public void Launch(Vector3 basicVelocity, Vector3 addForce) { this.transform.SetParent(null); m_Rigidbody.useGravity = false; m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = false; m_Rigidbody.velocity = basicVelocity; m_Rigidbody.AddForce(addForce); //生成导弹拖尾 GameObject trailGameobject = trailEffectInfo.effectPool.SpawnGameObjectPoolItem(trailMountPoint.position, trailMountPoint.rotation); m_TrailHandler = trailGameobject.GetComponent <MissileTrail>(); m_TrailHandler.Attach(trailMountPoint); m_AudioSource.enabled = true; m_Timer = Time.time; m_LastDetectPointPos = detectPoint.position - detectPoint.forward * detectExtendDistance; }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { for (int i = 0; i < collisionDetect_IgnoreLayers.Length; i++) { string layerName = collisionDetect_IgnoreLayers[i]; int layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(layerName); if (collision.transform.gameObject.layer == layer) { return; } } for (int i = 0; i < collisionDetect_IgnoreTags.Length; i++) { string tagName = collisionDetect_IgnoreTags[i]; if (collision.transform.gameObject.CompareTag(tagName)) { return; } } ContactPoint contectPoint = collision.contacts[0]; for (int i = 0; i < hitExplosionDataArray.Length; i++) { int detectLayer = hitExplosionDataArray[i].effectItem.gameObject.layer; if (collision.transform.root.gameObject.layer == detectLayer) { m_MissileExplosionPoolDictionary[detectLayer].SpawnGameObjectPoolItem(contectPoint.point + contectPoint.normal * 0.05f, Quaternion.LookRotation(contectPoint.normal)); break; } } GameObject hitRootGameObject = collision.transform.root.gameObject; LifeController lifeController = hitRootGameObject.GetComponent <LifeController>(); if (lifeController != null) { lifeController.TakeDamage(damageTargetValue); } m_TrailHandler.Detach(); m_TrailHandler = null; Recycle(); }
public void Update() { if (this.transform.parent != null) { return; } if (m_TargetBeLocked == false) { GameObject[] enemys = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy"); for (int i = 0; i < enemys.Length; i++) { GameObject enemy = enemys[i]; if (Vector3.Distance(enemy.transform.position, this.gameObject.transform.position) <= sightDistance && Vector3.Angle(enemy.transform.position - transform.position, transform.forward) <= sightViewAngle) { m_AttackTarget = enemy; m_TargetBeLocked = true; break; } } } if (Time.time > m_Timer + autoDestroyTime) { spaceExplosionEffectInfo.effectPool.SpawnGameObjectPoolItem(this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); m_TrailHandler.Detach(); m_TrailHandler = null; Recycle(); } else { PhysicsLineDetect(); m_LastDetectPointPos = detectPoint.position - detectPoint.forward * detectExtendDistance; } }
void OnEnable() { m_Rigidbody.useGravity = false; m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = true; m_Rigidbody.velocity =; m_AttackTarget = null; m_TargetBeLocked = false; m_AudioSource.enabled = false; m_LastDetectPointPos = detectPoint.position - detectPoint.forward * detectExtendDistance; m_TrailHandler = null; m_Timer = 0.0f; }
private void PhysicsLineDetect() { RaycastHit hitInfo; Vector3 currentDetectPoint = detectPoint.position; #if UNITY_EDITOR // helper to visualise the ground check ray in the scene view Debug.DrawLine(m_LastDetectPointPos, currentDetectPoint,; #endif if (Physics.Linecast(m_LastDetectPointPos, currentDetectPoint, out hitInfo, Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore) == true) { for (int i = 0; i < collisionDetect_IgnoreLayers.Length; i++) { string layerName = collisionDetect_IgnoreLayers[i]; int layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(layerName); if (hitInfo.transform.gameObject.layer == layer) { return; } } for (int i = 0; i < collisionDetect_IgnoreTags.Length; i++) { string tagName = collisionDetect_IgnoreTags[i]; if (hitInfo.transform.gameObject.CompareTag(tagName)) { return; } } bool hasLayer = false; for (int i = 0; i < hitExplosionDataArray.Length; i++) { int detectLayer = hitExplosionDataArray[i].effectItem.gameObject.layer; if (hitInfo.transform.gameObject.layer == detectLayer) { m_MissileExplosionPoolDictionary[detectLayer].SpawnGameObjectPoolItem(hitInfo.point + hitInfo.normal * 0.05f, Quaternion.LookRotation(hitInfo.normal)); hasLayer = true; break; } } if (hasLayer == false) { spaceExplosionEffectInfo.effectPool.SpawnGameObjectPoolItem(hitInfo.point + hitInfo.normal * 0.05f, Quaternion.LookRotation(hitInfo.normal)); } GameObject hitRootGameObject = hitInfo.transform.root.gameObject; LifeController lifeController = hitRootGameObject.GetComponent <LifeController>(); if (lifeController != null) { lifeController.TakeDamage(damageTargetValue); } m_TrailHandler.Detach(); m_TrailHandler = null; Recycle(); } }