Пример #1
        public JsonResult NotifyUrl()
            string param = ""; // Request.QueryString.ToString().Substring(0, Request.QueryString.ToString().IndexOf("signature") - 1);

            param = "partner_code=" + Request["partner_code"] +
                    "&access_key=" + Request["access_key"] +
                    "&amount=" + Request["amount"] +
                    "&order_id=" + Request["order_id"] +
                    "&order_info=" + Request["order_info"] +
                    "&order_type=" + Request["order_type"] +
                    "&transaction_id=" + Request["transaction_id"] +
                    "&message=" + Request["message"] +
                    "&respone_time=" + Request["respone_time"] +
                    "&status_code=" + Request["status_code"];
            param = Server.UrlDecode(param);
            MomoPayment crypto = new MomoPayment();

            string serectkey = "UVkryZe6tEZfWSrnKvQapJjgBzKROh9V";
            string signature = crypto.signSHA256(param, serectkey);

            //k dc cap nhat trang thai don, khi  status trong db != status WAIT
            if (signature != Request["signature"].ToString())
                //cap nhat that bai vi chu ky k hop le

            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #2
        public ActionResult ReturnUrl()
            string param = Request.QueryString.ToString().Substring(0, Request.QueryString.ToString().IndexOf("signature") - 1);

            param = Server.UrlDecode(param);
            MomoPayment crypto    = new MomoPayment();
            string      serectkey = "UVkryZe6tEZfWSrnKvQapJjgBzKROh9V";
            string      signature = crypto.signSHA256(param, serectkey);

            if (signature != Request["signature"].ToString())
                ViewBag.message = "Thông tin Request không hợp lệ";

            if (Request.QueryString["errorCode"].Equals("-2") || Request.QueryString["errorCode"].Equals("0"))
                ViewBag.message = "Thanh toán thành công";
                ViewBag.message = "Thanh toán thất bại";
Пример #3
        public ActionResult ThanhToanMomo()
            Cart cart = Session["Cart"] as Cart;
            //momo payment VND
            string endpoint    = "https://test-payment.momo.vn/gw_payment/transactionProcessor";
            string partnerCode = "MOMOVMY620201214";
            string accessKey   = "YJ3tiYJsEj7DiR8h";
            string serectkey   = "UVkryZe6tEZfWSrnKvQapJjgBzKROh9V";
            string orderInfo   = "Đơn hàng từ SHOP TMD04";
            string returnUrl   = "https://localhost:44354/Orders/ReturnUrl";
            string notifyurl   = "https://localhost:44354/Orders/NotifyUrl";

            string amount    = cart.Items.Sum(n => n._shopping_product.BookPrice * n._shopping_quantity).ToString();
            string orderid   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string extraData = "payment";

            //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature
            string rawHash = "partnerCode=" +
                             partnerCode + "&accessKey=" +
                             accessKey + "&requestId=" +
                             requestId + "&amount=" +
                             amount + "&orderId=" +
                             orderid + "&orderInfo=" +
                             orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" +
                             returnUrl + "&notifyUrl=" +
                             notifyurl + "&extraData=" +

            log.Debug("rawHash = " + rawHash);

            MomoPayment crypto = new MomoPayment();
            //sign signature SHA256
            string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey);

            log.Debug("Signature = " + signature);

            //build body json request
            JObject message = new JObject
                { "partnerCode", partnerCode },
                { "accessKey", accessKey },
                { "requestId", requestId },
                { "amount", amount },
                { "orderId", orderid },
                { "orderInfo", orderInfo },
                { "returnUrl", returnUrl },
                { "notifyUrl", notifyurl },
                { "extraData", extraData },
                { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" },
                { "signature", signature }

            log.Debug("Json request to MoMo: " + message.ToString());
            string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString());

            JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo);

            log.Debug("Return from MoMo: " + jmessage.ToString());
