public async Task Start() { // open or create our database (if it doesn't exist) _database = new LiteDatabase(Program.GlobalConfiguration.Data.LiteDatabasePath); // add our startup date var startup = _database.GetCollection <StartupEvent>("startup"); startup.Insert(new StartupEvent() { Time = DateTime.Now }); // starts our client // we use LogSeverity.Debug because more info the better m_client = new DiscordSocketClient(new DiscordSocketConfig() { LogLevel = Discord.LogSeverity.Info }); _commands = new CommandService(); messageRetry = new MessageRetryService(m_client); // log in as a bot using our connection token await m_client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, Program.GlobalConfiguration.Data.ConnectionToken); await m_client.StartAsync(); // dependency injection _services = new ServiceCollection() .AddSingleton(m_client) .AddSingleton(_commands) .AddSingleton(_database) .AddSingleton(new CounterService(_database, m_client)) .AddSingleton(new ReminderService(m_client, _database)) .AddSingleton(new TagService(_database)) .AddSingleton(new SpookeningService(m_client, _database, Program.GlobalConfiguration.Data.SpookyConfigJson)) .AddSingleton(messageRetry) .AddSingleton(new MinesweeperSolutionService()) .AddSingleton(new CourseService(m_client)) .BuildServiceProvider(); await InstallCommandsAsync(); messageRetry.OnCommandRetryHandler += commandMessageUpdated; // set up our logging function m_client.Log += Log; // show an invite link when we are ready to go m_client.Ready += Client_Ready; // set some help text await m_client.SetGameAsync($"Type {GlobalConfiguration.CommandPrefix}Help"); // wait indefinitely await Task.Delay(-1); }
public RetryModuleBase(MessageRetryService messageRetry) { this.messageRetry = messageRetry; }
public MinesweeperCommand(MessageRetryService retryService, MinesweeperSolutionService solutions) : base(retryService) { random = new Random(); = solutions; }
public MsdnCommands(MessageRetryService retry) : base(retry) { }
public RetryExampleCommand(MessageRetryService retry) : base(retry) { }
public BasicCommands(CommandService commands, MessageRetryService retryService) : base(retryService) { _commandService = commands; }