Пример #1
        public ActionResult SingleReport(string guid)
            if (!Util.IsValidReportGuid(guid))

            MomaDataSet ds = db.GetReport(guid);

            if (ds.Applications.Count == 0)

            SingleReportViewData model = new SingleReportViewData();

            model.App       = ds.Applications [0];
            model.PInvokes  = ds.PInvokes;
            model.TotalAPIs = ds.Members.Count;
            model.RootNode  = GetNodes(ds.Members.Rows);
            foreach (MomaDataSet.MembersRow row in ds.Members)
                model.TotalUses += row.Count;
            model.TotalPInvokes = model.PInvokes.Count;
            foreach (MomaDataSet.PInvokesRow row in ds.PInvokes)
                model.TotalPInvokeUses += row.Count;
Пример #2
 static void MergeRow(MomaDataSet.MembersRow row0, MomaDataSet.MembersRow other)
     row0.IsFixed |= other.IsFixed;
     row0.IsTodo |= other.IsTodo;
     row0.IsMissing |= other.IsMissing;
     row0.IsNiex |= other.IsNiex;
     if (!other.IsTODOCommentNull ())
     row0.TODOComment = other.TODOComment;
Пример #3
 public static string GetStatus(MomaDataSet.MembersRow row)
     if (row.IsFixed)
         return "DONE";
     if (row.IsTodo && row.IsNiex)
         return "TODO and Not Implemented";
     if (row.IsTodo)
         return "TODO";
     if (row.IsNiex)
         return "Not Implemented";
     if (row.IsMissing)
         return "Missing";
     throw new Exception ("This should never happen");
Пример #4
 public MomaDataSet GetApiData(string apiname)
     using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
         DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand();
         cmd.CommandText =
             "SELECT m.member_id as 'MemberId' , v.version_name AS 'VersionName', m.name as 'Name', " +
             "       CASE m.is_todo WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsTodo', " +
             "       CASE m.is_missing WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsMissing', " +
             "       CASE m.is_niex WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsNiex', " +
             "       CASE m.is_fixed WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsFixed', " +
             "       m.fixed_in_version as 'FixedInVersion', m.todo_comment as 'TodoComment' " +
             "FROM members m " +
             "INNER JOIN versions v ON v.version_id = m.version_id " +
             "WHERE m.name = @name";
         AddParameter(cmd, "name", apiname);
         MomaDataSet   ds      = new MomaDataSet();
         DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
         adapter.Fill(ds, "Members");
         if (ds.Members.Rows.Count > 0)
             MomaDataSet.MembersRow row = ds.Members[0];
             cmd             = cnc.CreateCommand();
             cmd.CommandText =
                 "SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'TotalApps', SUM(r.count) AS 'TotalCalls' " +
                 "FROM reports_members r " +
                 "WHERE r.member_id = @memberid";
             AddParameter(cmd, "memberid", row.MemberId);
             adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
             adapter.Fill(ds, "ApiUse");
             if (ds.ApiUse [0].IsTotalCallsNull())
                 ds.ApiUse [0].TotalCalls = 0;
             cmd             = cnc.CreateCommand();
             cmd.CommandText =
                 "SELECT r.report_id as 'ReportId', r.guid, r.submit_date as 'SubmitDate', " +
                 "	rc.totaltodo, rc.totalmissing, rc.totalniex, rc.totalpinvoke "+
                 "FROM reports_master r " +
                 "INNER JOIN reports_counts rc ON rc.report_id = r.report_id " +
                 "INNER JOIN reports_members rm ON r.report_id = rm.report_id AND rm.member_id = @member_id " +
                 "ORDER BY submitdate DESC";
             AddParameter(cmd, "member_id", row.MemberId);
             adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
             adapter.Fill(ds, "Applications");
Пример #5
 public MomaDataSet GetApiData(string apiname)
     using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection ()) {
     DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
     cmd.CommandText =
         "SELECT m.member_id as 'MemberId' , v.version_name AS 'VersionName', m.name as 'Name', " +
         "       CASE m.is_todo WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsTodo', " +
         "       CASE m.is_missing WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsMissing', " +
         "       CASE m.is_niex WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsNiex', " +
         "       CASE m.is_fixed WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsFixed', " +
         "       m.fixed_in_version as 'FixedInVersion', m.todo_comment as 'TodoComment' " +
         "FROM members m " +
         "INNER JOIN versions v ON v.version_id = m.version_id " +
         "WHERE m.name = @name";
     AddParameter (cmd, "name", apiname);
     MomaDataSet ds = new MomaDataSet();
     DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
     adapter.Fill (ds, "Members");
     if (ds.Members.Rows.Count > 0) {
         MergeRows (ds.Members);
         MomaDataSet.MembersRow row = ds.Members[0];
         cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
         cmd.CommandText =
             "SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'TotalApps', SUM(r.count) AS 'TotalCalls' " +
             "FROM reports_members r " +
             "WHERE r.member_id = @memberid";
         AddParameter (cmd, "memberid", row.MemberId);
         adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
         adapter.Fill (ds, "ApiUse");
         if (ds.ApiUse [0].IsTotalCallsNull ())
             ds.ApiUse [0].TotalCalls = 0;
         cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
         cmd.CommandText =
             "SELECT r.report_id as 'ReportId', r.guid, r.submit_date as 'SubmitDate', " +
             "	rc.totaltodo, rc.totalmissing, rc.totalniex, rc.totalpinvoke " +
             "FROM reports_master r " +
             "INNER JOIN reports_counts rc ON rc.report_id = r.report_id " +
             "INNER JOIN reports_members rm ON r.report_id = rm.report_id AND rm.member_id = @member_id " +
             "ORDER BY submitdate DESC";
         AddParameter (cmd, "member_id", row.MemberId);
         adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
         adapter.Fill (ds, "Applications");
     return ds;
Пример #6
        public MomaDataSet GetReport(string guid)
            using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
                DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT report_id AS 'ReportId', submit_date AS 'SubmitDate', " +
                    "	ip, definitions, reported_by AS 'ReportedBy', email, "+
                    "	organization, homepage, comment, guid "+
                    "FROM reports_master " +
                    "WHERE guid = @guid";
                AddParameter(cmd, "guid", guid);
                MomaDataSet   ds      = new MomaDataSet();
                DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
                adapter.Fill(ds, "Applications");
                if (ds.Applications.Count == 1)
                    cmd             = cnc.CreateCommand();
                    cmd.CommandText =
                        "SELECT r.name, r.count, " +
                        "       CASE r.is_todo WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsTodo', " +
                        "       CASE r.is_missing WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsMissing', " +
                        "       CASE r.is_niex WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsNiex', " +
                        "       CASE r.is_fixed WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsFixed' " +
                        "FROM reports_view r " +
                        "WHERE r.report_id = @report_id AND r.is_fixed = FALSE " +
                        "ORDER BY r.count DESC";
                    AddParameter(cmd, "report_id", ds.Applications [0].ReportId);
                    adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
                    adapter.Fill(ds, "Members");

                    cmd             = cnc.CreateCommand();
                    cmd.CommandText =
                        "SELECT library_name as 'Library', function_name as 'Function', count " +
                        "FROM reports_pinvoke " +
                        "WHERE report_id = @report_id " +
                        "ORDER BY count DESC,library_name";
                    AddParameter(cmd, "report_id", ds.Applications [0].ReportId);
                    adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
                    adapter.Fill(ds, "PInvokes");
Пример #7
 public MomaDataSet GetPagedReports(int page)
     using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
     DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
     cmd.CommandText =
         "SELECT rm.report_id AS 'ReportId', rm.submit_date as 'SubmitDate', rm.definitions, rm.guid, " +
         "rc.TotalMissing, rc.TotalTodo, rc.TotalNiex, rc.TotalPInvoke " +
         "FROM reports_master rm " +
         "INNER JOIN reports_counts rc ON rc.report_id = rm.report_id " +
         "ORDER BY submit_date DESC " +
         "LIMIT @offset,@pagesize";
     AddParameter (cmd, "offset", (page - 1) * PageSize);
     AddParameter (cmd, "pagesize", PageSize);
     MomaDataSet ds = new MomaDataSet();
     DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
     adapter.Fill (ds, "Applications");
     return ds;
Пример #8
 public MomaDataSet GetPagedReports(int page)
     using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
         DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand();
         cmd.CommandText =
             "SELECT rm.report_id AS 'ReportId', rm.submit_date as 'SubmitDate', rm.definitions, rm.guid, " +
             "rc.TotalMissing, rc.TotalTodo, rc.TotalNiex, rc.TotalPInvoke " +
             "FROM reports_master rm " +
             "INNER JOIN reports_counts rc ON rc.report_id = rm.report_id " +
             "ORDER BY submit_date DESC " +
             "LIMIT @offset,@pagesize";
         AddParameter(cmd, "offset", (page - 1) * PageSize);
         AddParameter(cmd, "pagesize", PageSize);
         MomaDataSet   ds      = new MomaDataSet();
         DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
         adapter.Fill(ds, "Applications");
Пример #9
        static void MergeRows(MomaDataSet.MembersDataTable tbl)
            int count = tbl.Count;
            if (count == 1)
            if (count > 4 || count <= 0)
            throw new Exception ("This should not happen");

            MomaDataSet.MembersRow row0 = tbl [0];
            MergeRow (row0, tbl [1]);
            if (count > 2)
            MergeRow (row0, tbl [2]);
            if (count > 3)
            MergeRow (row0, tbl [3]);

            while (count > 1) {
            tbl.Rows.RemoveAt (1);
Пример #10
 public MomaDataSet GetTree()
     using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
         DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand();
         cmd.CommandText =
             "SELECT r.name, " +
             "   CASE r.is_todo WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS 'IsTodo', " +
             "   CASE r.is_missing WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS 'IsMissing', " +
             "   CASE r.is_niex WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS 'IsNiex', " +
             "   0 AS 'Count' " +
             "FROM reports_view r " +
             "WHERE r.is_fixed = 0 " +
             "GROUP BY r.member_id " +
             "ORDER BY r.name ";
         MomaDataSet   ds      = new MomaDataSet();
         DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
         adapter.Fill(ds, "Members");
Пример #11
        // GET: /Applications/

        public ActionResult Index(int?page)
            if (page == null)
            MomaDataSet ds = db.GetPagedReports((int)page);

            if (ds.Applications.Count == 0)
            ReportsViewData model = new ReportsViewData();
            int             total = db.GetCountTotal();

            model.Title = "Report List";
            model.Data  = ds;
            model.Pager = new Pager(ds.Applications.Rows, (int)page, db.PageSize, total);
Пример #12
 public MomaDataSet GetTree()
     using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection ()) {
         DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
         cmd.CommandText =
             "SELECT r.name, " +
             "   CASE r.is_todo WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS 'IsTodo', " +
             "   CASE r.is_missing WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS 'IsMissing', " +
             "   CASE r.is_niex WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS 'IsNiex', " +
             "   0 AS 'Count' " +
             "FROM reports_view r " +
             "WHERE r.is_fixed = 0 " +
             "GROUP BY r.member_id " +
             "ORDER BY r.name ";
         MomaDataSet ds = new MomaDataSet ();
         DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter (cmd);
         adapter.Fill (ds, "Members");
         return ds;
Пример #13
        MomaDataSet GetPInvoke(int page, bool sort_by_use)
            string sort_clause = (sort_by_use) ? "ORDER BY 2 DESC, 1 DESC " : "ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2 DESC ";

            using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
                DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(r.report_id)) AS 'PerAppCount', SUM(r.count) AS 'TotalCount', " +
                    "r.library_name as 'Library', r.function_name AS 'Function' " +
                    "FROM reports_pinvoke r " +
                    "GROUP BY r.function_name,r.library_name " +
                    sort_clause +
                    "LIMIT @offset,@pagesize";
                AddParameter(cmd, "offset", (page - 1) * PageSize);
                AddParameter(cmd, "pagesize", PageSize);
                MomaDataSet   ds      = new MomaDataSet();
                DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
                adapter.Fill(ds, "Report");
Пример #14
        MomaDataSet GetTODO(int page, bool sort_by_use)
            string sort_clause = (sort_by_use) ? "ORDER BY 2 DESC, 1 DESC " : "ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2 DESC ";

            using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
                DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(r.report_id)) AS 'PerAppCount', SUM(r.count) AS 'TotalCount', " +
                    "r.name AS 'APIName' " +
                    "FROM reports_view r " +
                    "WHERE r.is_todo = TRUE AND r.is_fixed = FALSE " +
                    "GROUP BY r.member_id " +
                    sort_clause +
                    "LIMIT @offset,@pagesize";
                AddParameter(cmd, "offset", (page - 1) * PageSize);
                AddParameter(cmd, "pagesize", PageSize);
                MomaDataSet   ds      = new MomaDataSet();
                DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
                adapter.Fill(ds, "Report");
Пример #15
 MomaDataSet GetPInvoke(int page, bool sort_by_use)
     string sort_clause = (sort_by_use) ? "ORDER BY 2 DESC, 1 DESC " : "ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2 DESC ";
     using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
     DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
     cmd.CommandText =
         "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(r.report_id)) AS 'PerAppCount', SUM(r.count) AS 'TotalCount', " +
         "r.library_name as 'Library', r.function_name AS 'Function' " +
         "FROM reports_pinvoke r " +
         "GROUP BY r.function_name,r.library_name " +
         sort_clause +
         "LIMIT @offset,@pagesize";
     AddParameter (cmd, "offset", (page - 1) * PageSize);
     AddParameter (cmd, "pagesize", PageSize);
     MomaDataSet ds = new MomaDataSet();
     DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
     adapter.Fill (ds, "Report");
     return ds;
Пример #16
        public MomaDataSet GetHomeData()
            using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
                DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT 'No issues' AS 'Title', COUNT(*) as 'Apps' " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems = 0 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 1 and 3', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems >= 1 AND TotalProblems <= 3 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 4 and 10', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems >= 4 AND TotalProblems <= 10 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 11 and 30', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems >= 11 AND TotalProblems <= 30 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 31 and 50', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems >= 31 AND TotalProblems <= 50 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'More than 50', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems > 50";
                MomaDataSet   ds      = new MomaDataSet();
                DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
                adapter.Fill(ds, "ByIssue");
                foreach (MomaDataSet.ByIssueRow row in ds.ByIssue.Rows)
                    row.Title = String.Format("{0} ({1})", row.Title, row.Apps);

                cmd             = cnc.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT 'No issues' AS 'Title', COUNT(*) as 'Apps' " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke = 0 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 1 and 3', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke >= 1 AND TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke <= 3 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 4 and 10', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke >= 4 AND TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke <= 10 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 11 and 30', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke >= 11 AND TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke <= 30 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 31 and 50', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke >= 31 AND TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke <= 50 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'More than 50', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke > 50";
                adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
                adapter.Fill(ds, "ByIssueNoPInvoke");
                foreach (MomaDataSet.ByIssueNoPInvokeRow row in ds.ByIssueNoPInvoke.Rows)
                    row.Title = String.Format("{0} ({1})", row.Title, row.Apps);

                cmd             = cnc.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT 'No issues' AS 'Title', COUNT(*) as 'Apps' " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo = 0 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 1 and 3', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo >= 1 AND TotalProblems - TotalTodo <= 3 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 4 and 10', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo >= 4 AND TotalProblems - TotalTodo <= 10 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 11 and 30', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo >= 11 AND TotalProblems - TotalTodo <= 30 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'Between 31 and 50', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo >= 31 AND TotalProblems - TotalTodo <= 50 " +
                    "UNION " +
                    "SELECT 'More than 50', COUNT(*) " +
                    "FROM reports_counts " +
                    "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo > 50";
                adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
                adapter.Fill(ds, "ByIssueNoTodo");
                foreach (MomaDataSet.ByIssueNoTodoRow row in ds.ByIssueNoTodo.Rows)
                    row.Title = String.Format("{0} ({1})", row.Title, row.Apps);
Пример #17
        public MomaDataSet GetHomeData()
            using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection ()) {
            DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT 'No issues' AS 'Title', COUNT(*) as 'Apps' " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems = 0 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 1 and 3', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems >= 1 AND TotalProblems <= 3 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 4 and 10', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems >= 4 AND TotalProblems <= 10 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 11 and 30', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems >= 11 AND TotalProblems <= 30 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 31 and 50', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems >= 31 AND TotalProblems <= 50 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'More than 50', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems > 50";
            MomaDataSet ds = new MomaDataSet();
            DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
            adapter.Fill (ds, "ByIssue");
            foreach (MomaDataSet.ByIssueRow row in ds.ByIssue.Rows)
                row.Title = String.Format ("{0} ({1})", row.Title, row.Apps);

            cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT 'No issues' AS 'Title', COUNT(*) as 'Apps' " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke = 0 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 1 and 3', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke >= 1 AND TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke <= 3 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 4 and 10', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke >= 4 AND TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke <= 10 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 11 and 30', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke >= 11 AND TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke <= 30 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 31 and 50', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke >= 31 AND TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke <= 50 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'More than 50', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalPInvoke > 50";
            adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
            adapter.Fill (ds, "ByIssueNoPInvoke");
            foreach (MomaDataSet.ByIssueNoPInvokeRow row in ds.ByIssueNoPInvoke.Rows)
                row.Title = String.Format ("{0} ({1})", row.Title, row.Apps);

            cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT 'No issues' AS 'Title', COUNT(*) as 'Apps' " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo = 0 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 1 and 3', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo >= 1 AND TotalProblems - TotalTodo <= 3 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 4 and 10', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo >= 4 AND TotalProblems - TotalTodo <= 10 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 11 and 30', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo >= 11 AND TotalProblems - TotalTodo <= 30 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'Between 31 and 50', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo >= 31 AND TotalProblems - TotalTodo <= 50 " +
                "UNION " +
                "SELECT 'More than 50', COUNT(*) " +
                "FROM reports_counts " +
                "WHERE TotalProblems - TotalTodo > 50";
            adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
            adapter.Fill (ds, "ByIssueNoTodo");
            foreach (MomaDataSet.ByIssueNoTodoRow row in ds.ByIssueNoTodo.Rows)
                row.Title = String.Format ("{0} ({1})", row.Title, row.Apps);
            return ds;
Пример #18
        public MomaDataSet GetReport(string guid)
            using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
            DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT report_id AS 'ReportId', submit_date AS 'SubmitDate', " +
                "	ip, definitions, reported_by AS 'ReportedBy', email, " +
                "	organization, homepage, comment, guid " +
                "FROM reports_master " +
                "WHERE guid = @guid";
            AddParameter (cmd, "guid", guid);
            MomaDataSet ds = new MomaDataSet();
            DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
            adapter.Fill (ds, "Applications");
            if (ds.Applications.Count == 1) {
                cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT r.name, r.count, " +
                    "       CASE r.is_todo WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsTodo', " +
                    "       CASE r.is_missing WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsMissing', " +
                    "       CASE r.is_niex WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsNiex', " +
                    "       CASE r.is_fixed WHEN b'1' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END as 'IsFixed' " +
                    "FROM reports_view r " +
                    "WHERE r.report_id = @report_id AND r.is_fixed = FALSE " +
                    "ORDER BY r.count DESC";
                AddParameter (cmd, "report_id", ds.Applications [0].ReportId);
                adapter = GetDataAdapter (cmd);
                adapter.Fill (ds, "Members");

                cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT library_name as 'Library', function_name as 'Function', count " +
                    "FROM reports_pinvoke " +
                    "WHERE report_id = @report_id " +
                    "ORDER BY count DESC,library_name";
                AddParameter (cmd, "report_id", ds.Applications [0].ReportId);
                adapter = GetDataAdapter (cmd);
                adapter.Fill (ds, "PInvokes");
            return ds;
Пример #19
        public ActionResult Index()
            MomaDataSet ds = db.GetHomeData();

Пример #20
        SummaryViewData GetModel(string report_name, string type, int pageno)
            string title = GetTitleFromType(type);

            if (title == null)

            int             total;
            SummaryViewData model = new SummaryViewData();

            model.ApiLinkColumn = 2;
            model.Title         = title;
            model.Columns       = new int [] { 0, 1, 2 };
            MomaDataSet ds  = null;
            string      val = report_name + "-" + type;

            switch (val)
            case "byapp-missing":
                total       = db.GetCountMissingMembers();
                ds          = db.GetMissingByApplication(pageno);
                model.Pager = new Pager(ds.Report.Rows, pageno, db.PageSize, total);
                model.Data  = ds;

            case "byuse-missing":
                total         = db.GetCountMissingMembers();
                ds            = db.GetMissingByUse(pageno);
                model.Columns = new int [] { 1, 0, 2 };
                model.Pager   = new Pager(ds.Report.Rows, pageno, db.PageSize, total);
                model.Data    = ds;

            case "byapp-todo":
                total       = db.GetCountTODOMembers();
                ds          = db.GetTODOByApplication(pageno);
                model.Pager = new Pager(ds.Report.Rows, pageno, db.PageSize, total);
                model.Data  = ds;

            case "byuse-todo":
                total         = db.GetCountTODOMembers();
                ds            = db.GetTODOByUse(pageno);
                model.Columns = new int [] { 1, 0, 2 };
                model.Pager   = new Pager(ds.Report.Rows, pageno, db.PageSize, total);
                model.Data    = ds;

            case "byapp-niex":
                total       = db.GetCountNIEXMembers();
                ds          = db.GetNIEXByApplication(pageno);
                model.Pager = new Pager(ds.Report.Rows, pageno, db.PageSize, total);
                model.Data  = ds;

            case "byuse-niex":
                total         = db.GetCountNIEXMembers();
                ds            = db.GetNIEXByUse(pageno);
                model.Columns = new int [] { 1, 0, 2 };
                model.Pager   = new Pager(ds.Report.Rows, pageno, db.PageSize, total);
                model.Data    = ds;

            case "byapp-pinvoke":
                total               = db.GetCountApplicationsWithPInvoke();
                ds                  = db.GetPInvokeByApplication(pageno);
                model.Pager         = new Pager(ds.Report.Rows, pageno, db.PageSize, total);
                model.Data          = ds;
                model.ApiLinkColumn = -1;

            case "byuse-pinvoke":
                total               = db.GetCountApplicationsWithPInvoke();
                ds                  = db.GetPInvokeByUse(pageno);
                model.Columns       = new int [] { 1, 0, 2 };
                model.Pager         = new Pager(ds.Report.Rows, pageno, db.PageSize, total);
                model.Data          = ds;
                model.ApiLinkColumn = -1;

            if (model.Pager.PageIndex > model.Pager.TotalPages)
Пример #21
 MomaDataSet GetTODO(int page, bool sort_by_use)
     string sort_clause = (sort_by_use) ? "ORDER BY 2 DESC, 1 DESC " : "ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2 DESC ";
     using (DbConnection cnc = GetConnection()) {
     DbCommand cmd = cnc.CreateCommand ();
     cmd.CommandText =
         "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(r.report_id)) AS 'PerAppCount', SUM(r.count) AS 'TotalCount', " +
         "r.name AS 'APIName' " +
         "FROM reports_view r " +
         "WHERE r.is_todo = TRUE AND r.is_fixed = FALSE " +
         "GROUP BY r.member_id " +
         sort_clause +
         "LIMIT @offset,@pagesize";
     AddParameter (cmd, "offset", (page - 1) * PageSize);
     AddParameter (cmd, "pagesize", PageSize);
     MomaDataSet ds = new MomaDataSet();
     DbDataAdapter adapter = GetDataAdapter(cmd);
     adapter.Fill (ds, "Report");
     return ds;