Пример #1
    private void _bAddNet_Click(object button, EventArgs e)
        using var d = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog { InitialDirectory = AFolders.ThisApp, Filter = "Dll|*.dll|All files|*.*", Multiselect = true };
        if (d.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK)

        var a = d.FileNames;

        foreach (var v in a)
            if (MetaReferences.IsDotnetAssembly(v))
            ADialog.ShowError("Not a .NET assembly.", v, owner: this);

        //remove path and ext if need
        var thisApp = AFolders.ThisAppBS;

        if (a[0].Starts(thisApp, true))
            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                a[i] = a[i].Substring(thisApp.Length);

        _Added(button, _meta.r);
Пример #2
    public static void UiLoaded()
        //warm up
        //Task.Delay(100).ContinueWith(_1 => {
        Task.Run(() => {
            //var p1 = APerf.Create();
            try {
                var code = @"//.
using Au; using Au.Types; using System; using System.Collections.Generic;
class Script : AScript { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] a) => new Script(a); Script(string[] args) {
AOutput.Write(""t"" + 'c' + 1);

                var refs              = new MetaReferences().Refs;
                int position          = code.IndexOf('}');
                ProjectId projectId   = ProjectId.CreateNewId();
                DocumentId documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(projectId);
                using var ws          = new AdhocWorkspace();
                var sol = ws.CurrentSolution
                          .AddProject(projectId, "p", "p", LanguageNames.CSharp)
                          .AddMetadataReferences(projectId, refs)
                          .AddDocument(documentId, "f.cs", code);
                var document = sol.GetDocument(documentId);
                //_ = document.GetSemanticModelAsync().Result;
                Program.MainForm.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => {
                    _isWarm = true;
                    Panels.Editor.ZActiveDocChanged += Stop;
                    Program.Timer025sWhenVisible    += _Timer025sWhenVisible;
                //Compiler.Warmup(document); //don't need. Later fast enough. Now just uses more memory and CPU at startup.

                //EdUtil.MinimizeProcessPhysicalMemory(500); //with this later significantly slower
            catch (Exception ex) {