public void CloneHg( string quotedHgCloneUrl, string quotedCloneDirectoryPath, MirroringSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); try { RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput( "hg clone --noupdate " + quotedHgCloneUrl + " " + quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings); } catch (CommandException ex) when(ex.IsHgConnectionTerminatedError()) { _eventLog.WriteEntry( "Cloning from the Mercurial repo " + quotedHgCloneUrl + " failed because the server terminated the connection. Re-trying by pulling revision by revision.", EventLogEntryType.Warning); RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput( "hg clone --noupdate --rev 0 " + quotedHgCloneUrl + " " + quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); PullPerRevisionsHg(quotedHgCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { if (!EventLog.Exists("Git-hg Mirror Daemon")) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(new EventSourceCreationData("GitHgMirror.Daemon", "Git-hg Mirror Daemon")); } // Keep in mind that the event log consumes memory so unless you keep this well beyond what you can spare // the server will run out of RAM. serviceEventLog.MaximumKilobytes = 196608; // 192MB serviceEventLog.WriteEntry("GitHgMirrorDaemon started."); _settings = new MirroringSettings { ApiEndpointUrl = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.ApiEndpointUrl]), ApiPassword = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Constants.ApiPasswordKey]?.ConnectionString ?? string.Empty, RepositoriesDirectoryPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.RepositoriesDirectoryPath], BatchSize = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.BatchSize], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), }; _startTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(10000); _startTimer.Elapsed += StartTimerElapsed; _startTimer.Enabled = true; _cleaner = new UntouchedRepositoriesCleaner(_settings, serviceEventLog); _cleanTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(3_600_000 * 2); // Two hours _cleanTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => _cleaner.Clean(_cancellationTokenSource.Token); _cleanTimer.Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Runs the specified command for a git repo in hg. /// </summary> /// <param name="gitCloneUri">The git clone URI.</param> /// <param name="command"> /// The command, including an optional placeholder for the git URL in form of {url}, e.g.: "clone --noupdate /// {url}". /// </param> private void RunGitRepoCommand(Uri gitCloneUri, string command, MirroringSettings settings) { var gitUriBuilder = new UriBuilder(gitCloneUri); var userName = gitUriBuilder.UserName; var password = gitUriBuilder.Password; gitUriBuilder.UserName = null; gitUriBuilder.Password = null; var gitUri = gitUriBuilder.Uri; var quotedGitCloneUrl = gitUri.ToString().EncloseInQuotes(); command = command.Replace("{url}", quotedGitCloneUrl); // Would be quite ugly that way. #pragma warning disable S3240 // The simplest possible condition syntax should be used if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) #pragma warning restore S3240 // The simplest possible condition syntax should be used { RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput( PrefixHgCommandWithHgGitConfig( "--config auth.rc.prefix=" + ("https://" + gitUri.Host).EncloseInQuotes() + " --config auth.rc.username="******" --config auth.rc.password="******" " + command), settings); } else { RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput(PrefixHgCommandWithHgGitConfig(command), settings); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the specified command for a git repo in hg. /// </summary> /// <param name="gitCloneUri">The git clone URI.</param> /// <param name="command"> /// The command, including an optional placeholder for the git URL in form of {url}, e.g.: "clone --noupdate {url}". /// </param> private void RunGitRepoCommand(Uri gitCloneUri, string command, MirroringSettings settings) { var gitUriBuilder = new UriBuilder(gitCloneUri); var userName = gitUriBuilder.UserName; var password = gitUriBuilder.Password; gitUriBuilder.UserName = null; gitUriBuilder.Password = null; var gitUri = gitUriBuilder.Uri; var quotedGitCloneUrl = gitUri.ToString().EncloseInQuotes(); command = command.Replace("{url}", quotedGitCloneUrl); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput( PrefixHgCommandWithHgGitConfig( "--config auth.rc.prefix=" + ("https://" + gitUri.Host).EncloseInQuotes() + " --config auth.rc.username="******" --config auth.rc.password="******" " + command), settings); } else { RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput(PrefixHgCommandWithHgGitConfig(command), settings); } }
public bool IsCloned(MirroringConfiguration configuration, MirroringSettings settings) { var repositoryDirectoryName = GetCloneDirectoryName(configuration); // A subfolder per clone dir start letter. var cloneDirectoryParentPath = Path.Combine(settings.RepositoriesDirectoryPath, repositoryDirectoryName[0].ToString()); var cloneDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(cloneDirectoryParentPath, repositoryDirectoryName); // Also checking if the directory is empty. If yes, it was a failed attempt and really the repo is not cloned. return(Directory.Exists(cloneDirectoryPath) && Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(cloneDirectoryPath).Any()); }
public void ExportHistoryToGit( string quotedCloneDirectoryPath, MirroringSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); CdDirectory(quotedCloneDirectoryPath); RunHgCommandAndLogOutput(PrefixHgCommandWithHgGitConfig("gexport"), settings); }
public void PushWithBookmarks( string quotedHgCloneUrl, string quotedCloneDirectoryPath, MirroringSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); CdDirectory(quotedCloneDirectoryPath); var bookmarksOutput = RunHgCommandAndLogOutput("hg bookmarks", settings); // There will be at least one bookmark, "master" with a git repo. However with hg-hg mirroring maybe there // are no bookmarks. if (bookmarksOutput.Contains("no bookmarks set")) { RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput("hg push --new-branch --force " + quotedHgCloneUrl, settings); } else { var bookmarks = bookmarksOutput .Split(Environment.NewLine.ToArray()) .Skip(1) // The first line is the command itself .Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) .Select(line => Regex.Match(line, @"\s([a-zA-Z0-9/.\-_]+)\s", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups[1].Value) .Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) .Select(line => "-B " + line); // Pushing a lot of bookmarks at once would result in a "RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded" // error. const int batchSize = 29; var bookmarksBatch = bookmarks.Take(batchSize); var skip = 0; var bookmarkCount = bookmarks.Count(); while (skip < bookmarkCount) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput( "hg push --new-branch --force " + string.Join(" ", bookmarksBatch) + " " + quotedHgCloneUrl, settings); skip += batchSize; bookmarksBatch = bookmarks.Skip(skip).Take(batchSize); if (bookmarksBatch.Any()) { // Bitbucket throttles such requests so we need to slow down. Otherwise we'd get this error: // "remote: Push throttled (max allowable rate: 30 per 60 seconds)." However, this is wrong as // the actual limit is lower at 29. Thread.Sleep(61000); } } } }
public static void Main() { // If true then a unique event log will be used for all copies of this executable. This helps if you want to // run the app in multiple instances from source and not let the events show up across copies. const bool useUniqueEventlog = true; var eventLogName = "Git-hg Mirror Daemon"; var eventSourceName = "GitHgMirror.Tester"; if (useUniqueEventlog) { var suffix = "-" + typeof(Program).Assembly.Location.GetHashCode(); // "Only the first eight characters of a custom log name are significant" so we need to make the name // unique withing 8 characters. eventLogName = "GHM" + suffix; eventSourceName += suffix; } if (!EventLog.Exists(eventLogName)) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(new EventSourceCreationData(eventSourceName, eventLogName)); } using var eventLog = new EventLog(eventLogName, ".", eventSourceName) { EnableRaisingEvents = true, }; eventLog.EntryWritten += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine(e.Entry.Message); var settings = new MirroringSettings { ApiEndpointUrl = new Uri(""), ApiPassword = "******", RepositoriesDirectoryPath = @"C:\GitHgMirror\Repos", MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1, BatchSize = 1, }; // Uncomment if you want to also test repo cleaning. ////new UntouchedRepositoriesCleaner(settings, eventLog).Clean(new CancellationTokenSource().Token); using var runner = new MirrorRunner(settings, eventLog); // On exit with Ctrl+C Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, e) => runner.Stop(); runner.Start(); _waitHandle.WaitOne(); }
private string RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput(string hgCommand, MirroringSettings settings, int retryCount = 0) { var output = string.Empty; try { if (settings.MercurialSettings.UseInsecure) { hgCommand += " --insecure"; } if (settings.MercurialSettings.UseDebugForRemoteCommands && !settings.MercurialSettings.UseDebug) { hgCommand += " --debug"; } output = RunHgCommandAndLogOutput(hgCommand, settings); return(output); } catch (CommandException ex) { // We'll randomly get such errors when interacting with Mercurial as well as with Git, otherwise // properly running repos. So we re-try the operation a few times, maybe it'll work... if (ex.Error.Contains("EOF occurred in violation of protocol")) { if (retryCount >= 5) { throw new IOException( "Couldn't run the following Mercurial command successfully even after " + retryCount + " tries due to an \"EOF occurred in violation of protocol\" error: " + hgCommand, ex); } // Let's wait a bit before re-trying so our prayers can heal the connection in the meantime. Thread.Sleep(10000); return(RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput(hgCommand, settings, ++retryCount)); } // Catching warning-level " certificate with fingerprint .. not verified (check // hostfingerprints or web.cacerts config setting)" kind of errors that happen when mirroring happens // accessing an insecure host. if (!ex.Error.Contains("not verified (check hostfingerprints or web.cacerts config setting)")) { throw; } return(output); } }
private string RunHgCommandAndLogOutput(string hgCommand, MirroringSettings settings) { if (settings.MercurialSettings.UseDebug) { hgCommand += " --debug"; } if (settings.MercurialSettings.UseTraceback) { hgCommand += " --traceback"; } return(RunCommandAndLogOutput(hgCommand)); }
public void CloneGit( Uri gitCloneUri, string quotedCloneDirectoryPath, MirroringSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); CdDirectory(quotedCloneDirectoryPath); // Cloning a large git repo will work even when (after cloning the corresponding hg repo) pulling it in will // fail with a "the connection was forcibly closed by remote host"-like error. This is why we start with // cloning the git repo. RunGitRepoCommand(gitCloneUri, "clone --noupdate {url} " + quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (!EventLog.Exists("Git-hg Mirror Daemon")) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(new EventSourceCreationData("GitHgMirror.Tester", "Git-hg Mirror Daemon")); } using (var eventLog = new EventLog("Git-hg Mirror Daemon", ".", "GitHgMirror.Tester")) { eventLog.EnableRaisingEvents = true; eventLog.EntryWritten += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine(e.Entry.Message); }; var settings = new MirroringSettings { ApiEndpointUrl = new Uri(""), ApiPassword = "******", RepositoriesDirectoryPath = @"C:\GitHgMirror\Repos", MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1, BatchSize = 1 }; // Uncomment if you want to also test repo cleaning. //new UntouchedRepositoriesCleaner(settings, eventLog).Clean(new CancellationTokenSource().Token); var runner = new MirrorRunner(settings, eventLog); // On exit with Ctrl+C Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, e) => { runner.Stop(); }; runner.Start(); _waitHandle.WaitOne(); } }
public void MirrorRepositories( MirroringConfiguration configuration, MirroringSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var descriptor = GetMirroringDescriptor(configuration); var loggedDescriptor = descriptor + " (#" + configuration.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"; Debug.WriteLine("Starting mirroring: " + loggedDescriptor); _eventLog.WriteEntry("Starting mirroring: " + loggedDescriptor); var repositoryDirectoryName = GetCloneDirectoryName(configuration); // A subfolder per clone dir start letter: var cloneDirectoryParentPath = Path.Combine(settings.RepositoriesDirectoryPath, repositoryDirectoryName[0].ToString()); var cloneDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(cloneDirectoryParentPath, repositoryDirectoryName); var repositoryLockFilePath = GetRepositoryLockFilePath(cloneDirectoryPath); try { if (File.Exists(repositoryLockFilePath)) { var logEntryStart = "An existing lock was found for the mirroring configuration " + loggedDescriptor + ". "; var lastUpdatedTimeUtc = RepositoryInfoFileHelper.GetLastUpdatedDateTimeUtc(cloneDirectoryPath); if (lastUpdatedTimeUtc >= DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(-settings.MirroringTimoutSeconds)) { _eventLog.WriteEntry( logEntryStart + "This can mean that the number of configurations was reduced and thus while a mirroring was" + " running a new process for the same repositories was started. We'll let the initial process finish."); return; } else { _eventLog.WriteEntry( logEntryStart + "Additionally the directory was last touched at " + lastUpdatedTimeUtc.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " UTC which is older than the allowed mirroring timeout (" + settings.MirroringTimoutSeconds + "s). Thus the lock is considered abandoned and mirroring will continue.", EventLogEntryType.Warning); } } if (configuration.HgCloneUri.Scheme.Equals("ssh", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || configuration.GitCloneUri.Scheme.Equals("ssh", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { throw new MirroringException("SSH protocol is not supported, only HTTPS."); } if (!Directory.Exists(cloneDirectoryParentPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(cloneDirectoryParentPath); } File.Create(repositoryLockFilePath).Dispose(); // Changing directory to other drive if necessary. RunCommandAndLogOutput(Path.GetPathRoot(cloneDirectoryPath).Replace("\\", string.Empty)); var quotedHgCloneUrl = configuration.HgCloneUri.ToString().EncloseInQuotes(); var quotedGitCloneUrl = configuration.GitCloneUri.ToString().EncloseInQuotes(); var quotedCloneDirectoryPath = cloneDirectoryPath.EncloseInQuotes(); var isCloned = IsCloned(configuration, settings); if (!isCloned) { DeleteDirectoryIfExists(cloneDirectoryPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(cloneDirectoryPath); } RepositoryInfoFileHelper.CreateOrUpdateFile(cloneDirectoryPath, descriptor); // Mirroring between two git repos is supported, but in a hacked-in way at the moment. This needs a // clean-up. Also, do note that only GitToHg and TwoWay is implemented. It would make the whole thing // even more messy to duplicate the logic in HgToGit. var hgUrlIsGitUrl = configuration.HgCloneUri.Scheme == "git+https"; cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // It'll be fine for now. #pragma warning disable S1151 // "switch case" clauses should not have too many lines of code switch (configuration.Direction) { case MirroringDirection.GitToHg: if (hgUrlIsGitUrl) { RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor .FetchOrCloneFromGit(configuration.GitCloneUri, cloneDirectoryPath, true, cancellationToken)); _gitCommandExecutor.PushToGit(configuration.HgCloneUri, cloneDirectoryPath, cancellationToken); } else { if (isCloned) { if (configuration.GitUrlIsHgUrl) { _hgCommandExecutor .PullHg(quotedGitCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } else { RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor .FetchOrCloneFromGit(configuration.GitCloneUri, cloneDirectoryPath, true, cancellationToken)); _hgCommandExecutor.ImportHistoryFromGit(quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } } else { if (configuration.GitUrlIsHgUrl) { _hgCommandExecutor .CloneHg(quotedGitCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } else { _hgCommandExecutor .CloneGit(configuration.GitCloneUri, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } } _hgCommandExecutor .PushWithBookmarks(quotedHgCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } break; case MirroringDirection.HgToGit: if (isCloned) { _hgCommandExecutor.PullHg(quotedHgCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } else { _hgCommandExecutor.CloneHg(quotedHgCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } if (configuration.GitUrlIsHgUrl) { _hgCommandExecutor .PushWithBookmarks(quotedGitCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } else { _hgCommandExecutor.CreateOrUpdateBookmarksForBranches(quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); _hgCommandExecutor.ExportHistoryToGit(quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor.PushToGit(configuration.GitCloneUri, cloneDirectoryPath, cancellationToken)); } break; case MirroringDirection.TwoWay: Action syncHgAndGitHistories = () => { _hgCommandExecutor .CreateOrUpdateBookmarksForBranches(quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); _hgCommandExecutor.ExportHistoryToGit(quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); // This will clear all commits in the git repo that aren't in the git remote repo but // add changes that were added to the git repo. RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor .FetchOrCloneFromGit(configuration.GitCloneUri, cloneDirectoryPath, false, cancellationToken)); _hgCommandExecutor.ImportHistoryFromGit(quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); // Updating bookmarks which may have shifted after importing from git. This way the // export to git will create a git repo with history identical to the hg repo. _hgCommandExecutor.CreateOrUpdateBookmarksForBranches(quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); _hgCommandExecutor.ExportHistoryToGit(quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor.PushToGit(configuration.GitCloneUri, cloneDirectoryPath, cancellationToken)); }; if (hgUrlIsGitUrl) { // The easiest solution to do two-way git mirroring is to sync separately, with two clones. // Otherwise when e.g. repository A adds a new commit, then repository B is pulled in, the // head of the branch will be at the point where it is in B. Thus pushing to A will fail // with "Cannot push non-fastforwardable reference". There are other similar errors that can // arise but can't easily be fixed automatically in a safe way. So first pulling both repos // then pushing them won't work. var gitDirectoryPath = GitCommandExecutor.GetGitDirectoryPath(cloneDirectoryPath); var secondToFirstClonePath = Path.Combine(gitDirectoryPath, "secondToFirst"); void PullSecondPushToFirst() { RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor .FetchOrCloneFromGit(configuration.HgCloneUri, secondToFirstClonePath, true, cancellationToken)); RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor .PushToGit(configuration.GitCloneUri, secondToFirstClonePath, cancellationToken)); } var firstToSecondClonePath = Path.Combine(gitDirectoryPath, "firstToSecond"); RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor .FetchOrCloneFromGit(configuration.GitCloneUri, firstToSecondClonePath, true, cancellationToken)); try { RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor .PushToGit(configuration.HgCloneUri, firstToSecondClonePath, cancellationToken)); PullSecondPushToFirst(); } catch (LibGit2SharpException ex) when(ex.Message.Contains("Cannot push because a reference that you are trying to update on the remote contains commits that are not present locally.")) { PullSecondPushToFirst(); // This exception can happen when the second repo contains changes not present in the // first one. Then we need to update the first repo with the second's changes and pull- // push again. RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor .FetchOrCloneFromGit(configuration.GitCloneUri, firstToSecondClonePath, true, cancellationToken)); RunGitCommandAndMarkException(() => _gitCommandExecutor .PushToGit(configuration.HgCloneUri, firstToSecondClonePath, cancellationToken)); } } else { if (isCloned) { _hgCommandExecutor.PullHg(quotedHgCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); if (configuration.GitUrlIsHgUrl) { _hgCommandExecutor .PullHg(quotedGitCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } else { syncHgAndGitHistories(); } } else { if (configuration.GitUrlIsHgUrl) { _hgCommandExecutor .CloneHg(quotedGitCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); _hgCommandExecutor .PullHg(quotedHgCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } else { // We need to start with cloning the hg repo. Otherwise cloning the git repo, then // pulling from the hg repo would yield a "repository unrelated" error, even if the // git repo was created from the hg repo. For an explanation see: // _hgCommandExecutor .CloneHg(quotedHgCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); syncHgAndGitHistories(); } } _hgCommandExecutor .PushWithBookmarks(quotedHgCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); if (configuration.GitUrlIsHgUrl) { _hgCommandExecutor .PushWithBookmarks(quotedGitCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); } } break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported MirroringDirection."); } #pragma warning restore S1151 // "switch case" clauses should not have too many lines of code Debug.WriteLine("Finished mirroring: " + loggedDescriptor); _eventLog.WriteEntry("Finished mirroring: " + loggedDescriptor); } catch (Exception ex) when(!ex.IsFatalOrCancellation()) { // We should dispose the command runners so the folder is not locked by the command line. Dispose(); // Waiting a bit for any file locks or leases to be disposed even though CommandRunners and processes // were killed. Thread.Sleep(10000); var exceptionMessage = $"An error occured while running commands when mirroring the repositories {configuration.HgCloneUri} " + $"and {configuration.GitCloneUri} in direction {configuration.Direction}. Mirroring will be re-started next time."; try { // Re-cloning a repo is costly. During local debugging you can flip this variable from the Immediate // Window to prevent it if necessary too. var continueWithRepoFolderDelete = true; // These git exceptions are caused by hg errors in a way, so despite them coming from git the whole // repo folder should be removed. var isHgOriginatedGitException = ex.Message.Contains("does not match any existing object") || ex.Message.Contains("Object not found - failed to find pack entry"); if (ex.Data.Contains("IsGitException") && !isHgOriginatedGitException) { exceptionMessage += " The error was a git error."; try { DeleteDirectoryIfExists(GitCommandExecutor.GetGitDirectoryPath(cloneDirectoryPath)); exceptionMessage += " Thus just the git folder was removed."; continueWithRepoFolderDelete = false; } catch (Exception gitDirectoryDeleteException) when(!gitDirectoryDeleteException.IsFatalOrCancellation()) { exceptionMessage += " While the removal of just the git folder was attempted it failed with the following " + "exception, thus the deletion of the whole repository folder will be attempted: " + gitDirectoryDeleteException; // We'll continue with the repo folder removal below. } } if (continueWithRepoFolderDelete) { DeleteDirectoryIfExists(cloneDirectoryPath); RepositoryInfoFileHelper.DeleteFileIfExists(cloneDirectoryPath); } } catch (Exception directoryDeleteException) when(!directoryDeleteException.IsFatalOrCancellation()) { try { // This most possibly means that for some reason some process is still locking the folder // although it shouldn't (mostly, but not definitely the cause of IOException) or there are // read-only files (git pack files commonly are) which can be (but not always) behind // UnauthorizedAccessException. if (directoryDeleteException is IOException || directoryDeleteException is UnauthorizedAccessException) { var killResult = DirectoryUtil.KillProcessesLockingFiles(cloneDirectoryPath); DeleteDirectoryIfExists(cloneDirectoryPath); RepositoryInfoFileHelper.DeleteFileIfExists(cloneDirectoryPath); exceptionMessage += " While deleting the folder of the mirror initially failed, after trying to kill processes " + "that were locking files in it and setting all files not to be read-only the folder could be successfully deleted. " + "Processes killed: " + (killResult.KilledProcesseFileNames.Any() ? string.Join(", ", killResult.KilledProcesseFileNames) : "no processes") + " Read-only files: " + (killResult.ReadOnlyFilePaths.Any() ? string.Join(", ", killResult.ReadOnlyFilePaths) : "no files"); throw new MirroringException(exceptionMessage, ex, directoryDeleteException); } } catch (Exception forcedCleanUpException) when(!forcedCleanUpException.IsFatalOrCancellation() && !(forcedCleanUpException is MirroringException)) { throw new MirroringException( exceptionMessage + " Subsequently clean-up after the error failed as well, also the attempt " + "to kill processes that were locking the mirror's folder and clearing all read-only files.", ex, directoryDeleteException, forcedCleanUpException); } throw new MirroringException( exceptionMessage + " Subsequently clean-up after the error failed as well.", ex, directoryDeleteException); } throw new MirroringException(exceptionMessage, ex); } finally { if (File.Exists(repositoryLockFilePath)) { File.Delete(repositoryLockFilePath); } } }
/// <summary> /// Pulling chunks a repo history in chunks of revisions. This will be slow but surely work, even if one /// changeset is huge like this one: (~100MB, 11000 /// files). /// </summary> private void PullPerRevisionsHg( string quotedHgCloneUrl, string quotedCloneDirectoryPath, MirroringSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); CdDirectory(quotedCloneDirectoryPath); var startRevision = int.Parse( RunHgCommandAndLogOutput("hg identify --rev tip --num", settings).Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var revision = startRevision + 1; var finished = false; var pullRetryCount = 0; while (!finished) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); try { var output = RunRemoteHgCommandAndLogOutput( "hg pull --rev " + revision + " " + quotedHgCloneUrl, settings); finished = output.Contains("no changes found"); // Let's try a normal pull every 300 revisions. If it succeeds then the mirroring can finish faster // (otherwise it could even time out). if (!finished && revision - startRevision >= 300) { PullHg(quotedHgCloneUrl, quotedCloneDirectoryPath, settings, cancellationToken); return; } revision++; pullRetryCount = 0; } catch (CommandException pullException) { // This error happens when we try to go beyond existing revisions and it means we reached the end of // the repo history. Maybe the hg identify command could be used to retrieve the latest revision // number instead (see: although it says "can't query remote // revision number, branch, or tag" (and even if it could, what if new changes are being pushed?). // So using exceptions for now. if (pullException.Error.Contains("abort: unknown revision ")) { finished = true; } else if (pullException.IsHgConnectionTerminatedError() && pullRetryCount < 2) { // If such a pull fails then we can't fall back more, have to retry. // It is used though. #pragma warning disable S1854 // Unused assignments should be removed pullRetryCount++; #pragma warning restore S1854 // Unused assignments should be removed // Letting temporary issues resolve themselves. Thread.Sleep(30000); } else { throw; } } } }
public void CreateOrUpdateBookmarksForBranches( string quotedCloneDirectoryPath, MirroringSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); CdDirectory(quotedCloneDirectoryPath); // Adding bookmarks for all branches so they appear as proper git branches. var branchesOutput = RunHgCommandAndLogOutput("hg branches --closed", settings); var branches = branchesOutput .Split(Environment.NewLine.ToArray()) .Skip(1) // The first line is the command itself .Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) .Select(line => Regex.Match(line, @"(.+?)\s+\d+:[a-z0-9]+").Groups[1].Value); foreach (var branch in branches) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // Need to strip spaces from branch names, see: // var bookmark = branch.Replace(' ', '-'); // Need to strip multiple slashes from branch names, see: // if (bookmark.Count(character => character == '/') > 1) { var firstSlashIndex = bookmark.IndexOf('/'); bookmark = bookmark.Substring(0, firstSlashIndex) + bookmark.Substring(firstSlashIndex).Replace('/', '-'); } if (branch == "default") { bookmark = "master" + GitBookmarkSuffix; } else { bookmark += GitBookmarkSuffix; } // Don't move the bookmark if on the changeset there is already a git bookmark, because this means that // there was a branch created in git. E.g. we shouldn't move the master bookmark to the default head // since with a new git branch there will be two default heads (since git branches are converted to // bookmarks on default) and we'd wrongly move the master head. var changesetLogOutput = RunHgCommandAndLogOutput("hg log -r " + branch.EncloseInQuotes(), settings); // For hg log this is needed, otherwise the next command would return an empty line. RunCommandAndLogOutput(Environment.NewLine); var existingBookmarks = changesetLogOutput .Split(Environment.NewLine.ToArray()) .Skip(1) // The first line is the command itself .Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && line.StartsWith("bookmark:", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) .Select(line => Regex.Match(line, @"bookmark:\s+(.+)(\s|$)").Groups[1].Value); if (!existingBookmarks.Any(existingBookmark => existingBookmark.EndsWith(GitBookmarkSuffix, StringComparison.InvariantCulture))) { // Need --force so it moves the bookmark if it already exists. RunHgCommandAndLogOutput( "hg bookmark -r " + branch.EncloseInQuotes() + " " + bookmark + " --force", settings); } } }