Пример #1
        public Mine(Texture2D[] inputTexture, SoundEffect inputBlast)
            blast = inputBlast;
            played = false;

            state = Minestate.Halted;
            color = Color.White;

            coreTexture		  = inputTexture[0];
            spikeTexture	  = inputTexture[1];
            explosionTexture = inputTexture[2];
            borderTexture    = inputTexture[3];

            core = new Rectangle(0, 0, 40, 40);
            spikes = new Rectangle(90, 0, 40, 40);
            explosion = new Rectangle(0, 0, 125, 125);

            angle = 0;
            angleDiff = 0.3F;

            mineScale = 1;
            health = 100;

            // Velocity is randomized within a small range to present more challenge to the player.
            baseVelocity = 3; velocityMod = 7;

            velocity = baseVelocity + Helper.Rng((int)velocityMod);

            minePosition = new Vector2(0 - coreTexture.Width, 0 - coreTexture.Height);
            rotationOffset = new Vector2(20, 20);

            // Animation timer.
            rotation = new Stopwatch(); rotation.Start();
            // Respawn timer.
            halt = new Stopwatch();
            // Explosion.
            explosionTimer = new Stopwatch();
            // Shot animation.
            shotTimer = new Stopwatch();

            effects = SpriteEffects.None;

            if (Game.DEBUG)
                velocity = 3;
                dString1 = dString2 = "";
                dPosition1 = dPosition2 = new Vector2(0, 0);
Пример #2
        private void Traverse()

            if (Game.DEBUG)
                dString1 = "H: " + health + " " + "V: " + velocity;
                dString2 = "X: " + minePosition.X + " " + "Y: " + minePosition.Y;

                dPosition1 = new Vector2(minePosition.X + core.Width + 1, minePosition.Y - 13);
                dPosition2 = new Vector2(minePosition.X + core.Width + 1, minePosition.Y + 2);

            // Proximity.
            distance = Vector2.Distance(minePosition, new Vector2(reference.X + (reference.Width / 2), reference.Y + (reference.Height / 2)));

            // Traverse left.
            minePosition.X -= velocity;

            // Check if it needs to be drawn.
            if (minePosition.X + core.Width < 0)
                state = Minestate.Halted;
Пример #3
        private void Shot()

            if (Game.DEBUG)
                dString1 = "H: " + health + " " + "V: " + velocity;
                dString2 = "X: " + minePosition.X + " " + "Y: " + minePosition.Y;

                dPosition1 = new Vector2(minePosition.X + core.Width + 1, minePosition.Y - 13);
                dPosition2 = new Vector2(minePosition.X + core.Width + 1, minePosition.Y + 2);

            if (!shotTimer.IsRunning)

                // Health decreases inverse to speed: Slower mines take less damage. TODO: Tweak.
                health -= (int)((velocity * (velocity * 0.3F)) * 5);

            // Proximity to player.
            distance = Vector2.Distance(minePosition, new Vector2(reference.X + (reference.Width / 2), reference.Y + (reference.Height / 2)));

            if (shotTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 180)
                if (health <= 0)
                    state = Minestate.Explosion;
                    state = Minestate.Traverse;

Пример #4
        private void Halt()
            if (!halt.IsRunning)

            health = 100;

            minePosition.X = Game.WIDTH + core.Width;
            minePosition.Y = Helper.Rng(Game.HEIGHT - spikes.Height);

            // Randomize speed for the next run.
            if (!Game.DEBUG)
                velocity = baseVelocity + Helper.Rng((int)velocityMod);
            if (Game.DEBUG)
                velocity = 3;

            haltDuration = Helper.Rng(10000);

            if (halt.ElapsedMilliseconds > haltDuration)
                state = Minestate.Traverse;
Пример #5
        private void Explosion()
            float elapsed = explosionTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds * 0.002F;

            if (!played)
                played = true;

            // Keep the explosion centered on the mine's position.
            explosionPosition.X = minePosition.X - spikes.Width  / 3 * explosionScale;
            explosionPosition.Y = minePosition.Y - spikes.Height / 3 * explosionScale;

            if (!explosionTimer.IsRunning)

            explosionScale = elapsed;
            explosionOpacity = 1 - elapsed;

            if (explosionTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 500)
                state = Minestate.Halted;
                played = false;
Пример #6
 public void State(int newState, Vector2 newBulletPosition = default(Vector2))
     if (newState == 1)
         state = Minestate.Traverse;
     if (newState == 2)
         state = Minestate.Halted;
     if (newState == 3)
         state = Minestate.Explosion;
     if (newState == 4)
         bulletSnapshot = newBulletPosition;
         state = Minestate.Shot;