public async Task AggregateEmptyStateManager() { MockReliableStateManager stateManager = new MockReliableStateManager(); MetricAggregator target = new MetricAggregator(); IEnumerable <LoadMetric> actual = await target.Aggregate(stateManager, CancellationToken.None); Assert.IsFalse(actual.Any()); }
public void TestBasicFunctionality() { MetricAggregator aggregator = new MetricAggregator(new AggregationTemplate("test_metric", "key1", new Averager())); // metrics with 1 tag, key1, that has key values of val[1-10]. The key values don't matter for this test and are ignored by the aggregator. Only the metric value is averaged. IEnumerable <Metric> metrics = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new Metric(, "test_metric", i, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "key1", $"val{i}" } })); Metric[] result = aggregator.AggregateMetrics(metrics).ToArray(); Assert.Equal(5.5, result.Single().Value); // should be sum of 1-10 }
public async Task AggregateEmptyMetrics() { Uri name = new Uri("test://dictionary"); MockReliableStateManager stateManager = new MockReliableStateManager(); MockReliableDictionary <int, int> dictionary = new MockReliableDictionary <int, int>(name); dictionary.OnGetLoadMetrics = () => new DecimalLoadMetric[0]; stateManager.SetMock(name, dictionary); MetricAggregator target = new MetricAggregator(); IEnumerable <LoadMetric> actual = await target.Aggregate(stateManager, CancellationToken.None); Assert.IsFalse(actual.Any()); }
public void TestKeepsNonAggregateTagsSeperate() { MetricAggregator aggregator = new MetricAggregator(new AggregationTemplate("test_metric", "key1", new Summer())); // metrics with 2 tags, key1, that has key values of val[1-10], and key2, which has key values val[0-1]. The values are summed by shared key2, and key1's value is ignored. IEnumerable <Metric> metrics = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new Metric(, "test_metric", i, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "key1", $"val{i}" }, { "key2", $"val{i % 2}" } })); Metric[] results = aggregator.AggregateMetrics(metrics).ToArray(); Assert.Equal(2, results.Length); Assert.Equal(2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10, results.Where(m => m.Tags.Contains(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("key2", "val0"))).Single().Value); Assert.Equal(1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9, results.Where(m => m.Tags.Contains(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("key2", "val1"))).Single().Value); }
public void TestMultipleMetricsDifferentAggregator() { MetricAggregator aggregator = new MetricAggregator( new AggregationTemplate("test_metric0", "key1", new Summer()), new AggregationTemplate("test_metric1", "key1", new Multiplier())); // 2 metrics with 1 tag, key1, that has key values of val[1-10]. The key values don't matter for this test and are ignored by the aggregator. Only the metric values are used. Even values are test_metric0 and will be summed, odd values are test_metric1 and will be multiplied. IEnumerable <Metric> metrics = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new Metric(, $"test_metric{i % 2}", i, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "key1", $"val{i}" } })); Metric[] results = aggregator.AggregateMetrics(metrics).ToArray(); Assert.Equal(2, results.Length); Assert.Equal(2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10, results.Where(m => m.Name == "test_metric0").Single().Value); Assert.Equal(1 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 9, results.Where(m => m.Name == "test_metric1").Single().Value); }
public async Task AggregateMultipleCollectionsSameMetrics() { string expectedMetric1 = "one"; string expectedMetric2 = "two"; double inputMetric1Value = 1.9; double inputMetric2Value = 4.1; int expectedMetric1Value = 2; int expectedMetric2Value = 4; Uri collection1Name = new Uri("test://dictionary1"); Uri collection2Name = new Uri("test://dictionary2"); MockReliableStateManager stateManager = new MockReliableStateManager(); MockReliableDictionary <int, int> dictionary1 = new MockReliableDictionary <int, int>(collection1Name); MockReliableDictionary <int, int> dictionary2 = new MockReliableDictionary <int, int>(collection2Name); dictionary1.OnGetLoadMetrics = () => new DecimalLoadMetric[] { new DecimalLoadMetric(expectedMetric1, inputMetric1Value / 2.0), new DecimalLoadMetric(expectedMetric2, inputMetric2Value / 2.0) }; dictionary2.OnGetLoadMetrics = () => new DecimalLoadMetric[] { new DecimalLoadMetric(expectedMetric1, inputMetric1Value / 2.0), new DecimalLoadMetric(expectedMetric2, inputMetric2Value / 2.0) }; stateManager.SetMock(collection1Name, dictionary1); stateManager.SetMock(collection2Name, dictionary2); MetricAggregator target = new MetricAggregator(); IEnumerable <LoadMetric> actual = await target.Aggregate(stateManager, CancellationToken.None); Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, actual.Count(x => x.Name == expectedMetric1 && x.Value == expectedMetric1Value)); Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, actual.Count(x => x.Name == expectedMetric2 && x.Value == expectedMetric2Value)); }
public void IncrementByTwo_OneStat_TwoTicks() { const string metricName = "foo"; const int count1 = 100; const int count2 = 25; IEnumerable <DataPoint> points = null; var mockPoster = new Mock <MockCustomMetricsPoster>(); mockPoster .Setup(p => p.SendBatchMetricsAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <DataPoint> >())) .Callback <IEnumerable <DataPoint> >(c => points = c) .Returns(new Task(NoOp)); var aggregator = new MetricAggregator(mockPoster.Object, 3); for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) { aggregator.Increment(metricName, 2); } Thread.Sleep(4500); Assert.NotNull(points); var dp = points.First(); Assert.NotNull(dp); Assert.Equal(count1 * 2, (int)(double)dp.Value); for (int i = 0; i < count2; i++) { aggregator.Increment(metricName, 2); } Thread.Sleep(4000); Assert.NotNull(points); dp = points.First(); Assert.NotNull(dp); Assert.Equal(count2 * 2, (int)(double)dp.Value); }
public void IncrementByTwo_TwoStats_TwoTicks() { const string metricName1 = "foo"; const string metricName2 = "bar"; const string metricName3 = "zap"; const int count1 = 100; const long count2 = 2500L; const long count3 = 10; IEnumerable <DataPoint> points = null; var mockPoster = new Mock <MockCustomMetricsPoster>(); mockPoster .Setup(p => p.SendBatchMetricsAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <DataPoint> >())) .Callback <IEnumerable <DataPoint> >(c => points = c) .Returns(new Task(NoOp)); var aggregator = new MetricAggregator(mockPoster.Object, 3); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); aggregator.SetupMetric(metricName3, MetricType.Total); for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) { aggregator.Increment(metricName1, 2); aggregator.Add(metricName2, count2); aggregator.Add(metricName3, count3); } sw.Stop(); Thread.Sleep(4500 - (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); Assert.NotNull(points); Assert.Equal(count1 * 2, (int)(double)points.Single(dp => dp.Name == metricName1).Value); Assert.Equal(count2, (double)points.Single(dp => dp.Name == metricName2).Value); var val = points.Single(dp => dp.Name == metricName3); Assert.Equal(count3 * count1, (double)val.Value); }
public MetricsWorker(IMetricsScraper scraper, IMetricsStorage storage, IMetricsPublisher uploader) { this.scraper = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(scraper, nameof(scraper)); = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(storage, nameof(storage)); this.uploader = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(uploader, nameof(uploader)); this.metricFilter = new MetricTransformer() .AddAllowedTags((MetricsConstants.MsTelemetry, true.ToString())) .AddDisallowedTags( ("quantile", "0.1"), ("quantile", "0.5"), ("quantile", "0.99")) .AddTagsToRemove(MetricsConstants.MsTelemetry, MetricsConstants.IotHubLabel, MetricsConstants.DeviceIdLabel) .AddTagsToModify( ("id", this.ReplaceDeviceId), ("module_name", this.ReplaceModuleId), ("to", name => name.CreateSha256()), ("from", name => name.CreateSha256()), ("to_route_input", name => name.CreateSha256()), ("from_route_output", name => name.CreateSha256())); #pragma warning disable SA1111 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter this.metricAggregator = new MetricAggregator( new AggregationTemplate("edgehub_gettwin_total", "id", new Summer()), new AggregationTemplate( "edgehub_messages_received_total", ("route_output", new Summer()), ("id", new Summer()) ), new AggregationTemplate( "edgehub_messages_sent_total", ("from", new Summer()), ("to", new Summer()), ("from_route_output", new Summer()), ("to_route_input", new Summer()) ), new AggregationTemplate( new string[] { "edgehub_message_size_bytes", "edgehub_message_size_bytes_sum", "edgehub_message_size_bytes_count" }, "id", new Averager()), new AggregationTemplate( new string[] { "edgehub_message_process_duration_seconds", "edgehub_message_process_duration_seconds_sum", "edgehub_message_process_duration_seconds_count", }, ("from", new Averager()), ("to", new Averager()) ), new AggregationTemplate( "edgehub_direct_methods_total", ("from", new Summer()), ("to", new Summer()) ), new AggregationTemplate("edgehub_queue_length", "endpoint", new Summer()), new AggregationTemplate( new string[] { "edgehub_messages_dropped_total", "edgehub_messages_unack_total", }, ("from", new Summer()), ("from_route_output", new Summer()) ), new AggregationTemplate("edgehub_client_connect_failed_total", "id", new Summer()) ); #pragma warning restore SA1111 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter }