public void Name(
            ValidationFailure validationFailure,
            ValidationException validationException,
            ModelStateDictionary modelState)
            "Given a VailidationFailure with property name 'PropertyName' and error 'Error message'"
            .Given(() => validationFailure = new ValidationFailure("PropertyName", "Error message"));

            "And a ValidationException constructed with the VailidationFailure"
            .And(() => validationException = new ValidationException(new[] { validationFailure }));

            "When converting the ValidationException to a ModelStateDictionary"
            .When(() => modelState = validationException.ToModelState());

            "Then the ModelStateDictionary should contain a model error for key 'PropertyName'"
            .Then(() => modelState.ContainsKey("PropertyName").Should().BeTrue());

            "And the model error should have an error message 'Error message'"
            .Then(() => modelState.ErrorMessageForKey("PropertyName").Should().Be("Error message"));