private void Grant_Proposal_Grid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = from g in db.GrantProposals join d in db.Donors on g.DonorID equals d.DonorID select new GrantProposalGrid { GrantName = g.GrantName, OrganizationName = d.OrganizationName, SubmissionDueDate = g.SubmissionDueDate, GrantStatus = g.GrantStatus, GrantProposalID = g.GrantProposalID, DonorID = g.DonorID }; // ... Assign ItemsSource of DataGrid. var grid = sender as DataGrid; if (grid == null) { GrantProposals.ItemsSource = query.ToList(); } else { grid.ItemsSource = query.ToList(); } }
private void Create_Grant_Proposal(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (SubmissionDueDate.ToString() != "" && Organization.SelectedValue != null && GrantName != null && GrantName != "") { string organiz = Organization.SelectedValue.ToString(); DateTime datet = Convert.ToDateTime(SubmissionDueDate.ToString()); //MessageBox.Show(organiz + "\n" + datet + "\n" + GrantName + "\n" + "Status is Pending"); Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); int DonorID = (from d in db.Donors where d.OrganizationName == organiz select d.DonorID).Distinct().First(); Models.GrantProposal gp = new Models.GrantProposal(); gp.DonorID = DonorID; gp.GrantName = GrantName; gp.SubmissionDueDate = datet; gp.GrantStatus = "Pending"; db.GrantProposals.Add(gp); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Select a date"); } }
public EditGrantProposals(GrantProposalGrid p) { GrantName = p.GrantName; GrantProposalID = p.GrantProposalID; DonorID = p.DonorID; InitializeComponent(); IEnumerable <string> statusItems = new List <string>() { "Pending", "Accepted", "Not Accepted" }; combobox_Status.ItemsSource = statusItems; Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = (from o in db.Donors where o.DonorType == "Organization" || o.DonorType == "Government" orderby o.OrganizationName select o.OrganizationName).ToList(); combobox_Organization.ItemsSource = query; combobox_Status.Text = p.GrantStatus; combobox_Organization.Text = p.OrganizationName; text_GrantName.Focus(); }
private void Load_Contacts_Grid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = from c in db.DonorContacts where c.DonorID == DonorID select new DonorContactGrid { ContactFirstName = c.ContactFirstName, ContactLastName = c.ContactLastName, ContactPhone = c.ContactPhone, ContactEmail = c.ContactEmail, DonorID = c.DonorID, ContactID = c.ContactID }; var grid = sender as DataGrid; if (grid == null) { ContactsGrid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); } else { ContactsGrid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); } }
private void EditGrantProposal(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { int index; DataGrid dg = sender as DataGrid; if (dg.SelectedIndex != -1) { GrantProposalGrid p = (GrantProposalGrid)dg.SelectedItems[0]; // OR: Patient p = (Patient)dg.SelectedItem; if (p.GrantStatus == "Accepted") { index = 1; } else if (p.GrantStatus == "Not Accepted") { index = 2; } else { index = 0; } Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); EditGrantProposals dgp = new EditGrantProposals(p); dgp.ShowDialog(); dgp.text_GrantName.IsEnabled = false; if (index == 1 || index == 2) { dgp.combobox_Status.IsEnabled = false; } dgp.combobox_Status.SelectedIndex = index; } Refresh_Grant_Proposal(sender, e); }
private void Delete_InKind_Service(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Delete this In-Kind Service?", "Confirmation", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { try { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var inkindservice = (from p in db.In_Kind_Service where p.ServiceID == ServiceID select p).First(); var donation = (from d in db.Donations where d.DonationID == DonationID select d).First(); db.In_Kind_Service.Remove(inkindservice); db.Donations.Remove(donation); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong. Please try again."); } } }
private void InKindServiceGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = (from p in db.Donors join dc in db.DonorContacts on p.DonorID equals dc.DonorID join d in db.Donations on p.DonorID equals d.DonorID join ki in db.In_Kind_Service on d.DonationID equals ki.DonationID where (p.DonorType == "Anonymous" || p.DonorType == "Individual") && d.EventID == EventID select new InKindService { DonorID = p.DonorID, DonationID = d.DonationID, ServiceID = ki.ServiceID, DonorFirstName = dc.ContactFirstName, DonorLastName = dc.ContactLastName, StartDateTime = ki.StartDateTime, EndDateTime = ki.EndDateTime, RatePerHour = ki.RatePerHour, ServiceDescription = ki.ServiceDescription, Length = ki.ServiceLength, Value = ki.ServiceValue }); var grid = sender as DataGrid; grid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void Patient_Grid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = from patient in db.Patients join patienthouse in db.PatientHouseholds on patient.HouseholdID equals patienthouse.HouseholdID select new PatientGrid { PatientOQ = patient.PatientOQ, PatientID = patient.PatientID, FirstName = patient.PatientFirstName, LastName = patient.PatientLastName, Gender = patient.PatientGender, AgeGroup = patient.PatientAgeGroup, Ethnicity = patient.PatientEthnicity, Time = patient.NewClientIntakeHour, IsHead = patient.IsHead, RelationToHead = patient.RelationToHead }; // ... Assign ItemsSource of DataGrid. var grid = sender as DataGrid; Patients.AddRange(join1.ToList()); PatientGrid.ItemsSource = Patients; }
private void SessionsGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = from s in db.Staff join a in db.Appointments on s.StaffID equals a.StaffID join ex in db.Expenses on a.AppointmentID equals ex.AppointmentID join et in db.ExpenseTypes on ex.ExpenseTypeID equals et.ExpenseTypeID where ex.PatientID == PatientID select new SessionsGrid { StaffFirstName = s.StaffFirstName, StaffLastName = s.StaffLastName, AppointmentStart = a.AppointmentStartDate, AppointmentEnd = a.AppointmentEndDate, ExpenseDueDate = ex.ExpenseDueDate, ExpensePaidDate = ex.ExpensePaidDate, DonorBill = ex.DonorBill, PatientBill = ex.PatientBill, TotalExpense = ex.TotalExpenseAmount, ExpenseType = et.ExpenseType1, ExpenseDescription = et.ExpenseDescription }; // ... Assign ItemsSource of DataGrid. var grid = sender as DataGrid; grid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void Staff_DropDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = (from o in db.Staff select o.StaffFirstName + ", " + o.StaffLastName + ", " + o.StaffUserName).ToList(); var box = sender as ComboBox; box.ItemsSource = query; }
private void Organization_DropDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = (from o in db.Donors where o.DonorType == "Organization" orderby o.OrganizationName select o.OrganizationName).ToList(); var box = sender as ComboBox; box.ItemsSource = query; }
private void Grants_DropDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = (from o in db.GrantProposals where o.GrantStatus == "Accepted" select o.GrantName).ToList(); var box = sender as ComboBox; box.ItemsSource = query; }
private void Individual_DropDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = (from o in db.Donors join c in db.DonorContacts on o.DonorID equals c.DonorID where o.DonorType == "Individual" || o.DonorType == "Anonymous" orderby c.ContactLastName select c.ContactFirstName + ", " + c.ContactLastName + ", " + c.ContactPhone).ToList(); var box = sender as ComboBox; box.ItemsSource = query; }
private void Update_InKind_Service(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) != 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) != 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) == 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) - 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) == 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) - 12).ToString(); } DateTime help = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour), Convert.ToInt32(BeginMinute), 0); DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(EndHour), Convert.ToInt32(EndMinute), 0); decimal timeDiff = (decimal)(endDateTime - startDateTime).TotalHours; try { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var inkindservice = (from p in db.In_Kind_Service where p.ServiceID == ServiceID select p).FirstOrDefault(); inkindservice.ServiceDescription = ServiceDescription; inkindservice.RatePerHour = RatePerHour; inkindservice.StartDateTime = startDateTime; inkindservice.EndDateTime = endDateTime; inkindservice.ServiceValue = Math.Round(RatePerHour * timeDiff, 2); inkindservice.ServiceLength = (double)Math.Round(timeDiff, 2); var donation2 = (from d in db.Donations where d.DonationID == DonationID select d).FirstOrDefault(); donation2.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } }
private void Organization_DropDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = (from o in db.Donors where o.OrganizationName != null && o.OrganizationName != "" orderby o.OrganizationName select o.OrganizationName).ToList(); var box = sender as ComboBox; box.ItemsSource = query; }
private void Add_Event(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) != 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) != 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) == 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) - 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) == 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) - 12).ToString(); } try { DateTime help = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour), Convert.ToInt32(BeginMinute), 0); DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(EndHour), Convert.ToInt32(EndMinute), 0); decimal timeDiff = (decimal)(endDateTime - startDateTime).TotalHours; if (EventName != null && EventName != "" && timeDiff > 0) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); //MessageBox.Show(EventName + "\n" + EventDescription + "\n" + startDateTime + "\n" + endDateTime + "\n" + timeDiff ); Models.FundRaisingEvent event1 = new Models.FundRaisingEvent(); event1.EventStartDateTime = startDateTime; event1.EventEndDateTime = endDateTime; event1.EventName = EventName; event1.EventDescription = EventDescription; db.FundRaisingEvents.Add(event1); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } }
private void Add_Event(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) != 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) != 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) == 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) - 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) == 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) - 12).ToString(); } try { DateTime help = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour), Convert.ToInt32(BeginMinute), 0); DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(EndHour), Convert.ToInt32(EndMinute), 0); decimal timeDiff = (decimal)(endDateTime - startDateTime).TotalHours; if (EventName != null && EventName != "" && timeDiff > 0) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); //MessageBox.Show(EventName + "\n" + EventDescription + "\n" + startDateTime + "\n" + endDateTime + "\n" + timeDiff ); Models.FundRaisingEvent event1 = new Models.FundRaisingEvent(); event1.EventStartDateTime = startDateTime; event1.EventEndDateTime = endDateTime; event1.EventName = EventName; event1.EventDescription = EventDescription; db.FundRaisingEvents.Add(event1); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } }
/// <summary> /// This method logs you into the system /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Organization_DropDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<string> p = new List<string>() { "HAFB", "Weber", "Clearfield" }; Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = (from o in db.Donors where o.DonorType == "Organization" || o.DonorType == "Government" orderby o.OrganizationName select o.OrganizationName).ToList(); var box = sender as ComboBox; box.ItemsSource = query; }
/// <summary> /// This method logs you into the system /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Organization_DropDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <string> p = new List <string>() { "HAFB", "Weber", "Clearfield" }; Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = (from o in db.Donors where o.DonorType == "Organization" || o.DonorType == "Government" orderby o.OrganizationName select o.OrganizationName).ToList(); var box = sender as ComboBox; box.ItemsSource = query; }
private void Update_InKind_Item(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var inkinditem = (from p in db.In_Kind_Item where p.ItemID == ItemID select p).First(); inkinditem.ItemName = ItemName; inkinditem.ItemDescription = ItemDescription; var donation = (from d in db.Donations where d.DonationID == DonationID select d).First(); donation.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); }
private void InKindItemGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = (from p in db.Donors join dc in db.DonorContacts on p.DonorID equals dc.DonorID join d in db.Donations on p.DonorID equals d.DonorID join ki in db.In_Kind_Item on d.DonationID equals ki.DonationID where (p.DonorType == "Anonymous" || p.DonorType == "Individual") && d.EventID == EventID && d.EventID != null select new InKindItem { EventID = d.EventID, DonorID = p.DonorID, ItemID = ki.ItemID, DonationID = d.DonationID, ItemName = ki.ItemName, DonorFirstName = dc.ContactFirstName, DonorLastName = dc.ContactLastName, OrganizationName = "", DateRecieved = d.DonationDate, Description = ki.ItemDescription }).Union( from p in db.Donors join d in db.Donations on p.DonorID equals d.DonorID join ki in db.In_Kind_Item on d.DonationID equals ki.DonationID where (p.DonorType == "Organization" || p.DonorType == "Government") && d.EventID == EventID && d.EventID != null select new InKindItem { EventID = d.EventID, DonorID = p.DonorID, ItemID = ki.ItemID, DonationID = d.DonationID, ItemName = ki.ItemName, DonorFirstName = "", DonorLastName = "", OrganizationName = p.OrganizationName, DateRecieved = d.DonationDate, Description = ki.ItemDescription }); var grid = sender as DataGrid; grid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void Update_Donor(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var donor = (from p in db.Donors where p.DonorID == DonorID select p).First(); donor.DonorAddress1 = DonorAddress1; donor.DonorAddress2 = DonorAddress2; donor.DonorCity = DonorCity; donor.DonorState = DonorState; donor.DonorZip = DonorZip; donor.OrganizationName = OrganizationName; donor.DonorType = DonorType; int changes = db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); }
private void Donations_Grid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = from d in db.Donations where d.DonorID == DonorID select new DonationsGrid { DonationAmount = d.DonationAmount, DonationAmountRemaining = d.DonationAmountRemaining, DonationDate = d.DonationDate, DonorID = d.DonorID, DonationID = d.DonationID }; // ... Assign ItemsSource of DataGrid. var grid = sender as DataGrid; grid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void Delete_InKind_Item(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Delete this In-Kind Item?", "Confirmation", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var inkinditem = (from p in db.In_Kind_Item where p.ItemID == ItemID select p).First(); var donation = (from d in db.Donations where d.DonationID == DonationID select d).First(); db.In_Kind_Item.Remove(inkinditem); db.Donations.Remove(donation); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } }
private void MoneyDonation_DropDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var join2 = (from d in db.Donations join dn in db.Donors on d.DonorID equals dn.DonorID where (dn.DonorType == "Organization" || dn.DonorType == "Government" || dn.DonorType == "Insurance") select d.DonationID.ToString() + ", " + dn.OrganizationName + ", " + d.DonationAmountRemaining.ToString()).Union (from d in db.Donations join dn in db.Donors on d.DonorID equals dn.DonorID join c in db.DonorContacts on dn.DonorID equals c.DonorID where (dn.DonorType == "Anonymous" || dn.DonorType == "Individual") && d.GrantProposalID == null select d.DonationID + ", " + d.DonationAmountRemaining + ", " + c.ContactFirstName + ", " + c.ContactLastName).ToList(); //var query = (from d in db.Donations // where d.GrantProposalID == null // select d.DonationID.ToString() + d.DonationPurposes).ToList(); var box = sender as ComboBox; box.ItemsSource = join2; }
private void Continue(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); //Then its an organization if (OrgOrIndividual.IsChecked.Value && Organization.SelectedIndex != -1) { string Organiz = Organization.SelectedValue.ToString(); var donorID = (from d in db.Donors where d.OrganizationName == Organiz select d.DonorID).Distinct().First(); CreateMoneyDonation cmd = new CreateMoneyDonation(donorID, true, EventID); cmd.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } //then its an individual else if (Individual.SelectedIndex != -1) { string[] separators = new string[] { ", " }; string Indiv = Individual.SelectedValue.ToString(); string[] words = Indiv.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None); string FName = words[0]; string LName = words[1]; string FNumber = words[2]; var donorID = (from dc in db.DonorContacts join d in db.Donors on dc.DonorID equals d.DonorID where dc.ContactFirstName == FName && dc.ContactLastName == LName && dc.ContactPhone == FNumber && (d.DonorType == "Individual" || d.DonorType == "Anonymous") select dc.DonorID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); CreateMoneyDonation cmd = new CreateMoneyDonation(donorID, true, EventID); cmd.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Make sure to select an organization or an individual"); return; } }
private void Update_Grant_Proposal(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text_GrantName.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a name for the grant."); return; } if (combobox_Organization.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select an organization."); } string GrantStatus = combobox_Status.SelectedValue.ToString(); //MessageBox.Show(GrantStatus + "\n" + "\n" + GrantName + "\n" + OrganizationName); Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var grantproposal = (from p in db.GrantProposals where p.GrantProposalID == GrantProposalID select p).First(); grantproposal.GrantName = GrantName; if (combobox_Status.IsEnabled == true) { grantproposal.GrantStatus = GrantStatus; db.SaveChanges(); if (GrantStatus == "Accepted") { ///OPEN ANOTHER WINDOW TO ADD THIS PROPOSAL TO DONATION & PURPOSE TABLE AddNewGrant adg = new AddNewGrant(DonorID, GrantProposalID); adg.ShowDialog(); } this.Close(); } else { db.SaveChanges(); } }
public EditGrantProposals(GrantProposalGrid p) { GrantName = p.GrantName; GrantProposalID = p.GrantProposalID; DonorID = p.DonorID; InitializeComponent(); IEnumerable<string> statusItems = new List<string>() { "Pending", "Accepted", "Not Accepted" }; combobox_Status.ItemsSource = statusItems; Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var query = (from o in db.Donors where o.DonorType == "Organization" || o.DonorType == "Government" orderby o.OrganizationName select o.OrganizationName).ToList(); combobox_Organization.ItemsSource = query; combobox_Status.Text = p.GrantStatus; combobox_Organization.Text = p.OrganizationName; text_GrantName.Focus(); }
private void Delete_Donor(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Delete this Donor?" , "Confirmation", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var donorContact = (from p in db.DonorContacts where p.DonorID == DonorID select p); foreach(Models.DonorContact contact in donorContact) { db.DonorContacts.Remove(contact); } var donor = (from p in db.Donors where p.DonorID == DonorID select p).First(); db.Donors.Remove(donor); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } }
private void Delete_Donor(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Delete this Donor?", "Confirmation", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var donorContact = (from p in db.DonorContacts where p.DonorID == DonorID select p); foreach (Models.DonorContact contact in donorContact) { db.DonorContacts.Remove(contact); } var donor = (from p in db.Donors where p.DonorID == DonorID select p).First(); db.Donors.Remove(donor); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } }
private void Donations_Grid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = (from d in db.Donations join dr in db.Donors on d.DonorID equals dr.DonorID join dc in db.DonorContacts on dr.DonorID equals dc.DonorID where d.EventID == EventID && (dr.DonorType == "Anonymous" || dr.DonorType == "Individual") select new DonationsGrid { DonorFirstName = dc.ContactFirstName, DonorLastName = dc.ContactLastName, OrganizationName = "", DonationAmount = d.DonationAmount, DonationDate = d.DonationDate, DonorID = d.DonorID, DonationID = d.DonationID }).Union( from d in db.Donations join dr in db.Donors on d.DonorID equals dr.DonorID where d.EventID == EventID && (dr.DonorType == "Organization" || dr.DonorType == "Government") select new DonationsGrid { DonorFirstName = "", DonorLastName = "", OrganizationName = dr.OrganizationName, DonationAmount = d.DonationAmount, DonationDate = d.DonationDate, DonorID = d.DonorID, DonationID = d.DonationID }); // ... Assign ItemsSource of DataGrid. var grid = sender as DataGrid; grid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void Donations_Grid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = (from d in db.Donations where d.DonorID == DonorID select new DonationsGrid { DonationAmount = d.DonationAmount, DonationAmountRemaining = d.DonationAmountRemaining, DonationDate = d.DonationDate, PurposeName = (from p in db.Purposes join dp in db.DonationPurposes on p.PurposeID equals dp.PurposeID where dp.DonationID == d.DonationID select p.PurposeName).FirstOrDefault(), PurposeDescription = (from p in db.Purposes join dp in db.DonationPurposes on p.PurposeID equals dp.PurposeID where dp.DonationID == d.DonationID select p.PurposeDescription).FirstOrDefault(), DonorID = d.DonorID, DonationPurposeID = (from p in db.Purposes join dp in db.DonationPurposes on p.PurposeID equals dp.PurposeID where dp.DonationID == d.DonationID select dp.DonationPurposeID).FirstOrDefault(), PurposeID = (from p in db.Purposes join dp in db.DonationPurposes on p.PurposeID equals dp.PurposeID where dp.DonationID == d.DonationID select dp.PurposeID).FirstOrDefault(), DonationID = d.DonationID }).ToList(); // ... Assign ItemsSource of DataGrid. var grid = sender as DataGrid; grid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void Select_AppointmentType(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) != 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) != 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) == 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) - 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) == 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) - 12).ToString(); } DateTime help = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour), Convert.ToInt32(BeginMinute), 0); DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(EndHour), Convert.ToInt32(EndMinute), 0); DateTime expenseDueDate = startDateTime.AddDays(30); string[] separators = new string[] { ", " }; string staff = Staff.SelectedValue.ToString(); string cancellationType = "Not Cxl"; switch (CancellationType.SelectedIndex) { case 0: cancellationType = "Not Cxl"; break; case 1: cancellationType = "No Show"; break; case 2: cancellationType = "Late Cxl"; break; case 3: cancellationType = "Cxl"; break; default: cancellationType = "Not Cxl"; break; } Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); string[] words = staff.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None); string FName = words[0]; string LName = words[1]; string usertitle = words[2]; string username = words[3]; var staffID = (from dc in db.Staff where dc.StaffFirstName == FName && dc.StaffLastName == LName && dc.StaffUserName == username select dc.StaffID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); if (TotalGroup.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please add at least one client."); return; } if (TotalGroup.Count > 1 && (String)ApptType.SelectedItem == "Individual") { MessageBox.Show("Individual appointment may only have one client."); return; } //individual (1st option) (ExpenseTypeID = 1 in database) //group (3rd option) (ExpenseTypeID = 2 in database) if (ApptType.SelectedIndex == 0 || ApptType.SelectedIndex == 2) { if (ApptType.SelectedIndex == 0) { ExpenseTypeID = 1; } else { ExpenseTypeID = 2; } Models.Appointment a = new Models.Appointment(); a.StaffID = staffID; a.AppointmentStartDate = startDateTime; a.AppointmentEndDate = endDateTime; a.AppointmentCancelationType = cancellationType; db.Appointments.Add(a); db.SaveChanges(); foreach (var item in TotalGroup) { AddGroupSession ags = new AddGroupSession(ExpenseTypeID, item, staffID, expenseDueDate, startDateTime, endDateTime, a.AppointmentID); ags.ShowDialog(); ags.ExpensePaidDate.IsEnabled = false; ags.FN.IsEnabled = false; ags.LN.IsEnabled = false; ags.OQ.IsEnabled = false; ags.MoneyDonation.IsEnabled = true; ags.Grant.IsEnabled = false; } this.Close(); } //family (2nd option) (ExpenseTypeID = 3 in database) else if (ApptType.SelectedIndex == 1) { ExpenseTypeID = 3; foreach (var item in TotalGroup) { Models.Appointment a = new Models.Appointment(); a.StaffID = staffID; a.AppointmentStartDate = startDateTime; a.AppointmentEndDate = endDateTime; a.AppointmentCancelationType = cancellationType; db.Appointments.Add(a); db.SaveChanges(); AddGroupSession ags = new AddGroupSession(ExpenseTypeID, item, staffID, expenseDueDate, startDateTime, endDateTime, a.AppointmentID); ags.Show(); ags.ExpensePaidDate.IsEnabled = false; ags.FN.IsEnabled = false; ags.LN.IsEnabled = false; ags.OQ.IsEnabled = false; ags.MoneyDonation.IsEnabled = true; ags.Grant.IsEnabled = false; } this.Close(); } } catch { if (GroupGrid.Items.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select atleast one client prior to clicking on Select Appointment Type"); } else if (Staff.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a Therapist prior to clicking Select on Appointment Type"); } else if (DateRecieved.Text.Equals("") || DateRecieved == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a Date prior to clicking Select Appointment Type"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong. Please check the fields and try again."); } } }
private void Add_Expense(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); try { //Taking the money from a grant if (DonorDeduction.IsChecked.Value) { string grant = Grant.SelectedValue.ToString(); var grantproposalID = (from g in db.GrantProposals where g.GrantName == grant select g.GrantProposalID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); var grantDonation = (from d in db.Donations where d.GrantProposalID == grantproposalID select d).First(); if (grantDonation.DonationAmountRemaining >= DonorBill) { Models.Expense expense = new Models.Expense(); var donationID = (from d in db.Donations where d.GrantProposalID == grantproposalID select d.DonationID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); expense.DonationID = donationID; expense.ExpenseTypeID = ExpenseTypeID; expense.PatientID = Individual.PatientID; expense.AppointmentID = AppointmentID; expense.ExpenseDueDate = ExpenseDueDate; expense.DonorBill = DonorBill; expense.PatientBill = PatientBill; expense.TotalExpenseAmount = DonorBill + PatientBill; if (IsPaid.IsChecked.Value == true) { expense.ExpensePaidDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ExpensePaidDate.ToString()); } db.Expenses.Add(expense); db.SaveChanges(); grantDonation.DonationAmountRemaining = grantDonation.DonationAmountRemaining - DonorBill; db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("That grant does not have enough money."); } } //taking the money from a money donation. else { string[] separators = new string[] { ", " }; string Don = MoneyDonation.SelectedValue.ToString(); //MessageBox.Show(ItemName + "\n" + ItemDescription + "\n" + DateRecieved + "\n" + Indiv); string[] words = Don.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None); int donationID = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]); var donation = (from d in db.Donations where d.DonationID == donationID select d).First(); if (donation.DonationAmountRemaining >= DonorBill) { Models.Expense expense = new Models.Expense(); expense.ExpenseTypeID = ExpenseTypeID; expense.DonationID = donationID; expense.PatientID = Individual.PatientID; expense.AppointmentID = AppointmentID; expense.ExpenseDueDate = ExpenseDueDate; expense.DonorBill = DonorBill; expense.PatientBill = PatientBill; expense.TotalExpenseAmount = DonorBill + PatientBill; if (IsPaid.IsChecked.Value == true) { expense.ExpensePaidDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ExpensePaidDate.ToString()); } db.Expenses.Add(expense); db.SaveChanges(); var donor = (from d in db.Donors where d.DonorID == donation.DonorID select d).First(); if (donor.DonorType != "Insurance") { donation.DonationAmountRemaining = donation.DonationAmountRemaining - DonorBill; } db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("That donation does not have enough money."); } } } catch { //MessageBox.Show(DonorBill.ToString()); if (DonorBill == 0) { try { Models.Expense expense = new Models.Expense(); expense.ExpenseTypeID = ExpenseTypeID; expense.PatientID = Individual.PatientID; expense.AppointmentID = AppointmentID; expense.ExpenseDueDate = ExpenseDueDate; expense.DonorBill = DonorBill; expense.PatientBill = PatientBill; expense.TotalExpenseAmount = DonorBill + PatientBill; if (IsPaid.IsChecked.Value == true) { expense.ExpensePaidDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ExpensePaidDate.ToString()); } db.Expenses.Add(expense); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("Please make sure all fields are correct: " + exc); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Make sure to select a grant"); } } }
public UpdateSession(SessionsGrid sg) { try { Session = sg; // Initialize the variables and such staffFirstName = sg.StaffFirstName; staffLastName = sg.StaffLastName; clientFirstName = sg.ClientFirstName; clientLastName = sg.ClientLastName; appointmentStart = sg.AppointmentStart; appointmentEnd = sg.AppointmentEnd; expenseDueDate = sg.ExpenseDueDate; expensePaidDate = sg.ExpensePaidDate; donorBill = sg.DonorBill; patientBill = sg.PatientBill; totalExpense = sg.TotalExpense; expenseType = sg.ExpenseType; expenseDescription = sg.ExpenseDescription; expenseID = sg.ExpenseID; cancellationType = sg.CancellationType; oldDonorBill = donorBill; newDonorBill = donorBill; // Initialize the UI InitializeComponent(); // Disable the patient's first and last name fields FN.IsEnabled = false; LN.IsEnabled = false; // Select the appointment type ApptType.SelectedItem = sg.ExpenseType; // Fill out the information in the form FN.Text = sg.ClientFirstName; LN.Text = sg.ClientLastName; Copay.Text = Math.Round(sg.PatientBill, 2).ToString(); Deduction.Text = Math.Round(sg.DonorBill, 2).ToString(); Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); oldDonationID = (from d in db.Expenses where d.ExpenseID == expenseID select d.DonationID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); var oldDonation = (from d in db.Donations where d.DonationID == oldDonationID select d).FirstOrDefault(); // If there is a grant if (oldDonation != null) { if (oldDonation.GrantProposalID != null) { MoneyDonation.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; var oldGrantName = (from d in db.GrantProposals where d.GrantProposalID == oldDonation.GrantProposalID select d.GrantName).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); DonorDeduction.IsChecked = true; Grant.SelectedItem = oldGrantName; } // If it is a money donation else { // UI Updates for the money donation DonorDeduction.IsChecked = false; Grant.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; // Get the money donation var oldDonorType = (from d in db.Donors where d.DonorID == oldDonation.DonorID select d.DonorType).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); if (oldDonorType == "Organization" || oldDonorType == "Government") { MoneyDonation.SelectedItem = (from d in db.Donations join dn in db.Donors on d.DonorID equals dn.DonorID where d.DonationID == oldDonationID && dn.DonorID == oldDonation.DonorID select d.DonationID.ToString() + ", " + dn.OrganizationName + ", " + d.DonationAmountRemaining.ToString()).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); } else if (oldDonorType == "Anonymous" || oldDonorType == "Individual") { MoneyDonation.SelectedItem = (from d in db.Donations join dn in db.Donors on d.DonorID equals dn.DonorID join c in db.DonorContacts on dn.DonorID equals c.DonorID where d.DonationID == oldDonationID && dn.DonorID == oldDonation.DonorID select d.DonationID + ", " + d.DonationAmountRemaining + ", " + c.ContactFirstName + ", " + c.ContactLastName).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); } } } else { // Hide grant stuffz for consistency DonorDeduction.IsChecked = false; Grant.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } Staff.SelectedItem = (from o in db.Staff where o.StaffFirstName == staffFirstName && o.StaffLastName == staffLastName select o.StaffFirstName + " " + o.StaffLastName + ", " + o.StaffUserName).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); // If the patient's due is paid if (expensePaidDate != null) { IsPaid.IsChecked = true; ExpensePaidDate.IsEnabled = true; ExpensePaidDate.Text = sg.ExpensePaidDate.ToString(); } // Set the date stuff DateRecieved.Text = sg.AppointmentStart.ToString(); // Start Hour Stuff if (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour >= 12) { if (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour % 12 != 0) StartHour.Text = (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour - 12).ToString(); else StartHour.Text = sg.AppointmentStart.Hour.ToString(); AMPM_Start.SelectedItem = "PM"; } else { if (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour == 0) StartHour.Text = (sg.AppointmentStart.Hour + 12).ToString(); else StartHour.Text = sg.AppointmentStart.Hour.ToString(); AMPM_Start.SelectedItem = "AM"; } // End Hour Stuff if (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour >= 12) { if (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour % 12 != 0) End_Hour.Text = (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour - 12).ToString(); else End_Hour.Text = sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour.ToString(); AMPM_End.SelectedItem = "PM"; } else { if (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour == 0) End_Hour.Text = (sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour + 12).ToString(); else End_Hour.Text = sg.AppointmentEnd.Hour.ToString(); AMPM_End.SelectedItem = "AM"; } // Setting the minutes StartMinute.Text = DisplayMinuteConversion(sg.AppointmentStart.Minute.ToString()); End_Minute.Text = DisplayMinuteConversion(sg.AppointmentEnd.Minute.ToString()); // Setting the cancellation type switch (sg.CancellationType) { case "Not Cxl": CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "No Show": CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case "Late Cxl": CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 2; break; case "Cxl": CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 3; break; default: CancellationType.SelectedIndex = 0; break; } } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong, please try again."); } }
private void Update_Expense(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { //Database for use throughout Update_Expense Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); //Update Appointment Type //individual (1st option) (ExpenseTypeID = 1 in database) //group (3rd option) (ExpenseTypeID = 2 in database) int newExpenseTypeID = 0; switch (ApptType.SelectedIndex) { case 0: newExpenseTypeID = 1; break; case 1: newExpenseTypeID = 3; break; case 2: newExpenseTypeID = 2; break; } if ((Grant.SelectedValue != null && (bool)DonorDeduction.IsChecked) || (MoneyDonation.SelectedValue != null && !(bool)DonorDeduction.IsChecked)) { //Update Donor/Insurance Deduction newDonorBill = Decimal.Parse(Deduction.Text); //Update Client Copay in Update All //Update Grant/MoneyDonation and Donation var oldDonation = (from d in db.Donations where d.DonationID == oldDonationID select d).FirstOrDefault(); var newDonationQuery = (from d in db.Donations select d); var expense = (from exp in db.Expenses where exp.ExpenseID == Session.ExpenseID select exp).FirstOrDefault(); if ((bool)DonorDeduction.IsChecked) { string newGrant = Grant.SelectedValue.ToString(); var newGrantproposalID = (from g in db.GrantProposals where g.GrantName == newGrant select g.GrantProposalID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); newDonationQuery = newDonationQuery.Where(x => x.GrantProposalID == newGrantproposalID); } else { string[] monDonSeparators = new string[] { ", " }; string monDon = MoneyDonation.SelectedValue.ToString(); //MessageBox.Show(ItemName + "\n" + ItemDescription + "\n" + DateRecieved + "\n" + Indiv); string[] monDonWords = monDon.Split(monDonSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None); int newDonationID = Convert.ToInt32(monDonWords[0]); newDonationQuery = newDonationQuery.Where(x => x.DonationID == newDonationID); } var newDonation = newDonationQuery.FirstOrDefault(); // If the new donation is different, check to see if the amount is enough decimal amountRemaining = 0; if (newDonation.DonationID != oldDonation.DonationID) { amountRemaining = newDonation.DonationAmountRemaining; } else { amountRemaining = newDonation.DonationAmountRemaining + oldDonorBill; } if (amountRemaining < newDonorBill) { MessageBox.Show("That donation does not have enough money."); return; } oldDonation.DonationAmountRemaining += oldDonorBill; newDonation.DonationAmountRemaining -= newDonorBill; expense.DonationID = newDonation.DonationID; } //Update Therapist string[] therSeparators = new string[] { ", ", " " }; string staff = Staff.SelectedValue.ToString(); string[] therWords = staff.Split(therSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None); string FName = therWords[0]; string LName = therWords[1]; string username = therWords[2]; var newStaffID = (from dc in db.Staff where dc.StaffFirstName == FName && dc.StaffLastName == LName && dc.StaffUserName == username select dc.StaffID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); //Update PaidBill and Date is done when everything is updated //Update Appointment Time and Date BeginHour = StartHour.Text; EndHour = End_Hour.Text; BeginMinute = StartMinute.Text; EndMinute = End_Minute.Text; if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) != 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) != 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) == 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) - 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) == 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) - 12).ToString(); } DateTime help = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); DateTime newStartDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour), Convert.ToInt32(BeginMinute), 0); DateTime newEndDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(EndHour), Convert.ToInt32(EndMinute), 0); DateTime newExpenseDueDate = newStartDateTime.AddDays(30); //Update Cancellation Type string newCancellationType; switch (CancellationType.SelectedIndex) { case 0: newCancellationType = "Not Cxl"; break; case 1: newCancellationType = "No Show"; break; case 2: newCancellationType = "Late Cxl"; break; case 3: newCancellationType = "Cxl"; break; default: newCancellationType = "Not Cxl"; break; } //Update All Changes var newExpense = (from exp in db.Expenses where exp.ExpenseID == Session.ExpenseID select exp).First(); var newAppointmentID = newExpense.AppointmentID; newExpense.ExpenseTypeID = newExpenseTypeID; newExpense.ExpenseDueDate = newExpenseDueDate; decimal temp = 0; Decimal.TryParse(Copay.Text, out temp); newExpense.PatientBill = temp; decimal temp2 = 0; Decimal.TryParse(Deduction.Text, out temp2); newExpense.DonorBill = temp2; newExpense.TotalExpenseAmount = temp + temp2; if (IsPaid.IsChecked.Value == true) { newExpense.ExpensePaidDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ExpensePaidDate.ToString()); } else { newExpense.ExpensePaidDate = null; } var newAppointment = (from a in db.Appointments where a.AppointmentID == newAppointmentID select a).First(); newAppointment.StaffID = newStaffID; newAppointment.AppointmentStartDate = newStartDateTime; newAppointment.AppointmentEndDate = newEndDateTime; newAppointment.AppointmentCancelationType = newCancellationType; db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong. Please check the fields and try again."); } }
private void Add_InKind_Service(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) != 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) != 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) == 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) - 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) == 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) - 12).ToString(); } try { DateTime help = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour), Convert.ToInt32(BeginMinute), 0); DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(EndHour), Convert.ToInt32(EndMinute), 0); decimal timeDiff = (decimal)(endDateTime - startDateTime).TotalHours; if (ServiceDescription != null && ServiceDescription != "" && RatePerHour > 0 && timeDiff > 0 && Individual.SelectedIndex != -1) { string[] separators = new string[] { ", " }; string Indiv = Individual.SelectedValue.ToString(); Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); //MessageBox.Show(ServiceDescription + "\n" + RatePerHour + "\n" + startDateTime + "\n" + endDateTime + "\n" + timeDiff + "\n" + Indiv); string[] words = Indiv.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None); string FName = words[0]; string LName = words[1]; string FNumber = words[2]; var donorID = (from dc in db.DonorContacts join d in db.Donors on dc.DonorID equals d.DonorID where dc.ContactFirstName == FName && dc.ContactLastName == LName && dc.ContactPhone == FNumber && (d.DonorType == "Individual" || d.DonorType == "Anonymous") select dc.DonorID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); if (IsEvent) { Models.Donation donation = new Models.Donation(); donation.DonorID = donorID; donation.Restricted = false; donation.InKind = true; donation.DonationAmount = 0M; donation.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); donation.EventID = EventID; db.Donations.Add(donation); db.SaveChanges(); Models.In_Kind_Service inKind = new Models.In_Kind_Service(); inKind.DonationID = donation.DonationID; inKind.StartDateTime = startDateTime; inKind.EndDateTime = endDateTime; inKind.RatePerHour = RatePerHour; inKind.ServiceDescription = ServiceDescription; inKind.ServiceLength = (double)timeDiff; inKind.ServiceValue = RatePerHour * timeDiff; db.In_Kind_Service.Add(inKind); db.SaveChanges(); } else { Models.Donation donation = new Models.Donation(); donation.DonorID = donorID; donation.InKind = false; donation.Restricted = true; donation.DonationAmount = 0M; donation.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); db.Donations.Add(donation); db.SaveChanges(); Models.In_Kind_Service inKind = new Models.In_Kind_Service(); inKind.DonationID = donation.DonationID; inKind.StartDateTime = startDateTime; inKind.EndDateTime = endDateTime; inKind.RatePerHour = RatePerHour; inKind.ServiceDescription = ServiceDescription; inKind.ServiceLength = (double)timeDiff; inKind.ServiceValue = RatePerHour * timeDiff; db.In_Kind_Service.Add(inKind); db.SaveChanges(); } this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } }
private void Add_InKind_Item(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ItemName != null && ItemName != "" && ItemDescription != null && ItemDescription != "" && DateRecieved.ToString() != null && DateRecieved.ToString() != "") { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); //Then its an organization if (OrgOrIndividual.IsChecked.Value && Organization.SelectedIndex != -1) { string Organiz = Organization.SelectedValue.ToString(); //MessageBox.Show(ItemName + "\n" + ItemDescription + "\n" + DateRecieved + "\n" + Organiz + "\n" + "You got HERE"); var donorID = (from d in db.Donors where d.OrganizationName == Organiz select d.DonorID).Distinct().First(); //MessageBox.Show(donorID.ToString()); if (IsEvent) { Models.Donation donation = new Models.Donation(); donation.DonorID = donorID; donation.Restricted = false; donation.InKind = true; donation.DonationAmount = 0M; donation.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); donation.EventID = EventID; db.Donations.Add(donation); db.SaveChanges(); Models.In_Kind_Item inKind = new Models.In_Kind_Item(); inKind.DonationID = donation.DonationID; inKind.ItemName = ItemName; inKind.ItemDescription = ItemDescription; db.In_Kind_Item.Add(inKind); db.SaveChanges(); } else { Models.Donation donation = new Models.Donation(); donation.DonorID = donorID; donation.Restricted = false; donation.InKind = true; donation.DonationAmount = 0M; donation.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); db.Donations.Add(donation); db.SaveChanges(); Models.In_Kind_Item inKind = new Models.In_Kind_Item(); inKind.DonationID = donation.DonationID; inKind.ItemName = ItemName; inKind.ItemDescription = ItemDescription; db.In_Kind_Item.Add(inKind); db.SaveChanges(); } } //then its an individual else if (Individual.SelectedIndex != -1) { string[] separators = new string[] { ", " }; string Indiv = Individual.SelectedValue.ToString(); //MessageBox.Show(ItemName + "\n" + ItemDescription + "\n" + DateRecieved + "\n" + Indiv); string[] words = Indiv.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None); string FName = words[0]; string LName = words[1]; string FNumber = words[2]; var donorID = (from dc in db.DonorContacts join d in db.Donors on dc.DonorID equals d.DonorID where dc.ContactFirstName == FName && dc.ContactLastName == LName && dc.ContactPhone == FNumber && (d.DonorType == "Individual" || d.DonorType == "Anonymous") select dc.DonorID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); if (IsEvent) { Models.Donation donation = new Models.Donation(); donation.DonorID = donorID; donation.Restricted = false; donation.InKind = true; donation.DonationAmount = 0M; donation.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); donation.EventID = EventID; db.Donations.Add(donation); db.SaveChanges(); Models.In_Kind_Item inKind = new Models.In_Kind_Item(); inKind.DonationID = donation.DonationID; inKind.ItemName = ItemName; inKind.ItemDescription = ItemDescription; db.In_Kind_Item.Add(inKind); db.SaveChanges(); } else { Models.Donation donation = new Models.Donation(); donation.DonorID = donorID; donation.Restricted = false; donation.InKind = true; donation.DonationAmount = 0M; donation.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); db.Donations.Add(donation); db.SaveChanges(); Models.In_Kind_Item inKind = new Models.In_Kind_Item(); inKind.DonationID = donation.DonationID; inKind.ItemName = ItemName; inKind.ItemDescription = ItemDescription; db.In_Kind_Item.Add(inKind); db.SaveChanges(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Make sure to select an organization or an individual"); return; } this.Close(); } //add both patient and household else { MessageBox.Show("Make sure the data is correct."); } }
private void Add_Appointment(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) != 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) != 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) + 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_Start.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) == 12) { BeginHour = (Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour) - 12).ToString(); } if (AMPM_End.SelectedValue.ToString() == "AM" && Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) == 12) { EndHour = (Convert.ToInt32(EndHour) - 12).ToString(); } try { DateTime expenseDueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ExpenseDueDate.ToString()); DateTime help = Convert.ToDateTime(DateRecieved.ToString()); DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(BeginHour), Convert.ToInt32(BeginMinute), 0); DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(help.Year, help.Month, help.Day, Convert.ToInt32(EndHour), Convert.ToInt32(EndMinute), 0); string[] separators = new string[] { ", " }; string staff = Staff.SelectedValue.ToString(); string grant = Grant.SelectedValue.ToString(); Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); //MessageBox.Show(PatientBill + "\n" + DonorBill + "\n" + startDateTime + "\n" + endDateTime + "\n" + expenseDueDate + "\n" + staff, grant); string[] words = staff.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None); string FName = words[0]; string LName = words[1]; string username = words[2]; var staffID = (from dc in db.Staff where dc.StaffFirstName == FName && dc.StaffLastName == LName && dc.StaffUserName == username select dc.StaffID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); var grantproposalID = (from g in db.GrantProposals where g.GrantName == grant select g.GrantProposalID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); var donationID = (from d in db.Donations where d.GrantProposalID == grantproposalID select d.DonationID).Distinct().FirstOrDefault(); var donation = (from d in db.Donations where d.GrantProposalID == grantproposalID select d).First(); if (donation.DonationAmountRemaining >= DonorBill) { Models.Appointment a = new Models.Appointment(); a.StaffID = staffID; a.AppointmentStartDate = startDateTime; a.AppointmentEndDate = endDateTime; db.Appointments.Add(a); db.SaveChanges(); Models.Expense expense = new Models.Expense(); expense.ExpenseTypeID = 1; expense.DonationID = donationID; expense.PatientID = PatientID; expense.AppointmentID = a.AppointmentID; expense.ExpenseDueDate = expenseDueDate; expense.DonorBill = DonorBill; expense.PatientBill = PatientBill; expense.TotalExpenseAmount = DonorBill + PatientBill; if (ExpensePaidDate.IsEnabled == true) { expense.ExpensePaidDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ExpensePaidDate.ToString()); } db.Expenses.Add(expense); db.SaveChanges(); donation.DonationAmountRemaining = donation.DonationAmountRemaining - DonorBill; db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("This would result in a negative balance."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } }
private void CreateAccount(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.FCS_DBModel db = new Models.FCS_DBModel(); string Role = UserRole.SelectedValue.ToString(); string password = Password.Password.ToString(); string verifiedPW = VerifyPassword.Password.ToString(); string hashedPassword = PasswordHashing.GetHashString(password); int usernameVerify = (from uv in db.Staff where uv.StaffUserName == UserName select uv).Count(); if (Role == "No Access") { if (FirstName == null || FirstName == "" || LastName == null || LastName == "" || StaffTitle == null || StaffTitle == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } else { Models.Staff account = new Models.Staff(); account.StaffFirstName = FirstName; account.StaffLastName = LastName; account.StaffTitle = StaffTitle; account.StaffUserName = UserName; account.StaffPassword = hashedPassword; account.StaffDBRole = Role; db.Staff.Add(account); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } } else { if (password.Length < 5) { MessageBox.Show("Please pick a longer password (Minimum length of 5)"); } else if (password != verifiedPW) { MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match!"); } else if (UserName == null || UserName == "" || FirstName == null || FirstName == "" || LastName == null || LastName == "" || StaffTitle == null || StaffTitle == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered. A required field is missing."); } else if (UserName.Contains(" ")) { MessageBox.Show("User name cannot contain spaces"); } else if(usernameVerify != 0) { MessageBox.Show("That username selected is already taken"); } else { Models.Staff account = new Models.Staff(); account.StaffFirstName = FirstName; account.StaffLastName = LastName; account.StaffTitle = StaffTitle; account.StaffUserName = UserName; account.StaffPassword = hashedPassword; account.StaffDBRole = Role; db.Staff.Add(account); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } } }