Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns a new player character and transfers the connection's control into the new body.
    /// If existingMind is null, creates the new mind and assigns it to the new body.
    /// Fires server and client side player spawn hooks.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connection">connection to give control to the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="occupation">occupation of the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="characterSettings">settings of the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="existingMind">existing mind to transfer to the new player, if null new mind will be created
    /// and assigned to the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="spawnPos">world position to spawn at</param>
    /// <param name="naked">If spawning a player, should the player spawn without the defined initial equipment for their occupation?</param>
    /// <param name="willDestroyOldBody">if true, indicates the old body is going to be destroyed rather than pooled,
    /// thus we shouldn't send any network message which reference's the old body's ID since it won't exist.</param>
    /// <returns>the spawned object</returns>
    private static GameObject ServerSpawnInternal(NetworkConnection connection, Occupation occupation, CharacterSettings characterSettings,
                                                  Mind existingMind, Vector3Int?spawnPos = null, bool naked = false, bool willDestroyOldBody = false)
        //determine where to spawn them
        if (spawnPos == null)
            Transform spawnTransform = GetSpawnForJob(occupation.JobType);
            if (spawnTransform == null)
                    "Unable to determine spawn position for connection {0} occupation {1}. Cannot spawn player.",
                    connection.address, occupation.DisplayName);

            spawnPos = spawnTransform.transform.position.CutToInt();

        //create the player object
        var newPlayer       = ServerCreatePlayer(spawnPos.GetValueOrDefault());
        var newPlayerScript = newPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>();

        //get the old body if they have one.
        var oldBody = existingMind?.GetCurrentMob();

        //transfer control to the player object
        ServerTransferPlayer(connection, newPlayer, oldBody, EVENT.PlayerSpawned, characterSettings, willDestroyOldBody);

        if (existingMind == null)
            //create the mind of the player
            Mind.Create(newPlayer, occupation);
            //transfer the mind to the new body

        var ps = newPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>();
        var connectedPlayer = PlayerList.Instance.Get(connection);

        connectedPlayer.Name = ps.playerName;
        connectedPlayer.Job  = ps.mind.occupation.JobType;

        //fire all hooks
        var info = SpawnInfo.Player(occupation, characterSettings, CustomNetworkManager.Instance.humanPlayerPrefab,
                                    SpawnDestination.At(spawnPos), naked: naked);

        Spawn._ServerFireClientServerSpawnHooks(SpawnResult.Single(info, newPlayer));

Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns as a ghost for spectating the Round
    /// </summary>
    public static void ServerSpawnGhost(JoinedViewer joinedViewer, CharacterSettings characterSettings)
        //Hard coding to assistant
        Vector3Int spawnPosition = GetSpawnForJob(JobType.ASSISTANT).transform.position.CutToInt();

        //Get spawn location
        var matrixInfo      = MatrixManager.AtPoint(spawnPosition, true);
        var parentNetId     = matrixInfo.NetID;
        var parentTransform = matrixInfo.Objects;
        var newPlayer       = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(CustomNetworkManager.Instance.ghostPrefab, spawnPosition, parentTransform.rotation, parentTransform);

        newPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>().registerTile.ServerSetNetworkedMatrixNetID(parentNetId);

        //Create the mind without a job refactor this to make it as a ghost mind
        ServerTransferPlayer(joinedViewer.connectionToClient, newPlayer, null, EVENT.GhostSpawned, characterSettings);
Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns as a ghost for spectating the Round
    /// </summary>
    public static void ServerSpawnGhost(JoinedViewer joinedViewer, CharacterSettings characterSettings)
        //Hard coding to assistant
        Vector3Int spawnPosition = SpawnPoint.GetRandomPointForJob(JobType.ASSISTANT).transform.position.CutToInt();

        //Get spawn location
        var matrixInfo      = MatrixManager.AtPoint(spawnPosition, true);
        var parentTransform = matrixInfo.Objects;
        var newPlayer       = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(CustomNetworkManager.Instance.ghostPrefab, spawnPosition, parentTransform.rotation, parentTransform);

        //Create the mind without a job refactor this to make it as a ghost mind
        ServerTransferPlayer(joinedViewer.connectionToClient, newPlayer, null, Event.GhostSpawned, characterSettings);

        var isAdmin = PlayerList.Instance.IsAdmin(PlayerList.Instance.Get(joinedViewer.connectionToClient));

        newPlayer.GetComponent <GhostSprites>().SetGhostSprite(isAdmin);
Пример #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns a new player character and transfers the connection's control into the new body.
    /// If existingMind is null, creates the new mind and assigns it to the new body.
    /// Fires server and client side player spawn hooks.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connection">connection to give control to the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="occupation">occupation of the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="characterSettings">settings of the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="existingMind">existing mind to transfer to the new player, if null new mind will be created
    /// and assigned to the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="spawnPos">world position to spawn at</param>
    /// <param name="spawnItems">If spawning a player, should the player spawn without the defined initial equipment for their occupation?</param>
    /// <param name="willDestroyOldBody">if true, indicates the old body is going to be destroyed rather than pooled,
    /// thus we shouldn't send any network message which reference's the old body's ID since it won't exist.</param>
    /// <returns>the spawned object</returns>
    private static GameObject ServerSpawnInternal(NetworkConnection connection, Occupation occupation, CharacterSettings characterSettings,
                                                  Mind existingMind, Vector3Int?spawnPos = null, bool spawnItems = true, bool willDestroyOldBody = false)
        //determine where to spawn them
        if (spawnPos == null)
            Transform spawnTransform;
            //Spawn normal location for special jobs or if less than 2 minutes passed
            if (GameManager.Instance.stationTime < ARRIVALS_SPAWN_TIME || occupation.LateSpawnIsArrivals == false)
                spawnTransform = GetSpawnForJob(occupation.JobType);
                spawnTransform = GetSpawnForLateJoin(occupation.JobType);
                //Fallback to assistant spawn location if none found for late join
                if (spawnTransform == null && occupation.JobType != JobType.NULL)
                    spawnTransform = GetSpawnForJob(JobType.ASSISTANT);

            if (spawnTransform == null)
                    "Unable to determine spawn position for connection {0} occupation {1}. Cannot spawn player.",
                    connection.address, occupation.DisplayName);

            spawnPos = spawnTransform.transform.position.CutToInt();

        //create the player object
        var newPlayer       = ServerCreatePlayer(spawnPos.GetValueOrDefault());
        var newPlayerScript = newPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>();

        //get the old body if they have one.
        var oldBody = existingMind?.GetCurrentMob();

        //transfer control to the player object
        ServerTransferPlayer(connection, newPlayer, oldBody, EVENT.PlayerSpawned, characterSettings, willDestroyOldBody);

        if (existingMind == null)
            //create the mind of the player
            Mind.Create(newPlayer, occupation);
            //transfer the mind to the new body

        var ps = newPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>();
        var connectedPlayer = PlayerList.Instance.Get(connection);

        connectedPlayer.Name = ps.playerName;
        connectedPlayer.Job  = ps.mind.occupation.JobType;

        //fire all hooks
        var info = SpawnInfo.Player(occupation, characterSettings, CustomNetworkManager.Instance.humanPlayerPrefab,
                                    SpawnDestination.At(spawnPos), spawnItems: spawnItems);

        Spawn._ServerFireClientServerSpawnHooks(SpawnResult.Single(info, newPlayer));
