Пример #1
        // See slides p.44
        public void GetLocalNodeCoordinates(out Matrix xel, out Matrix Tg)
            Vector3D v1  = Nodes[1].Pos - Nodes[0].Pos;
            Vector3D _v2 = Nodes[2].Pos - Nodes[0].Pos;
            Vector3D v3  = Vector3D.CrossProduct(v1, _v2);
            Vector3D v2  = Vector3D.CrossProduct(v3, v1);

            if (v1.IsZeroVector() || v2.IsZeroVector() || v3.IsZeroVector())
                throw new Exception("Bad element, ID: " + this.Id.ToString());

            Vector3D e1 = v1.Normalize(false);
            Vector3D e2 = v2.Normalize(false);
            Vector3D e3 = v3.Normalize(false);

            Matrix xeg = new Matrix(3, 3);

            xeg.SetRow(v1.ToMatrix().Transpose(), 1);
            xeg.SetRow(_v2.ToMatrix().Transpose(), 2);

            Matrix T = new Matrix(3, 3);

            T.SetCol(e1.ToMatrix(), 0);
            T.SetCol(e2.ToMatrix(), 1);
            T.SetCol(e3.ToMatrix(), 2);

            xel = xeg * T;

            Tg = new Matrix(18, 18);
            int[] pos1 = SF.intSrs(0, 2);
            int[] pos2 = SF.intSrs(3, 5);
            int[] pos3 = SF.intSrs(6, 8);
            int[] pos4 = SF.intSrs(9, 11);
            int[] pos5 = SF.intSrs(12, 14);
            int[] pos6 = SF.intSrs(15, 17);
            Tg[pos1, pos1] = T;
            Tg[pos2, pos2] = T;
            Tg[pos3, pos3] = T;
            Tg[pos4, pos4] = T;
            Tg[pos5, pos5] = T;
            Tg[pos6, pos6] = T;
Пример #2
        //Calculate principal tresses for all the elements
        public void CalcStresses()
            //Folllowing plants in MATlab, each element 15 dofs

            //the 15 active dofs used in each element (with 18 dofs in total)
            int[] activeDofs = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };
            PrincipalStresses = new List <Vector3D>();
            stresses          = new List <Matrix>();
            PrincipalAngles   = new List <double>();
            vonMises          = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++)
                //Get all the 18 element dofs from the global
                int[] dofsFull = elements[i].GetElementDofs();

                //Take the deformations from the element dofs
                Matrix aTrans = new Matrix(18, 1);
                for (int j = 0; j < dofsFull.Count(); j++)
                    aTrans[j] = a[dofsFull[j]];

                //Transform the local coordinates to global
                aTrans = elements[i].Te.Invert() * aTrans;

                //Take the 15 active dofs that should be used from the transformed defrormations
                Matrix ed = new Matrix(1, 15);
                for (int j = 0; j < activeDofs.Count(); j++)
                    ed[0, j] = aTrans[activeDofs[j]];

                //Stresses (D*B*a)
                //  Matrix ss = elements[i].DBe * ed[0, SF.intSrs(0, 14)].Transpose();
                // stresses.Add(ss);

                double   theta = 0;
                Vector3D vMax  = new Vector3D();

                //for every layer
                for (int j = 0; j < elements[i].DBe.Count; j++)
                    Matrix ss = new Matrix(6, 1);

                    ed[3]  *= elements[i].zs[j];
                    ed[4]  *= elements[i].zs[j];
                    ed[8]  *= elements[i].zs[j];
                    ed[9]  *= elements[i].zs[j];
                    ed[13] *= elements[i].zs[j];
                    ed[14] *= elements[i].zs[j];
                    ss      = elements[i].DBe[j] * ed[0, SF.intSrs(0, 14)].Transpose();

                    //Make sure there is no errors when this is changed
                    //  theta = 0.5 * Math.Atan(2 * ss[2] / (ss[0] - ss[1]));
                    // if (ss[0] < ss[1]) theta = theta + Math.PI / 2;

                    //Principle stresses
                    double p1 = (ss[0] + ss[1]) / 2.0 + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((ss[0] - ss[1]) / 2, 2) + Math.Pow(ss[2], 2));
                    double p2 = (ss[0] + ss[1]) / 2.0 - Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((ss[0] - ss[1]) / 2, 2) + Math.Pow(ss[2], 2));

                    Vector3D v = new Vector3D(p1, p2, 0);
                    if (v.Length > vMax.Length)
                        vMax  = v;
                        theta = 0.5 * Math.Atan(2 * ss[2] / (ss[0] - ss[1]));
                        if (ss[0] < ss[1])
                            theta = theta + Math.PI / 2;
                //  PrincipalStresses.Add(new Vector3D(p1, p2, 0));
                // vonMises.Add(Math.Sqrt(p1 * p1 - p1 * p2 + p2 * p2));
                vonMises.Add(Math.Sqrt(vMax.X * vMax.X - vMax.X * vMax.Y + vMax.Y * vMax.Y));