public void drawChartOfAccount() { treeView1.BeginUpdate(); treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); treeView1.Nodes.Add("Accounts"); using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var allacounts = db.accounts.ToList(); foreach (var item in allacounts) { if (item.ParentAccountID == null) { treeView1.Nodes[0].Nodes.Add(item.AccountName); } } treeView1.EndUpdate(); treeView1.BeginUpdate(); foreach (var item in allacounts) { if (item.ParentAccountID != null) { int? parentID = item.ParentAccountID; string parentAccountName = GetAccountName(parentID); TreeNode node = FindNode(treeView1.Nodes[0], parentAccountName); if (node != null) { node.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(item.AccountName)); } } } } treeView1.EndUpdate(); }
private void mmPaperToolStripMenuItem1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolStripMenuItem temp; // uncheck the old one //temp.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; temp = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender; // check the new one //temp.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { if (temp.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { var printertype = (from p in db.terminals where p.TerminalName == AppConfig.MacAddress select p).Single(); if (temp.Text == "60mm Paper") { printertype.PrinterType = 60; AppConfig.PrinterType = "60"; } else if (temp.Text == "80mm Paper") { printertype.PrinterType = 80; AppConfig.PrinterType = "80"; } db.SaveChanges(); mmPaperToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; } } }
public void refreshPurchaseInvoices() { var saleDS = new DataSet(); var itemsDataTable = new DataTable("PurchaseOrders"); itemsDataTable.Columns.Add("Pruchase Date"); itemsDataTable.Columns.Add("Pruchase Amount"); itemsDataTable.Columns.Add("Amount Paid"); itemsDataTable.Columns.Add("Pruchase Status"); itemsDataTable.Columns.Add("User Name"); using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = (from v in db.purchasesorders orderby v.PurchaseDate descending select v ).ToList(); foreach (var item in query) { itemsDataTable.Rows.Add(item.PurchaseDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), item.PurchaseAmount, item.AmountPaid, item.PurchaseStatus, item.UserName); } saleDS.Tables.Add(itemsDataTable); PurchaseInvoices.DataSource = saleDS; PurchaseInvoices.DataMember = "PurchaseOrders"; PurchaseInvoices.Refresh(); } }
public void getPrinterConfig() { using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var printertype = (from p in db.terminals where p.TerminalName == AppConfig.MacAddress select new { PrinterType = p.PrinterType }).SingleOrDefault(); if (printertype != null) { AppConfig.PrinterType = printertype.PrinterType.ToString(); if (AppConfig.PrinterType == "80") { mmPaperToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; mmPaperToolStripMenuItem1.Checked = false; } else if (AppConfig.PrinterType == "60") { mmPaperToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false; mmPaperToolStripMenuItem1.Checked = true; } } else { terminal ter = new terminal(); ter.StoreID = 1; ter.TerminalName = AppConfig.MacAddress; ter.PrinterType = 80; AppConfig.PrinterType = "80".ToString(); db.terminals.Add(ter); db.SaveChanges(); } } }
public void DBAction_LogoutUser() { using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { //code needs to be written here for user logoff } }
public void loadProducts() { using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = (from p in db.products select new { ProductName = p.ProductName }).ToList(); } }
public void loadCategories() { using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = (from c in db.categories select new { CategoryName = c.CategoryName }).ToList(); } }
public string getBusinessName() { using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = (from s in db.businesses select new { s.BusinessName }).SingleOrDefault(); if (query != null) { return(query.BusinessName); } else { return("Please set a business name."); } } }
public string GetBusinessSlogan() { using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = (from s in db.businesses select new { BusinessSlogan = s.Slogan }).SingleOrDefault(); if (query != null) { return(query.BusinessSlogan); } else { return("Please set a business slogan."); } } }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateLabel.Text = DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString(); using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { string applicationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); var query = (from b in db.businesses select new { ImageFile = b.BusLogoFileName }).SingleOrDefault(); string fileextension = Path.GetExtension(query.ImageFile); string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(applicationPath, "companylogo" + fileextension); AppConfig.imagefile = destFile; FileStream fs = new FileStream(destFile, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(fs); fs.Close(); } }
public void loadAccountsCombo() { using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = (from b in db.accounts select new { AccountName = b.AccountName }).ToList(); AccountNameCombo.Items.Clear(); int a = 0; foreach (var item in query) { //if (a == 0) //{ // comboBox1.Items.Add("None"); // comboBox1.Text = "None"; // comboBox2.Items.Add("None"); // comboBox2.Text = "None"; //} //a += 1; AccountNameCombo.Items.Add(item.AccountName); } } }
public void loadExistingAccounts() { ExistingAccounts.Items.Clear(); using (var db = new POSApplication.Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = db.accounts.ToList(); foreach (var item in query) { ExistingAccounts.Items.Add(item.AccountName); } } using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = (from b in db.accounts select new { AccountName = b.AccountName }).ToList(); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); comboBox2.Items.Clear(); comboBox3.Items.Clear(); int a = 0; foreach (var item in query) { if (a == 0) { comboBox1.Items.Add("None"); comboBox1.Text = "None"; comboBox2.Items.Add("None"); comboBox2.Text = "None"; } a += 1; comboBox1.Items.Add(item.AccountName); comboBox2.Items.Add(item.AccountName); comboBox3.Items.Add(item.AccountName); } } drawChartOfAccount(); }
public void showExistingBusinessInformation() { try { using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = (from d in db.businesses select new { BusinessName = d.BusinessName, BusLogoFile = d.BusLogoFileName, City = d.City, Country = d.Country, CurrencyCode = d.CurrencyCode, State = d.State, Address = d.Address, CellNumber = d.CellNumber, EmailAddress = d.EmailAddress, OfficeNumber = d.OfficeNumber, Slogan = d.Slogan }).SingleOrDefault(); if (query != null) { var d = new; BusinessNameField.Text = query.BusinessName; string str = Application.ExecutablePath; string applicationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); var dir = new DirectoryInfo(applicationPath); foreach (var file in dir.EnumerateFiles("companylogo.*")) { fileextension = file.Extension; } string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(applicationPath, "companylogo2" + fileextension); filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(applicationPath, "companylogo" + fileextension); //File.Delete(destFile); //File.Copy(filename, destFile, true); //File.Copy(System.IO.Path.Combine(applicationPath, "companylogo" + fileextension), System.IO.Path.Combine(applicationPath, "companylogo2" + fileextension), true); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(fs); fs.Close(); CityNameField.Text = query.City; CountryNameField.Text = query.Country; CurrencyNameList.Text = query.CurrencyCode; StateNameField.Text = query.State; AddressField.Text = query.Address; CellNumberField.Text = query.CellNumber; EmailAddressField.Text = query.EmailAddress; OfficeNumberField.Text = query.OfficeNumber; BusinessSloganField.Text = query.Slogan; //pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; } } } catch (Exception e) { } }
public int saveBusinessInformation() { string applicationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(applicationPath, "companylogo" + fileextension); string businessname = ""; string addressfield = ""; string citynamefield = ""; string statenamefield = ""; string countrynamefield = ""; string currencycodefield = ""; string cellnumber = ""; string officenumber = ""; string emailaddress = ""; string businessslogan = ""; if (filename.Length > 0 && ispicturechanged == true) { var dir = new DirectoryInfo(applicationPath); foreach (var file in dir.EnumerateFiles("companylogo.*")) { file.Delete(); } File.Copy(filename, destFile, true); Model.AppConfig.imagefile = destFile; if (BusinessSloganField.Text.Length > 0) { Model.AppConfig.businessSlogan = BusinessNameField.Text; } FileStream fs = new FileStream(Model.AppConfig.imagefile, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(fs); fs.Close(); } try { if (BusinessNameField.Text.Length > 0) { businessname = BusinessNameField.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter business name"); return(0); } if (AddressField.Text.Length > 0) { addressfield = AddressField.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter business address"); return(0); } if (CityNameField.Text.Length > 0) { citynamefield = CityNameField.Text; } if (StateNameField.Text.Length > 0) { statenamefield = StateNameField.Text; } if (CountryNameField.Text.Length > 0) { countrynamefield = CountryNameField.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter Country name"); return(0); } if (CurrencyNameList.GetItemText(CurrencyNameList.SelectedItem).Length > 0) { currencycodefield = CurrencyNameList.GetItemText(CurrencyNameList.SelectedItem).ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter Currency Code"); return(0); } if (CellNumberField.Text.Length > 0) { cellnumber = CellNumberField.Text; } if (OfficeNumberField.Text.Length > 0) { officenumber = OfficeNumberField.Text; } if (EmailAddressField.Text.Length > 0) { emailaddress = EmailAddressField.Text; } if (BusinessSloganField.Text.Length > 0) { businessslogan = BusinessSloganField.Text; } using (var db = new Model.posdbEntities()) { var query = (from d in db.businesses select new { BusinessID = d.BusinessID }).SingleOrDefault(); if (query == null) { var d = new; d.BusinessName = businessname; d.Address = addressfield; //string str = convertSlashes(filename); //d.BusLogoFileName = str; string str = "companylogo" + Path.GetExtension(filename); d.BusLogoFileName = str; d.City = citynamefield; d.Country = countrynamefield; d.CurrencyCode = currencycodefield; d.State = statenamefield; //pictureBox1.Image = null; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new Regex(@"^\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$"); Match match = regex.Match(emailaddress); if (match.Success) { d.EmailAddress = emailaddress; d.OfficeNumber = officenumber; d.CellNumber = cellnumber; d.Slogan = businessslogan; db.businesses.Add(d); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("New Business has been registered."); SuccessfulPictureChange(); return(1); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Email Address."); } } else { var original = db.businesses.Find(query.BusinessID); if (original != null) { original.BusinessID = query.BusinessID; original.BusinessName = businessname; original.Address = addressfield; //string str = convertSlashes(filename); //original.BusLogoFileName = str; string str = "companylogo" + Path.GetExtension(filename); original.BusLogoFileName = str; original.City = citynamefield; original.Country = countrynamefield; original.CurrencyCode = currencycodefield; original.State = statenamefield; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new Regex(@"^\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$"); Match match = regex.Match(emailaddress); if (match.Success) { original.EmailAddress = emailaddress; original.OfficeNumber = officenumber; original.CellNumber = cellnumber; original.Slogan = businessslogan; Model.AppConfig.businessSlogan = businessslogan; //pictureBox1.Image = null; db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Business Information has been updated."); SuccessfulPictureChange(); return(1); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Email Address."); } } } } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException e1) { MessageBox.Show(e1.Message); } return(0); }