public void ClosureMethod_Registry_GC_Multithreaded([Values] bool gcAtIntervals)
            var threadCount                 = 10;
            var delegatePerThreadCount      = 10;
            var delegatePerThreadGCInterval = 5;

            MethodClosureExtensionsFixture.Do(fixture =>
                fixture.AssertClosureRegistryCountAfterFullGCFinalization(0, "after initial GC");

                var method = typeof(MethodClosureExtensionsTestsFancy).GetMethod(nameof(MethodClosureExtensionsTestsFancy.FancyStaticNonVoidMethod));
                var partialAppliedMethod = method.PartialApply("hello", "world", new TestStruct(10), new TestStruct(15), 20, 25, new TestClass(30), new TestClass(35));

                var threads = new Thread[threadCount];
                var partialAppliedDelegatePerThread = new MethodClosureExtensionsTestsFancy.FancyStaticNonVoidMethod_PartialApply_Delegate[threadCount];
                var unexpectedExceptionPerThread    = new Exception[threadCount];
                var threadStartResetEvent           = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                for (var j = 0; j < threadCount; j++)
                    // Need a copy of the iteration variable for usage within the thread, since direct access to it is effectively by-ref,
                    // such that within the threads, it would only see it as its final value (threadCount).
                    var threadIndex = j;
                    var thread      = new Thread(() =>
                        // Wait until all threads are started (threadStartResetEvent.Set() is called in the main thread once all threads are started).
                        //Logging.Log($"DEBUG thread {threadIndex} init");

                        Logging.Log($"DEBUG thread {threadIndex} started");
                            for (var i = 0; i < delegatePerThreadCount; i++)
                                // This local function ensures that any (implicit) local variables within its body are finalizable afterwards.
                                // This is a workaround for the issue where local variables in a method are not finalizable after last usage in DEBUG builds.
                                void CreateTestDelegate()
                                    // Note: CreateDelegate has to go within the lock (if locking is needed), since it modifies the closure registry.
                                    partialAppliedDelegatePerThread[threadIndex] =
                                        partialAppliedMethod.CreateDelegate <MethodClosureExtensionsTestsFancy.FancyStaticNonVoidMethod_PartialApply_Delegate>();
                                    if (i % delegatePerThreadGCInterval == 0)
                                        // Test that the partially applied method delegate still works in this thread.
                                        //Logging.Log($"DEBUG before delegate call {i / delegatePerThreadGCInterval} in thread {threadIndex}");
                                        var x = threadIndex * i;
                                        partialAppliedDelegatePerThread[threadIndex](null, new List <string>()
                                        }, x, ref x);
                                        Assert.AreEqual(threadIndex * i * threadIndex * i, x);
                                if (gcAtIntervals)
                                    lock (fixture.GCSync)

                                if (i % delegatePerThreadGCInterval == 0 && gcAtIntervals)
                                    lock (fixture.GCSync)
                                        Logging.Log($"DEBUG before GC {i / delegatePerThreadGCInterval} in thread {threadIndex}:\n{ClosureMethod.Registry}");
                                        var delegateCount = partialAppliedDelegatePerThread.Where(@delegate => !(@delegate is null)).Count();
                                        var logLabel      = $"after GC {i / delegatePerThreadGCInterval} in thread {threadIndex}";
                                        Assert.Greater(delegateCount, 0, logLabel);
                                        fixture.AssertClosureRegistryCountAfterFullGCFinalization(delegateCount, logLabel);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            unexpectedExceptionPerThread[threadIndex] = exception;
                            Logging.Log($"DEBUG exception in thread {threadIndex}:\n{exception}");
                            Logging.Log($"DEBUG thread {threadIndex} finished");
                    threads[threadIndex] = thread;

                var timeoutThread = new Thread(() =>
                    var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
                    Logging.Log($"DEBUG timeout after {timeout.Seconds} seconds - aborting all test threads");
                    foreach (var thread in threads)
                        if (thread.IsAlive)

                foreach (var thread in threads)

                for (var threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threadCount; threadIndex++)
                    var exception = unexpectedExceptionPerThread[threadIndex];
                    if (!(exception is null))
                        // Wrapping in a new exception to preserve the stack trace (since throw sets thrown exception's stack trace).
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected exception", exception);

                lock (fixture.GCSync)
                    //Logging.Log($"DEBUG before GC after all threads joined:\n{ClosureMethod.Registry}");
                    fixture.AssertClosureRegistryCountAfterFullGCFinalization(threadCount, "after GC after all threads joined");

                for (var threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threadCount; threadIndex++)
                    // Test that the latest partially applied method delegate still works.
                    //Logging.Log($"DEBUG before final delegate call created in thread {threadIndex} and called in main thread");
                    var x = threadIndex;
                    partialAppliedDelegatePerThread[threadIndex](null, new List <string>()
                    }, 40L, ref x);
                    Assert.AreEqual(threadIndex * threadIndex, x);
                    // TODO: Why is this now necessary? Shouldn't partialAppliedDelegatePerThread going out of scope be sufficient?
                    partialAppliedDelegatePerThread[threadIndex] = null;
                //lock (fixture.GCSync)
                //	Logging.Log($"DEBUG before final GC:\n{ClosureMethod.Registry}");
                //	// MethodClosureExtensionsFixture will call AssertEmptyClosureRegistryAfterTryFullGCFinalization a final time,
                //	// so don't need to call it here.
        public void ClosureMethod_Registry_GC([Values] bool gcAtIntervals)
            int delegateCount = 20;
            int gcInterval    = 5;

            MethodClosureExtensionsFixture.Do(fixture =>
                fixture.AssertClosureRegistryCountAfterFullGCFinalization(0, "after initial GC");
                var method = typeof(MethodClosureExtensionsTestsFancy).GetMethod(nameof(MethodClosureExtensionsTestsFancy.FancyStaticNonVoidMethod));
                MethodClosureExtensionsTestsFancy.FancyStaticNonVoidMethod_PartialApply_Delegate partialAppliedDelegate1 = null, partialAppliedDelegate2 = null;
                for (var i = 1; i <= delegateCount; i++)
                    var partialAppliedMethod = method.PartialApply("hello", "world", new TestStruct(10), new TestStruct(15), 20, 25, new TestClass(30), new TestClass(35));
                    partialAppliedDelegate1  = partialAppliedMethod.CreateDelegate <MethodClosureExtensionsTestsFancy.FancyStaticNonVoidMethod_PartialApply_Delegate>();
                    partialAppliedDelegate2  = partialAppliedMethod.CreateDelegate <MethodClosureExtensionsTestsFancy.FancyStaticNonVoidMethod_PartialApply_Delegate>();
                    if (i % 5 == 0 && gcAtIntervals)
                        //Logging.Log($"DEBUG before GC {i / gcInterval}:\n{ClosureMethod.Registry}");
                        // Note: Since GCs can be triggered at any moment before this point, we can't deterministically determine # active closures are in the registry.
                        // We can only deterministically determine the # active closures after a "full" GC and before any further ClosureMethod.CreateDelegate calls.
                        fixture.AssertClosureRegistryCountAfterFullGCFinalization(2, $"after GC {i / gcInterval}");
                if (!gcAtIntervals)
                    fixture.AssertClosureRegistryCountAfterFullGCFinalization(2, $"after GC {delegateCount / gcInterval}");
                // Test that the latest partially applied method delegate still works.
                var x = 20;
                partialAppliedDelegate1(null, new List <string>()
                }, 40L, ref x);
                Assert.AreEqual(20 * 20, x);
                partialAppliedDelegate2(null, new List <string>()
                }, 40L, ref x);
                Assert.AreEqual(20 * 20 * 20 * 20, x);
                //Logging.Log($"DEBUG before final GC:\n{ClosureMethod.Registry}");
                // MethodClosureExtensionsFixture will call AssertEmptyClosureRegistryAfterTryFullGCFinalization a final time, so don't need to call it here.