public void ReloadOnChanged_GetTokenBeforeReload()
            // Arrange
            var tokenSource1 = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var tokenSource2 = new CancellationTokenSource();

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Cancel = tokenSource1;

            var configuration = new MockConfigurationRoot();

            configuration.OnReload = () => Assert.Equal(2, fileProvider.WatchCount);

            // Act-1
            configuration.ReloadOnChanged(fileProvider, "config.json");

            // Assert-1
            Assert.Equal(1, fileProvider.WatchCount);
            Assert.Equal(0, configuration.ReloadCount);

            // Act-2
            fileProvider.Cancel = tokenSource2;

            Assert.Equal(2, fileProvider.WatchCount);
            Assert.Equal(1, configuration.ReloadCount);
Пример #2
        public async Task IncludeWithTagParamShouldNotBeSetInTheParentTemplate()
            var source   = @"{% assign Partials = 'parent value' %}
{% include 'Partials' with 'included value' %}

Parent Content
{{ Partials }}";
            var expected = @"Partial Content
Partials: 'included value'
color: ''
shape: ''
Parent Content
parent value";

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("Partials.liquid", @"{{ 'Partial Content' }}
Partials: '{{ Partials }}'
color: '{{ color }}'
shape: '{{ shape }}'");

            FluidTemplate.TryParse(source, out var template, out var messages);
            var context = new TemplateContext
                FileProvider = fileProvider

            var result = await template.RenderAsync(context);

            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
Пример #3
        public async Task IncludeSatement_ShouldLoadPartial_IfThePartialsFolderExist()
            var expression = new LiteralExpression(new StringValue("_Partial.liquid"));
            var sw         = new StringWriter();

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("_Partial.liquid", @"{{ 'Partial Content' }}
Partials: '{{ Partials }}'
color: '{{ color }}'
shape: '{{ shape }}'");

            var context = new TemplateContext
                FileProvider = fileProvider
            var expectedResult = @"Partial Content
Partials: ''
color: ''
shape: ''";

            await new IncludeStatement(expression).WriteToAsync(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default, context);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, sw.ToString());
Пример #4
        public async Task IncludeSatement_WithTagParams_ShouldBeEvaluated()
            var pathExpression = new LiteralExpression(new StringValue("color"));
            var withExpression = new LiteralExpression(new StringValue("blue"));
            var sw             = new StringWriter();

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("color.liquid", @"{{ 'Partial Content' }}
Partials: '{{ Partials }}'
color: '{{ color }}'
shape: '{{ shape }}'");

            var context = new TemplateContext
                FileProvider = fileProvider
            var expectedResult = @"Partial Content
Partials: ''
color: 'blue'
shape: ''";

            await new IncludeStatement(pathExpression, with: withExpression).WriteToAsync(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default, context);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, sw.ToString());
Пример #5
        public async Task IncludeParamsShouldNotBeSetInTheParentTemplate()
            var source   = @"{% assign color = 'blue' %}
{% include 'Partials', color: 'red', shape: 'circle' %}

Parent Content
color: '{{ color }}'
shape: '{{ shape }}'";
            var expected = @"Partial Content
Partials: ''
color: 'red'
shape: 'circle'
Parent Content
color: 'blue'
shape: ''";

            FluidTemplate.TryParse(source, out var template, out var messages);

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("Partials.liquid", @"{{ 'Partial Content' }}
Partials: '{{ Partials }}'
color: '{{ color }}'
shape: '{{ shape }}'");

            var context = new TemplateContext
                FileProvider = fileProvider

            var result = await template.RenderAsync(context);

            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
Пример #6
        public async Task IncludeSatement_WithInlinevariableAssignment_ShouldBeEvaluated()
            var expression       = new LiteralExpression(new StringValue("_Partial.liquid"));
            var assignStatements = new List <AssignStatement>
                new AssignStatement("color", new LiteralExpression(new StringValue("blue"))),
                new AssignStatement("shape", new LiteralExpression(new StringValue("circle")))
            var sw = new StringWriter();

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("_Partial.liquid", @"{{ 'Partial Content' }}
Partials: '{{ Partials }}'
color: '{{ color }}'
shape: '{{ shape }}'");

            var context = new TemplateContext
                FileProvider = fileProvider
            var expectedResult = @"Partial Content
Partials: ''
color: 'blue'
shape: 'circle'";

            await new IncludeStatement(expression, assignStatements: assignStatements).WriteToAsync(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default, context);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, sw.ToString());
        public void ReloadOnChanged_GetTokenBeforeReload()
            // Arrange
            var tokenSource1 = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var tokenSource2 = new CancellationTokenSource();

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();
            fileProvider.Cancel = tokenSource1;

            var configuration = new MockConfigurationRoot();
            configuration.OnReload = () => Assert.Equal(2, fileProvider.WatchCount);

            // Act-1
            configuration.ReloadOnChanged(fileProvider, "config.json");

            // Assert-1
            Assert.Equal(1, fileProvider.WatchCount);
            Assert.Equal(0, configuration.ReloadCount);

            // Act-2
            fileProvider.Cancel = tokenSource2;

            Assert.Equal(2, fileProvider.WatchCount);
            Assert.Equal(1, configuration.ReloadCount);
Пример #8
        public void TestLibDdsNotAvailable()
            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();



        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the configuration source from a list of file names.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileNames">The list of file names.</param>
        /// <returns>A configuration source for testing purposes.</returns>
        private static XmlDictionarySectionConfigurationSource BuildConfigSource(string[] fileNames)
            MockFileProvider     fileProvider  = new MockFileProvider(new MockDirectoryContents(fileNames));
            ConfigurationBuilder configBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

            XmlDictionarySectionConfigurationSource source =
                new XmlDictionarySectionConfigurationSource(SECTION_NAME);

Пример #10
 public MockHostEnvironment(string root = @"C:\Testing\Test\", IFileSystem fileSystem = null)
     EnvironmentName = "Development";
     ApplicationName = "Test";
     FileSystem      = fileSystem ?? new MockFileSystem();
     ContentRootPath = root;
     ContentRootFileProvider = new MockFileProvider(ContentRootPath, FileSystem);
     WebRootPath             = Path.Combine(ContentRootPath, "wwwroot");
     WebRootFileProvider     = new MockFileProvider(WebRootPath, FileSystem);
Пример #11
        public void RenderTagCantUseDynamicName()
            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();
            var options      = new TemplateOptions()
                FileProvider = fileProvider, MemberAccessStrategy = UnsafeMemberAccessStrategy.Instance
            var context = new TemplateContext(options);
            var result  = _parser.TryParse("{% assign name = 'snippet' %}{% render name %}", out var template, out var error);

            Assert.Contains(ErrorMessages.ExpectedStringRender, error);
        public async Task IncludeSatement_ShouldLoadCorrectTemplate_IfTheMemberExpressionValueChanges()
            var expression = new MemberExpression(new IdentifierSegment("Firstname"));
            var sw         = new StringWriter();

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("_First.liquid", @"{{ 'Partial Content One' }}
Partials_One: '{{ Partials }}'
color_One: '{{ color }}'
shape_One: '{{ shape }}'");

            fileProvider.Add("_Second.liquid", @"{{ 'Partial Content Two' }}
Partials_Two: '{{ Partials }}'
color_Two: '{{ color }}'
shape_Two: '{{ shape }}'");

            var model = new Domain.Person {
                Firstname = "_First.liquid"

            var options = new TemplateOptions()
                FileProvider = fileProvider
            var context = new TemplateContext(model, options);
            var expectedResultFirstCall = @"Partial Content One
Partials_One: ''
color_One: ''
shape_One: ''";

            var expectedResultSecondCall = @"Partial Content Two
Partials_Two: ''
color_Two: ''
shape_Two: ''";

            var include = new IncludeStatement(_parser, expression);

            await include.WriteToAsync(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default, context);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResultFirstCall, sw.ToString());

            model.Firstname = "_Second.liquid";
            sw = new StringWriter();

            await include.WriteToAsync(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default, context);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResultSecondCall, sw.ToString());
Пример #13
        public void TestGetImageBytes_NoLibDDS()
            var ddsPath  = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Samples", "Resources", "Texture", "");
            var ddsBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(ddsPath);

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();


            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() =>
                LibDDS.GetImageBytesFromDds(ddsBytes, 0, 0, LibDDS.ConversionOptions.CodecType.CODEC_PNG);
Пример #14
        public async Task IncludeSatement_ShouldLimitRecursion()
            var sw = new StringWriter();

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("_Partial.liquid", @"{{ 'Partial Content' }} {% include _Partial.liquid %}");

            var context = new TemplateContext
                FileProvider = fileProvider

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() => new IncludeStatement("_Partial.liquid").WriteToAsync(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default, context).AsTask());
Пример #15
        public async Task IncludeSatement_ShouldLimitRecursion()
            var expression = new LiteralExpression(new StringValue("_Partial.liquid"));
            var sw         = new StringWriter();

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("_Partial.liquid", @"{{ 'Partial Content' }} {% include '_Partial' %}");

            var options = new TemplateOptions()
                FileProvider = fileProvider
            var context = new TemplateContext(options);

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() => new IncludeStatement(_parser, expression).WriteToAsync(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default, context).AsTask());
Пример #16
        public void Increment_Is_Isolated_Between_Renders()
            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("incr.liquid", "{% increment %}");

            var options = new TemplateOptions()
                FileProvider = fileProvider, MemberAccessStrategy = UnsafeMemberAccessStrategy.Instance
            var context = new TemplateContext(options);

            _parser.TryParse("{% increment %}{% increment %}{% render 'incr' %}", out var template, out var error);
            var result = template.Render(context);

            Assert.Equal("010", result);
Пример #17
        public void IncludeTag_With_Alias()
            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("product_alias.liquid", "Product: {{ product.title }} ");

            var options = new TemplateOptions()
                FileProvider = fileProvider, MemberAccessStrategy = UnsafeMemberAccessStrategy.Instance
            var context = new TemplateContext(options);

            context.SetValue("products", new[] { new { title = "Draft 151cm" }, new { title = "Element 155cm" } });
            _parser.TryParse("{% include 'product_alias' with products[0] as product %}", out var template);
            var result = template.Render(context);

            Assert.Equal("Product: Draft 151cm ", result);
Пример #18
        public void IncludeTag_Does_Inherit_Parent_Scope_Variables()
            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("snippet.liquid", "{{ outer_variable }}");

            var options = new TemplateOptions()
                FileProvider = fileProvider, MemberAccessStrategy = UnsafeMemberAccessStrategy.Instance
            var context = new TemplateContext(options);

            context.SetValue("product", new { title = "Draft 151cm" });
            _parser.TryParse("{% assign outer_variable = 'should be visible' %}{% include 'snippet' %}", out var template);
            var result = template.Render(context);

            Assert.Equal("should be visible", result);
Пример #19
        public void RenderTag_With_Default_Name()
            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("product.liquid", "Product: {{ product.title }} ");

            var options = new TemplateOptions()
                FileProvider = fileProvider, MemberAccessStrategy = UnsafeMemberAccessStrategy.Instance
            var context = new TemplateContext(options);

            context.SetValue("product", new { title = "Draft 151cm" });
            _parser.TryParse("{% render 'product' %}", out var template);
            var result = template.Render(context);

            Assert.Equal("Product: Draft 151cm ", result);
Пример #20
        public void RenderTag_For_Loop()
            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("product.liquid", "Product: {{ product.title }} {% if forloop.first %}first{% endif %} {% if forloop.last %}last{% endif %} index:{{ forloop.index }} ");

            var options = new TemplateOptions()
                FileProvider = fileProvider, MemberAccessStrategy = UnsafeMemberAccessStrategy.Instance
            var context = new TemplateContext(options);

            context.SetValue("products", new[] { new { title = "Draft 151cm" }, new { title = "Element 155cm" } });
            _parser.TryParse("{% render 'product' for products %}", out var template);

            var result = template.Render(context);

            Assert.Equal("Product: Draft 151cm first  index:1 Product: Element 155cm  last index:2 ", result);
Пример #21
        public void RenderTag_Inherits_Global_Scope_Variables()
            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();

            fileProvider.Add("snippet.liquid", "{{ global_variable }}");

            var options = new TemplateOptions()
                FileProvider = fileProvider, MemberAccessStrategy = UnsafeMemberAccessStrategy.Instance
            var context = new TemplateContext(options);

            options.Scope.SetValue("global_variable", new StringValue("global value"));
            context.SetValue("product", new { title = "Draft 151cm" });
            _parser.TryParse("{% render 'snippet' %}", out var template);
            var result = template.Render(context);

            Assert.Equal("global value", result);
Пример #22
        public void TestExtractWhileUnavailable()
            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider();



            var path = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Samples", "OodleLz", "Compressed_F2_Resource.bin");

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() =>
Пример #23
        public void IncludeTagsFlowTemplateType()
            var source   = "A {% include 'test.liquid' %} B";
            var include  = "{% more '2' | append: 'pack' %}";
            var expected = "A here is some more 2pack B";

            var fileProvider = new MockFileProvider()
                               .Add("test.liquid", include);

            var context = new TemplateContext()
                FileProvider = fileProvider

            var success = FluidTemplate2.TryParse(source, out var template);


            var result = template.Render(context);

            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
Пример #24
 public _AddDotenvFile_all_arguments_overload() : base()
     _MockProvider = new MockFileProvider(_ConfigBody);
     _Builder      = new ConfigurationBuilder();