Пример #1
        public IHttpActionResult Login(String email, String token)
            cnx = new doorAccessEntities();

                // Validate email format
                if (!rgx.IsMatch(email))
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Bad email", number = 101, detail = "The email you provided does not meet our validation criteria", profile = "" }));
                // Makes sure the token is not empty
                if (token == "")
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Empty token", number = 102, detail = "The token provided can not be empty", profile = "" }));

                // Makes sure the toke is not undefined by the token gen. service
                if (token == "undefined")
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Undefined token", number = 103, detail = "There was an error registering the token, try again", profile = "" }));

                var x = (from u in cnx.Users
                         where u.email.Equals(email)
                         select u

                // Makes sure the user is found in the database
                if (x == null)
                    return(Ok(new { response = "User not found", number = 104, detail = "The user was not found in our records", profile = "" }));

                // Makes sure the user found is active
                if (!x.is_active)
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Inactive User", number = 105, detail = "The user was disabled", profile = "" }));

                // Makes sure the token is empty (another device is not linked to the user's records already)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.token))
                    return(Ok(new { response = "User has Token", number = 106, detail = "User is already attached to another device, contact your manager to reset your device preferences", profile = "" }));

                // if everything is ok, the token and date of initial sign up are set.
                x.token       = token;
                x.signup_date = DateTime.Now;

                return(Ok(new { response = "Success", number = 0, detail = "The user was successfully signed up", profile = x.ProfileType.name }));
            }catch (Exception ex)
                return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message));
Пример #2
        public IHttpActionResult Open(string email, string token, double latitude, double longitude)
            cnx = new doorAccessEntities();

                // check that email matches the format
                if (!rgx.IsMatch(email))
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Bad email", number = 101, detail = "The email you provided does not meet our validation criteria", profile = "" }));

                var x = (from u in cnx.Users
                         where u.email.Equals(email)
                         select u

                // Makes sure the user is found in the database
                if (x == null)
                    return(Ok(new { response = "User not found", number = 104, detail = "The user was not found in our records", profile = "" }));

                // Makes sure the token is not empty (another device is not linked to the user's records already)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.token))
                    return(Ok(new { response = "User has no Token", number = 106, detail = "User is not registered", profile = "" }));

                // Initialize the access to the
                Models.Access a = new Access();
                a.access_date = DateTime.Now.Date;
                a.access_time = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
                a.user_id     = x.Id;
                a.served      = false;

                // Makes sure the user found is active
                if (!x.is_active)
                    a.status      = 104;
                    a.descripcion = "Inactive User";
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Inactive User", number = 105, detail = "The user is unable to perform this action", profile = "" }));

                // Makes sure the user's token match
                if (!x.token.Equals(token))
                    a.status      = 107;
                    a.descripcion = "Bad token";
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Bad token", number = 107, detail = "This user's device is not registered", profile = "" }));
                // Initialize the GeoCoordinates objects (device and door) appConfig[doorLatitude], appConfig[doorLongitude]
                System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate doorCoordinates   = new System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate(doorLatitude, doorLongitude);
                System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate deviceCoordinates = new System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude);

                // If distance between door and device is greater than appConfig[deviceMaxDistance] meters the device is out of range and is not able to open the door
                if (doorCoordinates.GetDistanceTo(deviceCoordinates) > deviceMaxDistance)
                    a.status      = 108;
                    a.descripcion = "Device not in range (" + latitude + ", " + longitude + ")";
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Device not in range", number = 108, detail = "The device is out of the permit range to perform this action", profile = x.ProfileType.name }));

                a.status      = 0;
                a.descripcion = "Success (" + latitude + ", " + longitude + ")";

                //Tries to open de door using the Uri for the door set in web.config
                string        doorUri  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["doorUri"];
                Task <string> request  = GetAsync(doorUri);
                string        response = request.Result;

                if (response == "{}")
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Success", number = 0, detail = "The door is open", profile = x.ProfileType.name }));

                    a.served = true;
                    return(Ok(new { response = "Door Connection Error", number = 0, detail = "The door is open", profile = x.ProfileType.name }));

                    a.served = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message));