private int Ca(Mo a, Mo b) { if (a.d > b.d) { return(1); } else if (a.d < b.d) { return(-1); } else if (a.y > b.y) { return(1); } else if (a.y < b.y) { return(-1); } else if (a.x < b.x) { return(1); } else if (a.x > b.x) { return(-1); } else { return(0); } }
public OperationResult ActionGood(string usercode, string rescode, string card) { OperationResult operationResult = ActionGoodCheck(usercode, rescode, card); if (operationResult.ResultType == OperationResultType.Error) { return(operationResult); } Simulation lastSimulation = SimulationFormService.Simulations().SingleOrDefault(s => s.RCARD == card); Res res = (Res)ResFormService.FindEntity(rescode).AppendData; lastSimulation.OpCode = res.Op.OPCODE; lastSimulation.LACTION = "Good"; lastSimulation.ACTIONLIST = "Good"; lastSimulation.MUSER = usercode; int nowOp = Route2OpFormService.Route2Ops().SingleOrDefault(r => r.routeCode == lastSimulation.ROUTECODE && r.opCode == lastSimulation.OpCode).seq; Route2Op nextOp = Route2OpFormService.Route2Ops().Where(r => r.routeCode == lastSimulation.ROUTECODE && r.seq > nowOp).OrderByDescending(r => r.seq).FirstOrDefault(); //是最后一道工序 if (nextOp.opCode == res.Op.OPCODE) { lastSimulation.ISCOM = "1"; Mo mo = (Mo)MoFormService.FindEntity(lastSimulation.MOCODE).AppendData; mo.MOACTQTY += 1; SimulationReportFormService.AddEntity(new SimulationReport(lastSimulation)); } else { SimulationReportFormService.AddEntity(new SimulationReport(lastSimulation)); } operationResult.Message = card + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_CollectSuccess; return(operationResult); }
public Gs(int[][] a, int p) { int n = a.Length, q = 2; arr = new Mo[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i != p) { arr[i] = new Mo(Math.Atan2(a[i][1] - a[p][1], a[i][0] - a[p][0]) * 180 / Math.PI, i, a[i][0], a[i][1]); } } arr[p] = new Mo(-512, p, a[p][0], a[p][1]); Array.Sort(arr, Ca); li.Add(arr[0]); li.Add(arr[1]); while (q != n) { li.Add(arr[q]); q++; while (li.Count > 2 && (li[li.Count - 1].x - li[li.Count - 2].x) * (li[li.Count - 3].y - li[li.Count - 2].y) - (li[li.Count - 1].y - li[li.Count - 2].y) * (li[li.Count - 3].x - li[li.Count - 2].x) <= 0) { li.RemoveAt(li.Count - 2); } } }
public async Task <Mo> UpdateMo(Mo mo) { _context.Mo.Update(mo); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(mo); }
} // public void Ud(int q, long b) { q += m - 1 - f; if (dat[q] == du) { int z = q; dat[q] = new Mo(b, q - (m - 1 - f)); while (q > 0 && Compare(dat[z], dat[(q - 1) / 2])) { dat[(q - 1) / 2] = dat[z]; q = (q - 1) / 2; } } else { dat[q].d = du.d; dat[q] = new Mo(b, q - (m - 1 - f)); q = (q - 1) / 2; while (q >= 0) { Mo o = Compare(dat[2 * q + 1], dat[2 * q + 2])?dat[2 * q + 1]:dat[2 * q + 2]; if (dat[q] == o) { break; } dat[q] = o; q = (q - 1) / 2; } } }
public int CompareTo(object obj) { Mo <T> mymo = (Mo <T>)obj; if (mymo.n > n) { return(-1); } else if (mymo.n < n) { return(1); } else if (mymo.m > m) { return(-1); } else if (mymo.m < m) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
public void TestInc() { var mo = Mo.Inc("A", 10); var expected = new Document("$inc", new Document("A", 10)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
public void TestSet() { var mo = Mo.Set("A", 10); var expected = new Document("$set", new Document("A", 10)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
public void TestPopFirst() { var mo = Mo.PopFirst("A"); var expected = new Document("$pop", new Document("A", -1)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
public void TestUnset() { var mo = Mo.Unset("A"); var expected = new Document("$unset", new Document("A", 1)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
public void TestPush() { var mo = Mo.Push("A", 1); var expected = new Document("$push", new Document("A", 1)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
private bool AtDest(GridPos dest, Mo mo) { if (mo.gridPos.x == dest.x && mo.gridPos.y == dest.y) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void TestAddToSet() { var mo = Mo.AddToSet("A", 1); var expected = new Document("$addToSet", new Document("A", 1)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
private compassDir FindCompassDir(GridPos dest, Mo mo) { // calculate the angle and set limits within 30 degrees for each direction. Int64 deltaX = dest.x - mo.gridPos.x; Int64 deltaY = dest.y - mo.gridPos.y; Int64 angleInDegrees = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Atan2(deltaY, deltaX) * 180 / Math.PI); // now I have the angle in degrees... what direction is the triangle facing? if (angleInDegrees > 0) { if (angleInDegrees >= 0 && angleInDegrees <= 15) { return(compassDir.E); } else if (angleInDegrees >= 15 && angleInDegrees <= 60) { return(compassDir.SE); } else if (angleInDegrees >= 60 && angleInDegrees <= 105) { return(compassDir.S); } else if (angleInDegrees >= 105 && angleInDegrees <= 150) { return(compassDir.SW); } else if (angleInDegrees >= 150 && angleInDegrees <= 180) { return(compassDir.W); } } else { if (angleInDegrees <= 0 && angleInDegrees >= -15) { return(compassDir.E); } else if (angleInDegrees <= -15 && angleInDegrees >= -60) { return(compassDir.NE); } else if (angleInDegrees <= -60 && angleInDegrees >= -105) { return(compassDir.N); } else if (angleInDegrees <= -105 && angleInDegrees >= -150) { return(compassDir.NW); } else if (angleInDegrees <= -150 && angleInDegrees >= -180) { return(compassDir.W); } } return(compassDir.N); }
public void TestAddToSetArray() { var array = new object[] { 1, "C" }; var mo = Mo.AddToSet("A", array); var expected = new Document("$addToSet", new Document("A", new Document("$each", array))); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
public void TestUnsetArray() { var array = new[] { "A", "B" }; var mo = Mo.Unset(array); var expected = new Document("$unset", new Document("A", 1).Add("B", 1)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
public void TestPushAll() { var array = new object[] { 1, "C" }; var mo = Mo.PushAll("A", array); var expected = new Document("$pushAll", new Document("A", array)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
public void TestMultipleModifiers() { var mo = Mo.Inc("A", 1) & Mo.Inc("B", 2) & Mo.Set("C", 3); var expected = new Document("$inc", new Document("A", 1).Add("B", 2)) .Add("$set", new Document("C", 3)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, mo); }
private Mo Fdg(int a, int b, int k, int l, int r) { if (r < a || b < l) { return(du); } if (a <= l && r <= b) { return(dat[k]); } Mo p = Fdg(a, b, k * 2 + 1, l, (l + r) / 2); Mo q = Fdg(a, b, k * 2 + 2, (l + r + 1) / 2, r); return(Compare(p, q)?p:q); }
public void FindAndModifyIncOperatorWorks() { var collection = DB.GetCollection <Sequence>(); collection.Remove(new Document()); collection.Insert(new Sequence { Name = "test", Value = 1 }); var spec = new Document().Add("Name", "test"); var update = Mo.Inc("Value", 1); var document = collection.FindAndModify(update, spec, true); Assert.AreEqual(2, document.Value); }
public OperationResult FindSnCheck(string moString) { if (moString == null) { return(new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Error, Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_MoCanNotNull)); } OperationResult operationResult = MoFormService.FindEntity(moString); if (operationResult.ResultType == OperationResultType.Success) { Mo mo = (Mo)operationResult.AppendData; Item2SnCheck item2SnCheck = Item2SnCheckFormService.Item2SnChecks().SingleOrDefault(i => i.ITEMCODE == mo.ITEMCODE); operationResult.AppendData = item2SnCheck; } return(operationResult); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { listBox1.Items.Clear(); try { //string CPUtprt = 0; System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher MOS = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter "); foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject Mo in MOS.Get()) { //CPUtprt = Mo.GetPropertyValue("Status".ToString()); listBox1.Items.Add(Mo.GetPropertyValue("NetConnectionStatus".ToString())); } } catch (ManagementException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ошибка получения данных " + ex.Message); } }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Double CPUtprt = 0; System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher MOS = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\WMI", "SELECT * FROM MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature"); foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject Mo in MOS.Get()) { CPUtprt = Convert.ToDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Mo.GetPropertyValue("CurrentTemperature".ToString())) - 2732) / 10.0; cpb_CPUTemp.Text = string.Format("{0}°С", (int)CPUtprt); cpb_CPUTemp.SetValue((int)CPUtprt); break; } } catch (ManagementException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ошибка получения данных " + ex.Message); } }
public static void CancelPrintJobs() { try { ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PrintJob"); ManagementObjectCollection moc = mos.Get(); foreach (ManagementObject Mo in moc) { Mo.Delete(); Mo.Dispose(); } moc.Dispose(); mos.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public St(int f, int n, int mm) { this.f = f; n += f ^ 1; if (mm == 0) { du = new Mo(long.MinValue, -1); compare = CoMax; } else { du = new Mo(long.MaxValue, -1); compare = CoMin; } while (m < n) { m *= 2; } dat = new Mo[m + n - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < m + n - 1; i++) { dat[i] = du; } }
private bool CoMax(Mo x, Mo y) { return(x.d > y.d); }
private bool Compare(Mo x, Mo y) { return(x.d < y.d); } //
private bool CoMin(Mo x, Mo y) { return(x.d < y.d); }
public OperationResult CardGoMo(string moString, string lengthString, string prefixString, string card, string rescode, string usercode) { bool tbag = false; OperationResult operationResult = CardGoMoCheck(moString, lengthString, prefixString, card, rescode, usercode); if (operationResult.ResultType == OperationResultType.Error) { return(operationResult); } Mo mo = (Mo)MoFormService.FindEntity(moString).AppendData; Simulation nowSimulation = SimulationFormService.Simulations().SingleOrDefault(s => s.RCARD == card && s.MOCODE == mo.MoCode); SimulationReport simulationReport = new SimulationReport(); Item item = ItemFormService.Items().SingleOrDefault(i => i.ITEMCODE == mo.ITEMCODE); if (nowSimulation == null) { nowSimulation = new Simulation(); tbag = true; } MoRcard moRcard = new MoRcard(); //TBLSimulation nowSimulation.ROUTECODE = mo.Route.ROUTECODE; nowSimulation.OpCode = mo.Route.Ops.First().OPCODE; nowSimulation.LACTION = "GOMO"; nowSimulation.ACTIONLIST = ";GOMO;"; nowSimulation.RCARD = card; nowSimulation.TCARD = card; nowSimulation.TCARDSEQ = 1; nowSimulation.SCARD = card; nowSimulation.SCARDSEQ = 1; nowSimulation.MOCODE = mo.MoCode; nowSimulation.ITEMCODE = mo.ITEMCODE; nowSimulation.MODELCODE = item.Model.MODELCODE; nowSimulation.IDMERGERULE = mo.IDMERGERULE; nowSimulation.ISCOM = "0"; nowSimulation.RESCODE = rescode; nowSimulation.PRODUCTSTATUS = "GOOD"; nowSimulation.FROMOP = ""; nowSimulation.FROMROUTE = ""; nowSimulation.CARTONCODE = ""; nowSimulation.LOTNO = ""; nowSimulation.PALLETCODE = ""; nowSimulation.NGTIMES = 0; nowSimulation.ISHOLD = 0; nowSimulation.MOSEQ = mo.MOSEQ; nowSimulation.MUSER = usercode; //TBLSimulationReport simulationReport.ROUTECODE = mo.Route.ROUTECODE; simulationReport.OPCODE = mo.Route.Ops.First().OPCODE; simulationReport.LACTION = "GOMO"; simulationReport.ACTIONLIST = ";GOMO;"; simulationReport.RCARD = card; simulationReport.TCARD = card; simulationReport.TCARDSEQ = 1; simulationReport.SCARD = card; simulationReport.SCARDSEQ = 1; simulationReport.MOCODE = mo.MoCode; simulationReport.ITEMCODE = mo.ITEMCODE; simulationReport.MODELCODE = item.Model.MODELCODE; simulationReport.IDMERGERULE = mo.IDMERGERULE; simulationReport.ISCOM = "0"; simulationReport.RESCODE = rescode; simulationReport.PRODUCTSTATUS = "GOOD"; simulationReport.FROMOP = ""; simulationReport.FROMROUTE = ""; simulationReport.CARTONCODE = ""; simulationReport.LOTNO = ""; simulationReport.PALLETCODE = ""; simulationReport.NGTIMES = 0; simulationReport.ISHOLD = 0; simulationReport.MOSEQ = mo.MOSEQ; simulationReport.MUSER = usercode; //TBLONWIP //TBLMo mo.MOINPUTQTY = mo.MOINPUTQTY + 1; //TBLMoRcard moRcard.MoCode = mo.MoCode; moRcard.Seq = 1; moRcard.MoCardStart = card; moRcard.MoCardEnd = card; moRcard.Muser = usercode; moRcard.MoSeq = mo.MOSEQ; MoFormService.UpdateEntity(mo, false); SimulationReportFormService.AddEntity(simulationReport, false); MoRcardFormService.AddEntity(moRcard, false); if (tbag) { SimulationFormService.AddEntity(nowSimulation); } else { SimulationFormService.UpdateEntity(nowSimulation); } operationResult.ResultType = OperationResultType.Success; operationResult.Message = card + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_CollectSuccess; return(operationResult); }
public OperationResult CardGoMoCheck(string moString, string lengthString, string prefixString, string card, string rescode, string usercode) { GoMoModel model = new GoMoModel { MoString = moString, LengthString = lengthString, PrefixString = prefixString, Card = card, Rescode = rescode, Usercode = usercode }; Validator.ValidateObject(model, new ValidationContext(model)); OperationResult operationResult = new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Error); Mo mo = (Mo)MoFormService.FindEntity(moString).AppendData; if (mo == null) { operationResult.Message = moString + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_MoNotExit; return(operationResult); } if (!(mo.MOSTATUS == MoStatus.RELEASE || mo.MOSTATUS == MoStatus.OPEN)) { operationResult.Message = moString + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_MoStatusError; return(operationResult); } if (mo.Route == null) { operationResult.Message = moString + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_MoDontHaveRoute; return(operationResult); } MoRcard moRcard = MoRcardFormService.MoRcards().SingleOrDefault(r => r.MoCode == mo.MoCode && r.MoCardStart == card); if (moRcard != null) { operationResult.Message = card + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_SnHadInMo; return(operationResult); } if (mo.Route.Ops.First().Reses.SingleOrDefault(r => r.RESCODE == rescode) == null) { operationResult.Message = rescode + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_ResNotFirst; return(operationResult); } Simulation lastSimulation = SimulationFormService.Simulations().SingleOrDefault(r => r.MOCODE == mo.MoCode && r.RCARD == card); if (lastSimulation != null) { if (lastSimulation.ISCOM == "0") { operationResult.Message = card + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_SnIsRunning; return(operationResult); } } Item item = ItemFormService.Items().SingleOrDefault(i => i.ITEMCODE == mo.ITEMCODE); if (item.CHKITEMOP == null || item.CHKITEMOP.Trim().Length == 0) { operationResult.Message = Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_LotNotOp; return(operationResult); } if (mo.ISCONINPUT == 1) { if (mo.MOPLANQTY - mo.MOINPUTQTY + mo.OFFMOQTY - mo.IDMERGERULE <= 0) { operationResult.Message = mo.MoCode + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_MoEnough; return(operationResult); } } operationResult.ResultType = OperationResultType.Success; operationResult.Message = card + Properties.Resources.String_FrmGoodNGService_CheckSuccess; return(operationResult); }