/// <summary> /// Sets the model image. /// </summary> /// <param name="severity">The severity.</param> private void SetModelImage(MessageSeverity severity) { BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage(); img.BeginInit(); switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Caution: img.StreamSource = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(@"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/Images/ledred.png"))?.Stream; break; case MessageSeverity.Success: img.StreamSource = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(@"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/Images/ledlightblue.png"))?.Stream; break; } img.EndInit(); img.Freeze(); Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke(() => this.StatusImage = img); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="MessageBase"/> class with given /// severity, source and time. /// </summary> /// <param name="severity">Message severity.</param> /// <param name="source">Message source.</param> /// <param name="time">Message time.</param> protected MessageBase(MessageSeverity severity, string source, DateTime time) : this() { this.severity = severity; this.source = source; this.time = time; }
/// <summary>Adds a message for the competition.</summary> /// <param name="messageSource">Source of the message.</param> /// <param name="messageSeverity">Severity of the message.</param> /// <param name="message">Text of the message.</param> /// <param name="hint">Hints for the message.</param> internal void WriteMessageCore( MessageSource messageSource, MessageSeverity messageSeverity, [NotNull] string message, [CanBeNull] string hint = null) { Message result; lock (_lockKey) { AssertIsInCompetition(); result = new Message( RunNumber, MessagesInRun + 1, Elapsed, messageSource, messageSeverity, message, hint); _messages.Add(result); MessagesInRun++; if (HighestMessageSeverityInRun < messageSeverity) { HighestMessageSeverityInRun = messageSeverity; } if (HighestMessageSeverity < messageSeverity) { HighestMessageSeverity = messageSeverity; } } Logger.LogMessage(result); }
public void AddApplicationMessage(string message, MessageSeverity severity) { List <AppMessage> messages = TempData["AppMessages"] as List <AppMessage> ?? new List <AppMessage>(); messages.Add(new AppMessage(message, severity)); TempData["AppMessages"] = messages; }
/// <summary> /// Log a message to all loggers enabled for this type of message. /// </summary> /// <param name="Message"></param> /// <param name="Type"></param> /// <param name="Severity"></param> public void RecordMessage(string Message, MessageType Type, MessageSeverity Severity) { if (!mEnableLogging) return; switch (Type) { case MessageType.Exception: foreach (ApiLogger logger in mApiLoggerList) { if (logger.LogExceptions) logger.RecordMessage(Message, Severity); } break; case MessageType.Information: foreach (ApiLogger logger in mApiLoggerList) { if (logger.LogInformations) logger.RecordMessage(Message, Severity); } break; case MessageType.ApiMessage: foreach (ApiLogger logger in mApiLoggerList) { if (logger.LogApiMessages) logger.RecordMessage(Message, Severity); } break; } }
public void PrintToScreen(string message, string caption, MessageSeverity severity) { MessageBoxIcon icon; switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Information: icon = MessageBoxIcon.Information; break; case MessageSeverity.Warning: icon = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; break; case MessageSeverity.Error: icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; break; case MessageSeverity.None: default: icon = MessageBoxIcon.None; break; } MessageBox.Show(message, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, icon); }
public void Report(MessageSeverity severity, string message) { foreach (var item in this) { item.Report(severity, message); } }
public CompileMessage(string message, string errorCode, MessageSeverity severity, string filename, long startIndex, uint startLine, long length) { this.Message = message; this.ErrorCode = errorCode; this.Severity = severity; this.Span = new SourceSpan(filename, startIndex, startLine, length); }
public CompileMessage(string message, string errorCode, MessageSeverity severity, SourceSpan span) { this.Message = message; this.ErrorCode = errorCode; this.Severity = severity; this.Span = span; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Message"></param> /// <param name="Severity"></param> public override void RecordMessage(string Message, MessageSeverity Severity) { FileStream fileStream = null; StreamWriter writer = null; StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); // Create the message message.Append("["+DateTime.Now.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)); message.Append(", " + Severity.ToString()); message.Append("]\r\n" + Message + "\r\n"); lock(this) { string filePath = getAbsoluteFilePath(); fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); using (writer = new StreamWriter(fileStream)) { // Set the file pointer to the end of the file writer.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); // Force the write to the underlying file writer.WriteLine(message.ToString()); writer.Flush(); if( writer != null ) writer.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Adds the message. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> /// <param name="severity">The severity.</param> public void AddMessage(string message, MessageSeverity severity = MessageSeverity.Info) { var messageEntity = messageService.CreateMessage(message, instance, severity); messageService.SaveMessage(messageEntity); instance.Messages.Add(messageEntity); }
public void Log(MessageSeverity severity, string msg) { m_msgs.Add(new ParserMessage() { Severity = severity, Message = msg, LineNum = m_context.LineNum, LineCol = m_context.LineCol }); }
public void ShowMessage(string message, MessageSeverity severity) { this.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = false; Panel messagePanel = FindMessagePanelControl(); Label messageLabel = FindMessageLabelControl(); switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Critical: case MessageSeverity.Error: this.AddScript("document.getElementById('" + messagePanel.ClientID + "').className = 'messageError';"); break; case MessageSeverity.Warning: case MessageSeverity.Debug: this.AddScript("document.getElementById('" + messagePanel.ClientID + "').className = 'messageWarning';"); break; case MessageSeverity.Confirmation: case MessageSeverity.Information: this.AddScript("document.getElementById('" + messagePanel.ClientID + "').className = 'messageInfo';"); break; default: this.AddScript("document.getElementById('" + messagePanel.ClientID + "').className = 'messageError';"); break; } this.AddScript("document.getElementById('" + messagePanel.ClientID + "').style.display = '';document.getElementById('" + messageLabel.ClientID + "').innerHTML = '" + message + "';document.body.scrollTop = 0;"); }
private void AddError(IList <IErrorListItem> errors, string file, int line, int column, int length, string errCode, string message, string projectName, MessageSeverity sev, ErrorSource errorSource) { var item = new ErrorListItem() { Filename = file, Line = line, Column = column, Length = length, ErrorCode = errCode, Message = message, ProjectName = projectName, ErrorSource = errorSource, Severity = sev, BuildTool = errorSource == ErrorSource.Build ? "Build" : "Live", ProjectGuid = Project.ProjectIDGuid //Manager = this }; lock (this) { errors.Add(item); dirty = true; } }
public static bool CheckDisplayMessage(MessageSeverity messageSeverity, MessageSeverity userSeverityLevel) { if (messageSeverity == MessageSeverity.Always) { return(true); } else if (messageSeverity == MessageSeverity.Error) { return(true); } else if (messageSeverity == MessageSeverity.Warning) { return(userSeverityLevel == MessageSeverity.Warning || userSeverityLevel == MessageSeverity.Success || userSeverityLevel == MessageSeverity.Debug); } else if (messageSeverity == MessageSeverity.Success) { return(userSeverityLevel == MessageSeverity.Success || userSeverityLevel == MessageSeverity.Debug); } else if (messageSeverity == MessageSeverity.Debug) { return(userSeverityLevel == MessageSeverity.Debug); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Message"></param> /// <param name="Severity"></param> public override void RecordMessage(string Message, MessageSeverity Severity) { FileStream fileStream = null; StreamWriter writer = null; StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); // Create the message message.Append("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)); message.Append(", " + Severity.ToString()); message.Append("]\r\n" + Message + "\r\n"); lock (this) { string filePath = getAbsoluteFilePath(); fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); using (writer = new StreamWriter(fileStream)) { // Set the file pointer to the end of the file writer.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); // Force the write to the underlying file writer.WriteLine(message.ToString()); writer.Flush(); if (writer != null) { writer.Close(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Reports a message to the build environment. /// </summary> public virtual void Log(string message, MessageSeverity severity = MessageSeverity.Info) { if (severity >= MinimumSeverity) { LogInternal(message, severity); } }
/// <summary>Init the competition state.</summary> /// <param name="benchmarkType">Type of the benchmark.</param> /// <param name="competitionConfig">The config for the competition.</param> internal void FirstTimeInit( [NotNull] Type benchmarkType, [NotNull] ICompetitionConfig competitionConfig) { Code.NotNull(benchmarkType, nameof(benchmarkType)); Code.NotNull(competitionConfig, nameof(competitionConfig)); lock (_lockKey) { AsserIsInInit(); _stopwatch.Restart(); BenchmarkType = benchmarkType; Config = competitionConfig; Logger = competitionConfig.GetCompositeLogger(); RunNumber = 0; RunsLeft = 1; HighestMessageSeverityInRun = MessageSeverity.Verbose; HighestMessageSeverity = MessageSeverity.Verbose; MessagesInRun = 0; LastRunSummary = null; Completed = false; _summaries.Clear(); _messages.Clear(); } }
protected Message(MessageSeverity severity, MessageCode code, string message) { Severity = severity; Code = code; Location = Runtime.Location.NoLocation; Msg = message; }
protected internal override void Log(string message, MessageSeverity severity) { lock (_syncRoot) { var prevColor = Console.ForegroundColor; try { switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Information: Console.ForegroundColor = InfoColor; break; case MessageSeverity.Warning: Console.ForegroundColor = WarningColor; break; case MessageSeverity.Error: Console.ForegroundColor = ErrorColor; break; default: break; } Log(Formatter(severity.ToString(), TrimExcess(message))); ++Sucesses; } finally { Console.ForegroundColor = prevColor; } } }
public Toast(MessageSeverity itemType, string itemMessage, double itemTime, int itemOwnerId) { ItemType = itemType; ItemMessage = itemMessage; ItemTime = itemTime; ItemOwnerId = itemOwnerId; }
public void Log(string message, MessageSeverity severity) { switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Info: Android.Util.Log.Info("Logger/Info", message); break; case MessageSeverity.Debug: Android.Util.Log.Debug("Logger/Debug", message); break; case MessageSeverity.Warning: Android.Util.Log.Warn("Logger/Warning", message); break; case MessageSeverity.Error: Android.Util.Log.Error("Logger/Error", message); break; case MessageSeverity.Critical: Android.Util.Log.Wtf("Logger/Critical", message); break; } }
public void ReportMergeableMessage(MessageSeverity severity, string message, string argument, bool oneLineFormat) { var key = new Key { Severity = severity, Text = message }; if (!_MergeableMessages.TryGetValue(key, out var list)) { _MergeableMessages[key] = list = new MergeableMessage { Message = message, OneLineFormat = oneLineFormat } } ; list.Add(argument); RaiseDebuggerEventIfEnabled(); } void RaiseDebuggerEventIfEnabled() { if (_StopOnErrors) { Debugger.Break(); } }
private static Level GetLoggingLevel(MessageSeverity severity) { Level lvl; switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Debug: lvl = Level.Debug; break; case MessageSeverity.Info: lvl = Level.Info; break; case MessageSeverity.Warn: lvl = Level.Warn; break; case MessageSeverity.Error: lvl = Level.Error; break; case MessageSeverity.Fatal: lvl = Level.Fatal; break; default: lvl = Level.Notice; break; } return(lvl); }
public static CompilationMessage Create(ITokenStream source, Interval errorLocation, MessageCode code, string file, string helpfullmessage = null, MessageSeverity severity = MessageSeverity.Error) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } if (errorLocation.Equals(Interval.Invalid)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(errorLocation)); } //Interval of 10 before, 10 after error //TODO: check against 0, source.Lenght Interval before = new Interval(Math.Max(errorLocation.a - 11, 0), Math.Max(errorLocation.a - 1, 0)); Interval after = new Interval(Math.Min(errorLocation.b + 1, source.Size), Math.Min(errorLocation.b + 11, source.Size)); string beforestring = source.GetText(before); string error = source.GetText(errorLocation); string afterstring = source.GetText(after); return(new CompilationMessage(severity, code, beforestring, error, afterstring, helpfullmessage, file, errorLocation.a)); }
internal void AddBuildError(string file, int line, int column, string errCode, string message, MessageSeverity sev) { var item = this.CreateItem(file, line, column, 1, errCode, message, sev, ErrorSource.Build, Project.Caption); this.AddError(BuildErrors, item); }
/// <summary>Adds a message for the competition.</summary> /// <param name="messageSource">Source of the message.</param> /// <param name="messageSeverity">Severity of the message.</param> /// <param name="messageText">Text of the message.</param> public void WriteMessage( MessageSource messageSource, MessageSeverity messageSeverity, [NotNull] string messageText) { AssertIsInCompetition(); Message message; lock (_messages) { message = new Message( RunNumber, MessagesInRun + 1, Elapsed, messageSource, messageSeverity, messageText); _messages.Add(message); MessagesInRun++; if (HighestMessageSeverityInRun < messageSeverity) { HighestMessageSeverityInRun = messageSeverity; } if (HighestMessageSeverity < messageSeverity) { HighestMessageSeverity = messageSeverity; } } if (Logger == null) { throw CodeExceptions.InvalidOperation( $"Please call {nameof(FirstTimeInit)}() first."); } Logger.LogMessage(message); }
public static CompilationMessage CreateNonCodeMessage( MessageCode code, string helpfullmessage = null, MessageSeverity severity = MessageSeverity.Error) { return(new CompilationMessage(severity, code, "", "", "", helpfullmessage, null, -1)); }
internal void AddIntellisenseError(string file, int line, int column, int length, string errCode, string message, MessageSeverity sev) { var item = this.CreateItem(file, line, column, length, errCode, message, sev, ErrorSource.Other, Project.Caption); this.AddError(IntellisenseErrors, item); }
/// <summary> /// Used only for exception-based payload logging; variation of RecordMessage which takes an exception parameter. /// Calls RecordMessage if no exception is supplied, or if this is not an ApiMessage (i.e. payload message), or if /// no MessageLoggingFilter property is configured on the log manager. Otherwise, the exception logic is applied: the /// method will continue calling RecordMessage only if the exception matches the configured MessageLoggingFilter property. /// </summary> /// <param name="Message"></param> /// <param name="Type"></param> /// <param name="Severity"></param> /// <param name="Ex"></param> public void RecordPayloadOnException(string Message, MessageType Type, MessageSeverity Severity, Exception Ex) { if (Type != MessageType.ApiMessage || mMessageLoggingFilter == null || mMessageLoggingFilter.Matches(Ex)) { RecordMessage(Message, Type, Severity); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CompilationMessage"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The compilation message text</param> /// <param name="lineNumber">Line number in source code relevant to the message</param> /// <param name="character">Column in the source code relevant to the message</param> /// <param name="severity">Message severity</param> public CompilationMessage(string message, int lineNumber, int character, MessageSeverity severity) { this.Message = message; this.LineNumber = lineNumber; this.Character = character; this.Severity = severity; }
public void Message(MessageSeverity severity, int code, string message, params object[] args) { var msg = new Message(severity, code, Region, message, args); string s = msg.ToString(); // Ensure this does not throw an exception AllMessages.Add(msg); if (_logToConsole) Console.WriteLine(s); }
protected Message(MessageSeverity severity, MessageCode code, ILocated located) { Severity = severity; Code = code; Location = located.Location; Msg = Subject(Location); }
public Message(MessageSeverity severity, int code, DomRegion region, string format, params object[] args) { Severity = severity; Code = code; Region = region; Format = format; Args = args; FormattedMessage = Args.Length > 0 ? string.Format(Format, Args) : Format; }
public Message(MessageSeverity severity, int code, DomRegion region, string format, params object[] args) { Severity = severity; Code = code; Region = region; Format = format; Args = args; }
public void Message(MessageSeverity severity, int code, string message, params object[] args) { if (severity == MessageSeverity.Error) { _log.LogError(null, string.Format("CS{0:0000}", code), null, Region.FileName, Region.BeginLine, Region.BeginColumn, Region.EndLine, Region.EndColumn, message, args); } else { _log.LogWarning(null, string.Format("CS{0:0000}", code), null, Region.FileName, Region.BeginLine, Region.BeginColumn, Region.EndLine, Region.EndColumn, message, args); } }
protected override void LogInternal(string message, MessageSeverity severity = MessageSeverity.Info) { base.LogInternal(message, severity); if (severity == MessageSeverity.Error) { Debug.Log("##teamcity[message text='" + message + "'" + "status='ERROR']"); } }
public void Message(MessageSeverity severity, int code, string file, TextLocation location, string message, params object[] args) { if (severity == MessageSeverity.Error) { _log.LogError(null, string.Format("CS{0:0000}", code), null, file, location.Line, location.Column, location.Line, location.Column, message, args); } else { _log.LogWarning(null, string.Format("CS{0:0000}", code), null, file, location.Line, location.Column, location.Line, location.Column, message, args); } }
public Message(MessageSeverity severity, int code, string file, TextLocation location, string format, params object[] args) { Severity = severity; Code = code; File = file; Location = location; Format = format; Args = args; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GoldAddin.CompilerMessage"/> class. /// </summary> public CompilerMessage(MessageSeverity severity, string text, string fileName, int line, int column, string rawText) { this.severity = severity; this.text = text; this.fileName = fileName; this.line = line; this.column = column; this.rawText = rawText; }
internal void WriteToDB(string message, MessageSeverity severity = MessageSeverity.Notice) { context.TransactionLogs.Add(new TransactionLog { Severity = severity, Message = message, TimeStamp = DateTime.Now }); context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Report(string id, MessageSeverity severity, string message) { Invoke(new Action(() => { var logger = NamedReporters.GetReporterById(id); EnsureReporterIsSelected(logger); UpdateOutputLog(logger); AppendText(logger, severity, message + Environment.NewLine); })); }
private ValidationMessage(int? artId, string messageType, DateTime? messageDate, MessageSeverity? severity, string description, string affectedId, string affectedDecr) { _artId = artId; _messageType = messageType; _messageDate = messageDate; _severity = severity; _description = description; _affectedId = affectedId; _affectedDescr = affectedDecr; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Message"></param> /// <param name="Severity"></param> public override void RecordMessage(string Message, MessageSeverity Severity) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.Append("["+DateTime.Now.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)); message.Append(", " + Severity.ToString()); message.Append("]\r\n" + Message + "\r\n"); // Force the write to the underlying file Console.WriteLine(message); }
public void AddLogMessage(MessageSeverity severity, string message) { if (this.logListView.Items.Count >= MaxLogSize) { this.logListView.Items.RemoveAt(0); } var text = string.Format("{0} [{1:HH:mm:ss.fff}] {2}", severity.ToString().ToUpper(), DateTime.Now, message); this.logListView.Items.Add(text); this.logListView.Columns[0].AutoResize(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); this.logListView.TopItem = this.logListView.Items[this.logListView.Items.Count - 1]; }
private void AppendText(INamedProgressReporter reporter, MessageSeverity severity, string message) { var builder = _reporterContexts[reporter].Builder; string formatted = string.Format("[{0}]: {1}", severity, message); builder.Append(formatted); if (outputSourcesToolStripComboBox.SelectedIndex == NamedReporters.IndexOf(reporter)) { textBox1.AppendText(formatted); ScrollToEnd(); } }
public void Message(MessageSeverity severity, int code, string message, params object[] args) { var msg = new Message(severity, code, Region, message, args); foreach (var a in args) { try { new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(new MemoryStream(), a); } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception("Error serializing argument " + a); } } string s = msg.ToString(); // Ensure this does not throw an exception AllMessages.Add(msg); if (_logToConsole) Console.WriteLine(s); }
private static void DefaultMessageReceived(MessageSeverity severity, string message) { switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Error: Console.Error.WriteLine ("ERROR: {0}", message); break; case MessageSeverity.Warning: Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: {0}", message); break; default: Console.WriteLine (message); break; } }
public void SetMessage(MessageSeverity severity, string message) { switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Error: _pictureBox.Image = NeutralResources.error; break; case MessageSeverity.Warning: _pictureBox.Image = NeutralResources.warning; break; case MessageSeverity.Information: _pictureBox.Image = NeutralResources.information; break; } _message.Text = message; }
protected override void LogInternal(string message, MessageSeverity severity = MessageSeverity.Info) { switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Debug: Debug.Log(message); break; case MessageSeverity.Info: Debug.Log(message); break; case MessageSeverity.Warning: Debug.LogWarning(message); break; case MessageSeverity.Error: Debug.LogError(message); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Severity out of bounds"); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Message"></param> /// <param name="Severity"></param> public override void RecordMessage(string Message, MessageSeverity Severity) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); System.Diagnostics.EventLog eventLog = new System.Diagnostics.EventLog(); // Create the source if it does not already exist if( !System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists(mEventLogSource) ) { System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource(mEventLogSource, mEventLogName); } eventLog.Source = mEventLogSource; eventLog.MachineName = mMachineName; // Determine what the EventLogEventType should be // based on the LogSeverity passed in EventLogEntryType type = EventLogEntryType.Information; switch(Severity) { case MessageSeverity.Informational: type = EventLogEntryType.Information; break; case MessageSeverity.Failure: type = EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit; break; case MessageSeverity.Warning: type = EventLogEntryType.Warning; break; case MessageSeverity.Error: type = EventLogEntryType.Error; break; } message.Append("["+DateTime.Now.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)); message.Append(", " + Severity.ToString()); message.Append("]\r\n" + Message + "\r\n"); eventLog.WriteEntry(message.ToString(), type); }
/// <summary> /// Formats and reports a message to the logger. /// </summary> /// <param name="reporter">The reporter to send the message to.</param> /// <param name="severity">The severity of the message.</param> /// <param name="format">The format of the message to send.</param> /// <param name="arguments">An object array containing zero or more arguments to be formatted.</param> public static void Report(this IProgressReporter reporter, MessageSeverity severity, string format, params object[] arguments) { reporter.Report(severity, string.Format(format, arguments)); }
public void Report(MessageSeverity severity, string message) { }
public LogEventArgs(MessageSeverity severity, Int64 timestamp, string message) : base(LeapEvent.EVENT_LOG_EVENT) { this.severity = severity; this.message = message; this.timestamp = timestamp; }
public void Message(MessageSeverity severity, int code, string message, params object[] args) { WithActualOut(() => _er.Message(severity, code, message, args)); if (severity == MessageSeverity.Error) HasErrors = true; }
public void ReportMessage(MessageSeverity severity, string message, ISourcePosition position = null) { position = position ?? _invocation.Position; _session.Target.Loader.ReportMessage(Message.Create(severity, message, position,null)); }
public virtual void ShowMessage(string titre, string message, MessageSeverity msgSeveriry) { vb.ViewMessage = new Tuple<string, string, MessageSeverity>(titre, message, msgSeveriry); }
private void PublishMessage(MessageSeverity severity, string message) { if (this.Observer != null) { this.Observer.HandleMessage(this, severity, message); } }
public void Log(string message, MessageSeverity severity) { Debug.WriteLine("Log/{0} : {1}", severity, message); }
private bool GetRowVisibility(MessageSeverity severity) { switch (severity) { case MessageSeverity.Error: return errorsToolStripButton.Checked; case MessageSeverity.Warning: return warningsToolStripButton.Checked; case MessageSeverity.Message: return messagesToolStripButton.Checked; } return false; }