private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ValidateBeforeAdd()) { using (Asapuwa asapuwa = new Asapuwa(true)) { asapuwa.AsapuwaName = nameTextBoxX.Text; asapuwa.ContactNumber1 = tp1textBox.Text; asapuwa.ContactNumber2 = tp2TextBox.Text; asapuwa.Address = addressTextBox.Text; asapuwa.SangaUpasthayakahimi = 0; // sangaUpastayakaTheroComboBox.SelectedValue != null ? (int)sangaUpastayakaTheroComboBox.SelectedValue : 0; asapuwa.OpeningDate = dateOfOpenDtm.Value.Date; asapuwa.HeldUpasampada = false; // upasampadaCheckBox.Checked; asapuwa.District = districtCombo.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : (int)districtCombo.SelectedValue; asapuwa.PostalCode = postalcodeTextbox.Text; asapuwa.Country = countryCombo.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : countryCombo.Text == "ශ්රී ලංකාව" ? 0 : (int)countryCombo.SelectedValue; asapuwa.NumberOfKuti = (int)numberOfKutiTxt.Value; if (asapuwaID == 0) { if (asapuwa.Add() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Added"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } else { asapuwa.ID = asapuwaID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Update '" + nameTextBoxX.Text + "' Asapuwa") == DialogResult.OK) { if (asapuwa.Update() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Updated"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ShowErrorMsg(ex.Message); } }
private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (BikkuInfo bInfo = new BikkuInfo(true)) { bInfo.ID = bhikkuID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Delete Details for '" + nameOfAssumedAtRobinTxt.Text + "' thero") == DialogResult.OK) { bInfo.Delete(); clear(); MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Deleted"); } } }
private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (Asapuwa asapuwa = new Asapuwa(true)) { asapuwa.ID = asapuwaID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Delete Details for '" + nameTextBoxX.Text + "' Asapuwa") == DialogResult.OK) { asapuwa.Delete(); clear(); MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Deleted"); } } }
private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (EduQualifications edu = new EduQualifications(true)) { edu.ID = occuID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Delete Details of '" + nameTextBoxX.Text + "'") == DialogResult.OK) { edu.Delete(); clear(); MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Deleted"); } } }
private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (Category sc = new Category(true)) { sc.ID = occuID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Delete Details of '" + nameTextBoxX.Text + "'") == DialogResult.OK) { sc.Delete(); clear(); MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Deleted"); } } }
private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (UtilityData ut = new UtilityData(true)) { ut.ID = ID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Delete Details of '" + nameTextBoxX.Text + "'") == DialogResult.OK) { ut.Delete(); clear(); MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Deleted"); } } }
private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ValidateBeforeAdd()) { using (OtherAddress addr = new OtherAddress(true)) { setObjectFromFieldValues(addr); if (addressID == 0) { if (addr.Add() == 1) { // MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Added"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); statusText.Visible = true; timer1.Enabled = true; clear(); } } else { addr.ID = addressID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Update Address") == DialogResult.OK) { if (addr.Update() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Updated"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ShowErrorMsg(ex.Message); } }
private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ValidateBeforeAdd()) { using (UtilityData ut = new UtilityData(true)) { ut.NameID = NameID; ut.Value = nameTextBoxX.Text; if (ID == 0) { if (ut.Add() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Added"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } else { ut.ID = ID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Update ") == DialogResult.OK) { if (ut.Update() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Updated"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ShowErrorMsg(ex.Message); } }
private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ValidateBeforeAdd()) { using (Tag tg = new Tag(true)) { tg.Name = nameTextBoxX.Text; tg.Description = descriptionText.Text; if (occuID == 0) { if (tg.Add() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Added"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } else { tg.ID = occuID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Update School") == DialogResult.OK) { if (tg.Update() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Updated"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ShowErrorMsg(ex.Message); } }
private void savebtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveToHistry(); using (ChangeList change = new ChangeList(true)) { change.ID = ChangeListID; change.SetAddedHistry(); AddedHistry = true; saveHistrybtn.Enabled = false; } MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Saved"); }
private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (MemberInfo member = new MemberInfo(true, memberType)) { member.ID = memberID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Delete Details of '" + nameTextBoxX.Text + "'") == DialogResult.OK) { member.Delete(); clear(); MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Deleted"); } } SetIndexField(); }
private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ValidateBeforeAdd()) { using (User user = new User(true)) { user.Name = fNameTxt.Text; user.UserName = usernameTxt.Text; user.Password = passwordTxt.Text.GetHashCode(); user.Mobile = mobileTPTxt.Text; user.PermissionLevel = userLevelCombo.SelectedIndex; user.Email = emailText.Text; if (validateName(user, userID)) { if (userID == 0) { if (user.Add() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully added"); clear(); } } else { user.ID = userID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Update Current User") == DialogResult.OK) { if (user.Update(changePwsCheckbox.Checked) == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Updated"); clear(); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ExceptionError(ex); } }
private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ValidateBeforeAdd()) { using (EduQualifications edu = new EduQualifications(true)) { edu.Name = nameTextBoxX.Text; if (occuID == 0) { if (edu.Add() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Added"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } else { edu.ID = occuID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Update EduQualifications") == DialogResult.OK) { if (edu.Update() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Updated"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ShowErrorMsg(ex.Message); } }
private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (User cus = new User(true)) { cus.ID = userID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Delete user " + fNameTxt.Text + "'") == DialogResult.OK) { cus.Delete(); clear(); MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Deleted"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ExceptionError(ex); } }
private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (Item item = new Item(true)) { item.ID = itemID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Delete Item " + nameTxt.Text + "'") == DialogResult.OK) { item.Delete(); clear(); MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Deleted"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ExceptionError(ex); } }
private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (BikkuInfo bInfo = new BikkuInfo(true)) { if (ValidateBeforeAdd(bInfo)) { bInfo.NIC = nicTextBoxX.Text; bInfo.SamaneraNumber = samaneraNumberTextBoxX.Text; bInfo.PassportNumber = passportNumbrtTextBoxX.Text; bInfo.PlaceOfBirth = placeOfBirthtxt.Text; bInfo.LayNameInFull = layNameinFullTxt.Text; bInfo.DateOfBirth = dobDtm.Value.Date; bInfo.NameOfFatherInFull = nameOfFatheinFullTxt.Text; bInfo.DateOfRobing = dateOfRobingDtm.Value.Date; bInfo.NameAssumedAtRobing = nameOfAssumedAtRobinTxt.Text; bInfo.NameOfRobingTutor = nameOfRobingTutorCombo.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : (int)nameOfRobingTutorCombo.SelectedValue; bInfo.TempleRobing = templaRobingTookCombo.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : (int)templaRobingTookCombo.SelectedValue; bInfo.TempleOfResidence = templaResidenceCombo.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : (int)templaResidenceCombo.SelectedValue; bInfo.NameOfViharadhipathi = nameOfViharadhipathiCombo.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : (int)nameOfViharadhipathiCombo.SelectedValue; bInfo.IsUpasampanna = isUpasampannaCheckBox.Checked; bInfo.PlaceOfHigherOrdination = upasampannaPlaceComboBoxEx.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : (int)upasampannaPlaceComboBoxEx.SelectedValue; bInfo.DateOfHigherOrdination = upasampannaDatetp.Value.Date; bInfo.NameOfUpadyaAtHigherOrdination = nameofUpadyaComboBoxEx.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : (int)nameofUpadyaComboBoxEx.SelectedValue; bInfo.IsUpadyaThero = isUpadyaCheckBox.Checked; //bInfo.Post = isSangaUpasCheckBox.Checked; bInfo.District = districtcomboBox.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : (int)districtcomboBox.SelectedValue; bInfo.DateOfCame = dateofCameDtm.Value; // == new DateTime() bInfo.HomeAddress = homeaddressText.Text; bInfo.HomeTP = hometpText.Text; if (bloodGroupCombo.SelectedItem != null) { ComboItem item = (ComboItem)bloodGroupCombo.SelectedItem; bInfo.BloodGroup = item.Text; } if (bikkuImage == null) { bInfo.ImageData = string.Empty; } else { bInfo.ImageData = Utility.Get64String(bikkuImage); } if (bhikkuID == 0) { setActivitiesToObject(bInfo); setAsapuHistryToObject(bInfo); setOtherDataToObject(bInfo); if (bInfo.Add() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Added"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } else { bInfo.ID = bhikkuID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Update Current Item") == DialogResult.OK) { // if templae changed, ask for add record to histry if (TempleOfResidenceBeforeChange != bInfo.TempleOfResidence) { string message = string.Concat("<br/><br/><b>Asapuwa : </b>", TempleOfResidenceBeforeChangeName, "\r\n<br/><b>From Date : </b>", histryDatagrid.Rows[histryDatagrid.RowCount - 1].Cells[4].Value, "\r\n<br/><b>To Date : </b>", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MMM-dd")); if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Residence temple has edited, Add histry record? \n\n" + message) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { } } if (bInfo.Update() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Updated"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ShowErrorMsg(ex.Message); } }
private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (MemberInfo memInfo = new MemberInfo(true, memberType)) { if (ValidateBeforeAdd(memInfo)) { memInfo.NIC = nicText.Text; memInfo.BloodGroup = bloodGroupCombo.Text; memInfo.Name = nameTextBoxX.Text; memInfo.Address = addressTextbox.Text; memInfo.DOB = dobDate.Value.Date; memInfo.Mobile = mobileText.Text; memInfo.HomeTP = homeTpText.Text; memInfo.Email = emailText.Text; memInfo.Occupatition = occuCombo.SelectedValue == null ? -1 : (int)occuCombo.SelectedValue; memInfo.OccupatitioInfo = occuText.Text; memInfo.DOJoinAsapuwa = dojoindate.Value.Date; memInfo.Abilities = abilityText.Text; memInfo.Contributition = contribText.Text; memInfo.IndexNumber = indexText.Text; memInfo.School = schoolCombo.SelectedValue == null ? -1 : (int)schoolCombo.SelectedValue; memInfo.EduQualifications = eduQuaCombo.SelectedValue == null ? -1 : (int)eduQuaCombo.SelectedValue; memInfo.OtherQualifications = otheQualiText.Text; memInfo.DataVerified = verifiedCheck.Checked ? 1 : 0; if (bloodGroupCombo.SelectedItem != null) { ComboItem item = (ComboItem)bloodGroupCombo.SelectedItem; memInfo.BloodGroup = item.Text; } memInfo.Sex = sexCombo.SelectedIndex; memInfo.CivilStatus = civilStatusCombo.SelectedIndex; if (imageData == null) { memInfo.ImageData = string.Empty; } else { memInfo.ImageData = Utility.Get64String(imageData); } if (memberID == 0) { addTagsToObject(memInfo); if (memInfo.Add() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Added"); nextIndex = memInfo.GetNextIndex(); clear(); } } else { memInfo.ID = memberID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Update Member info") == DialogResult.OK) { if (memInfo.Update() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Updated"); //errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); //errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } } } } // SetIndexField(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ShowErrorMsg(ex.Message); } }
private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ValidateBeforeAdd()) { using (Item item = new Item(true)) { item.Name = nameTxt.Text; item.Code = idTxt.Text; item.Cost = (double)costNud.Value; item.Price = (double)priceNUD.Value; item.InStock = (int)inStockNUD.Value; item.WarnLimit = (int)warnLimitNUD.Value; item.MainCategory = (int)categoryCombo.SelectedValue; item.SubCategory = subcategoryCombo.SelectedValue == null ? 0 : (int)subcategoryCombo.SelectedValue; item.CustomPrice = customPriceCheckbox.Checked; if (itemID == 0) { int status = item.SelectExists(); switch (status) { case 0: if (item.Add() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Added"); errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } break; case 1: errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, "'Item Code' Already Exists"); break; case 2: errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, "'Name' Already Exists"); break; case 3: errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, "'Name' Already Exists"); errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, "'Item Code' Already Exists"); break; } } else { item.ID = itemID; if (MessageView.ShowQuestionMsg("Update Current Item") == DialogResult.OK) { if (item.Update() == 1) { MessageView.ShowMsg("Sucessfully Updated"); errorProvider1.SetError(idTxt, string.Empty); errorProvider1.SetError(nameTxt, string.Empty); clear(); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageView.ShowErrorMsg(ex.Message); } }