Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the matadata type for the given tactical data type (e.g: Area2D, Area3D and so on..)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pParentTypePathAsString">The type parent type string path.</param>
        /// <param name="pTypeAsString">The type as string.</param>
        /// <returns>The found type, null otherwise.</returns>
        public MetadataSetType GetType(string pParentTypePathAsString, string pTypeAsString)
            MetadataSetType lParentType = null;
            TargetKey       lTargetKey;
            TypeKey         lTypeKey;

            // Going threw the parents.
            List <string> lParentTypesAsString = null;

            this.ParseParentTypePath(pParentTypePathAsString, out lParentTypesAsString);
            foreach (string lParentTypeAsString in lParentTypesAsString)
                if (this.ParseTypeAsString(lParentTypeAsString, out lTargetKey, out lTypeKey))
                    lParentType = this.GetType(lParentType, lTargetKey, lTypeKey);

            // Getting the final nested type.
            if (this.ParseTypeAsString(pTypeAsString, out lTargetKey, out lTypeKey))
                return(this.GetType(lParentType, lTargetKey, lTypeKey));

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Xml containing customization of tactical data.
        /// </summary>
        public void Load()
            FileInfo lFileInfo = null; // PathManager.Instance.GetFile("Resources", @"Xml\UserTacticalDatas.xml");

            if (lFileInfo.Exists)
                XElement lRoot = XElement.Load(lFileInfo.FullName);
                foreach (XElement lXTacticalMetadataType in lRoot.Descendants(cMetadataTypeTag))
                    XAttribute lXTargetType = lXTacticalMetadataType.Attribute(cMetadataTargetTypeTag);
                    XAttribute lXuserType   = lXTacticalMetadataType.Attribute(cMetadataUserTypeTag);
                    if (lXTargetType == null ||
                        lXuserType == null)

                    string lTargetType = lXTargetType.Value;

                    // If the target
                    if (sTacticalMetadataTypes.ContainsKey(lTargetType) == false)
                        // Invalid tactical data type name...

                    string          lUserTypeName = lXuserType.Value;
                    MetadataSetType lNewType      = new MetadataSetType(lUserTypeName);
                    lNewType.TargetType = lTargetType;

                    foreach (XElement lXMetadata in lXTacticalMetadataType.Elements(cMetadataTag))
                        XAttribute lXType = lXMetadata.Attribute(cTypeTag);
                        if (lXType == null)

                        AMetadataReader lReader;
                        if (sReaders.TryGetValue(lXType.Value, out lReader))
                            lReader.Read(ref lNewType, lXMetadata);

                    // Checks for nested types.
                    foreach (XElement lXNestedType in lXTacticalMetadataType.Elements(cMetadataTypeTag))
                        sTypeReader.Read(ref lNewType, lXNestedType);

                // Log an error.
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a new metadata element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pMetadataType">The metadata type to fill.</param>
        /// <param name="pElement">The XML element the metadata is extracted from.</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool Read(ref MetadataSetType pMetadataType, XElement pElement)
            IMetadata lMetadata = null;

            this.Read(out lMetadata, pElement);


Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers a new user type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pType">The new user type to register.</param>
        public void RegisterUserType(MetadataSetType pType)
            if (pType == null)

            string lTargetType = pType.TargetType;
            Dictionary <string, MetadataSetType> lTypesById;

            if (sTacticalMetadataTypes.TryGetValue(lTargetType, out lTypesById))
                lTypesById[pType.Id] = pType;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Unregisters a user type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pType">The user type to unregister</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool UnregisterUserType(MetadataSetType pType)
            if (pType == null)

            string lTargetType = pType.TargetType;
            Dictionary <string, MetadataSetType> lTypesById;

            if (sTacticalMetadataTypes.TryGetValue(lTargetType, out lTypesById))

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a new metadata element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pMetadataType">The metadata type to fill.</param>
        /// <param name="pElement">The XML element the metadata is extracted from.</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool Read(ref MetadataSetType pMetadataType, XElement pElement)
            XAttribute lXNestedPropertyName = pElement.Attribute(MetadataManager.cMetadataPropertyNameTag);
            XAttribute lXNestedTypeId       = pElement.Attribute(MetadataManager.cMetadataIdTag);

            if (lXNestedPropertyName == null ||
                lXNestedTypeId == null)

            string          lNestedTargetType = lXNestedPropertyName.Value;
            string          lNestedTypeId     = lXNestedTypeId.Value;
            MetadataSetType lNestedType       = new MetadataSetType(lNestedTypeId);

            lNestedType.TargetType = lNestedTargetType;

            foreach (XElement lXMetadata in pElement.Elements(MetadataManager.cMetadataTag))
                XAttribute lXType = lXMetadata.Attribute(MetadataManager.cTypeTag);
                if (lXType == null)

                AMetadataReader lReader = MetadataManager.Instance.GetReader(lXType.Value);
                if (lReader != null)
                    lReader.Read(ref lNestedType, lXMetadata);

            // Check for nested types too.
            foreach (XElement lXNestedType in pElement.Elements(MetadataManager.cMetadataTypeTag))
                MetadataTypeReader lNestedReader = new MetadataTypeReader();
                lNestedReader.Read(ref lNestedType, lXNestedType);


Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a tactical metadata type string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pType">The user type.</param>
        /// <returns>The type as string.</returns>
        public string BuildParentTypeAsString(MetadataSetType pType)
            string           lPath   = string.Empty;
            IMetadataSetType lParent = pType.ParentType;

            while (lParent != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lPath))
                    lPath = lParent.GetTypeAsString();
                    lPath = lParent.GetTypeAsString() + MetadataManager.PARENT_TYPE_AS_STRING_SEP + lPath;

                lParent = lParent.ParentType;

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the matadata type for the given tactical data type (e.g: Area2D, Area3D and so on..)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pParentType">The parent metadata type.</param>
        /// <param name="pTarget">The target tactical data type.</param>
        /// <param name="pType">The user type.</param>
        /// <returns>The found type, null otherwise.</returns>
        public MetadataSetType GetType(MetadataSetType pParentType, TargetKey pTarget, TypeKey pType)
            if (pParentType == null)
                Dictionary <string, MetadataSetType> lTypes;
                if (sTacticalMetadataTypes.TryGetValue(pTarget, out lTypes))
                    MetadataSetType lType;
                    if (lTypes.TryGetValue(pType, out lType))

            if (pParentType != null)
                return(pParentType.NestedTypes.FirstOrDefault(pNestedType => pNestedType.GetTypeAsString() == this.BuildTypeAsString(pTarget, pType)) as MetadataSetType);

        ////////////BUILD FROM V2.1 SCHEMA                 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
        #region Constructors and Destructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MetadataSetObjectCore"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">
        /// The parent. 
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="createdFrom">
        /// The created from. 
        /// </param>
        /// ///
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// Throws ArgumentNullException.
        /// </exception>
        public MetadataSetObjectCore(IMetadata parent, MetadataSetType createdFrom)
            : base(SdmxStructureType.GetFromEnum(SdmxStructureEnumType.MetadataSet), null)
            if (createdFrom == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("createdFrom");
            this.setId = createdFrom.setID;

            foreach (IDatasetStructureReference structurereference in parent.Header.Structures)
                if (structurereference.Id.Equals(createdFrom.structureRef))
                    this.structureRef = new CrossReferenceImpl(this, structurereference.StructureReference);
            if (createdFrom.Name != null)
                this.names = TextTypeUtil.WrapTextTypeV21(createdFrom.Name, this);

            var reportingDate = createdFrom.reportingBeginDate as DateTime?;

            if (reportingDate != null)
                this.reportingBeginDate = new SdmxDateCore(reportingDate, TimeFormatEnumType.DateTime);

            reportingDate = createdFrom.reportingEndDate as DateTime?;

            if (reportingDate != null)
                this.reportingEndDate = new SdmxDateCore(reportingDate, TimeFormatEnumType.DateTime);

            if (createdFrom.publicationYear != null)
                this.publicationYear = new SdmxDateCore(createdFrom.publicationYear, TimeFormatEnumType.DateTime);

            if (createdFrom.validFromDate != null)
                this.validFromDate = new SdmxDateCore(createdFrom.validFromDate, TimeFormatEnumType.DateTime);

            if (createdFrom.validToDate != null)
                this.validToDate = new SdmxDateCore(createdFrom.validToDate, TimeFormatEnumType.DateTime);

            // FUNC Publication Period
            this.publicationPeriod = createdFrom.publicationPeriod;

            if (createdFrom.DataProvider != null)
                this.dataProviderReference = RefUtil.CreateReference(this, createdFrom.DataProvider);

            if (ObjectUtil.ValidCollection(createdFrom.Report))
                foreach (ReportType currentReport in createdFrom.Report)
                    this.reports.Add(new MetadataReportObjectCore(this, currentReport));

Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive fonction to decorate metadatable with metadata type(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pToDecorate"></param>
        /// <param name="pType"></param>
        private void Decorate(IMetadatable pToDecorate, MetadataSetType pType)
            // Cleaning metadata.
            pToDecorate.Metadata = null;

            // Cleaning the old type.
            MetadataSetType lOldType = pToDecorate.Type as MetadataSetType;

            if (lOldType != null)
                foreach (MetadataSetType lNestedType in lOldType.NestedTypes)
                    object lPropertyValue = pToDecorate.GetPropertyValue(lNestedType.TargetType);
                    if (lPropertyValue == null)

                    if (lPropertyValue is IEnumerable) // List of metadatable??
                        IEnumerable lList = lPropertyValue as IEnumerable;
                        foreach (object lItem in lList)
                            IMetadatable lMetadatable = lItem as IMetadatable;
                            if (lMetadatable != null)
                                this.Decorate(lMetadatable, null);
                    else if (lPropertyValue is IMetadatable) // Metadatable.
                        IMetadatable lMetadatable = lPropertyValue as IMetadatable;

                        this.Decorate(lMetadatable, null);

            pToDecorate.Type = pType;

            // Applying the new type.
            if (pType != null)
                foreach (MetadataSetType lNestedType in pType.NestedTypes)
                    object lPropertyValue = pToDecorate.GetPropertyValue(lNestedType.TargetType);
                    if (lPropertyValue == null)

                    if (lPropertyValue is IEnumerable) // List of metadatable??
                        IEnumerable lList = lPropertyValue as IEnumerable;
                        foreach (object lItem in lList)
                            IMetadatable lMetadatable = lItem as IMetadatable;
                            if (lMetadatable != null)
                                // Recurse for sub nested.
                                this.Decorate(lMetadatable, lNestedType);
                    else if (lPropertyValue is IMetadatable) // Metadatable.
                        IMetadatable lMetadatable = lPropertyValue as IMetadatable;

                        // Recurse for sub nested.
                        this.Decorate(lMetadatable, lNestedType);
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds a tactical metadata type string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pType">The user type.</param>
 /// <returns>The type as string.</returns>
 public string BuildTypeAsString(MetadataSetType pType)
     return(this.BuildTypeAsString(new TargetKey(pType.TargetType), new TypeKey(pType.Id)));