Пример #1
 public static Module GetDependentModuleObject(this ModuleRule rule)
     if (rule == null)
     return(rule.Module.nHydrateModel.Modules.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == rule.DependentModule));
Пример #2
    public override void InitDataPage()
        ModuleRule objModuleRule = new ModuleRule();

        dropModuleTypeID.DataSource     = objModuleRule.Sys_ModuleType.Where(s => s.IsSystem == true);
        dropModuleTypeID.DataTextField  = "ModuleTypeName";
        dropModuleTypeID.DataValueField = "ModuleTypeID";
Пример #3
    public override void InitDataPage()
        ModuleRule objModuleRule = new ModuleRule();

        AuthorizeGroupID.Items.Add(new ListItem("--全部--", ""));
        AuthorizeGroupID.Items.Add(new ListItem("平台虚拟授权组", Guid.Empty.ToString()));
        foreach (sys_authorizegroup objsys_authorizegroup in objUserRule.sys_authorizegroup.Where(s => s.ModuleTypeID == CoteID))
            AuthorizeGroupID.Items.Add(new ListItem(objsys_authorizegroup.AuthorizeGroupName, objsys_authorizegroup.AuthorizeGroupID));
Пример #4
    public override void RenderPage()
        gdvContent.AlreadySelectedRowKeys = objUserRule.GetRoleUser(RoleID);
        ModuleRule objModuleRule = new ModuleRule();
        string     userTypeID    = objUserRule.GetRoleModuleTypeUserType(RoleID);

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userTypeID))
            MessageDialog("此角色平台框架未设置用户类型", "RoleList.aspx");
        this.CurrentBindData <Sys_User>(gdvContent, objUserRule.GetUserTypeUser(userTypeID));
Пример #5
    private bool TestModuleRule(ModuleRule _rule)
        int count = 0;

        foreach (RoomModule mod in m_spawnedModules)
            if (mod.moduleCode == _rule.moduleCode)

        if (count < _rule.minimum)
        if (count > _rule.maximum)

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if an module rule passes for the current model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module"></param>
        /// <param name="rule"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsValidRule(this Module module, ModuleRule rule, ref List <string> issueList)
            if (module == null || rule == null)

            var dModule = rule.GetDependentModuleObject();

            if (dModule == null)

            if (rule.Status == ModuleRuleStatusTypeConstants.Outerset)
                #region Outerset
                //Verify that the current module is an outerset of the dependent module
                var isValid = true;

                //Tables, there should be no objects in common
                if (((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.Entity) != 0)
                    var g1 = dModule.GetEntities().ToList();
                    var g2 = module.GetEntities().ToList();
                    var indexListInModule1 = module.nHydrateModel.IndexModules.Where(z => z.ModuleId == dModule.Id).Select(x => x.IndexID);
                    var indexListInModule2 = module.nHydrateModel.IndexModules.Where(z => z.ModuleId == module.Id).Select(x => x.IndexID);
                    var i1              = g1.SelectMany(x => x.Indexes).ToList().Where(x => indexListInModule1.Contains(x.Id)).ToList();
                    var i2              = g2.SelectMany(x => x.Indexes).ToList().Where(x => indexListInModule2.Contains(x.Id)).ToList();
                    var intersectGroup  = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    var intersectGroup2 = i1.Intersect(i2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == 0;
                    isValid &= intersectGroup2.Count == 0;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        issueList.Add("The following entities are in both modules " + dModule.Name + " and " + module.Name + ":" + string.Join(", ", intersectGroup.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()));
                    if (intersectGroup2.Count < i2.Count)
                        issueList.Add("The following indexes are in both modules " + dModule.Name + " and " + module.Name + ":" + string.Join(", ", intersectGroup2.Select(x => x.Entity.Name + ".[" + x.ToString() + "]").ToList()));

                if (isValid && ((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.Entity) != 0)
                    var g1             = dModule.GetFields().ToList();
                    var g2             = module.GetFields().ToList();
                    var intersectGroup = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == 0;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        issueList.Add("The following fields are in both modules " + dModule.Name + " and " + module.Name + ":" + string.Join(", ", intersectGroup.Select(x => x.Entity.Name + "." + x.Name).ToList()));

                //Stored Procedures
                if (((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.StoredProcedure) != 0)
                    var g1             = dModule.GetStoredProcedures().ToList();
                    var g2             = module.GetStoredProcedures().ToList();
                    var intersectGroup = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == 0;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        issueList.Add("The following stored procedures are in both modules " + dModule.Name + " and " + module.Name + ":" + string.Join(", ", intersectGroup.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()));

                if (((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.View) != 0)
                    var g1             = dModule.GetViews().ToList();
                    var g2             = module.GetViews().ToList();
                    var intersectGroup = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == 0;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        issueList.Add("The following views are in both modules " + dModule.Name + " and " + module.Name + ":" + string.Join(", ", intersectGroup.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()));

                if (((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.Function) != 0)
                    var g1             = dModule.GetFunctions().ToList();
                    var g2             = module.GetFunctions().ToList();
                    var intersectGroup = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == 0;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        issueList.Add("The following views are in both modules " + dModule.Name + " and " + module.Name + ":" + string.Join(", ", intersectGroup.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()));


            else if (rule.Status == ModuleRuleStatusTypeConstants.Subset)
                #region Subset

                //Verify that the current module is a subset of the dependent module
                var isValid = true;

                //Tables, the intersection must be the same size as the module's number of objects
                if (((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.Entity) != 0)
                    var g1 = dModule.GetEntities().ToList();
                    var g2 = module.GetEntities().ToList();
                    var indexListInModule1 = module.nHydrateModel.IndexModules.Where(z => z.ModuleId == dModule.Id).Select(x => x.IndexID);
                    var indexListInModule2 = module.nHydrateModel.IndexModules.Where(z => z.ModuleId == module.Id).Select(x => x.IndexID);
                    var i1              = g1.SelectMany(x => x.Indexes).ToList().Where(x => indexListInModule1.Contains(x.Id)).ToList();
                    var i2              = g2.SelectMany(x => x.Indexes).ToList().Where(x => indexListInModule2.Contains(x.Id)).ToList();
                    var intersectGroup  = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    var intersectGroup2 = i1.Intersect(i2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == g2.Count;
                    isValid &= intersectGroup2.Count == i2.Count;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        var missing = g2.Except(intersectGroup).ToList();
                        issueList.Add("The following entities are missing from the " + dModule.Name + " module: " + string.Join(", ", missing.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()));
                    if (intersectGroup2.Count < i2.Count)
                        var missing = i2.Except(intersectGroup2).ToList();
                        issueList.Add("The following indexes are missing from the " + dModule.Name + " module: " + string.Join(", ", missing.Select(x => x.Entity.Name + ".[" + x.ToString() + "]").ToList()));

                if (isValid && ((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.Entity) != 0)
                    var g1             = dModule.GetFields().ToList();
                    var g2             = module.GetFields().ToList();
                    var intersectGroup = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == g2.Count;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        var missing = g2.Except(intersectGroup).ToList();
                        issueList.Add("The following fields are missing from the " + dModule.Name + " module: " + string.Join(", ", missing.Select(x => x.Entity.Name + "." + x.Name).ToList()));

                //Stored Procedures
                if (((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.StoredProcedure) != 0)
                    var g1             = dModule.GetStoredProcedures().ToList();
                    var g2             = module.GetStoredProcedures().ToList();
                    var intersectGroup = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == g2.Count;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        var missing = g2.Except(intersectGroup).ToList();
                        issueList.Add("The following stored procedures are missing from the " + dModule.Name + " module: " + string.Join(", ", missing.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()));

                if (((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.View) != 0)
                    var g1             = dModule.GetViews().ToList();
                    var g2             = module.GetViews().ToList();
                    var intersectGroup = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == g2.Count;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        var missing = g2.Except(intersectGroup).ToList();
                        issueList.Add("The following views are missing from the " + dModule.Name + " module: " + string.Join(", ", missing.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()));

                if (((int)rule.Inclusion & (int)ModuleRuleInclusionTypeConstants.Function) != 0)
                    var g1             = dModule.GetFunctions().ToList();
                    var g2             = module.GetFunctions().ToList();
                    var intersectGroup = g1.Intersect(g2).ToList();
                    isValid &= intersectGroup.Count == g2.Count;
                    if (intersectGroup.Count < g2.Count)
                        var missing = g2.Except(intersectGroup).ToList();
                        issueList.Add("The following functions are missing from the " + dModule.Name + " module: " + string.Join(", ", missing.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()));



Пример #7
        private static void LoadFromDisk(IEnumerable<Module> list, nHydrateModel model, string rootFolder, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Store store)
            var folder = rootFolder;
            if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) return;

            #region Load other parameter/field information
            var fileName = Path.Combine(folder, "modules.configuration.xml");
            if (!File.Exists(fileName)) return;
            XmlDocument document = null;
                document = new XmlDocument();
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Do Nothing
                MessageBox.Show("The file '" + fileName + "' is not valid and could not be loaded!", "Load Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            foreach (XmlNode n in document.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
                var id = XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue(n, "id", Guid.NewGuid());
                var item = model.Modules.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
                if (item == null)
                    item = new Module(model.Partition, new PropertyAssignment[] { new PropertyAssignment(ElementFactory.IdPropertyAssignment, id) });

                item.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(FieldParameter_PropertyChanged);
                item.Name = XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue(n, "name", item.Name);
                item.Summary = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n, "summary", item.Summary);
                item.PropertyChanged -= new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(FieldParameter_PropertyChanged);

                var rulesNodes = n.SelectSingleNode("ruleset");
                if (rulesNodes != null)
                    var nameList = new List<string>();
                    foreach (XmlNode m in rulesNodes.ChildNodes)
                        var rule = new ModuleRule(item.Partition);
                        rule.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(FieldParameter_PropertyChanged);
                        rule.Name = XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue(m, "name", rule.Name);
                        rule.Status = (ModuleRuleStatusTypeConstants)int.Parse(XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue(m, "status", rule.Status.ToString("d")));
                        rule.DependentModule = XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue(m, "dependentmodule", rule.DependentModule);
                        rule.Inclusion = XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue(m, "inclusion", rule.Inclusion);
                        rule.Enforced = XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue(m, "enforced", rule.Enforced);
                        rule.Summary = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(m, "summary", rule.Summary);
                        rule.PropertyChanged -= new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(FieldParameter_PropertyChanged);

