Пример #1
        private async Task OnMessageReceived(SocketMessage arg)
            var author       = arg.Author as IGuildUser;
            var voiceChannel = author?.VoiceChannel as SocketVoiceChannel;

            if (voiceChannel?.Id != Program.DiscordChannelId)

            if (arg.Content == "!dd start" && voiceChannel != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Joining voice channel: " + voiceChannel.Name);
            else if (arg.Content == "!dd skip" && voiceChannel != null)
            else if (arg.Content == "!dd stop")
                if (_voiceChannelWorker != null)
                    await _voiceChannelWorker.StopAsync();
            else if (arg.Content == "!dd info")
                var currentSong = _voiceChannelWorker?.CurrentSong;
                _ = arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Now playing " + currentSong?.Title + " - " + currentSong?.Url);
            else if (arg.Content.StartsWith("!dd play "))
                var url = arg.Content.Substring("!dd play ".Length);

                _ = Task.Run(async() =>
                    var post = await _metadataManager.AddUserRequestAsync(url, arg.Author.Username);
                    await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The song has been added to the queue");
            else if (arg.Content.StartsWith("!dd say "))
                var text = arg.Content.Substring("!dd say ".Length);

            else if (arg.Content.StartsWith("!dd pause"))
            else if (arg.Content.StartsWith("!dd resume"))