (@"GAEi+.+\:S\:.{11}\\42", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // HTML Response
            string response;

            // MongoDB Helper
            // Configuring MongoDB Wrapper
            MongoDBWrapper mongoDB   = new MongoDBWrapper ();
            string fullServerAddress = String.Join (":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);
            mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase (Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, fullServerAddress, Consts.MONGO_TIMEOUT, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Ensuring the database has the proper indexe
            mongoDB.EnsureIndex ("Url");

            // Response Parser
            PlayStoreParser parser = new PlayStoreParser (); 

            // Executing Web Requests
            using (WebRequests server = new WebRequests ())
                // Creating Request Object
                server.Headers.Add (Consts.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE);
                server.Host      = Consts.HOST;
                server.UserAgent = Consts.GITHUBURL;
                server.Encoding  = "utf-8";

                // Checking for the need to use "HTTP Proxies"
                if (shouldUseProxies)
                    server.Proxy = ProxiesLoader.GetWebProxy ();

                // Executing Initial Request
                response    = server.Post (String.Format (Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), Consts.INITIAL_POST_DATA);

                // Parsing Links out of Html Page (Initial Request)                
                foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls (response))
                    // Checks whether the app have been already processed 
					// or is queued to be processed
					foundUrls.Add (url);
                    if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed (Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued (url)))
                        // Than, queue it :)
                        mongoDB.AddToQueue (url);
                        Thread.Sleep (250); // Hiccup

                // Executing Requests for more Play Store Links
                int initialSkip       = 48;
                int currentMultiplier = 1;
                int errorsCount       = 0;
                    // Finding pagToken from HTML
                    var rgxMatch = pagTokenRegex.Match (response);

                    // If there's no match, skips it
                    if (!rgxMatch.Success)

                    // Reading Match from Regex, and applying needed replacements
                    string pagToken = rgxMatch.Value.Replace (":S:", "%3AS%3A").Replace("\\42", String.Empty).Replace(@"\\u003d", String.Empty);

                    // Assembling new PostData with paging values
                    string postData = String.Format (Consts.POST_DATA, pagToken);

                    // Executing request for values
                    response = server.Post (String.Format (Consts.CRAWL_URL, searchField), postData);

                    // Checking Server Status
                    if (server.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        _logger.Error ("Http Error" + " - Status Code [ " + server.StatusCode + " ]");

                    // Parsing Links
                    foreach (string url in parser.ParseAppUrls (response))
						if (foundUrls.Contains (url))
							isDonePagging = true;
                        // Checks whether the app have been already processed 
						foundUrls.Add (url);
                        if ((!mongoDB.AppProcessed (Consts.APP_URL_PREFIX + url)) && (!mongoDB.AppQueued (url)))
                            // Than, queue it :)
                            mongoDB.AddToQueue (url);
                            Thread.Sleep (250); // Hiccup

                    // Incrementing Paging Multiplier

				}  while (!isDonePagging && parser.AnyResultFound (response) && errorsCount <= Consts.MAX_REQUEST_ERRORS);