public void when_processing_issue_other_links_then_updates_with_story_link_from_prefix() { var github = new Mock<IGitHubClient>(MockBehavior.Strict); var task = new Issue { Number = 1, Title = "[ui] Issue with story prefix", Body = "An issue with an existing issue #2 link", Labels = new[] { new Label { Name = "Task" } } }; github.SetupGet(repository, task); github.SetupGet(repository, new Issue { Number = 2, Labels = new List<Label>() }); github.SetupSearch(new Issue { Number = 3, Title = "[ui] Story" }); var linker = new AutoLink(github.Object); var update = new IssueUpdate(); var updated = linker.Process(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = repository, Sender = repository.Owner, }, update); Assert.True(updated); Assert.True(update.Body.Contains("#3")); }
public void when_processing_issue_then_does_not_link_to_closed_story() { var github = new Mock<IGitHubClient>(); var task = new Issue { Title = "[hook] Task about auto-linking to closed story", Labels = new[] { new Label { Name = "Task" } }, }; github.SetupGet(repository, task); github.SetupSearch(); var linker = new AutoLink(github.Object); var update = new IssueUpdate(); var updated = linker.Process(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = repository, Sender = repository.Owner, }, update); Assert.False(updated); }
public void when_processing_issue_without_link_then_automatically_links() { var github = new Mock<IGitHubClient>(); var story = new Issue { Title = "[hook] Auto-linking to stories", Labels = new[] { new Label { Name = "Story" } }, }; var task = new Issue { Title = "[hook] Task about auto-linking", Labels = new[] { new Label { Name = "Task" } }, }; github.SetupGet(repository, task); github.SetupSearch(story); var linker = new AutoLink(github.Object); var update = new IssueUpdate(); var updated = linker.Process(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = repository, Sender = new User { Login = "******" }, }, update); Assert.True(updated); Assert.True(update.Body.Contains("#" + story.Number)); }