Пример #1
        protected void btnGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <SS_Mnemonic> lstMnemonics = new List <SS_Mnemonic>();

            Mnemonic oMnemonic = new Mnemonic(0, dsn);
            Forecast oForecast = new Forecast(0, dsn);
            Users    oUser     = new Users(0, dsn);
            //Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn);

            StringBuilder strResult = new StringBuilder();
            StreamReader  theReader = new StreamReader(@"\\wsnww300a\outbound\mmscenters.txt");

            string[] theLines = theReader.ReadToEnd().Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            //Response.Write(theLines.Length + "<br/>");

            foreach (string theLine in theLines)
                string[] theFields = theLine.Split(new char[] { '~' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string   Code      = theFields[0];
                if (Code != "")
                    string Name      = theFields[1];
                    string ResRating = theFields[2];
                    string Status    = theFields[45];
                    string PM        = theFields[50];
                    string FM        = theFields[51];
                    string DM        = theFields[52];
                    string AppOwner  = "";
                    if (theFields.Length > 53)
                        AppOwner = theFields[53];
                    string ATL = "";
                    if (theFields.Length > 54)
                        ATL = theFields[54];
                    string CIO = "";
                    if (theFields.Length > 55)
                        CIO = theFields[55];

                     * if (Code == "CLV")
                     * {
                     *  Response.Write("Code = " + Code + "<br/>");
                     *  Response.Write("Name = " + Name + "<br/>");
                     *  Response.Write("ResRating = " + ResRating + "<br/>");
                     *  Response.Write("Status = " + Status + "<br/>");
                     *  Response.Write("PM = " + PM + "<br/>");                     // Application System Manager
                     *      Response.Write("FM = " + FM + "<br/>");                     // System Director
                     *  Response.Write("DM = " + DM + "<br/>");                     // Department Manager
                     *  Response.Write("AppOwner = " + AppOwner + "<br/>");         // Application Owner
                     *  Response.Write("ATL = " + ATL + "<br/>");                   // Application Technical Lead
                     *      Response.Write("CIO = " + CIO + "<br/>");                   // Chief Information Officer
                     *  break;
                     * }

                    int intMnemonic = GetMnemonic(Code);
                    if (intMnemonic > 0)
                        DataSet dsA = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(dsn, CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM cv_forecast_answers WHERE mnemonicid = " + intMnemonic.ToString() + " AND deleted = 0");
                        foreach (DataRow drA in dsA.Tables[0].Rows)
                            int intID = Int32.Parse(drA["id"].ToString());

                            bool boolDM = InList(lstMnemonics, Code, "appcontact");
                            if (boolDM == false)
                                lstMnemonics.Add(new SS_Mnemonic(Code, "appcontact"));
                                int intDM_N = GetUser(DM);
                                int intDM_O = 0;
                                Int32.TryParse(drA["appcontact"].ToString(), out intDM_O);
                                if (intDM_N > 0 && intDM_N != intDM_O)
                                    strResult.AppendLine(Code + " - updating Department Manager (appcontact) ... " + (intDM_O > 0 ? oUser.GetFullName(intDM_O) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intDM_O) + ")" : "NULL") + " ... to ... " + oUser.GetFullName(intDM_N) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intDM_N) + ")");
                                    if (chkUpdate.Checked)
                                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(dsn, CommandType.Text, "UPDATE cv_forecast_answers SET appcontact = " + intDM_N.ToString() + " WHERE id = " + intID.ToString());

                            bool boolATL = InList(lstMnemonics, Code, "admin1");
                            if (boolATL == false)
                                lstMnemonics.Add(new SS_Mnemonic(Code, "admin1"));
                                int intATL_N = GetUser(ATL);
                                int intATL_O = 0;
                                Int32.TryParse(drA["admin1"].ToString(), out intATL_O);
                                if (intATL_N > 0 && intATL_N != intATL_O)
                                    strResult.AppendLine(Code + " - updating Application Technical Lead (admin1) ... " + (intATL_O > 0 ? oUser.GetFullName(intATL_O) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intATL_O) + ")" : "NULL") + " ... to ... " + oUser.GetFullName(intATL_N) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intATL_N) + ")");
                                    if (chkUpdate.Checked)
                                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(dsn, CommandType.Text, "UPDATE cv_forecast_answers SET admin1 = " + intATL_N.ToString() + " WHERE id = " + intID.ToString());

                            bool boolAppOwner = InList(lstMnemonics, Code, "appowner");
                            if (boolAppOwner == false)
                                lstMnemonics.Add(new SS_Mnemonic(Code, "appowner"));
                                int intAppOwner_N = GetUser(AppOwner);
                                int intAppOwner_O = 0;
                                Int32.TryParse(drA["appowner"].ToString(), out intAppOwner_O);
                                if (intAppOwner_N > 0 && intAppOwner_N != intAppOwner_O)
                                    strResult.AppendLine(Code + " - updating Application Owner (appowner) ... " + (intAppOwner_O > 0 ? oUser.GetFullName(intAppOwner_O) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intAppOwner_O) + ")" : "NULL") + " ... to ... " + oUser.GetFullName(intAppOwner_N) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intAppOwner_N) + ")");
                                    if (chkUpdate.Checked)
                                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(dsn, CommandType.Text, "UPDATE cv_forecast_answers SET appowner = " + intAppOwner_N.ToString() + " WHERE id = " + intID.ToString());

                            bool boolPM = InList(lstMnemonics, Code, "admin2");
                            if (boolPM == false)
                                lstMnemonics.Add(new SS_Mnemonic(Code, "admin2"));
                                int intPM_N = GetUser(PM);
                                int intPM_O = 0;
                                Int32.TryParse(drA["admin2"].ToString(), out intPM_O);
                                if (intPM_N > 0 && intPM_N != intPM_O)
                                    strResult.AppendLine(Code + " - updating Application System Manager (admin2) ... " + (intPM_O > 0 ? oUser.GetFullName(intPM_O) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intPM_O) + ")" : "NULL") + " ... to ... " + oUser.GetFullName(intPM_N) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intPM_N) + ")");
                                    if (chkUpdate.Checked)
                                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(dsn, CommandType.Text, "UPDATE cv_forecast_answers SET admin2 = " + intPM_N.ToString() + " WHERE id = " + intID.ToString());

                            if (chkOne.Checked && strResult.ToString() != "")

                            if (boolDM && boolATL && boolAppOwner && boolPM)
                        if (chkOne.Checked && strResult.ToString() != "")


            if (chkUpdate.Checked)

            Response.Write(strResult.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>"));