Пример #1
        public void ModifyCollectionNoLevelNorSchema()
            Session s    = GetSession();
            Schema  test = s.GetSchema("test");

            // Modify a Collection without passing schema and Level, (Bug#30660917)
            ModifyCollectionOptions options1 = new ModifyCollectionOptions();

            options1.Validation = new Validation()
            Assert.Throws <MySqlException>(() => test.ModifyCollection("coll", options1));
Пример #2
        public void CreateCollectionWithOptions()
            Session s    = GetSession();
            Schema  test = s.GetSchema("test");

            // CreateCollection Test Cases

            // Create a Collection passing a valid schema and Level
            CreateCollectionOptions options = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            Validation val = new Validation();

            val.Level = ValidationLevel.STRICT;
            string str = "{\"id\": \"http://json-schema.org/geo\","
                         + "\"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema#\","
                         + "\"description\": \"A geographical coordinate\","
                         + "\"type\": \"object\","
                         + "\"properties\": {"
                         + "\"latitude\": {"
                         + "\"type\": \"number\""
                         + " },"
                         + "\"longitude\": {"
                         + "\"type\": \"number\""
                         + "}"
                         + "},"
                         + "\"required\": [\"latitude\", \"longitude\"]"
                         + "}";

            val.Schema            = str;
            options.ReuseExisting = false;
            options.Validation    = val;
            Collection testColl = test.CreateCollection("testWithSchemaValidation", options);


            //Bug #30830962
            options = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            val     = new Validation()
            options.Validation = val;
            var testbug1 = test.CreateCollection("bug_0962", options); //create collection with empty options

            testbug1.Add(@"{ ""latitude"": 20, ""longitude"": 30 }").Execute();
            testbug1.Add(@"{ ""sexo"": 1, ""edad"": 20 }").Execute();
            int.TryParse(session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.bug_0962").Execute().FetchOne()[0].ToString(), out int expected_count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, expected_count); //Collection is created as STRICT with empty json schema,both records were inserted

            options = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            val     = new Validation()
                Schema = str
            options.Validation = val;
            testbug1           = test.CreateCollection("bug_0962b", options);// adding an schema from
            testbug1.Add(@"{ ""latitude"": 20, ""longitude"": 30 }").Execute();
            var invalidEx = Assert.Throws <MySqlException>(() => testbug1.Add(@"{ ""sexo"": 1, ""edad"": 20 }").Execute());

            StringAssert.Contains("Document is not valid according to the schema assigned to collection", invalidEx.Message);

            // Create a Collection passing a reuse_existing parameter to server
            CreateCollectionOptions options_reuse = new CreateCollectionOptions();

            options_reuse.ReuseExisting = false;
            options_reuse.Validation    = val;
            Collection testCol2 = test.CreateCollection("testReuseExisting_1", options_reuse);


            //Insert Valid record with Level Strict
            var insert_statement = testColl.Add(@"{ ""latitude"": 20, ""longitude"": 30 }");

            var count = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.testWithSchemaValidation").Execute().FetchOne()[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(count, testColl.Count());

            //Insert invalid record with Level Strict
            insert_statement = testColl.Add(@"{ ""OtherField"": ""value"", ""Age"": 30 }");
            var invalidInsertEx = Assert.Throws <MySqlException>(() => insert_statement.Execute());

            StringAssert.Contains("Document is not valid according to the schema assigned to collection", invalidInsertEx.Message);

            //Test: Old MySQL Server Version exceptions
            if (!(session.Version.isAtLeast(8, 0, 19)))
                var ex1 = Assert.Throws <MySqlException>(() => test.CreateCollection("testInvalid", options));
                StringAssert.Contains("Invalid number of arguments, expected 2 but got 3, " +
                                      "The server doesn't support the requested operation. Please update the MySQL Server and/or Client library", ex1.Message);

                ModifyCollectionOptions modifyOptions = new ModifyCollectionOptions();
                modifyOptions.Validation = val;
                var ex2 = Assert.Throws <MySqlException>(() => test.ModifyCollection("testInvalid", modifyOptions));
                StringAssert.Contains("Invalid mysqlx command modify_collection_options, " +
                                      "The server doesn't support the requested operation. Please update the MySQL Server and/or Client library", ex2.Message);

            //Create collection with json schema and level OFF. Try to insert document matches this schema
            options            = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            options.Validation = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.OFF, Schema = str
            Collection col_test = test.CreateCollection("Test_2b_1", options);

            insert_statement = col_test.Add(@"{ ""latitude"": 120, ""longitude"": 78 }");
            count = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.Test_2b_1").Execute().FetchOne()[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(count, col_test.Count());

            //Create collection with json schema and level OFF,ReuseExisting set to true, Try to insert
            options            = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            options.Validation = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.OFF, Schema = str
            options.ReuseExisting = true;
            col_test = test.CreateCollection("Test_2b_2", options);
            insert_statement = col_test.Add(@"{ ""latitude"": 20, ""longitude"": 42 }");
            count = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.Test_2b_2").Execute().FetchOne()[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(count, col_test.Count());

            //Create collection with only schema option, Try to insert
            options            = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            options.Validation = new Validation()
                Schema = str
            col_test = test.CreateCollection("Test_2b_3", options);
            insert_statement = col_test.Add(@"{ ""latitude"": 5, ""longitude"": 10 }");
            count = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.Test_2b_3").Execute().FetchOne()[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(count, col_test.Count());

            //Create collection with only schema option,ReuseExisting set to true, Try to insert
            options            = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            options.Validation = new Validation()
                Schema = str
            options.ReuseExisting = true;
            col_test = test.CreateCollection("Test_2b_4", options);
            insert_statement = col_test.Add(@"{ ""latitude"": 25, ""longitude"": 52 }");
            count = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.Test_2b_4").Execute().FetchOne()[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(count, col_test.Count());

            //Create collection with only level option
            options            = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            options.Validation = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.OFF
            col_test = test.CreateCollection("Test_2b_5", options);

            //ResuseExisting = false should throw exception for an existing collection
            CreateCollectionOptions testReuseOptions = new CreateCollectionOptions();

            testReuseOptions.ReuseExisting = false;
            testReuseOptions.Validation    = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.OFF
            var exreuse = Assert.Throws <MySqlException>(() => test.CreateCollection("testReuse", testReuseOptions));

            Assert.AreEqual("Table 'testreuse' already exists", exreuse.Message);

            //Test: Resuse Existing = True should return existing collection
            testReuseOptions.ReuseExisting = true;
            var existing = test.CreateCollection("testReuse", testReuseOptions);


            //Create collection and prepare test data with json schema and level STRICT
            CreateCollectionOptions prepareOptions = new CreateCollectionOptions();

            prepareOptions.Validation = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.STRICT, Schema = str
            var res_stm = test.CreateCollection("TestCreateInsert", prepareOptions).Add(@"{ ""latitude"": 25, ""longitude"": 52 }");

            var num             = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.TestCreateInsert").Execute().FetchOne()[0];
            var collection_test = test.GetCollection("TestCreateInsert");

            Assert.AreEqual(num, collection_test.Count());

            //Passing invalid Schema
            options            = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            options.Validation = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.STRICT, Schema = "Not Valid JSON Schema"
            Exception ex_schema = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => test.CreateCollection("testInvalidSchema", options));

            StringAssert.Contains(@"The value provided is not a valid JSON document.", ex_schema.Message);

            //Testing an schema with different data types
            str = "{\"id\": \"http://json-schema.org/geo\","
                  + "\"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema#\","
                  + "\"description\": \"A Person example\","
                  + "\"type\": \"object\","
                  + "\"properties\": {"
                  + "\"name\": {"
                  + "\"type\": \"string\""
                  + " },"
                  + "\"age\": {"
                  + "\"type\": \"number\""
                  + "}"
                  + "},"
                  + "\"required\": [\"name\", \"age\"]"
                  + "}";
            options            = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            options.Validation = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.STRICT, Schema = str
            Collection person_col = test.CreateCollection("testWithPersonSchema", options);

            person_col.Add(@"{ ""name"": ""John"", ""age"": 52 }").Execute();
            var rows = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.testWithPersonSchema").Execute().FetchOne()[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(rows, person_col.Count());

            // Create an existing collection with different schema
            options = new CreateCollectionOptions();
            options.ReuseExisting = true;
            options.Validation    = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.STRICT, Schema = str
            Collection col_schema1 = test.CreateCollection("testSchema1", options);


            col_schema1.Add(@"{ ""name"": ""John"", ""age"": 52 }").Execute();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, col_schema1.Count());
            var sqlDefinition1 = session.SQL("SHOW CREATE TABLE test.testSchema1").Execute().FetchOne()[1];

            var schema2 = "{\"id\": \"http://json-schema.org/geo\","
                          + "\"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema#\","
                          + "\"description\": \"A Movies example\","
                          + "\"type\": \"object\","
                          + "\"properties\": {"
                          + "\"title\": {"
                          + "\"type\": \"string\""
                          + " },"
                          + "\"movie\": {"
                          + "\"type\": \"string\""
                          + "}"
                          + "},"
                          + "\"required\": [\"title\", \"movie\"]"
                          + "}";

            options.Validation = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.STRICT, Schema = schema2
            Collection col_schema2    = test.CreateCollection("testSchema1", options);
            var        sqlDefinition2 = session.SQL("SHOW CREATE TABLE test.testSchema1").Execute().FetchOne()[1];

            Assert.AreEqual(sqlDefinition1, sqlDefinition2);

            // Tests for original method CreateCollection
            //Create a collection without sending reuseExisting parameter and insert record
            Collection original_col1 = test.CreateCollection("testOriginal1");

            original_col1.Add(@"{ ""name"": ""John"", ""age"": 52 }").Execute();
            rows = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.testOriginal1").Execute().FetchOne()[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(rows, original_col1.Count());

            //Create a new collection sending reuseExisting as true, insert record
            Collection original_col2 = test.CreateCollection("testOriginal2", true);

            original_col2.Add(@"{ ""name"": ""John"", ""age"": 52 }").Execute();
            rows = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.testOriginal2").Execute().FetchOne()[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(rows, original_col2.Count());

            //Create an existing collection sending reuseExisting as true, insert record
            Collection original_col3 = test.CreateCollection("testOriginal2", true);

            original_col3.Add(@"{ ""name"": ""John2"", ""age"": 12 }").Execute();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, original_col3.Count());

            //Create an existing collection sending reuseExisting as false,exception expected
            var ex_existing = Assert.Throws <MySqlException>(() => test.CreateCollection("testOriginal2", false));

            Assert.AreEqual(@"Table 'testoriginal2' already exists", ex_existing.Message);

            //ModifyCollection Test Cases

            //Modify collection with only level option
            ModifyCollectionOptions Test_Options = new ModifyCollectionOptions();

            Test_Options.Validation = new Validation()
                Level = ValidationLevel.OFF
            Collection col_Test_2a_1 = test.ModifyCollection("testWithSchemaValidation", Test_Options);

            // Inser valid and invalid records with level set to Off
            insert_statement = col_Test_2a_1.Add(@"{ ""latitude"": 20, ""longitude"": 30 }")
                               .Add(@"{ ""OtherField"": ""value"", ""Age"": 30 }");
            count = session.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.testWithSchemaValidation").Execute().FetchOne()[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(count, col_Test_2a_1.Count());

            //Modify collection with only schema option
            Test_Options.Validation = new Validation()
                Schema = "{ }"
            test.ModifyCollection("testWithSchemaValidation", Test_Options);
            var sqlCreate = session.SQL("SHOW CREATE TABLE test.testWithSchemaValidation").Execute().FetchOne()[1];

            Assert.True(sqlCreate.ToString().Contains(@"'{\r\n}'") || sqlCreate.ToString().Contains("{}"));

            //Passing null as parameter to ModifyCollection
            var emptyOptions = new ModifyCollectionOptions();

            emptyOptions.Validation = new Validation()
            exreuse = Assert.Throws <MySqlException>(() => test.ModifyCollection("testnull", null));
            Assert.AreEqual(@"Arguments value used under ""validation"" must be an object with at least one field", exreuse.Message);