private void OnClick() { switch (buttonType) { case WatchAdsButtonType.RewardCurrency: MonetizationManager.ShowRewardedAd(OnShowAdResult); break; default: MonetizationManager.ShowAd(adsPlacement, OnShowAdResult); break; } }
public void WatchAdsRespawn() { var character = BaseNetworkGameCharacter.Local as CharacterEntity; if (character == null) { return; } if (character.watchAdsCount >= GameplayManager.Singleton.watchAdsRespawnAvailable) { character.CmdRespawn(false); return; } MonetizationManager.ShowAd(GameInstance.Singleton.watchAdsRespawnPlacement, OnWatchAdsRespawnResult); }
void Start() { if (!ins) { ins = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this); } else { Destroy(this); } #if UNITY_ANDROID continueAdId = !testMode ? "ca-app-pub-5324115406353383/8922305346" : "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917"; #elif UNITY_IOS continueAdId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1712485313"; #else continueAdId = "unexpected_platform"; #endif MobileAds.Initialize(initStatus => { }); continueAd = CreateRewardedAd(continueAdId); }
private void Update() { button.interactable = MonetizationManager.IsAdsReady(AdsPlacement); }
private static PurchaseProcessingResult ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs e) { // NOTE: this code does not account for purchases that were pending and are // delivered on application start. // Production code should account for such case: // More: if (!MonetizationManager.IsPurchasingInitialized()) { return(PurchaseProcessingResult.Complete); } // Test edge case where product is unknown if (e.purchasedProduct == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Attempted to process purchasewith unknown product. Ignoring"); return(PurchaseProcessingResult.Complete); } // Test edge case where purchase has no receipt if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.purchasedProduct.receipt)) { Debug.LogWarning("Attempted to process purchase with no receipt: ignoring"); return(PurchaseProcessingResult.Complete); } Debug.Log("Processing transaction: " + e.purchasedProduct.transactionID); // Deserialize receipt var receipt = PurchaseReceipts.FromJson(e.purchasedProduct.receipt); if (receipt.Store.Equals("GooglePlay")) { var payload = GooglePayloadData.FromJson(receipt.Payload); PlayFabClientAPI.ValidateGooglePlayPurchase(new ValidateGooglePlayPurchaseRequest() { // Pass in currency code in ISO format CurrencyCode = e.purchasedProduct.metadata.isoCurrencyCode, // Convert and set Purchase price PurchasePrice = (uint)(e.purchasedProduct.metadata.localizedPrice * 100), // Pass in the receipt ReceiptJson = payload.json, // Pass in the signature Signature = payload.signature }, result => Debug.Log("Validation successful!"), error => Debug.LogError("Validation failed: " + error.GenerateErrorReport()) ); } else if (receipt.Store.Equals("AppleAppStore")) { PlayFabClientAPI.ValidateIOSReceipt(new ValidateIOSReceiptRequest() { // Pass in currency code in ISO format CurrencyCode = e.purchasedProduct.metadata.isoCurrencyCode, // Convert and set Purchase price PurchasePrice = (int)(e.purchasedProduct.metadata.localizedPrice * 100), // Pass in payload ReceiptData = receipt.Payload }, result => Debug.Log("Validation successful!"), error => Debug.LogError("Validation failed: " + error.GenerateErrorReport()) ); } return(PurchaseProcessingResult.Complete); }