Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes any rows in tiCurrent that are out-of-date (with respect to live) and childless, then updates remaining out-of-date rows with the values from staging.
        /// Out-of-date remaining rows will only be present if they have children which are to be inserted. Any other children will have been deleted in an earlier pass through the recursion (since it starts at the leaves and works upwards).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tiCurrent"></param>
        /// <param name="joinPathToTimeTable">Chain of JoinInfos back to the TimePeriodicity table so we can join to it and recover the effective date of a particular row</param>
        /// <param name="childJoins"></param>
        private void ProcessTable(ITableInfo tiCurrent, List <JoinInfo> joinPathToTimeTable, List <JoinInfo> childJoins)
            var columnSetsToMigrate = _migrationConfiguration.CreateMigrationColumnSetFromTableInfos(new[] { tiCurrent }.ToList(), null, new BackfillMigrationFieldProcessor());
            var columnSet           = columnSetsToMigrate.Single();
            var queryHelper         = new ReverseMigrationQueryHelper(columnSet);
            var mcsQueryHelper      = new MigrationColumnSetQueryHelper(columnSet);

            // Any DELETEs needed?
            DeleteEntriesHavingNoChildren(tiCurrent, joinPathToTimeTable, childJoins, mcsQueryHelper);

            // Update any out-of-date rows that have survived the delete, so they don't overwrite live with stale data. They will only survive the delete if they have children due for insertion into live.
            UpdateOldParentsThatHaveNewChildren(tiCurrent, joinPathToTimeTable, queryHelper, mcsQueryHelper);
Пример #2
        private void DeleteEntriesHavingNoChildren(ITableInfo tiCurrent, List <JoinInfo> joinPathToTimeTable, List <JoinInfo> joinsToProcess, MigrationColumnSetQueryHelper mcsQueryHelper)
            // If there are no joins then we should delete any old updates at this level
            string deleteSql;

            if (!joinsToProcess.Any())
                deleteSql = "WITH " + GetCurrentOldEntriesSQL(tiCurrent, joinPathToTimeTable) + ", EntriesToDelete AS (SELECT * FROM CurrentOldEntries)";
                // Join on children so we can detect childless rows and delete them
                var joins  = new List <string>();
                var wheres = new List <string>();

                // create sql for child joins
                foreach (var childJoin in joinsToProcess)
                    var childTable = childJoin.ForeignKey.TableInfo;
                    joins.Add(string.Format("LEFT JOIN {0} {1} ON CurrentOldEntries.{2} = {1}.{3}",
                                            "[" + _dbInfo.GetRuntimeName() + "]..[" + childTable.GetRuntimeName() + "]",

                    wheres.Add(childTable.GetRuntimeName() + "." + childJoin.ForeignKey.GetRuntimeName() + " IS NULL");

                deleteSql = "WITH " + GetCurrentOldEntriesSQL(tiCurrent, joinPathToTimeTable) +
                            ", EntriesToDelete AS (SELECT DISTINCT CurrentOldEntries.* FROM CurrentOldEntries " + string.Join(" ", joins) +
                            " WHERE " +
                            string.Join(" AND ", wheres) + ")";

            deleteSql += string.Format(@"
DELETE CurrentTable
FROM {0} CurrentTable
RIGHT JOIN EntriesToDelete {1}",
                                       "[" + _dbInfo.GetRuntimeName() + "]..[" + tiCurrent.GetRuntimeName() + "]",
                                       mcsQueryHelper.BuildJoinClause("EntriesToDelete", "CurrentTable"));

            using (var connection = (SqlConnection)_dbInfo.Server.GetConnection())
                var cmd = new SqlCommand(deleteSql, connection);
Пример #3
        private void UpdateOldParentsThatHaveNewChildren(ITableInfo tiCurrent, List <JoinInfo> joinPathToTimeTable, ReverseMigrationQueryHelper queryHelper, MigrationColumnSetQueryHelper mcsQueryHelper)
            var update = string.Format(@"WITH 
UPDATE CurrentTable
SET {1}
LiveDataForUpdating LEFT JOIN {2} AS CurrentTable {3}",
                                       GetLiveDataToUpdateStaging(tiCurrent, joinPathToTimeTable),
                                       queryHelper.BuildUpdateClauseForRow("LiveDataForUpdating", "CurrentTable"),
                                       "[" + _dbInfo.GetRuntimeName() + "]..[" + tiCurrent.GetRuntimeName() + "]",
                                       mcsQueryHelper.BuildJoinClause("LiveDataForUpdating", "CurrentTable"));

            using (var connection = (SqlConnection)_dbInfo.Server.GetConnection())
                var cmd = new SqlCommand(update, connection);