public int Save(Models.MCashAccount model) { Common.Logger l = new Common.Logger(); string ClassName = "CAccounttransaction"; try { DB.CashAccount bs = new DB.CashAccount(); bs.CashAccountName = model.CashAccountName; bs.WareHouseId = model.WareHouseId; bs.OpeningBalance = model.OpeningBalance; bs.BeginDate = model.BeginDate; bs.ClientId = model.ClientId; bs.VendorId = model.VendorId; bs.AccountType = model.AccountType; // l.Print(ClassName, Common.LogPointer.Info.ToString(), "Model Values id[" + + "] AccountId[" + model.AccountId + "] Total[" + model.Total + "] CurrentTransaction[" + model.CurrentTransaction + "] TransactionType [ " + model.Transactiontype + " ] FiscalYearId [ " + model.FiscalYearId + " ] eDate [" + model.eDate + " ]"); obj.CashAccounts.InsertOnSubmit(bs); obj.SubmitChanges(); l.Print(ClassName, Common.LogPointer.Info.ToString(), "Record Inserted Successfully"); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { l.Print(ClassName, Common.LogPointer.Error.ToString(), ex.ToString()); return(-1); } }
public int Update(Models.MCashAccount model) { Common.Logger l = new Common.Logger(); string ClassName = "CAccounttransaction"; try { var query = from o in obj.CashAccounts where == select o; foreach (var item in query) { item.CashAccountName = model.CashAccountName; item.WareHouseId = model.WareHouseId; item.OpeningBalance = model.OpeningBalance; item.BeginDate = model.BeginDate; item.ClientId = model.ClientId; item.VendorId = model.VendorId; } // l.Print(ClassName, Common.LogPointer.Info.ToString(), "Model Values id[" + + "] AccountId[" + model.AccountId + "] Total[" + model.Total + "] CurrentTransaction[" + model.CurrentTransaction + "] TransactionType [ " + model.Transactiontype + " ] FiscalYearId [ " + model.FiscalYearId + " ] eDate [" + model.eDate + " ]"); obj.SubmitChanges(); l.Print(ClassName, Common.LogPointer.Info.ToString(), "Record Inserted Successfully"); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { l.Print(ClassName, Common.LogPointer.Error.ToString(), ex.ToString()); return(-1); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid && Page.IsPostBack) { Classes.CCashAccount ca = new Classes.CCashAccount(); Models.MCashAccount ma = new Models.MCashAccount(); ma.AccountType = "Personal"; ma.BeginDate = txtBeginDate.Text; ma.CashAccountName = txtCashAccountName.Text; ma.ClientId = -1; ma.VendorId = -1; ma.OpeningBalance = txtOpeningBalance.Text; ma.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); ma.AccountType = ma.AccountType = Common.Constants.CashAccountTypes.Personal.ToString(); if (ca.Save(ma) > 0) { Classes.CCashTransaction cct = new Classes.CCashTransaction(); Models.MCashTransactions mct = new Models.MCashTransactions(); mct.CashAccountId = ca.GetLastAccountId(); mct.Credit = txtOpeningBalance.Text; mct.Debit = "0"; mct.Description = "Opened Account"; mct.eDate = txtBeginDate.Text; mct.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FiscalYear"].ToString()); mct.OrderId = -1; mct.Total = txtOpeningBalance.Text; mct.TransactionId = -1; mct.TransactionType = "Credit"; mct.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); mct.UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); if (cct.Save(mct) > 0) { ShowSuccessMessage(); } else { ShowFailMessage(); } } else { ShowFailMessage(); } } }
public List <Models.MCashAccount> GetAllbyid(int id) { List <Models.MCashAccount> model = new List <Models.MCashAccount>(); var query = from o in obj.CashAccounts where ( == id select o; foreach (var item in query) { Models.MCashAccount m = new Models.MCashAccount(); = Convert.ToInt32(; m.CashAccountName = item.CashAccountName; m.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(item.WareHouseId); m.OpeningBalance = item.OpeningBalance; m.BeginDate = item.BeginDate; model.Add(m); } return(model); }
public List <Models.MCashAccount> GetAll() { List <Models.MCashAccount> model = new List <Models.MCashAccount>(); var query = from o in obj.CashAccounts select o; foreach (var item in query) { Models.MCashAccount m = new Models.MCashAccount(); = Convert.ToInt32(; m.CashAccountName = item.CashAccountName; m.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(item.WareHouseId); m.OpeningBalance = item.OpeningBalance; m.BeginDate = item.BeginDate; m.ClientId = Convert.ToInt32(item.ClientId); m.VendorId = Convert.ToInt32(item.VendorId); m.AccountType = item.AccountType; model.Add(m); } return(model); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack) { Classes.CCashAccount ca = new Classes.CCashAccount(); Models.MCashAccount ma = new Models.MCashAccount(); ma.AccountType = "Personal"; ma.BeginDate = txtBeginDate.Text; ma.CashAccountName = txtCashAccountName.Text; ma.ClientId = -1; ma.VendorId = -1; ma.OpeningBalance = txtOpeningBalance.Text; ma.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); if (ca.Save(ma) > 0) { ShowSuccessMessage(); BindData(); } else { ShowFailMessage(); } } }
public int RevertSingleTransaction(int TransactionId, int Units, int ProductId) { try { var TransactionType = (from o in obj.Transaction1s where == TransactionId select o.TransactionType).FirstOrDefault(); var PaymentId = (from o in obj.Payments where o.TransactionId == TransactionId select; var DataPaymentLine = from o in obj.PaymentLines where o.PaymentId == Convert.ToInt32(PaymentId) select o; var AccountType = (from o in obj.Payments join paymentLine in obj.PaymentLines on equals paymentLine.PaymentId select paymentLine.ModeOfPayment); string AccountId = string.Empty; Classes.CPayment cp = new CPayment(); Models.MPayments mp = new Models.MPayments(); Classes.CInventory ci = new CInventory(); List <Models.MInventory> Inventory = new List <Models.MInventory>(); Classes.CProducts cpr = new CProducts(); Inventory = ci.GetAll(); string CostPrice = (from o in obj.Transaction1s where o.ProductID == ProductId && == TransactionId select o.CostPrice).FirstOrDefault(); string SalePrice = (from o in obj.Transaction1s where o.ProductID == ProductId && == TransactionId select o.SalePrice).FirstOrDefault(); switch (TransactionType) { case "Addition": { //Reverting Inventory float oldUnits = (from o in Inventory where o.ProductId == (ProductId).ToString() select Convert.ToSingle(o.Quantity)).FirstOrDefault(); float newUnits = oldUnits - Convert.ToSingle(Units); var query = from o in obj.Inventories where o.ProductId == Convert.ToInt32(ProductId) select o; foreach (var item in query) { item.Quantity = newUnits.ToString(); } obj.SubmitChanges(); obj.SubmitChanges(); //checking for cash of bank account if (Convert.ToString(AccountType) == Common.Constants.ModeOfPayment.Cash.ToString()) { string Amount = (Convert.ToSingle(CostPrice) * Convert.ToSingle(Units)).ToString(); Classes.CBankOfAccount cba = new CBankOfAccount(); Classes.CAccountTransaction cat = new CAccountTransaction(); //Reverting Account float OldTotal = cba.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)); float NewTotal = OldTotal + Convert.ToSingle(Amount); cba.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), NewTotal); //Add Revert Account Transaction Models.MAccountTransaction mat = new Models.MAccountTransaction(); mat.AccountId = AccountId.ToString(); mat.Credit = "0"; mat.Debit = Amount.ToString(); mat.Description = "Reverted Sale Transaction Product Id[" + ProductId + "] Units [" + Units + "]"; mat.eDate = DateTime.Now; mat.FiscalYearId = (from o in obj.AccountTransactions where o.CurrentTransaction == TransactionId.ToString() select o.FiscalYearId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); mat.Total = cba.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)).ToString(); mat.Transactiontype = "Credit"; cat.Save(mat); } else if (Convert.ToString(AccountType) == Common.Constants.ModeOfPayment.Cheque.ToString()) { Classes.CCashAccount cca = new CCashAccount(); Classes.CCashTransaction cct = new CCashTransaction(); Models.MCashTransactions mct = new Models.MCashTransactions(); Models.MCashAccount mca = new Models.MCashAccount(); string Amount = (Convert.ToSingle(CostPrice) * Convert.ToSingle(Units)).ToString(); //Reverting Account float OldTotal = cca.ReturnTotalOfCashAccount(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)); float NewTotal = OldTotal + Convert.ToSingle(Amount); //setting new total cca.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), NewTotal); mct.CashAccountId = Convert.ToInt32(AccountId); mct.Credit = Amount; mct.Debit = "0"; mct.Description = "Reverted Sale Transaction Product Id[" + ProductId + "] Units [" + Units + "]"; mct.eDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); mct.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32((from o in obj.CashTransactions where o.TransactionId == TransactionId select o.FiscalYearId).FirstOrDefault()); mct.OrderId = -1; mct.TransactionId = -1; mct.TransactionType = Common.Constants.TransactionStatus.Reverse.ToString(); mct.UserId = Convert.ToString((from o in obj.CashTransactions where o.TransactionId == TransactionId select o.UserId).FirstOrDefault()); mct.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32((from o in obj.CashTransactions where o.TransactionId == TransactionId select o.WareHouseId).FirstOrDefault()); cct.Save(mct); } break; } case "Deduction": { //Reverting Inventory float oldUnits = (from o in Inventory where o.ProductId == (ProductId).ToString() select Convert.ToSingle(o.Quantity)).FirstOrDefault(); float newUnits = oldUnits + Convert.ToSingle(Units); var query = from o in obj.Inventories where o.ProductId == Convert.ToInt32(ProductId) select o; foreach (var item in query) { item.Quantity = newUnits.ToString(); } obj.SubmitChanges(); //checking for cash of bank account if (Convert.ToString(AccountType) == Common.Constants.ModeOfPayment.Cash.ToString()) { string Amount = (Convert.ToSingle(CostPrice) * Convert.ToSingle(Units)).ToString(); Classes.CBankOfAccount cba = new CBankOfAccount(); Classes.CAccountTransaction cat = new CAccountTransaction(); //Reverting Account float OldTotal = cba.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)); float NewTotal = OldTotal - Convert.ToSingle(Amount); cba.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), NewTotal); //Add Revert Account Transaction Models.MAccountTransaction mat = new Models.MAccountTransaction(); mat.AccountId = AccountId.ToString(); mat.Credit = "0"; mat.Debit = Amount.ToString(); mat.Description = "Reverted Sale Transaction Product Id[" + ProductId + "] Units [" + Units + "]"; mat.eDate = DateTime.Now; mat.FiscalYearId = (from o in obj.AccountTransactions where o.CurrentTransaction == TransactionId.ToString() select o.FiscalYearId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); mat.Total = cba.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)).ToString(); mat.Transactiontype = "Credit"; cat.Save(mat); } else if (Convert.ToString(AccountType) == Common.Constants.ModeOfPayment.Cheque.ToString()) { Classes.CCashAccount cca = new CCashAccount(); Classes.CCashTransaction cct = new CCashTransaction(); Models.MCashTransactions mct = new Models.MCashTransactions(); Models.MCashAccount mca = new Models.MCashAccount(); string Amount = (Convert.ToSingle(CostPrice) * Convert.ToSingle(Units)).ToString(); //Reverting Account float OldTotal = cca.ReturnTotalOfCashAccount(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)); float NewTotal = OldTotal - Convert.ToSingle(Amount); //setting new total cca.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), NewTotal); //cash account transation mct.CashAccountId = Convert.ToInt32(AccountId); mct.Credit = "0"; mct.Debit = Amount; mct.Description = "Reverted Sale Transaction Product Id[" + ProductId + "] Units [" + Units + "]"; mct.eDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); mct.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32((from o in obj.CashTransactions where o.TransactionId == TransactionId select o.FiscalYearId).FirstOrDefault()); mct.OrderId = -1; mct.TransactionId = -1; mct.TransactionType = Common.Constants.TransactionStatus.Reverse.ToString(); mct.UserId = Convert.ToString((from o in obj.CashTransactions where o.TransactionId == TransactionId select o.UserId).FirstOrDefault()); mct.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32((from o in obj.CashTransactions where o.TransactionId == TransactionId select o.WareHouseId).FirstOrDefault()); cct.Save(mct); } break; } default: break; } //deletin Transaction var transactions = from o in obj.Transaction1s where == TransactionId select o; foreach (var item in transactions) { obj.Transaction1s.DeleteOnSubmit(item); } //deleting Payment lines foreach (var item in DataPaymentLine) { obj.PaymentLines.DeleteOnSubmit(item); } obj.SubmitChanges(); //deleting payments = Convert.ToInt32(PaymentId); cp.Delete(mp); return(1); } catch { return(-1); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["WareHouse"] != null) { string WareHouseId = Session["WareHouse"].ToString(); if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlClientType.SelectedValue) > 0) { string ClientTypeId = ddlClientType.SelectedValue.ToString(); string ClientName = txtClientName.Text; string ClientPhone = txtPhone.Text; string ClientEmail = txtEmail.Text; string ClientAddress1 = txtAddress1.Text; string ClientAddress2 = txtAddress2.Text; string City = txtCity.Text; string eDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); bool IsVendor = false; if (cbIsVendor.Checked) { IsVendor = true; } Models.MClients mc = new Models.MClients(); mc.ClientTypeld = ClientTypeId; mc.Name = ClientName; = ClientPhone; mc.Address1 = ClientAddress1; mc.Address2 = ClientAddress2; mc.EmailAddress = ClientEmail; mc.City = City; mc.isVendor = IsVendor; mc.edate = eDate; mc.WareHouseId = (WareHouseId); mc.GrantorName = txtGrantorName.Text; mc.NIC = txtNIC.Text; mc.GrantorNIC = txtGrantorNIC.Text; Classes.CClients cc = new Classes.CClients(); if (cc.Save(mc) > 0) { Classes.CCashAccount ca = new Classes.CCashAccount(); Models.MCashAccount ma = new Models.MCashAccount(); ma.CashAccountName = ClientName; ma.BeginDate = eDate; ma.ClientId = cc.GetLastClientId(); ma.OpeningBalance = "0"; ma.AccountType = Common.Constants.CashAccountTypes.Client.ToString(); ma.VendorId = -1; ma.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); if (ca.Save(ma) > 0) { Classes.CCashTransaction cct = new Classes.CCashTransaction(); Models.MCashTransactions mct = new Models.MCashTransactions(); mct.CashAccountId = ca.GetLastAccountId(); mct.Credit = "0"; mct.Debit = "0"; mct.Description = "Opened Client Account[" + txtClientName.Text + "]"; mct.eDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); mct.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FiscalYear"].ToString()); mct.OrderId = -1; mct.Total = "0"; mct.TransactionId = -1; mct.TransactionType = "Credit"; mct.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); mct.UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); if (cct.Save(mct) > 0) { ShowSuccessMessage(); ClearTextBoxes(Page); } else { ShowFailMessage(); } } else { ShowErrorModal("Client Saved but Account was not opened"); } } else { ShowFailMessage(); } } } else { ShowErrorModal("Cannot Save, No Warehouse associated with current user"); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["WareHouse"] != null) { string WareHouseId = Session["WareHouse"].ToString(); if (Page.IsValid) { string VendorName = txtVendorName.Text; string VendorAddress = txtVendorAddress.Text; string VendorPhone = txtVendorPhoneNo.Text; Models.MVendor mv = new Models.MVendor(); = VendorName; mv.Addreess = VendorAddress; = VendorPhone; mv.WareHouseId = WareHouseId; Classes.CVendor ccv = new Classes.CVendor(); if (ccv.Save(mv) > 0) { //ShowFailMessage(); Classes.CCashAccount ca = new Classes.CCashAccount(); Models.MCashAccount ma = new Models.MCashAccount(); ma.CashAccountName = VendorName; ma.BeginDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); ma.ClientId = -1; ma.OpeningBalance = "0"; ma.AccountType = ma.AccountType = Common.Constants.CashAccountTypes.Vendor.ToString(); ma.VendorId = ccv.GetLastVendorId();; ma.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); if (ca.Save(ma) > 0) { Classes.CCashTransaction cct = new Classes.CCashTransaction(); Models.MCashTransactions mct = new Models.MCashTransactions(); mct.CashAccountId = ca.GetLastAccountId(); mct.Credit = "0"; mct.Debit = "0"; mct.Description = "Opened Client Account[" + txtVendorName.Text + "]"; mct.eDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); mct.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FiscalYear"].ToString()); mct.OrderId = -1; mct.Total = "0"; mct.TransactionId = -1; mct.TransactionType = "Credit"; mct.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); mct.UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); if (cct.Save(mct) > 0) { ShowSuccessMessage(); ClearTextBoxes(Page); } else { ShowFailMessage(); } } else { ShowErrorModal("Vendor Saved but Account was not opened"); } } else { ShowFailMessage(); } } } else { ShowErrorModal("Cannot Save, No Warehouse associated with current user"); } }
private int ProcessPayments(string PaymentId, string OrderId, string totalCost, string CurrentAmountPaid, string AccountId, float AmountRemaining, string RemainingAmount, string DatePaid, string Type, string Cheque) { if (Page.IsValid) { Classes.CBankOfAccount cba = new Classes.CBankOfAccount(); Classes.CAccountTransaction cat = new Classes.CAccountTransaction(); Classes.CCashAccount cha = new Classes.CCashAccount(); Classes.CCashTransaction cht = new Classes.CCashTransaction(); Classes.CPayment cp = new Classes.CPayment(); Classes.CPaymentLine cpl = new Classes.CPaymentLine(); Classes.CSaleTransations cs = new Classes.CSaleTransations(); Models.MAccountTransaction mat = new Models.MAccountTransaction(); Models.MPayments mp = new Models.MPayments(); Models.PaymentLine mpl = new Models.PaymentLine(); Models.MCashTransactions mht = new Models.MCashTransactions(); Models.MCashAccount mha = new Models.MCashAccount(); #region Payments mp.Paid = (Convert.ToSingle(totalCost) - AmountRemaining).ToString(); if (cp.UpdateAmountPaid(Convert.ToInt32(PaymentId), mp.Paid) < 0) { return(-1); } #endregion #region PaymentLine mpl.PaymentId = Convert.ToInt32(PaymentId); mpl.BankId = Convert.ToInt32(AccountId); mpl.Date = DatePaid; mpl.PaidAmount = CurrentAmountPaid; mpl.RemainingAmount = RemainingAmount; mpl.CumulativeAmount = (Convert.ToSingle(cpl.LastPaidAmount(mpl.PaymentId)) + Convert.ToSingle(CurrentAmountPaid)).ToString(); int OptionValue = Convert.ToInt32(ddlOption.SelectedValue); mpl.Cheque = Cheque; switch (OptionValue) { case -1: { return(-1); } case 1: { #region Account Transactions mpl.ModeOfPayment = Common.Constants.ModeOfPayment.Cheque.ToString(); float AccountTotal = cba.ReturnTotalOfAccountById(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)); mat.AccountId = AccountId; if (Type.Contains("Vendor")) { mat.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Paid, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mat.Debit = CurrentAmountPaid; mat.Credit = "0"; mat.Total = (AccountTotal - Convert.ToSingle(CurrentAmountPaid)).ToString(); mat.CurrentTransaction = cs.GetIdByOrderId(Convert.ToInt32(OrderId)).ToString(); mat.Transactiontype = "Debit"; mat.FiscalYearId = Session["FiscalYear"].ToString(); mat.eDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DatePaid); } else if (Type.Contains("Client")) { mat.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Recieved, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mat.Debit = "0"; mat.Credit = CurrentAmountPaid; mat.CurrentTransaction = cs.GetIdByOrderId(Convert.ToInt32(OrderId)).ToString(); mat.Total = (AccountTotal + Convert.ToSingle(CurrentAmountPaid)).ToString(); mat.Transactiontype = "Credit"; mat.FiscalYearId = Session["FiscalYear"].ToString(); mat.eDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DatePaid); } else { return(-3); } if (cat.Save(mat) < 0) { return(-4); } if (cba.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), Convert.ToSingle(mat.Total)) < 0) { return(-5); } #endregion break; } case 2: { #region Cash Transaction mpl.ModeOfPayment = Common.Constants.ModeOfPayment.Cash.ToString(); mpl.Cheque = "-"; float AccountTotal = cha.ReturnTotalOfCashAccount(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId)); mht.CashAccountId = Convert.ToInt32(AccountId); if (Type.Contains("Vendor")) { mht.Credit = "0"; mht.Debit = CurrentAmountPaid; mht.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Paid, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mht.eDate = (DatePaid); mht.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FiscalYear"].ToString()); mht.OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(OrderId); mht.Total = totalCost; mht.TransactionId = -1; mht.TransactionType = "Debit"; mht.UserId = Session["User"].ToString(); mht.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); } else if (Type.Contains("Client")) { mht.Credit = CurrentAmountPaid; mht.Debit = "0"; mht.Description = "Payment Of Order Id[" + OrderId + "] Recieved, Amount [" + CurrentAmountPaid + "]"; mht.eDate = (DatePaid); mht.FiscalYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FiscalYear"].ToString()); mht.OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(OrderId); mht.Total = totalCost; mht.TransactionId = -1; mht.TransactionType = "Debit"; mht.UserId = Session["User"].ToString(); mht.WareHouseId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["WareHouse"].ToString()); } else { return(-3); } if (cht.Save(mht) < 0) { return(-4); } if (cha.SetNewAccountTotal(Convert.ToInt32(AccountId), Convert.ToSingle(mat.Total)) < 0) { return(-5); } #endregion break; } default: return(-1); } if (cpl.Save(mpl) < 0) { return(-2); } #endregion #region Accounts if (Convert.ToSingle(mp.Paid) > 0) { if (Type == "Vendor") { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.MerchandiseInventory).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.AccountsPayable).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); } else if (Type == "Client") { Classes.CJournal cj = new Classes.CJournal(); Models.MJournal mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.CostOfGoodsSold).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.MerchandiseInventory).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); cj = new Classes.CJournal(); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.AccountsRecievalbes).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Debit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); mj = new Models.MJournal(); mj.acc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Common.Constants.Accounts.ChartOfAccounts.Sales).ToString(); mj.amount = mp.Paid; mj.des = "Payment Recieved of Order id [" + OrderId + "]"; mj.e_date = (DatePaid); mj.type = Common.Constants.Accounts.Type.Credit.ToString(); cj.Save(mj); } } #endregion } lblSalesAmountRemaining.Text = AmountRemaining.ToString(); lblSalesAmountPaid.Text = (Convert.ToSingle(totalCost) - AmountRemaining).ToString(); return(1); }