public IActionResult ConfirmRegister([FromServices] AreaDbContext DB) { List <Models.ErrorLog> error = new List <Models.ErrorLog>(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Session.GetString("tmpCode"))) { ClientGmail client = new ClientGmail(); Random rnd = new Random(); string code = rnd.Next(1000, 9999).ToString(); HttpContext.Session.SetString("tmpCode", code); client.SendMail(HttpContext.Session.GetString("tmpEmail"), code); } else { Models.ErrorLog elem = new Models.ErrorLog(); elem.message = "Wrong code entered"; elem.enabl = true; HttpContext.Session.SetString("tmpCode", ""); error.Add(elem); } ViewData["ErrorConf"] = error; return(View()); }
public void GenerateLog(string msg) { Models.ErrorLog Errthrow = new Models.ErrorLog(); Errthrow.LogType = "Debug"; Errthrow.ErrorMessage = msg; Errthrow.LogCreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; Db.ErrorLogs.Add(Errthrow); Db.SaveChanges(); }
public void LogTime(string place, long time) { Models.ErrorLog Errthrow = new Models.ErrorLog(); Errthrow.LogType = "Debug"; Errthrow.ErrorMessage = time.ToString(); Errthrow.StackTrace = place; Errthrow.LogCreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; Db.ErrorLogs.Add(Errthrow); Db.SaveChanges(); }
public IActionResult Login([FromServices] AreaDbContext DB) { List <Models.ErrorLog> error = new List <Models.ErrorLog>(); Models.ErrorLog elem = new Models.ErrorLog(); elem.message = "Wrong User or Password"; elem.enabl = !(String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Session.GetString("username")) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Session.GetString("password"))); HttpContext.Session.SetString("username", ""); HttpContext.Session.SetString("passwd", ""); error.Add(elem); ViewData["ErrorLog"] = error; return(View()); }
public IActionResult Register([FromServices] AreaDbContext DB) { List <Models.ErrorLog> error = new List <Models.ErrorLog>(); Models.ErrorLog elem = new Models.ErrorLog(); elem.message = "Passwords don't match"; elem.enabl = !(HttpContext.Session.GetString("tmpPass") == HttpContext.Session.GetString("tmpConfirm")); HttpContext.Session.SetString("tmpConfirm", ""); HttpContext.Session.SetString("tmpPass", ""); error.Add(elem); ViewData["ErrorReg"] = error; return(View()); }
public static void LogError(PlaylistContext context, string source, string message, Visitor visitor) { try { Models.ErrorLog errorLog = new Models.ErrorLog(); errorLog.IdVisitorNavigation = visitor; errorLog.Message = message; errorLog.Source = source; context.ErrorLog.Add(errorLog); context.SaveChanges(); Mail.SendMail("Error", "Source:<br>" + source + "<br>Message:<br>" + message); } catch (Exception e) { Models.ErrorLog errorLog = new Models.ErrorLog(); errorLog.IdVisitorNavigation = visitor; errorLog.Message = e.ToString(); errorLog.Source = "ErrorLogger"; context.ErrorLog.Add(errorLog); context.SaveChanges(); Mail.SendMail("Critical Error", e.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Exception handling & Create the Error Logs to the Errorlog Table /// </summary> /// <param name="ex">Exception</param> /// <param name="UserId">UserId</param> /// using the multiple catch and show the custom Message related to the Exception /// <returns></returns> public ExceptionProcessing ErrorLog(Exception ex, string UserId) { ExceptionProcessing exceptionp = new ExceptionProcessing(); Models.ErrorLog Errthrow = new Models.ErrorLog(); if (ex is MissingMemberException || ex is NotSupportedException) { Errthrow.LogPriority = "Heigh"; exceptionp.Code = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; exceptionp.Message = "{\"Error_Code\": 101,\"Message\": \" System Not Respond.\"}"; } else if (ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException || ex is ArgumentNullException) { Errthrow.LogPriority = "Medium"; exceptionp.Code = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; exceptionp.Message = "{\"Error_Code\": 102,\"Message\": \" Invalid Input/output Format.\"}"; } else if (ex is BadImageFormatException || ex is XmlException || ex is JsonException || ex is InvalidCastException) { Errthrow.LogPriority = "Medium"; exceptionp.Code = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable; exceptionp.Message = "{\"Error_Code\": 103,\"Message\": \" Unable to Parse. \"}"; } else if (ex is IOException) { Errthrow.LogPriority = "Heigh"; exceptionp.Code = HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; exceptionp.Message = "{\"Error_Code\": 104,\"Message\": \" Unable to Perform IO Operation.\"}"; } else if (ex is SqlException) { Errthrow.LogPriority = "Heigh"; exceptionp.Code = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; exceptionp.Message = "{\"Error_Code\": 105,\"Message\": \"Unable to Perform DatatBase Operation.\"}"; } else if (ex is NullReferenceException) { Errthrow.LogPriority = "Heigh"; exceptionp.Code = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; exceptionp.Message = "{\"Error_Code\": 107,\"Message\": \"Nullable Value Exception.\"}"; } else if (ex is UnauthorizedAccessException) { Errthrow.LogPriority = "Heigh"; exceptionp.Code = HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; exceptionp.Message = "The User is unauthorized."; } else { Errthrow.LogPriority = "Medium"; exceptionp.Code = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; exceptionp.Message = "{\"Error_Code\": 108,\"Message\": \"Unhandled Exception.\"}"; } Errthrow.ErrorCode = ((int)exceptionp.Code).ToString(); Errthrow.LogUserId = UserId; Errthrow.LogType = "Error"; Errthrow.StackTrace = ex.StackTrace; Errthrow.InnerMessage = exceptionp.Message; Errthrow.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; Errthrow.ErrorSource = ex.Source; Errthrow.LogCreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; Db.ErrorLogs.Add(Errthrow); Db.SaveChanges(); return(exceptionp); }
public IActionResult RequestForm(string songRequest, string email, string bandName, string bandLocation, bool GDPRConsent) { Visitor visitor = null; try { //validify all input if (HttpContext.Session.GetString("captcha") != "verified" || String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Session.GetString("captcha"))) { return(BadRequest("Please verify that you are human")); } if (!Functions.Validify.IsValidEmail(email)) { return(BadRequest("Invalid email")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(songRequest) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(bandName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(bandLocation)) { return(BadRequest("Please fill up all form fields")); } if (!GDPRConsent) { return(BadRequest("You have to agree with our Privacy Policy")); } songRequest = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(songRequest); bandName = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bandName); _context.Database.EnsureCreated(); visitor = EntityFW.InitializeVisitor(_context, _accessor); //Log Functions.Log.LogActivity(_context, "Index", "Sending form", visitor); //Check if band exists if not, create one Band band = _context.Band.Where(v => v.BandName == bandName).FirstOrDefault() ?? new Band { BandName = bandName, BandLocation = bandLocation }; User user = _context.User.Where(v => v.Email == email).FirstOrDefault() ?? new User { Email = email, ConsentGdpr = GDPRConsent }; UserHasVisitor UHV = _context.UserHasVisitor.Where(v => v.UserIdUserNavigation == user && v.VisitorIdVisitorNavigation == visitor).FirstOrDefault(); if (UHV == null) { UHV = new UserHasVisitor { UserIdUserNavigation = user, VisitorIdVisitorNavigation = visitor }; _context.UserHasVisitor.Add(UHV); } BandHasUser BHU = _context.BandHasUser.Where(v => v.UserIdUserNavigation == user && v.BandIdBandNavigation == band).FirstOrDefault(); if (BHU == null) { BHU = new BandHasUser { UserIdUserNavigation = user, BandIdBandNavigation = band }; _context.BandHasUser.Add(BHU); } //Create new song request SongRequest newSongRequest = new SongRequest { SongRequest1 = songRequest, IdUserNavigation = user }; _context.SongRequest.Add(newSongRequest); string[] songs = EntityFW.GetSongs(songRequest); foreach (string song in songs) { if (song.Contains("") || song.Contains("")) { _context.Song.Add(new Song { SongUrl = song, IdSongRequestNavigation = newSongRequest, IdBandNavigation = band }); } else { Functions.Log.LogError(_context, "Index-Send - Form - Invalid song url", song, visitor); } } try { Functions.Mail.SendMail("New song request", stringBuilder.Append("Band: ").Append(bandName).Append(" - From: ").Append(bandLocation).Append(" - Email: ").Append(email).Append("<br>Message:<br>").Append(songRequest).ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Models.ErrorLog errorLog = new Models.ErrorLog(); errorLog.IdVisitorNavigation = visitor; errorLog.Message = e.Message; errorLog.Source = "Index-Send Form Email - " + e.Source; _context.ErrorLog.Add(errorLog); } _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok("Thank you!")); } catch (Exception e) { Functions.Log.LogError(_context, "Index-Send Form", e.ToString(), visitor ?? EntityFW.InitializeVisitor(_context, _accessor)); return(BadRequest()); } }
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) { Exception ex = filterContext.Exception; Exception innerEx = ex.InnerException == null ? ex : ex.InnerException; while (innerEx.InnerException != null) { innerEx = innerEx.InnerException; } var sessionModel = filterContext.HttpContext.Session[Keys.SessionKey] as MemberSessionVM; Guid logMemberId = default(Guid); var account = string.Empty; if (sessionModel != null) { logMemberId = sessionModel.MemberID; account = sessionModel.Account; } var logger = new Models.ErrorLog { LogID = Guid.NewGuid(), LogMemberID = logMemberId, LogTime = DateTime.Now, Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace, Source = ex.Source, TargetSite = ex.TargetSite.ToString(), HelpLink = ex.HelpLink, HResult = ex.HResult.ToString(), Account = account, ErrorUrl = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, View = false }; BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => StartLog(logger)); if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { filterContext.Result = new JsonResult() { Data = new JsonData <object>() { info = "应用程序异常,请联系管理员", status = "n", others = new { logger.Message, logger.Source } }, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }; } else { filterContext.Result = new ContentResult() { Content = "应用程序异常,请联系管理员,异常简要信息:" + logger.Message }; } filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true; base.OnException(filterContext); }