/// <summary>
        /// This method will process and return Mocked Verification Response for EPC
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        /// <param name="loanInformation"></param>
        private JArray ProcessVerificationResponse(JObject response, JToken loanInformation)
            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - ProcessVerificationResponse - [STARTS]");

            JToken result       = response.SelectToken("$.result");
            string orderId      = "";
            var    random       = new System.Random();
            JToken tokenoptions = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options");
            // building payload for Partner API Create Response
            dynamic responsePayload = new JObject();
            dynamic orders          = new JArray();
            dynamic order           = null;

            //var orderDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
            var orderDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (tokenoptions != null)
                foreach (JProperty prop in tokenoptions)
                    string sProductName = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prop.Name) && _MockRequestHelper.IsValidProduct(prop.Name))
                        sProductName = _MockRequestHelper.GetProductDescription(prop.Name);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sProductName))
                        _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - ProductName is " + sProductName);

                        orderId = random.Next(10000, 80000).ToString();

                        OrderInformation orderInfo = new OrderInformation()
                            TransactionId   = _WebhookBody.meta != null ? _WebhookBody.meta.resourceId : string.Empty,
                            ProductName     = sProductName,
                            ProductCode     = prop.Name.ToString(),
                            OrderId         = orderId.ToString(),
                            OrderStatus     = response.SelectToken("$.status").ToString(),
                            LoanInformation = loanInformation

                        TransactionInformationCache.Instance.Add(orderInfo, true);

                        order               = new JObject();
                        order.id            = orderId.ToString();
                        order.orderDateTime = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm-ss:ff"); // result["orderDate"];
                        order.orderStatus   = response["status"];
                        order.orderMessage  = result["orderMessage"];
                        order.product       = sProductName;
                        order.documents     = new JArray();


            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - ProcessVerificationResponse - [ENDS]");

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will build the payload required for Creating Response in the Partner API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        /// <param name="loanInformation"></param>
        /// <param name="transactionId"></param>
        private void SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI(JObject response, JToken loanInformation, string transactionId)
            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - [STARTS]");

                if (response != null)
                    _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - Submitting Response to Partner API ");

                    if (response.SelectToken("$.result") != null && loanInformation != null)
                        JToken result          = response.SelectToken("$.result");;
                        JToken productName     = null;
                        JToken productId       = null;
                        JToken existingOrderId = null;
                        string orderId         = "";
                        var    random          = new System.Random();

                        // building payload for Partner API Create Response
                        dynamic responsePayload = new JObject();
                        dynamic orders          = new JArray();
                        dynamic order           = null;

                        //var orderDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
                        var orderDate = DateTime.Now;

                        // assuming the response is of type JToken
                        if (string.Compare(_AppSettings.IntegrationType, "Verification", true) == 0)
                            JToken tokenoptions = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options");

                            if (tokenoptions != null)
                                foreach (JProperty prop in tokenoptions)
                                    string sProductName = "";
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prop.Name) && _MockRequestHelper.IsValidProduct(prop.Name))
                                        sProductName = _MockRequestHelper.GetProductDescription(prop.Name);

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sProductName))
                                        _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - ProductName is " + sProductName);

                                        orderId = random.Next(10000, 80000).ToString();

                                        OrderInformation orderInfo = new OrderInformation()
                                            TransactionId   = transactionId,
                                            ProductName     = sProductName,
                                            ProductCode     = prop.Name.ToString(),
                                            OrderId         = orderId.ToString(),
                                            OrderStatus     = response.SelectToken("$.status").ToString(),
                                            LoanInformation = loanInformation

                                        TransactionInformationCache.Instance.Add(orderInfo, true);

                                        order               = new JObject();
                                        order.id            = orderId.ToString();
                                        order.orderDateTime = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm-ss:ff"); // result["orderDate"];
                                        order.orderStatus   = response["status"];
                                        order.orderMessage  = result["orderMessage"];
                                        order.product       = sProductName;
                                        order.documents     = new JArray();

                        else if (string.Compare(_AppSettings.IntegrationType, "DataDocs", true) == 0)
                            orderId = random.Next(10000, 80000).ToString();

                            // responsePayload = new JObject();
                            //responsePayload.orders = new JArray();
                            dynamic orderResponse = new JObject();
                            orderResponse.id            = orderId.ToString();
                            orderResponse.orderDateTime = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm-ss:ff"); // result["orderDate"];
                            orderResponse.orderStatus   = "Delivered";
                            orderResponse.message       = result["orderMessage"];
                            productName     = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options.productName");
                            productId       = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options.productId");
                            existingOrderId = loanInformation.SelectToken("$.product.options.existingOrderId");

                            // setting the order id to existingOrderId if the payload has it otherwise setting it to a random number
                            orderId = existingOrderId != null?existingOrderId.ToString() : random.Next(10000, 80000).ToString();

                            var orderInfo = new OrderInformation()
                                TransactionId = transactionId,
                                ProductName   = productName != null?productName.ToString() : string.Empty,
                                                    ProductCode = productId != null?productId.ToString() : string.Empty,
                                                                      OrderId = existingOrderId != null?existingOrderId.ToString() : orderId.ToString(), // adding existing order id if it exists in the response object,
                                                                                    OrderStatus     = response.SelectToken("$.status").ToString(),
                                                                                    LoanInformation = loanInformation

                            // Adding Transaction Information in the local In Memory cache. This would be implemented by the partner in their own way to track transactions and their order statuses

                            order               = new JObject();
                            order.id            = orderId.ToString();
                            order.orderDateTime = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm-ss:ff"); // result["orderDate"];
                            order.orderStatus   = response["status"];
                            order.orderMessage  = result["orderMessage"];
                            order.product       = productName;
                            order.documents     = new JArray();


                        _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - Order Date time is " + orderDate.ToString("o"));

                        responsePayload.orders = orders;

                        var responsePayloadString = Convert.ToString(responsePayload);

                        var partnerAPIWrapper = new PartnerAPIWrapper(this._AppSettings);

                        // This is the POST call to the Partner API (Create Response call) | partner/v1/transactions/{{transactionId}}/response
                        var isResponseCreated = partnerAPIWrapper.CreateResponse(responsePayloadString, transactionId);

                        if (isResponseCreated)
                            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - isResponseCreated flag is true");
                            TransactionStatusCache.Instance.Add(transactionId, response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _Logger.LogError("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - Exception - " + ex.Message);
                _Logger.LogError("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - StackTrace - " + ex.StackTrace);

            _Logger.LogInformation("[" + _ClassName + "] - SubmitAcknowledgementToPartnerAPI - [ENDS]");