Пример #1
        /* MakeVertex( newVertex, eOrig, vNext ) attaches a new vertex and makes it the
         * origin of all edges in the vertex loop to which eOrig belongs. "vNext" gives
         * a place to insert the new vertex in the global vertex list.  We insert
         * the new vertex *before* vNext so that algorithms which walk the vertex
         * list will not see the newly created vertices.
        internal static void  MakeVertex(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex newVertex, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eOrig, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex vNext)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex   vPrev;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex   vNew = newVertex;

            //assert(vNew != null);

            /* insert in circular doubly-linked list before vNext */
            vPrev      = vNext.prev;
            vNew.prev  = vPrev;
            vPrev.next = vNew;
            vNew.next  = vNext;
            vNext.prev = vNew;

            vNew.anEdge = eOrig;
            vNew.data   = null;
            /* leave coords, s, t undefined */

            /* fix other edges on this vertex loop */
            e = eOrig;
                e.Org = vNew;
                e     = e.Onext;
            }while (e != eOrig);
Пример #2
        internal static FaceCount MaximumFan(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eOrig)
            /* eOrig.Lface is the face we want to render.  We want to find the size
             * of a maximal fan around eOrig.Org.  To do this we just walk around
             * the origin vertex as far as possible in both directions.
            FaceCount newFace = new FaceCount(0, null, renderFan);

            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     trail = null;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e;

            for (e = eOrig; !Marked(e.Lface); e = e.Onext)
                trail = AddToTrail(e.Lface, trail);
            for (e = eOrig; !Marked(e.Sym.Lface); e = e.Sym.Lnext)
                trail = AddToTrail(e.Sym.Lface, trail);
            newFace.eStart = e;
Пример #3
        /* MakeFace( newFace, eOrig, fNext ) attaches a new face and makes it the left
         * face of all edges in the face loop to which eOrig belongs.  "fNext" gives
         * a place to insert the new face in the global face list.  We insert
         * the new face *before* fNext so that algorithms which walk the face
         * list will not see the newly created faces.
        internal static void  MakeFace(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface newFace, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eOrig, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface fNext)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     fPrev;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     fNew = newFace;

            //assert(fNew != null);

            /* insert in circular doubly-linked list before fNext */
            fPrev      = fNext.prev;
            fNew.prev  = fPrev;
            fPrev.next = fNew;
            fNew.next  = fNext;
            fNext.prev = fNew;

            fNew.anEdge = eOrig;
            fNew.data   = null;
            fNew.trail  = null;
            fNew.marked = false;

            /* The new face is marked "inside" if the old one was.  This is a
             * convenience for the common case where a face has been split in two.
            fNew.inside = fNext.inside;

            /* fix other edges on this face loop */
            e = eOrig;
                e.Lface = fNew;
                e       = e.Lnext;
            }while (e != eOrig);
Пример #4
            public virtual void  render(GLUtessellatorImpl tess, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e, long size)
                /* Render as many CCW triangles as possible in a strip starting from
                 * edge "e".  The strip *should* contain exactly "size" triangles
                 * (otherwise we've goofed up somewhere).

                while (!Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.Render.Marked(e.Lface))
                    e.Lface.marked = true;
                    e = e.Lnext.Sym;
                    if (Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.Render.Marked(e.Lface))

                    e.Lface.marked = true;
                    e = e.Onext;

                //assert(size == 0);
Пример #5
 public virtual void  render(GLUtessellatorImpl tess, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e, long size)
     /* Just add the triangle to a triangle list, so we can render all
      * the separate triangles at once.
     //assert(size == 1);
     tess.lonelyTriList = Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.Render.AddToTrail(e.Lface, tess.lonelyTriList);
Пример #6
        /* __gl_meshDelete( eDel ) removes the edge eDel.  There are several cases:
         * if (eDel.Lface != eDel.Rface), we join two loops into one; the loop
         * eDel.Lface is deleted.  Otherwise, we are splitting one loop into two;
         * the newly created loop will contain eDel.Dst.  If the deletion of eDel
         * would create isolated vertices, those are deleted as well.
         * This function could be implemented as two calls to __gl_meshSplice
         * plus a few calls to memFree, but this would allocate and delete
         * unnecessary vertices and faces.
        internal static bool __gl_meshDelete(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eDel)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eDelSym = eDel.Sym;
            bool joiningLoops = false;

            /* First step: disconnect the origin vertex eDel.Org.  We make all
             * changes to get a consistent mesh in this "intermediate" state.
            if (eDel.Lface != eDel.Sym.Lface)
                /* We are joining two loops into one -- remove the left face */
                joiningLoops = true;
                KillFace(eDel.Lface, eDel.Sym.Lface);

            if (eDel.Onext == eDel)
                KillVertex(eDel.Org, null);
                /* Make sure that eDel.Org and eDel.Sym.Lface point to valid half-edges */
                eDel.Sym.Lface.anEdge = eDel.Sym.Lnext;
                eDel.Org.anEdge       = eDel.Onext;

                Splice(eDel, eDel.Sym.Lnext);
                if (!joiningLoops)
                    Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface newFace = new Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface();

                    /* We are splitting one loop into two -- create a new loop for eDel. */
                    MakeFace(newFace, eDel, eDel.Lface);

            /* Claim: the mesh is now in a consistent state, except that eDel.Org
             * may have been deleted.  Now we disconnect eDel.Dst.
            if (eDelSym.Onext == eDelSym)
                KillVertex(eDelSym.Org, null);
                KillFace(eDelSym.Lface, null);
                /* Make sure that eDel.Dst and eDel.Lface point to valid half-edges */
                eDel.Lface.anEdge  = eDelSym.Sym.Lnext;
                eDelSym.Org.anEdge = eDelSym.Onext;
                Splice(eDelSym, eDelSym.Sym.Lnext);

            /* Any isolated vertices or faces have already been freed. */

Пример #7
        /* __gl_meshCheckMesh( mesh ) checks a mesh for self-consistency.
        public static void  __gl_meshCheckMesh(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUmesh mesh)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     fHead = mesh.fHead;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex   vHead = mesh.vHead;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eHead = mesh.eHead;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     f, fPrev;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex   v, vPrev;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e, ePrev;

            fPrev = fHead;
            for (fPrev = fHead; (f = fPrev.next) != fHead; fPrev = f)
                //assert(f.prev == fPrev);
                e = f.anEdge;
                    //assert(e.Sym != e);
                    //assert(e.Sym.Sym == e);
                    //assert(e.Lnext.Onext.Sym == e);
                    //assert(e.Onext.Sym.Lnext == e);
                    //assert(e.Lface == f);
                    e = e.Lnext;
                }while (e != f.anEdge);
            //assert(f.prev == fPrev && f.anEdge == null && f.data == null);

            vPrev = vHead;
            for (vPrev = vHead; (v = vPrev.next) != vHead; vPrev = v)
                //assert(v.prev == vPrev);
                e = v.anEdge;
                    //assert(e.Sym != e);
                    //assert(e.Sym.Sym == e);
                    //assert(e.Lnext.Onext.Sym == e);
                    //assert(e.Onext.Sym.Lnext == e);
                    //assert(e.Org == v);
                    e = e.Onext;
                }while (e != v.anEdge);
            //assert(v.prev == vPrev && v.anEdge == null && v.data == null);

            ePrev = eHead;
            for (ePrev = eHead; (e = ePrev.next) != eHead; ePrev = e)
                //assert(e.Sym.next == ePrev.Sym);
                //assert(e.Sym != e);
                //assert(e.Sym.Sym == e);
                //assert(e.Org != null);
                //assert(e.Sym.Org != null);
                //assert(e.Lnext.Onext.Sym == e);
                //assert(e.Onext.Sym.Lnext == e);
            //assert(e.Sym.next == ePrev.Sym && e.Sym == mesh.eHeadSym && e.Sym.Sym == e && e.Org == null && e.Sym.Org == null && e.Lface == null && e.Sym.Lface == null);
Пример #8
        /* Splice( a, b ) is best described by the Guibas/Stolfi paper or the
         * CS348a notes (see mesh.h).  Basically it modifies the mesh so that
         * a->Onext and b->Onext are exchanged.  This can have various effects
         * depending on whether a and b belong to different face or vertex rings.
         * For more explanation see __gl_meshSplice() below.
        internal static void  Splice(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge a, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge b)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge aOnext = a.Onext;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge bOnext = b.Onext;

            aOnext.Sym.Lnext = b;
            bOnext.Sym.Lnext = a;
            a.Onext          = bOnext;
            b.Onext          = aOnext;
Пример #9
        internal static void  RenderMaximumFaceGroup(GLUtessellatorImpl tess, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface fOrig)
            /* We want to find the largest triangle fan or strip of unmarked faces
             * which includes the given face fOrig.  There are 3 possible fans
             * passing through fOrig (one centered at each vertex), and 3 possible
             * strips (one for each CCW permutation of the vertices).  Our strategy
             * is to try all of these, and take the primitive which uses the most
             * triangles (a greedy approach).
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e = fOrig.anEdge;
            FaceCount max     = new FaceCount();
            FaceCount newFace = new FaceCount();

            max.size   = 1;
            max.eStart = e;
            max.render = renderTriangle;

            if (!tess.flagBoundary)
                newFace = MaximumFan(e);
                if (newFace.size > max.size)
                    max = newFace;
                newFace = MaximumFan(e.Lnext);
                if (newFace.size > max.size)
                    max = newFace;
                newFace = MaximumFan(e.Onext.Sym);
                if (newFace.size > max.size)
                    max = newFace;

                newFace = MaximumStrip(e);
                if (newFace.size > max.size)
                    max = newFace;
                newFace = MaximumStrip(e.Lnext);
                if (newFace.size > max.size)
                    max = newFace;
                newFace = MaximumStrip(e.Onext.Sym);
                if (newFace.size > max.size)
                    max = newFace;
            max.render.render(tess, max.eStart, max.size);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>********************* Utility Routines ***********************</summary>

        /* MakeEdge creates a new pair of half-edges which form their own loop.
         * No vertex or face structures are allocated, but these must be assigned
         * before the current edge operation is completed.
        internal static Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge MakeEdge(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eNext)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eSym;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge ePrev;

            //        EdgePair * pair = (EdgePair *)
            //        memAlloc(sizeof(EdgePair));
            //        if (pair == NULL) return NULL;
            //        e = &pair - > e;
            e = new Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge(true);
            //        eSym = &pair - > eSym;
            eSym = new Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge(false);

            /* Make sure eNext points to the first edge of the edge pair */
            if (!eNext.first)
                eNext = eNext.Sym;

            /* Insert in circular doubly-linked list before eNext.
             * Note that the prev pointer is stored in Sym->next.
            ePrev          = eNext.Sym.next;
            eSym.next      = ePrev;
            ePrev.Sym.next = e;
            e.next         = eNext;
            eNext.Sym.next = eSym;

            e.Sym          = eSym;
            e.Onext        = e;
            e.Lnext        = eSym;
            e.Org          = null;
            e.Lface        = null;
            e.winding      = 0;
            e.activeRegion = null;

            eSym.Sym          = e;
            eSym.Onext        = eSym;
            eSym.Lnext        = e;
            eSym.Org          = null;
            eSym.Lface        = null;
            eSym.winding      = 0;
            eSym.activeRegion = null;

Пример #11
        /* __gl_meshSplice( eOrg, eDst ) is the basic operation for changing the
         * mesh connectivity and topology.  It changes the mesh so that
         *	eOrg->Onext <- OLD( eDst->Onext )
         *	eDst->Onext <- OLD( eOrg->Onext )
         * where OLD(...) means the value before the meshSplice operation.
         * This can have two effects on the vertex structure:
         *  - if eOrg->Org != eDst->Org, the two vertices are merged together
         *  - if eOrg->Org == eDst->Org, the origin is split into two vertices
         * In both cases, eDst->Org is changed and eOrg->Org is untouched.
         * Similarly (and independently) for the face structure,
         *  - if eOrg->Lface == eDst->Lface, one loop is split into two
         *  - if eOrg->Lface != eDst->Lface, two distinct loops are joined into one
         * In both cases, eDst->Lface is changed and eOrg->Lface is unaffected.
         * Some special cases:
         * If eDst == eOrg, the operation has no effect.
         * If eDst == eOrg->Lnext, the new face will have a single edge.
         * If eDst == eOrg->Lprev, the old face will have a single edge.
         * If eDst == eOrg->Onext, the new vertex will have a single edge.
         * If eDst == eOrg->Oprev, the old vertex will have a single edge.
        public static bool __gl_meshSplice(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eOrg, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eDst)
            bool joiningLoops    = false;
            bool joiningVertices = false;

            if (eOrg == eDst)

            if (eDst.Org != eOrg.Org)
                /* We are merging two disjoint vertices -- destroy eDst->Org */
                joiningVertices = true;
                KillVertex(eDst.Org, eOrg.Org);
            if (eDst.Lface != eOrg.Lface)
                /* We are connecting two disjoint loops -- destroy eDst.Lface */
                joiningLoops = true;
                KillFace(eDst.Lface, eOrg.Lface);

            /* Change the edge structure */
            Splice(eDst, eOrg);

            if (!joiningVertices)
                Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex newVertex = new Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex();

                /* We split one vertex into two -- the new vertex is eDst.Org.
                 * Make sure the old vertex points to a valid half-edge.
                MakeVertex(newVertex, eDst, eOrg.Org);
                eOrg.Org.anEdge = eOrg;
            if (!joiningLoops)
                Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface newFace = new Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface();

                /* We split one loop into two -- the new loop is eDst.Lface.
                 * Make sure the old face points to a valid half-edge.
                MakeFace(newFace, eDst, eOrg.Lface);
                eOrg.Lface.anEdge = eOrg;

Пример #12
        /// <summary>***************** Other Operations *********************</summary>

        /* __gl_meshZapFace( fZap ) destroys a face and removes it from the
         * global face list.  All edges of fZap will have a null pointer as their
         * left face.  Any edges which also have a null pointer as their right face
         * are deleted entirely (along with any isolated vertices this produces).
         * An entire mesh can be deleted by zapping its faces, one at a time,
         * in any order.  Zapped faces cannot be used in further mesh operations!
        internal static void  __gl_meshZapFace(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface fZap)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eStart = fZap.anEdge;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e, eNext, eSym;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     fPrev, fNext;

            /* walk around face, deleting edges whose right face is also null */
            eNext = eStart.Lnext;
                e     = eNext;
                eNext = e.Lnext;

                e.Lface = null;
                if (e.Sym.Lface == null)
                    /* delete the edge -- see __gl_MeshDelete above */

                    if (e.Onext == e)
                        KillVertex(e.Org, null);
                        /* Make sure that e.Org points to a valid half-edge */
                        e.Org.anEdge = e.Onext;
                        Splice(e, e.Sym.Lnext);
                    eSym = e.Sym;
                    if (eSym.Onext == eSym)
                        KillVertex(eSym.Org, null);
                        /* Make sure that eSym.Org points to a valid half-edge */
                        eSym.Org.anEdge = eSym.Onext;
                        Splice(eSym, eSym.Sym.Lnext);
            }while (e != eStart);

            /* delete from circular doubly-linked list */
            fPrev      = fZap.prev;
            fNext      = fZap.next;
            fNext.prev = fPrev;
            fPrev.next = fNext;
Пример #13
        /* KillEdge( eDel ) destroys an edge (the half-edges eDel and eDel->Sym),
         * and removes from the global edge list.
        internal static void  KillEdge(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eDel)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge ePrev, eNext;

            /* Half-edges are allocated in pairs, see EdgePair above */
            if (!eDel.first)
                eDel = eDel.Sym;

            /* delete from circular doubly-linked list */
            eNext          = eDel.next;
            ePrev          = eDel.Sym.next;
            eNext.Sym.next = ePrev;
            ePrev.Sym.next = eNext;
Пример #14
        /* KillFace( fDel ) destroys a face and removes it from the global face
         * list.  It updates the face loop to point to a given new face.
        internal static void  KillFace(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface fDel, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface newLface)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e, eStart = fDel.anEdge;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     fPrev, fNext;

            /* change the left face of all affected edges */
            e = eStart;
                e.Lface = newLface;
                e       = e.Lnext;
            }while (e != eStart);

            /* delete from circular doubly-linked list */
            fPrev      = fDel.prev;
            fNext      = fDel.next;
            fNext.prev = fPrev;
            fPrev.next = fNext;
Пример #15
        /* KillVertex( vDel ) destroys a vertex and removes it from the global
         * vertex list.  It updates the vertex loop to point to a given new vertex.
        internal static void  KillVertex(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex vDel, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex newOrg)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e, eStart = vDel.anEdge;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex   vPrev, vNext;

            /* change the origin of all affected edges */
            e = eStart;
                e.Org = newOrg;
                e     = e.Onext;
            }while (e != eStart);

            /* delete from circular doubly-linked list */
            vPrev      = vDel.prev;
            vNext      = vDel.next;
            vNext.prev = vPrev;
            vPrev.next = vNext;
Пример #16
        /* __gl_meshSplitEdge( eOrg ) splits eOrg into two edges eOrg and eNew,
         * such that eNew == eOrg.Lnext.  The new vertex is eOrg.Sym.Org == eNew.Org.
         * eOrg and eNew will have the same left face.
        public static Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge __gl_meshSplitEdge(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eOrg)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eNew;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge tempHalfEdge = __gl_meshAddEdgeVertex(eOrg);

            eNew = tempHalfEdge.Sym;

            /* Disconnect eOrg from eOrg.Sym.Org and connect it to eNew.Org */
            Splice(eOrg.Sym, eOrg.Sym.Sym.Lnext);
            Splice(eOrg.Sym, eNew);

            /* Set the vertex and face information */
            eOrg.Sym.Org        = eNew.Org;
            eNew.Sym.Org.anEdge = eNew.Sym;          /* may have pointed to eOrg.Sym */
            eNew.Sym.Lface      = eOrg.Sym.Lface;
            eNew.winding        = eOrg.winding;      /* copy old winding information */
            eNew.Sym.winding    = eOrg.Sym.winding;

Пример #17
        /// <summary>***************** Other Edge Operations *********************</summary>

        /* All these routines can be implemented with the basic edge
         * operations above.  They are provided for convenience and efficiency.

        /* __gl_meshAddEdgeVertex( eOrg ) creates a new edge eNew such that
         * eNew == eOrg.Lnext, and eNew.Dst is a newly created vertex.
         * eOrg and eNew will have the same left face.
        internal static Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge __gl_meshAddEdgeVertex(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eOrg)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eNewSym;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eNew = MakeEdge(eOrg);

            eNewSym = eNew.Sym;

            /* Connect the new edge appropriately */
            Splice(eNew, eOrg.Lnext);

            /* Set the vertex and face information */
            eNew.Org = eOrg.Sym.Org;
                Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex newVertex = new Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex();

                MakeVertex(newVertex, eNewSym, eNew.Org);
            eNew.Lface = eNewSym.Lface = eOrg.Lface;

Пример #18
        /* __gl_meshConnect( eOrg, eDst ) creates a new edge from eOrg.Sym.Org
         * to eDst.Org, and returns the corresponding half-edge eNew.
         * If eOrg.Lface == eDst.Lface, this splits one loop into two,
         * and the newly created loop is eNew.Lface.  Otherwise, two disjoint
         * loops are merged into one, and the loop eDst.Lface is destroyed.
         * If (eOrg == eDst), the new face will have only two edges.
         * If (eOrg.Lnext == eDst), the old face is reduced to a single edge.
         * If (eOrg.Lnext.Lnext == eDst), the old face is reduced to two edges.
        internal static Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge __gl_meshConnect(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eOrg, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eDst)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eNewSym;
            bool joiningLoops = false;

            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eNew = MakeEdge(eOrg);

            eNewSym = eNew.Sym;

            if (eDst.Lface != eOrg.Lface)
                /* We are connecting two disjoint loops -- destroy eDst.Lface */
                joiningLoops = true;
                KillFace(eDst.Lface, eOrg.Lface);

            /* Connect the new edge appropriately */
            Splice(eNew, eOrg.Lnext);
            Splice(eNewSym, eDst);

            /* Set the vertex and face information */
            eNew.Org    = eOrg.Sym.Org;
            eNewSym.Org = eDst.Org;
            eNew.Lface  = eNewSym.Lface = eOrg.Lface;

            /* Make sure the old face points to a valid half-edge */
            eOrg.Lface.anEdge = eNewSym;

            if (!joiningLoops)
                Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface newFace = new Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface();

                /* We split one loop into two -- the new loop is eNew.Lface */
                MakeFace(newFace, eNew, eOrg.Lface);
Пример #19
        /* __gl_meshUnion( mesh1, mesh2 ) forms the union of all structures in
         * both meshes, and returns the new mesh (the old meshes are destroyed).
        internal static Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUmesh __gl_meshUnion(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUmesh mesh1, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUmesh mesh2)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     f1 = mesh1.fHead;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex   v1 = mesh1.vHead;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e1 = mesh1.eHead;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     f2 = mesh2.fHead;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUvertex   v2 = mesh2.vHead;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e2 = mesh2.eHead;

            /* Add the faces, vertices, and edges of mesh2 to those of mesh1 */
            if (f2.next != f2)
                f1.prev.next = f2.next;
                f2.next.prev = f1.prev;
                f2.prev.next = f1;
                f1.prev      = f2.prev;

            if (v2.next != v2)
                v1.prev.next = v2.next;
                v2.next.prev = v1.prev;
                v2.prev.next = v1;
                v1.prev      = v2.prev;

            if (e2.next != e2)
                e1.Sym.next.Sym.next = e2.next;
                e2.next.Sym.next     = e1.Sym.next;
                e2.Sym.next.Sym.next = e1;
                e1.Sym.next          = e2.Sym.next;

Пример #20
        internal static FaceCount MaximumStrip(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eOrig)
            /* Here we are looking for a maximal strip that contains the vertices
             * eOrig.Org, eOrig.Dst, eOrig.Lnext.Dst (in that order or the
             * reverse, such that all triangles are oriented CCW).
             * Again we walk forward and backward as far as possible.  However for
             * strips there is a twist: to get CCW orientations, there must be
             * an *even* number of triangles in the strip on one side of eOrig.
             * We walk the strip starting on a side with an even number of triangles;
             * if both side have an odd number, we are forced to shorten one side.
            FaceCount newFace = new FaceCount(0, null, renderStrip);
            long      headSize = 0, tailSize = 0;

            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUface     trail = null;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e, eTail, eHead;

            for (e = eOrig; !Marked(e.Lface); ++tailSize, e = e.Onext)
                trail = AddToTrail(e.Lface, trail);
                e = e.Lnext.Sym;
                if (Marked(e.Lface))
                trail = AddToTrail(e.Lface, trail);
            eTail = e;

            for (e = eOrig; !Marked(e.Sym.Lface); ++headSize, e = e.Sym.Onext.Sym)
                trail = AddToTrail(e.Sym.Lface, trail);
                e = e.Sym.Lnext;
                if (Marked(e.Sym.Lface))
                trail = AddToTrail(e.Sym.Lface, trail);
            eHead = e;

            newFace.size = tailSize + headSize;
            if (IsEven(tailSize))
                newFace.eStart = eTail.Sym;
            else if (IsEven(headSize))
                newFace.eStart = eHead;
                /* Both sides have odd length, we must shorten one of them.  In fact,
                 * we must start from eHead to guarantee inclusion of eOrig.Lface.
                newFace.eStart = eHead.Onext;
Пример #21
 public FaceCount(long size, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eStart, Render.renderCallBack render)
     this.size   = size;
     this.eStart = eStart;
     this.render = render;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>********************* Utility Routines ***********************</summary>
        /* MakeEdge creates a new pair of half-edges which form their own loop.
        * No vertex or face structures are allocated, but these must be assigned
        * before the current edge operation is completed.
        internal static Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge MakeEdge(Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eNext)
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge e;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eSym;
            Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge ePrev;

            //        EdgePair * pair = (EdgePair *)
            //        memAlloc(sizeof(EdgePair));
            //        if (pair == NULL) return NULL;
            //        e = &pair - > e;
            e = new Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge(true);
            //        eSym = &pair - > eSym;
            eSym = new Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge(false);

            /* Make sure eNext points to the first edge of the edge pair */
            if (!eNext.first)
                eNext = eNext.Sym;

            /* Insert in circular doubly-linked list before eNext.
            * Note that the prev pointer is stored in Sym->next.
            ePrev = eNext.Sym.next;
            eSym.next = ePrev;
            ePrev.Sym.next = e;
            e.next = eNext;
            eNext.Sym.next = eSym;

            e.Sym = eSym;
            e.Onext = e;
            e.Lnext = eSym;
            e.Org = null;
            e.Lface = null;
            e.winding = 0;
            e.activeRegion = null;

            eSym.Sym = e;
            eSym.Onext = eSym;
            eSym.Lnext = e;
            eSym.Org = null;
            eSym.Lface = null;
            eSym.winding = 0;
            eSym.activeRegion = null;

            return e;
Пример #23
 public FaceCount(long size, Mogre.Utils.GluTesselator.GLUhalfEdge eStart, Render.renderCallBack render)
     this.size = size;
     this.eStart = eStart;
     this.render = render;