public async void MockServerProcessorCancelTokenAfterRequest()
            _mockServerProcessor = new MockServerProcessor(new AssertFactory(), new RuleMatcher(), new TemplateContext());

            var scenarios = GenerateRandomScenarios(out var httpContext);

            var input  = new MessageProcessorInput(httpContext.Request, scenarios);
            var Target = _mockServerProcessor;

            var cancelledTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();


            // fill the pipeline with tasks
            var fillPipeline = new Task(() =>
                while (true)
                    _ = Target.Push(input, cancelledTokenSource.Token);

            await Task.Delay(1000);


            var Actual = Target.PipelineIsRunning;

            // should not accept anymore data after it has been cancelled
            _ = Target.Push(input, cancelledTokenSource.Token);

Пример #2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <MockResponse> Push(MessageProcessorInput input, CancellationToken token)
            var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <ProcessMessagePort>();

            token.Register(() => cancellationTokenSource.Cancel());

            if (input == null ||
                input.ServerHttpRequest == null ||
                input.ServerHttpRequest.Body == null ||
                input.HeaderDictionary == null ||
                input.QueryDictionary == null ||
                input.Scenarios == null)
                var error = "One or more of the Message Processor Inputs is null";
                Log.Error("MockServerProcessor Error: {Error}", error);
                return(new MockResponse {
                    Status = 400, Body = "Something went wrong"

            var body = string.Empty;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(input.ServerHttpRequest.Body))
                body = reader.ReadToEnd();

            Enum.TryParse(input.ServerHttpRequest.Method, true, out HttpMethod verb);

            var port = new ProcessMessagePort()
                Scenarios = input.Scenarios,
                Path      = input.ServerHttpRequest.Path,
                Verb      = verb,
                Query     = input.QueryDictionary,
                Headers   = input.HeaderDictionary,
                Body      = body

            var envelope = new SyncEnvelope(completionSource, port, token);


            port = await completionSource.Task;

            if (port == null)
                var error = "Pipeline port cannot be null";
                Log.Error("MockServerProcessor Error: {Error}", error);
                return(new MockResponse {
                    Status = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, Body = error, Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>()

            return(port.IsFaulted || port.SelectedResponse == null ? new MockResponse() : port.SelectedResponse);
 public void MockServerProcessorPushWithInvalidVerbTest()
     #region TestSetup
     var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
     httpContext.Request.Method = HttpMethods.Options;
     var input = new MessageProcessorInput(httpContext.Request, new List <Scenario>());
     var Target = this.mockServerProcessor;
     var Actual   = Target.Push(input, cancellationToken).Result;
     var Expected = new MockResponse();
     Assert.Equal(Expected, Actual);
 public void MockServerProcessorPushWithInvalidInputNullRequestTest()
     #region TestSetup
     var input = new MessageProcessorInput(null, new List <Scenario>());
     var Target = this.mockServerProcessor;
     var Actual   = Target.Push(input, cancellationToken).Result;
     var Expected = new MockResponse {
         Status = StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, Body = "Something went wrong", Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>()
     Assert.Equal(Expected, Actual);
        public void MockServerProcessorCancelTokenBeforeRequest()
            var cancelledTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();


            var Target = _mockServerProcessor;

            IEnumerable <Scenario> emptyList = new List <Scenario>();
            HttpRequest            request   = new DefaultHttpRequest(new DefaultHttpContext());
            var input = new MessageProcessorInput(request, emptyList);

            var Actual   = Target.Push(input, cancelledTokenSource.Token).Result.Status;
            var Expected = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError;

            Assert.Equal(Actual, Expected);
        public void MockServerProcessorPushWithValidInputNoMatchTest()
            #region TestSetup
            var scenarios = this.fakerScenario.Generate(10);

            var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
            httpContext.Request.Path   = "/diff";
            httpContext.Request.Method = HttpMethods.Get;
            var input = new MessageProcessorInput(httpContext.Request, scenarios);
            var Target   = this.mockServerProcessor;
            var Expected = new MockResponse();
            var Actual = Target.Push(input, cancellationToken).Result;

            Assert.Equal(Expected, Actual);
        public async void MockServerProcessorCancelTokenAfterRequestEnsuringInterpipelineEventsAreProcessed()
            _mockServerProcessor = new MockServerProcessor(new AssertFactory(), new RuleMatcher(), new TemplateContext());

            var Target = _mockServerProcessor;

            var pipelineCancelTokenSource       = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var pipelineFillerCancelTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();


            // fill the pipeline with tasks as fast as possible (so that they queue)
            var fillPipeline = Task <List <Task <MockResponse> > > .Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var itemsPushedIntoPipeline = new List <Task <MockResponse> >();
                while (!pipelineFillerCancelTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    var scenarios = GenerateRandomScenarios(out var httpContext);

                    // must be valid JSON so it can propagate through the pipeline (and use up more CPU processing
                    // the JSON because it will allow it to simulate real-world conditions)
                    JObject sampleResponse = new JObject {
                        ["test"] = "message"

                    httpContext.Request.Body = GenerateStreamFromString(sampleResponse.ToString());

                    var input = new MessageProcessorInput(httpContext.Request, scenarios);
                    itemsPushedIntoPipeline.Add(Target.Push(input, pipelineCancelTokenSource.Token));

            }, pipelineFillerCancelTokenSource.Token);

            // allow the pipeline to be sufficiently full (must be a long time to make the queue catch up)
            await Task.Delay(10000);



            fillPipeline.Result.ForEach(x => x.Wait());
        public void MockServerProcessorPushWithInvalidJsonFailure()
            #region TestSetup
            var scenarios = this.fakerScenario.Generate(1);

            var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
            httpContext.Request.Path   = scenarios[0].Path;
            httpContext.Request.Method = scenarios[0].Verb.ToString();
            httpContext.Request.Body   = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("invalid \\json"));
            scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.HeaderRules.ToList().ForEach(k => httpContext.Request.Headers.Add(k.RuleValue.Key, k.RuleValue.Value));
            httpContext.Request.Query = new QueryCollection(scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.QueryRules.ToDictionary(x => x.RuleValue.Key, x => new StringValues(x.RuleValue.Value)));

            var input = new MessageProcessorInput(httpContext.Request, scenarios);
            var Target = this.mockServerProcessor;
            var Actual = Target.Push(input, cancellationToken);
        public void MockServerProcessorPushWithValidInputTestWithValidPathResponse()
            #region TestSetup
            var scenarios = this.fakerScenario.Generate(10);
            //Ensures one of the scenarios request match is unique for the test
            scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.HeaderRules = scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.HeaderRules.Select(x =>
                                                                                                           new KeyValuePairRule()
                Type = x.Type, RuleValue = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(x.RuleValue.Key, x.RuleValue.Value + "-unique")
            scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.QueryRules = scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.QueryRules.Select(x =>
                                                                                                         new KeyValuePairRule()
                Type = x.Type, RuleValue = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(x.RuleValue.Key, x.RuleValue.Value + "-unique")
            scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.UrlRules = scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.UrlRules.Select(x =>
                                                                                                     new KeyValuePairRule()
                Type = x.Type, RuleValue = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(x.RuleValue.Key, x.RuleValue.Value + "-unique")

            var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
            httpContext.Request.Path   = scenarios[0].Path;
            httpContext.Request.Method = scenarios[0].Verb.ToString();
            httpContext.Request.Body   = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.BodyRules.ToList()[0].RuleValue.ToString()));
            scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.HeaderRules.ToList().ForEach(k => httpContext.Request.Headers.Add(k.RuleValue.Key, k.RuleValue.Value));
            httpContext.Request.Query = new QueryCollection(scenarios[0].RequestMatchRules.QueryRules.ToDictionary(x => x.RuleValue.Key, x => new StringValues(x.RuleValue.Value)));

            var input = new MessageProcessorInput(httpContext.Request, scenarios);
            var Target   = this.mockServerProcessor;
            var Expected = scenarios[0].Response;
            var Actual = Target.Push(input, cancellationToken).Result;

            Assert.Equal(Expected, Actual);