Пример #1
    public static List<MoCapAnimData> ImportAnimation( string path  )
        //float valueScale = 10;

        //Open File stream
        //StreamReader sr0 = new StreamReader(path);

        string[] fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
        //Define space as a delimiter
        char[] noDelimeter;
            noDelimeter = new char[] {','};
            noDelimeter = new char[] { };

        //Set up temporary storage variables
        Vector3 tempHead = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 tempTail = Vector3.zero;
        float tempX = 0;
        float tempY = 0;
        float tempZ = 0;

        float scaleFactor = 623f;
        //Vector3 upVector = ( 0, 1, 0);

        //Transform tempTransform = new Transform();
        MoCapAnimData tempData= new MoCapAnimData();
        Vector3 tempPosition = Vector3.zero;

        List<MoCapAnimData> mocapData = new List<MoCapAnimData>();

        //Read file until no more new lines
        //while (sr0.Peek() >= 0)
        float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        foreach(string line in fileLines)
            string numberLine;

                //numberLine = sr0.ReadLine();
            numberLine = line;

            string[] numberArray = numberLine.Split(noDelimeter);

            //Set first set of 3 numbers after frame number to Head Vector, converting from Z up to Unity Y up
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[2], out tempX);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[6], out tempY);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[4], out tempZ);

            float.TryParse(numberArray[1], out tempX);
            float.TryParse(numberArray[3], out tempY);
            float.TryParse(numberArray[2], out tempZ);

            tempHead = new Vector3 ( tempX, tempY, tempZ ) * scaleFactor;
            tempHead.z *= 2.4f;
            //Store the initial value as position
            tempPosition = tempHead;
            //print("Head Position : " + tempHead);

            //Set second set 3 numbers after frame number to Head Vector, , converting from Z up to Unity Y up
            //tempTail = new Vector3( Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[4]), Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[6]), Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[5]) );
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[10], out tempX);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[12], out tempY);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[8], out tempZ);
            float.TryParse(numberArray[5], out tempX);
            float.TryParse(numberArray[6], out tempY);
            float.TryParse(numberArray[4], out tempZ);

            //tempTail = new Vector3( tempX, tempY + 90, -tempZ);
            tempTail = new Vector3( -tempX, (-tempY + 90), -tempZ);
            //print("Tail Position: " + tempTail);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[0], out tempX);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[2], out tempY);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[1], out tempZ);

                tempHead = new Vector3 ( tempX, tempY, tempZ ) * scaleFactor;
                tempHead.z *= 2.4f;
                //Store the initial value as position
                tempPosition = tempHead;
                //print("Head Position : " + tempHead);

            //Set second set 3 numbers after frame number to Head Vector, , converting from Z up to Unity Y up
            //tempTail = new Vector3( Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[4]), Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[6]), Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[5]) );
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[10], out tempX);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[12], out tempY);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[8], out tempZ);
                float.TryParse("0", out tempX);
                float.TryParse("0", out tempY);
                float.TryParse("0", out tempZ);

                //tempTail = new Vector3( tempX, tempY + 90, -tempZ);
                tempTail = new Vector3( -tempX, (-tempY + 90), -tempZ);
                print("Tail Position: " + tempTail);

            /*float extraX;
            float extraY;
            float extraZ;
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[7], out extraX);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[9], out extraX);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[8], out extraX);
            /* Commenting out code to calculate orientation as data is now provided
            //Generate Vector Between the head and tail and Normalize to use for orientation calculation
            tempRotation = tempTail-tempHead;
            //print("Direction Vector " + tempRotation);
            //print("Normalized Orientation" + tempRotation);

            //Calculate Transform X Rotation using (Y,Z) -> (X,Y)
            //tempA = new Vector2( tempHead.y, tempHead.z );
            tempB = new Vector2( tempTail.y, tempTail.z);

            rotX = Vector2.Angle(new Vector2(0,1) , tempB);

            //Calculate Transform Y Rotation using (X,Z) -> (X,Y)
            //tempA.x = tempHead.x;
            //tempA.y = tempHead.y;

            tempB.x = tempTail.x;
            tempB.y = tempTail.z;

            rotY = Vector2.Angle(new Vector2(0,1), tempB);

            tempRotation.x = rotX;
            tempRotation.y = rotY;
            tempRotation.z = 0; 					//removing normalization error


            //print("Position : " + tempPosition + " Rotation: " + tempRotation);
            //tempTransform.position = tempPosition;
            //tempTransform.rotation = tempRotation;
            tempData.Position = tempPosition;
            //tempData.Rotation = tempRotation;	//commenting out orientation until it's calculated correctly

            // TODO TURN BACK ON

            tempData.Rotation = tempTail;
        float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        Debug.Log("Reading the file took: " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms");

        return mocapData;
Пример #2
    public static List <MoCapAnimData> ImportAnimation(string path)
        //float valueScale = 10;

        //Open File stream
        //StreamReader sr0 = new StreamReader(path);

        string[] fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
        //Define space as a delimiter
        char[] noDelimeter;
        if (path.Contains(".csv"))
            noDelimeter = new char[] { ',' }
            noDelimeter = new char[] { }

        //Set up temporary storage variables
        Vector3 tempHead = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 tempTail = Vector3.zero;
        float   tempX    = 0;
        float   tempY    = 0;
        float   tempZ    = 0;

        float scaleFactor = 623f;
        //Vector3 upVector = ( 0, 1, 0);

        //Transform tempTransform = new Transform();
        MoCapAnimData tempData     = new MoCapAnimData();
        Vector3       tempPosition = Vector3.zero;

        List <MoCapAnimData> mocapData = new List <MoCapAnimData>();

        //Read file until no more new lines
        //while (sr0.Peek() >= 0)
        float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        foreach (string line in fileLines)
            string numberLine;

            //numberLine = sr0.ReadLine();
            numberLine = line;

            string[] numberArray = numberLine.Split(noDelimeter);

            //Set first set of 3 numbers after frame number to Head Vector, converting from Z up to Unity Y up
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[2], out tempX);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[6], out tempY);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[4], out tempZ);

            if (!path.Contains(".csv"))
                float.TryParse(numberArray[1], out tempX);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[3], out tempY);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[2], out tempZ);

                tempHead    = new Vector3(tempX, tempY, tempZ) * scaleFactor;
                tempHead.z *= 2.4f;
                //Store the initial value as position
                tempPosition = tempHead;
                //print("Head Position : " + tempHead);

                //Set second set 3 numbers after frame number to Head Vector, , converting from Z up to Unity Y up
                //tempTail = new Vector3( Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[4]), Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[6]), Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[5]) );
                //float.TryParse(numberArray[10], out tempX);
                //float.TryParse(numberArray[12], out tempY);
                //float.TryParse(numberArray[8], out tempZ);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[5], out tempX);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[6], out tempY);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[4], out tempZ);

                //tempTail = new Vector3( tempX, tempY + 90, -tempZ);
                tempTail = new Vector3(-tempX, (-tempY + 90), -tempZ);
                //print("Tail Position: " + tempTail);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[0], out tempX);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[2], out tempY);
                float.TryParse(numberArray[1], out tempZ);

                tempHead    = new Vector3(tempX, tempY, tempZ) * scaleFactor;
                tempHead.z *= 2.4f;
                //Store the initial value as position
                tempPosition = tempHead;
                //print("Head Position : " + tempHead);

                //Set second set 3 numbers after frame number to Head Vector, , converting from Z up to Unity Y up
                //tempTail = new Vector3( Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[4]), Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[6]), Convert.ToFloat32(numberArray[5]) );
                //float.TryParse(numberArray[10], out tempX);
                //float.TryParse(numberArray[12], out tempY);
                //float.TryParse(numberArray[8], out tempZ);
                float.TryParse("0", out tempX);
                float.TryParse("0", out tempY);
                float.TryParse("0", out tempZ);

                //tempTail = new Vector3( tempX, tempY + 90, -tempZ);
                tempTail = new Vector3(-tempX, (-tempY + 90), -tempZ);
                print("Tail Position: " + tempTail);

            /*float extraX;
             * float extraY;
             * float extraZ;
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[7], out extraX);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[9], out extraX);
            //float.TryParse(numberArray[8], out extraX);

            /* Commenting out code to calculate orientation as data is now provided
             * //Generate Vector Between the head and tail and Normalize to use for orientation calculation
             * tempRotation = tempTail-tempHead;
             * //print("Direction Vector " + tempRotation);
             * //tempRotation.Normalize();
             * //print("Normalized Orientation" + tempRotation);
             * //Calculate Transform X Rotation using (Y,Z) -> (X,Y)
             * //tempA = new Vector2( tempHead.y, tempHead.z );
             * tempB = new Vector2( tempTail.y, tempTail.z);
             * rotX = Vector2.Angle(new Vector2(0,1) , tempB);
             * //Calculate Transform Y Rotation using (X,Z) -> (X,Y)
             * //tempA.x = tempHead.x;
             * //tempA.y = tempHead.y;
             * tempB.x = tempTail.x;
             * tempB.y = tempTail.z;
             * rotY = Vector2.Angle(new Vector2(0,1), tempB);
             * tempRotation.x = rotX;
             * tempRotation.y = rotY;
             * tempRotation.z = 0;                  //removing normalization error

            //print("Position : " + tempPosition + " Rotation: " + tempRotation);
            //tempTransform.position = tempPosition;
            //tempTransform.rotation = tempRotation;
            tempData.Position = tempPosition;
            //tempData.Rotation = tempRotation;	//commenting out orientation until it's calculated correctly

            // TODO TURN BACK ON

            tempData.Rotation = tempTail;
        float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        Debug.Log("Reading the file took: " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms");
