public void IndexAction() { Sales sales = ModelStorage.GetSales(); _view.Show(new string[] { $"Total sallary = {sales.GetTotalSallary()}", $"type 'view' to watch all saled books", $"type 'menu' to back to the menu" }); string command = Console.ReadLine(); Route nextController = _routes.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == command); redirect(nextController.Action, nextController.Controller, null); }
public void ViewBookAction(string book, IBookStorage catalog) { Book currentBook = catalog.GetByName(book); string[] viewString = { $"Book name:{currentBook.Name}", $"Book page:{currentBook.Pages}", $"Book Author:{currentBook.Author}", $"Book binding:{currentBook.Binding}", $"Book weight:{currentBook.Weight}", $"Book price:{currentBook.Price}", $"Book text:{currentBook.Text}", $"Book description:{currentBook.GetDescription()}" }; _view.Show(viewString); _view.Show(new string[] { "Type 'Delete' for deleting book", "Type 'sell', to sell the book", "Type 'find' to find info from text in the book", "Type 'back' to return back" }); string command = Console.ReadLine(); switch (command) { case "Delete": catalog.DeleteBook(currentBook); _view.Show("Current book was deleted, press Enter to return back"); break; case "find": _view.Show("Type word to search:"); string word = Console.ReadLine(); _view.Show(new string[] { currentBook.SearchInfo(word), "press Enter to return back" }); break; case "sell": Sales sales = ModelStorage.GetSales(); sales.AddBook(currentBook); catalog.DeleteBook(currentBook); _view.Show(new string[] { $"Book {currentBook.Name} was sold", "press Enter to return back" }); break; default: break; } Console.ReadLine(); Route nextController = _routes.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == "back"); redirect(nextController.Action, nextController.Controller, null); }
public void ViewAction() { Sales sales = ModelStorage.GetSales(); if (sales.GetBooks().Count != 0) { _view.Show("Following books was selled:"); foreach (Book book in sales.GetBooks()) { _view.Show(book.Name); } } else { _view.Show("None of the books was selled"); } _view.Show("type 'menu' to return on the menu"); string command = Console.ReadLine(); Route nextController = _routes.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == command); redirect(nextController.Action, nextController.Controller, null); }