Пример #1
        private async void Sign_in_ClickAsync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Take username and password and compare against azure database to validate the user
            var uName = usernameTxt.Text.ToString();
            var uPass = passwordBox.Password;

            userCollection = await azureUsersTable.ToCollectionAsync();

            var check = userCollection.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username.Equals(uName) && u.Password.Equals(uPass));

            if (check == null)
                var confirmation = new MessageDialog("Wrong username or password! Please try again.");
                confirmation.Title = "Wrong Input!";
                confirmation.Commands.Add(new UICommand {
                    Label = "Ok", Id = 0
                var choice = await confirmation.ShowAsync();
                UniqueUser.UniqueID = check.ID.ToString();
                //var confirmation = new MessageDialog("Match!" + ", " + UniqueUser.UniqueID + ", " + check.Username.ToString() + ", ");
                //confirmation.Commands.Add(new UICommand { Label = "Ok", Id = 0 });
                //var choice = await confirmation.ShowAsync();

        private async Task UsernameValidation()
            var uName = usernameTxt.Text;

            userCollection = await azureUsersTable.ToCollectionAsync();

            var check = userCollection.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username.Equals(uName));

            if (check == null)
                check = userCollection.FirstOrDefault();
                if (check.Username.ToString().Equals(uName))
                    var confirmation = new MessageDialog("Username '" + uName + "' is already in use! Please choose another username.");
                    confirmation.Title = "Wrong Input!";
                    confirmation.Commands.Add(new UICommand {
                        Label = "Ok", Id = 0
                    var choice = await confirmation.ShowAsync();

                    usernameTxt.BorderBrush = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Red);
                    // Declare DOB variable & collect relative selected box items
                    var dob = dobDay.SelectionBoxItem + "/" + dobMonth.SelectionBoxItem + "/" + dobYear.SelectionBoxItem;
                    // Upload data to Azure Cloud Database table
                    await UploadAsync(nameTxt.Text, surnameTxt.Text, dob, usernameTxt.Text, passwordBox.Password);

                    // Message box to thank for registration
                    InformationMessage(errorMessage4, errorTitle4);
            catch (Exception e)
                var confirmation = new MessageDialog("Unexpected Error!'" + check.Username.ToString());
                confirmation.Title = "Error!";
                confirmation.Commands.Add(new UICommand {
                    Label = "Ok", Id = 0
                var choice = await confirmation.ShowAsync();
Пример #3
        private async Task RefreshTodoItems()
            MobileServiceInvalidOperationException exception = null;

                items = await parameters.ToCollectionAsync();

                stats = await statistics.OrderBy <DateTime>(item => item.ValueDateTime).ToCollectionAsync();
            catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException e)
                exception = e;
            catch (HttpRequestException e)
                await new MessageDialog(String.Format("{0}\nService is not available", e.Message), "Error loading items").ShowAsync();

            if (exception != null)
                await new MessageDialog(exception.Message, "Error loading items").ShowAsync();
                currentHouseEntity.HouseEntity.Temperature = items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == "Temperature")?.Value;
                currentHouseEntity.HouseEntity.Humidity    = items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == "Humidity")?.Value;
                currentHouseEntity.HouseEntity.FanMode     = items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == "FanMode").Value;
                currentHouseEntity.HouseEntity.FanPower    = items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == "FanPower").Value;
                currentHouseEntity.HouseEntity.Door        = items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == "Door").Value;

                //List<StatisticsHTs> list = new List<StatisticsHTs>()
                //    new StatisticsHTs() {ValueDateTime = new DateTime(2017,12,20,12,0,0), Humidity = 80, Temperature = 24},
                //    new StatisticsHTs() {ValueDateTime = new DateTime(2017,12,20,12,2,0), Humidity = 82, Temperature = 24},
                //    new StatisticsHTs() {ValueDateTime = new DateTime(2017,12,20,12,4,0), Humidity = 90, Temperature = 25},
                //    new StatisticsHTs() {ValueDateTime = new DateTime(2017,12,20,12,6,0), Humidity = 99, Temperature = 25},
                //    new StatisticsHTs() {ValueDateTime = new DateTime(2017,12,20,12,8,0), Humidity = 99, Temperature = 25},
                //    new StatisticsHTs() {ValueDateTime = new DateTime(2017,12,20,12,10,0), Humidity = 91, Temperature = 26},
                //    new StatisticsHTs() {ValueDateTime = new DateTime(2017,12,20,12,12,0), Humidity = 77, Temperature = 26},
                //    new StatisticsHTs() {ValueDateTime = new DateTime(2017,12,20,12,14,0), Humidity = 64, Temperature = 24}
                currentHouseEntity.Statistics = stats.ToList();
        private async void EndMatchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (ConvertStringToInt(TeamOneScoreTextBlock.Text) != ConvertStringToInt(TeamTwoScoreTextBlock.Text))
                if (ConvertStringToInt(TeamOneScoreTextBlock.Text) > ConvertStringToInt(TeamTwoScoreTextBlock.Text))
                    tournamentTeams = await tournamentTeamsTable.Where(p => p.TeamId == TeamOneIdTextBlock.Text &&
                                                                       p.TournamentId == TournamentIdTextBlock.Text)

                    TournamentTeam tournamentTeam = tournamentTeams.FirstOrDefault();
                    tournamentTeam.TeamWins = tournamentTeam.TeamWins + 1;

                    await tournamentTeamsTable.UpdateAsync(tournamentTeam);
                else if (ConvertStringToInt(TeamOneScoreTextBlock.Text) < ConvertStringToInt(TeamTwoScoreTextBlock.Text))
                    tournamentTeams = await tournamentTeamsTable.Where(p => p.TeamId == TeamTwoIdTextBlock.Text &&
                                                                       p.TournamentId == TournamentIdTextBlock.Text)

                    TournamentTeam tournamentTeam = tournamentTeams.FirstOrDefault();
                    tournamentTeam.TeamWins = tournamentTeam.TeamWins + 1;

                    await tournamentTeamsTable.UpdateAsync(tournamentTeam);

                tournamentTeams = await tournamentTeamsTable.Where(p => p.TeamId == TeamOneIdTextBlock.Text &&
                                                                   p.TournamentId == TournamentIdTextBlock.Text)

                TournamentTeam tournamentTeamOne = tournamentTeams.FirstOrDefault();
                tournamentTeamOne.TeamPoints = tournamentTeamOne.TeamPoints + ConvertStringToInt(TeamOneScoreTextBlock.Text);
                await tournamentTeamsTable.UpdateAsync(tournamentTeamOne);

                tournamentTeams = await tournamentTeamsTable.Where(p => p.TeamId == TeamTwoIdTextBlock.Text &&
                                                                   p.TournamentId == TournamentIdTextBlock.Text)

                TournamentTeam tournamentTeamTwo = tournamentTeams.FirstOrDefault();
                tournamentTeamTwo.TeamPoints = tournamentTeamTwo.TeamPoints + ConvertStringToInt(TeamTwoScoreTextBlock.Text);
                await tournamentTeamsTable.UpdateAsync(tournamentTeamTwo);

                matches = await matchesTable.Where(p => p.Id == MatchIdTextBlock.Text).ToCollectionAsync();

                Game match = matches.First();
                match.Ended = true;
                await matchesTable.UpdateAsync(match);

                EndMatchButton.IsEnabled = false;
                await new MessageDialog("Nie może być remisu").ShowAsync();
Пример #5
        private async void signUpBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Admin admin = new Admin();

            admin.Username = email.Text;
            admin.Password = password.Password;

            MobileServiceCollection <Admin, Admin> items = await App.MobileService.GetTable <Admin>().Where(a => a.Username == admin.Username).ToCollectionAsync();

            admin = items.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Username == admin.Username);
            if (admin != null)
                ContentDialog dialog = new ContentDialog()
                    Title             = "Failed",
                    Content           = "Username already taken",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "OK"

                await dialog.ShowAsync();
                admin = new Admin();

                admin.Username = email.Text;
                admin.Password = password.Password;
                await App.MobileService.GetTable <Admin>().InsertAsync(admin);

                ContentDialog confirmDialog = new ContentDialog()
                    Title             = "Success",
                    Content           = "Registration Success",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "OK"

                var result = await confirmDialog.ShowAsync();

                if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary)
Пример #6
        private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            progressRing.IsActive = true;
            MobileServiceCollection <Admin, Admin> items = await App.MobileService.GetTable <Admin>()
                                                           .Where(a => a.Username == username.Text && a.Password == password.Password).ToCollectionAsync();

            Admin admin = items.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Username == username.Text && a.Password == password.Password);

            if (admin != null)
                App.Admin = admin;
                (Window.Current.Content as Frame).Navigate(typeof(ManagePage), admin);
                var dialog = new MessageDialog("Invalid username and password");
                username.Text     = "";
                password.Password = "";
                await dialog.ShowAsync();
            progressRing.IsActive = false;
Пример #7
        private async void changePassBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                if (currentPass.Password == App.Admin.Password && username.Text == App.Admin.Username && newPass.Password != string.Empty)
                    App.Admin.Password = newPass.Password;
                    await App.MobileService.GetTable <Admin>().UpdateAsync(App.Admin);

                    ContentDialog confirmDialog = new ContentDialog()
                        Title             = "Success",
                        Content           = "Password has been changed",
                        PrimaryButtonText = "Sign out"

                    await confirmDialog.ShowAsync();

                    (Window.Current.Content as Frame).Navigate(typeof(MainPage));
                    ContentDialog confirmDialog = new ContentDialog()
                        Title             = "Failed",
                        Content           = "Incorrect username and password",
                        PrimaryButtonText = "Ok"

                    await confirmDialog.ShowAsync();
                MobileServiceCollection <Admin, Admin> items = await App.MobileService.GetTable <Admin>().Where(a => a.Username == username.Text).ToCollectionAsync();

                App.Admin = items.FirstOrDefault();
                if ((App.Admin != null) && newPass.Password != string.Empty)
                    App.Admin.Password = newPass.Password;
                    await App.MobileService.GetTable <Admin>().UpdateAsync(App.Admin);

                    ContentDialog confirmDialog = new ContentDialog()
                        Title             = "Success",
                        Content           = "Password has been changed",
                        PrimaryButtonText = "Ok"

                    await confirmDialog.ShowAsync();

                    (Window.Current.Content as Frame).Navigate(typeof(MainPage));
                    ContentDialog confirmDialog = new ContentDialog()
                        Title             = "Failed",
                        Content           = "Incorrect username",
                        PrimaryButtonText = "Ok"

                    await confirmDialog.ShowAsync();