Пример #1
        public JsonResult ChangePeriodForChart(int periodType)
            if (periodType == 0)
                return(Json(new { reuslt = new Dictionary <int, double>() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            Models.Security.User      user      = (Models.Security.User)Session["User"];
            Models.Security.AuthState userState = (Models.Security.AuthState)Session["AuthState"];

            if (user == null || userState == null)
                //passs the redirect to the view, in order to send the user back to the login page.
                //further will have to build a way whwere we log out the user if it doesnot do anything on the page.
                //build a solution to keep the user logged in if he actually using the website. like always reseting the timmer for the session variable
                return(Json(new { result = false, redirectUrl = Url.Action("Index", "Home"), isRedirect = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            int defaultDays = 0;

            switch (periodType)
            case 1:
                defaultDays = -7;

            case 2:
                defaultDays = -14;

            case 3:
                defaultDays = -30;

                defaultDays = 0;

            DateTime todayDate      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime sevenDaysBackT = todayDate.AddDays(defaultDays);
            DateTime svn            = new DateTime(sevenDaysBackT.Year, sevenDaysBackT.Month, sevenDaysBackT.Day, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime yesterdayDate  = new DateTime(todayDate.AddDays(-1).Year, todayDate.AddDays(-1).Month, todayDate.AddDays(-1).Day, 23, 59, 59);

                //Get the list of records for the past default Days.
                List <DBContext.Main_Data>      records     = db.Main_Data.Where(x => x.Status_Start_Time >= svn && x.Status_End_Time <= yesterdayDate && x.User_ID == user.ID).ToList();
                List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord> workRecords = new List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord>();
                foreach (var record in records)
                    var newWorkRecord = new Models.Portal.WorkRecord(record);

                var dailyTotalHours = Models.Portal.TimeSheet.CalculateTotalHoursForPeriod(workRecords, defaultDays, todayDate);

                return(Json(new { result = true, data = dailyTotalHours.ToList() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { result = false, message = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #2
        // GET: Portal
        public ActionResult Overview()
            //Get the user from the session
            Models.Security.User      user      = (Models.Security.User)Session["User"];
            Models.Security.AuthState userState = (Models.Security.AuthState)Session["AuthState"];

            if (user == null || userState == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            const int defaultDays    = -7;
            DateTime  todayDate      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime  sevenDaysBackT = todayDate.AddDays(defaultDays);
            DateTime  svn            = new DateTime(sevenDaysBackT.Year, sevenDaysBackT.Month, sevenDaysBackT.Day, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime  yesterdayDate  = new DateTime(todayDate.AddDays(-1).Year, todayDate.AddDays(-1).Month, todayDate.AddDays(-1).Day, 23, 59, 59);

            //Get the list of records for the past default Days.
            List <DBContext.Main_Data>      records     = db.Main_Data.Where(x => x.Status_Start_Time >= svn && x.Status_End_Time <= yesterdayDate && x.User_ID == user.ID).ToList();
            List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord> workRecords = new List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord>();

            foreach (var record in records)
                var newWorkRecord = new Models.Portal.WorkRecord(record);

            var dailyTotalHours = Models.Portal.TimeSheet.CalculateTotalHoursForPeriod(workRecords, defaultDays, todayDate);

            //Get the stats for today;

            var todayRecords = db.Main_Data.Where(x => x.CurrentDate.Day == todayDate.Day && x.CurrentDate.Month == todayDate.Month && x.CurrentDate.Year == todayDate.Year && x.User_ID == user.ID).ToList();
            List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord> todayRecordsModel = new List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord>();

            foreach (var record in todayRecords)
                var newWorkRecord = new Models.Portal.WorkRecord(record);

            var userSettings = new Models.Security.UserSettings();

            //get top five public holidays
            var publicHolidaysDb = db.Public_Holidays.Where(x => x.Holiday_country == user.Country && x.Holiday_date >= todayDate.Date).Take(5).ToList();
            List <Models.Portal.PublicHoliday> publicHolidays = new List <Models.Portal.PublicHoliday>();

            DateTime[] publicHolidaysAsArray = new DateTime[publicHolidaysDb.Count];
            int        counter = 0;

            foreach (var holiday in publicHolidaysDb)
                publicHolidaysAsArray[counter] = holiday.Holiday_date.Value.Date;
                publicHolidays.Add(new Models.Portal.PublicHoliday(holiday));

            //calculate work time for the current month;
            int currentMonth = todayDate.Month;

            var monthlyRecords = db.Main_Data.Where(x => x.CurrentDate.Day >= 1 && x.CurrentDate.Month == currentMonth && x.CurrentDate.Year == todayDate.Year && x.CurrentDate.Day <= 31 && x.User_ID == user.ID).ToList();
            var recordsModel   = new List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord>();

            foreach (var record in monthlyRecords)
                var newWorkRecord = new Models.Portal.WorkRecord(record);

            //Get the leaves status
            List <DBContext.Leave>            thisYearleaves = db.Leaves.Where(x => x.StartDate.Value >= todayDate.Date && x.UserId == user.ID).ToList();
            List <Models.Portal.Leave.ILeave> leaves         = new List <Models.Portal.Leave.ILeave>();

            foreach (var leave in thisYearleaves)
                var newleave = new Models.Portal.Leave.Leave(leave, publicHolidaysAsArray);

            //get user leaves status(entitled, accrued, carried over)
            List <DBContext.User_Leaves_Status>  userLeavesStatusDb = db.User_Leaves_Status.Where(x => x.UserId == user.ID).ToList();
            List <Models.Portal.UserLeaveStatus> userLeaveStatus    = new List <Models.Portal.UserLeaveStatus>();

            foreach (var item in userLeavesStatusDb)
                var newLeave = new Models.Portal.UserLeaveStatus(item);

            //Set User Stats and calculate the data
            var userStats = new Models.Portal.UserStatus(userSettings, todayRecordsModel, leaves, userLeaveStatus);

            userStats.totalWorkedHoursPerMonth = userStats.CalculateWorkTimeForGivenList(recordsModel);

            //Get user Alerts!
            List <DBContext.Alert> alerts = db.Alerts.Where(x => x.UserID == user.ID || (x.ManagerId == user.ManagerID && x.IsForEveryone == true)).ToList();

            //Filter the list;
            alerts = alerts.Where(x => (x.StartDate == null || x.EndDate == null) || x.EndDate.Value.Date > todayDate.Date).ToList();

            List <Models.Portal.Alert> alertList = new List <Models.Portal.Alert>();

            foreach (var alert in alerts)
                var newAlert = new Models.Portal.Alert(alert);

            //Generate AutoAlerts and add them to the list of the already existing one
            var autoAlerts = Models.Portal.AutoGeneratedAlerts.GenerateAlerts(user);


            //Get the requested leaves
            List <DBContext.Leave_Requests> requestedLeavesDb = db.Leave_Requests.Where(x => x.Requestor == user.ID && x.RequestStartDate.Value >= todayDate.Date).ToList();

            foreach (var leave in requestedLeavesDb)
                var newLeave = new Models.Portal.Leave.LeaveRequest(leave, publicHolidaysAsArray);

            //Get the requested leaves
            List <DBContext.Leaves_Saved_Not_Submited> savedLeavesDb = db.Leaves_Saved_Not_Submited.Where(x => x.UserID == user.ID && x.StartDate.Value >= todayDate.Date).ToList();

            foreach (var leave in savedLeavesDb)
                var newLeave = new Models.Portal.Leave.SavedLeave(leave, publicHolidaysAsArray);

            leaves = leaves.OrderBy(x => x.start).Take(5).ToList();
            var dashboard = new Models.Portal.Dashboard(user, dailyTotalHours, userStats, leaves, alertList, publicHolidays);

Пример #3
        public JsonResult AddTask(FormCollection formCollection)
            Dictionary <string, string> erroredItems = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            bool errored = false;

            Models.Portal.WorkRecord record         = new Models.Portal.WorkRecord();
            Models.Portal.WorkRecord insertedRecord = null;
            Models.Security.User     user           = GetUserFromSession();

            //get the records fromt the session
            var myActivityFromSession = getMyActivityFromSession();
            var records = myActivityFromSession.workLogs;

            //get data from the formCollection
            var recordDateFm  = formCollection["currentDate"]; //2022/02/09
            var startTimeFm   = formCollection["startDate"];   //20:00
            var endTimeFm     = formCollection["endDate"];     //21:00
            var statusFm      = formCollection["status"];
            var projectIdFm   = formCollection["projectId"];
            var descriptionFm = formCollection["description"];
            var titleFm       = formCollection["title"];
            var tagsFm        = formCollection["tags"];
            var tagsColorFm   = formCollection["tagsColors"];

            DateTime recordDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime startTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime endTime    = DateTime.UtcNow;
            string   tags       = null;
            string   tagsColor  = null;

            //validate Form Data
            //Validate recordDateFm
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(recordDateFm))
                string[]    dateFormats = new[] { "yyyy/MM/dd", "yyyy-MM-dd" };
                CultureInfo provider    = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                var         success     = DateTime.TryParseExact(recordDateFm, dateFormats, provider, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out recordDate);
                if (!success)
                    errored = true;
                    erroredItems.Add("currentDate", "Task Date is not valid!");
                errored = true;
                erroredItems.Add("currentDate", "Task Date is not valid!");

            //validate startTimeFm
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(startTimeFm))
                string[]    dateFormats = new[] { "HH:mm", "HH:mm:ss" };
                CultureInfo provider    = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                    var tempStartTime = DateTime.ParseExact(startTimeFm, "HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    startTime = (recordDate.Date + tempStartTime.TimeOfDay).ToUniversalTime();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errored = true;
                    erroredItems.Add("startDate", "Start Time is not valid!");
                errored = true;
                erroredItems.Add("startDate", "Start Time is not valid!");

            //validate endTimeFm
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(endTimeFm))
                string[]    dateFormats = new[] { "HH:mm", "HH:mm:ss" };
                CultureInfo provider    = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                    var tempEndTime = DateTime.ParseExact(endTimeFm, "HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    endTime = (recordDate.Date + tempEndTime.TimeOfDay).ToUniversalTime();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errored = true;
                    erroredItems.Add("endDate", "End Time is not valid!");
                errored = true;
                erroredItems.Add("endDate", "End Time is not valid!");

            //Validate Status
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(statusFm))
                errored = true;
                erroredItems.Add("status", "Task Status is not valid!");
            //Validate project Id
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectIdFm))
                errored = true;
                erroredItems.Add("projectId", "Selected Project is not valid!");
            //Validate Description
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptionFm))
                errored = true;
                erroredItems.Add("description", "Please add a short description!");
            //Validate Title
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(titleFm))
                errored = true;
                erroredItems.Add("title", "Please add a title to the task!");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagsFm))
                tags = tagsFm.Replace(',', ' ');
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagsColorFm))
                tagsColor = tagsColorFm.Replace("),", ");").Replace("0.1)", "1)").Replace(" ", "");

            record = new Models.Portal.WorkRecord(recordDate, startTime, endTime, statusFm, Int32.Parse(projectIdFm), titleFm, descriptionFm, tags, tagsColor);
            int position = 1;
            Dictionary <string, string> validationErrors = CheckTaskForPotentialIssues(record, user);

            if (!errored)
                if (validationErrors.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var error in validationErrors)
                        erroredItems.Add(error.Key, error.Value);
                    return(Json(new { status = "failed", errors = erroredItems }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                    //here we get the ID of the new record inserted, in  order to get the record from the database
                    //we need to do this because we need the date in UTC format
                    //and cannot figure a way to do it without extracting the new record from the database
                    //apperently when you return the JSOn with a datetime that is createad in the controller it gets the date in pc timezone, and we need it in UTC Time.
                    int id = record.InsertRecordIntoDb(user);
                    insertedRecord = new Models.Portal.WorkRecord(db.Main_Data.Find(id));

                    //checking the position of the new task so that we can place correctly in the view.
                    foreach (var item in records)
                        if (item.startDate < insertedRecord.startDate)
                            records.Insert(position - 1, insertedRecord);
                            myActivityFromSession.workLogs = records;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    //log exception
                    erroredItems.Add("Insert", "There is an issue with the data. Try again or contact Administrator!");
                    return(Json(new { status = "failed", errors = erroredItems }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                return(Json(new { status = "failed", errors = erroredItems }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            return(Json(new { status = "success", recordAdded = insertedRecord, position = position }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #4
        private Dictionary <string, string> CheckTaskForPotentialIssues(Models.Portal.WorkRecord task, Models.Security.User user)
            Dictionary <string, string> issues = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            DBContext.DBModel db = new DBContext.DBModel();

            if (user == null)
                user = GetUserFromSession();

            if (task == null)
                issues.Add("Missing Data", "The Task was not submited successfully");
                //Check that the start time should not be  grater then the end time
                if (task.startDate > task.endDate)
                    issues.Add("Invalid Time", "Start time cannot be higher then end time!");

                //Check if it is Sunday or Saturday
                if (task.currentDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || task.currentDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                    issues.Add("Wrong Day", "Cannot add task on: " + task.currentDate.DayOfWeek);

                //check if it is bank holiday
                var isBankHoliday = db.Public_Holidays.Where(x => x.Holiday_date == task.currentDate.Date).FirstOrDefault();
                if (isBankHoliday != null)
                    issues.Add("Bank Holiday", "On: " + task.currentDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " is Public Holyday: " + isBankHoliday.Holiday_name);
                //check if it is on leave already
                var leaves = db.Leaves.Where(x => x.StartDate <= task.currentDate.Date && x.EndDate >= task.currentDate.Date).FirstOrDefault();
                if (leaves != null)
                    issues.Add("Leave", "Cannot add Task on Leave Day!");

                var requestedLeaves = db.Leave_Requests.Where(x => x.RequestStartDate <= task.currentDate.Date && x.RequestEndDate >= task.currentDate.Date).FirstOrDefault();
                if (requestedLeaves != null)
                    issues.Add("Requested Leave", "Leave requested for the day!");

                //get a list of records for the task day.
                var taskDate        = task.currentDate.Date;
                var existingRecords = db.Main_Data.Where(x => x.CurrentDate.Day == taskDate.Day && x.CurrentDate.Month == taskDate.Month && x.CurrentDate.Year == taskDate.Year && x.User_ID == user.ID).ToList();

                var overlapingRecord = existingRecords.Where(x => x.Status_Start_Time <= task.startDate && x.Status_End_Time >= task.startDate).FirstOrDefault();
                if (overlapingRecord != null)
                    issues.Add("Wrong Start Time", "Interval already existing with Title: " + overlapingRecord.Title);

                overlapingRecord = db.Main_Data.Where(x => x.Status_Start_Time <= task.endDate && x.Status_Start_Time >= task.startDate).FirstOrDefault();
                if (overlapingRecord != null)
                    issues.Add("Wrong End Time", "Interval already existing with Title: " + overlapingRecord.Title);

Пример #5
        public ActionResult MyTimeSheet()
            Models.Security.User      user      = (Models.Security.User)Session["User"];
            Models.Security.AuthState userState = (Models.Security.AuthState)Session["AuthState"];

            if (user == null || userState == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            var worklogsDb = db.Main_Data.Where(x => x.User_ID == user.ID).OrderByDescending(x => x.Status_Start_Time).Take(100);

            List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord> workLogs = new List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord>();

            foreach (var worklog in worklogsDb)
                var newWorkLog = new Models.Portal.WorkRecord(worklog);
            //Get today date in UTC Format
            DateTime todayDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;

            //Get the public holidays
            var publicHolidaysDb = db.Public_Holidays.Where(x => x.Holiday_country == user.Country && x.Holiday_date >= todayDate.Date).ToList();
            List <Models.Portal.PublicHoliday> publicHolidays = new List <Models.Portal.PublicHoliday>();

            DateTime[] publicHolidaysAsArray = new DateTime[publicHolidaysDb.Count];
            int        counter = 0;

            foreach (var holiday in publicHolidaysDb)
                publicHolidaysAsArray[counter] = holiday.Holiday_date.Value.Date;
                publicHolidays.Add(new Models.Portal.PublicHoliday(holiday));

            List <DBContext.Leave>            thisYearleaves = db.Leaves.Where(x => x.StartDate.Value.Year == todayDate.Year && x.UserId == user.ID && x.EndDate.Value.Year == todayDate.Year).ToList();
            List <Models.Portal.Leave.ILeave> leaves         = new List <Models.Portal.Leave.ILeave>();

            foreach (var leave in thisYearleaves)
                var newleave = new Models.Portal.Leave.Leave(leave, publicHolidaysAsArray);

            //Get the requested leaves
            List <DBContext.Leave_Requests> requestedLeavesDb = db.Leave_Requests.Where(x => x.Requestor == user.ID && x.RequestStartDate.Value >= todayDate.Date).ToList();

            foreach (var leave in requestedLeavesDb)
                var newLeave = new Models.Portal.Leave.LeaveRequest(leave, publicHolidaysAsArray);

            //Get the requested leaves
            List <DBContext.Leaves_Saved_Not_Submited> savedLeavesDb = db.Leaves_Saved_Not_Submited.Where(x => x.UserID == user.ID && x.StartDate.Value >= todayDate.Date).ToList();

            foreach (var leave in savedLeavesDb)
                var newLeave = new Models.Portal.Leave.SavedLeave(leave, publicHolidaysAsArray);

            //get a list of projects that the user is assign to
            var projectsDb = db.User_Assigned_Projects.Where(x => x.UserID == user.ID).ToList();
            List <Models.Portal.Project> projectsAssignedToUser = new List <Models.Portal.Project>();

            //add one item as default All projects with the value 0
            projectsAssignedToUser.Add(new Models.Portal.Project(0, "All projects", user.ID));

            foreach (var project in projectsDb)
                    new Models.Portal.Project(project)

            //Implement Dependency injection
            //Mostlikly is not needed
            var cb = new ContainerBuilder();


            cb.RegisterInstance(workLogs).As <List <Models.Portal.WorkRecord> >();
            cb.RegisterInstance(leaves).As <List <Models.Portal.Leave.ILeave> >();
            cb.RegisterInstance(projectsAssignedToUser).As <List <Models.Portal.Project> >();

            cb.RegisterType <Models.Activity.MyActivity>();

            var builder    = cb.Build();
            var myActivity = builder.Resolve <Models.Activity.MyActivity>();

            //Models.Activity.MyActivity myActivity = new Models.Activity.MyActivity();
            //myActivity.workLogs = workLogs;
            //myActivity.leaves = leaves;

            //Add values to session for further use when the user change the number of records to show
            Session.Timeout = 120;
