Пример #1
        private void BeginArmMovement(int timeForMovement, Model_Arm.ArmPosition newPosn)
            // Should only get here with a positive time and the _ArmTimer not running
            // Double check the arm and grip are not already moving
            if ((timeForMovement >= 0) &&
                (Model_Arm.ArmStatus.HALT == ArmStatus) &&
                (Model_Arm.GripStatus.HALT == GripStatus) &&
                (false == _ArmTimer.Enabled))
                // Set the Arm status to moving as we simulate the arm movement
                ArmStatus = Model_Arm.ArmStatus.MOVING;

                // Set the current arm position to unknown as we simulate that we cannot know where it is
                ArmPosition = Model_Arm.ArmPosition.UNKNOWN;

                // Do not change grip position
                FutureGripPosition = GripPosition;

                // Future arm position set
                FutureArmPosition = newPosn;

                _ArmTimer.Interval = timeForMovement;
                _ArmTimer.Enabled  = true;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when the grip movement has simulated and the appropriate time has elapsed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void _Griptimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            _GripTimer.Enabled = false;

            // Arm and Grip have finished movement
            ArmPosition  = FutureArmPosition;
            ArmStatus    = Model_Arm.ArmStatus.HALT;
            GripPosition = FutureGripPosition;
            GripStatus   = Model_Arm.GripStatus.HALT;

            // Clear future positions
            FutureArmPosition  = Model_Arm.ArmPosition.UNKNOWN;
            FutureGripPosition = Model_Arm.GripPosition.UNKNOWN;

            // Notify top level state machine of success
            if (Model_Arm.GripPosition.CLOSED == GripPosition)
                RaiseGripEventOnTopLevel(OnGripUpdateEvent, new object[] { this, true, VialIndex, GripPosition, Rack, string.Format("\nAt {0}: Grabbed Vial ID{1} from {2} rack", e.SignalTime, VialIndex, Rack) });
            if (Model_Arm.GripPosition.OPEN == GripPosition)
                RaiseGripEventOnTopLevel(OnGripUpdateEvent, new object[] { this, true, VialIndex, GripPosition, Rack, string.Format("\nAt {0}: Released Vial ID{1} to {2} rack", e.SignalTime, VialIndex, Rack) });
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when the arm movement has simulated and the appropriate time has elapsed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void _Armtimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            _ArmTimer.Enabled = false;

            // Arm and Grip have finished movement
            ArmPosition  = FutureArmPosition;
            ArmStatus    = Model_Arm.ArmStatus.HALT;
            GripPosition = FutureGripPosition;
            GripStatus   = Model_Arm.GripStatus.HALT;

            // Clear future positions
            FutureArmPosition  = Model_Arm.ArmPosition.UNKNOWN;
            FutureGripPosition = Model_Arm.GripPosition.UNKNOWN;

            // Notify top level state machine of success
            RaiseArmEventOnTopLevel(OnArmUpdateEvent, new object[] { this, true, string.Format("\nAt {0}: Arm is at {1}", e.SignalTime, ArmPosition) });
Пример #4
        private void BeginGripMovement(int timeForGripAction, int index, Model_Rack.RackPurpose rack, Model_Arm.GripPosition newPosn, Model_Arm.GripStatus newStatus)
            // Should only get here with a positive time and the _ArmTimer not running
            // Double check the arm and grip are not already moving
            if ((timeForGripAction >= 0) &&
                (Model_Arm.ArmStatus.HALT == ArmStatus) &&
                (Model_Arm.GripStatus.HALT == GripStatus) &&
                (false == _GripTimer.Enabled))
                // Set the grip status and next state
                GripPosition       = Model_Arm.GripPosition.UNKNOWN;
                GripStatus         = newStatus;
                FutureGripPosition = newPosn;
                VialIndex          = index;
                Rack = rack;

                // Do not overwrite arm position
                FutureArmPosition = ArmPosition;

                _GripTimer.Interval = timeForGripAction;
                _GripTimer.Enabled  = true;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Received then the grip has completed a movement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="proceed"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        private void Arm_OnGripUpdateEventReceived(ViewModel_Arm sender, bool proceed, int index, Model_Arm.GripPosition grip, Model_Rack.RackPurpose rack, string message)
            if (proceed)
                if (SimulationState.STAGE1_PICK_UP_INPUT_VIAL == _CurrentState)
                    // Belt and braces
                    if (Model_Rack.RackPurpose.INPUT == rack)
                        // Just picked up from input so set current input ID
                        _RefreshInput = false;

                if (SimulationState.STAGE6_PICK_UP_OUTPUT_VIAL == _CurrentState)
                    // Belt and braces
                    if (Model_Rack.RackPurpose.OUTPUT == rack)
                        // Just picked up from output so set current output ID

                if (SimulationState.STAGE10_PLACE_VIAL_AT_OUTPUT == _CurrentState)
                    // Belt and braces
                    if (Model_Rack.RackPurpose.OUTPUT == rack)
                        _OutputRack.SetCurrentID(index + 1);

            RaiseEventOnTopLevel(OnSimulationUpdateEvent, new object[] { this, message });