public void InfoFormat(string format, IMessage message, MessageId messageId, int messageSize, IList<Peer> peers, Level logLevel = null) { if (peers.Count == 0) { InfoFormat(format, message, messageId, messageSize); return; } if (peers.Count == 1) { InfoFormat(format, message, messageId, messageSize, peerId: peers[0].Id); return; } var logInfo = GetLogInfo(message); if (!logInfo.Logger.IsInfoEnabled) return; var messageText = logInfo.GetMessageText(message); var otherPeersCount = peers.Count - 1; var peerIdText = otherPeersCount > 1 ? peers[0].Id + " and " + otherPeersCount + " other peers" : peers[0].Id + " and " + otherPeersCount + " other peer"; _logger.Logger.Log(_loggerType, logLevel ?? Level.Info, string.Format(format, messageText, messageId, messageSize, peerIdText), null); }
public MessageExecutionCompleted(MessageId sourceCommandId, MessageTypeId payloadTypeId, byte[] payload) { SourceCommandId = sourceCommandId; ErrorCode = 0; PayloadTypeId = payloadTypeId; Payload = payload; }
public MessagePublished(MessageId id, UserId author, string content) : this() { Content = content; Id = id; Author = author; }
internal Task<MqttCommand> WaitForCommand(CommandMessage message, MessageId messageId, TimeSpan timeout) { lock (_desireLock) { var maybeLoved = _unlovedCommands.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MessageId == messageId && c.CommandMessage == message); if (maybeLoved != null) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<MqttCommand>(); tcs.SetResult(maybeLoved); return tcs.Task; } MqttCommand result = null; var wait = new ManualResetEvent(false); var d = new Desire(message, messageId, cmd => { result = cmd; wait.Set(); }); _desireCache.AddAndRemoveDuplicates(d); return Task<MqttCommand>.Factory.StartNew(() => { wait.WaitOne(timeout); return result; }); } }
public TransportMessage(MessageTypeId messageTypeId, byte[] messageBytes, OriginatorInfo originator, MessageId messageId) { Id = messageId; MessageTypeId = messageTypeId; MessageBytes = messageBytes; Originator = originator; }
public MessageWithId(MessageId id, byte attributes, byte[] key, byte[] value, uint crc32) { Attributes = attributes; Id = id; Key = key; Value = value; Crc32 = crc32; }
public SentMessageWithCachedReplies(MessageId messageId, ReplyStream replyStream) { if (messageId == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("messageId"); if (replyStream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("replyStream"); _messageId = messageId; _replyStream = replyStream; }
public void DebugFormat(string format, IMessage message, MessageId? messageId = null, int messageSize = 0, PeerId peerId = default(PeerId)) { var logInfo = GetLogInfo(message); if (!logInfo.Logger.IsDebugEnabled) return; var messageText = logInfo.GetMessageText(message); _logger.DebugFormat(format, messageText, messageId, messageSize, peerId); }
public static void TraceData( this TraceSource source, MessageId id, params object[] data ) { Contract.Assert( source != null ); source.TraceData( _typeTable[ id ], ( int )id, data ); }
/// <summary> /// 通过“消息ID”、“参数类型”和“字节类型的参数值”执行操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="msgId">消息ID的枚举值</param> /// <param name="pmtType">参数的类型枚举值</param> /// <param name="pmtValueByte">字节类型的参数值</param> /// <returns></returns> public Byte[] OperateCommand(MessageId msgId, ParameterType pmtType, Byte pmtValueByte) { return OperateCommand(msgId, new Parameter(pmtType, new List<Byte> { pmtValueByte } ) ); }
public void Roundtrip() { var id = MessageId.CreateNew(10); var bytes = id.GetBytes(); var restored = new MessageId(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(id.GetOffset(), restored.GetOffset(), "offset"); Assert.AreEqual(id.GetTimeUtc(), restored.GetTimeUtc(), "time"); Assert.AreEqual(id.GetRand(), restored.GetRand(), "rand"); }
/// <summary> /// Outputs the trace message for the interesting event. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"> /// <see cref="MessageId" /> for the trace message. /// </param> /// <param name="format"> /// The format string of the descriptive message. /// </param> /// <param name="args"> /// The format arguments of the descriptive message. /// </param> public static void TraceEvent ( MessageId id, string format, params object[] args ) { if ( args == null || args.Length == 0 ) { _source.TraceEvent( _typeTable[ id ], ( int )id, format ); } else { _source.TraceEvent( _typeTable[ id ], ( int )id, format, args ); } }
public Desire(CommandMessage msg, MessageId id, Action<MqttCommand> fulfilled) { if (fulfilled == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fulfilled", "The fulfilled action cannot be null"); } Message = msg; MessageId = id; _fulfilled = fulfilled; }
internal bool TryGetAndRemove(CommandMessage commandMessage, MessageId messageId, out Desire desire) { int key = GetKeyFrom(commandMessage, messageId); if (_desires.TryGetValue(key, out desire)) { _desires.Remove(key); return true; } return false; }
public static void TraceEvent( this TraceSource source, MessageId id, string format, params object[] args ) { Contract.Assert( source != null ); source.TraceEvent( _typeTable[ id ], ( int )id, format, args ); }
public Subscribe(IEnumerable<Subscription> subscriptions, MessageId messageId) : this(new FixedHeader(CommandMessage.SUBSCRIBE), null) { Header.QualityOfService = QualityOfService.AtLeastOnce; if (subscriptions != null) { Subscriptions.AddRange(subscriptions); } MessageId = messageId; }
public ReplyMessagePublished( MessageId replyId, UserId replier, string replyContent, MessageId parentId) : this() { ReplyId = replyId; Replier = replier; ReplyContent = replyContent; ParentId = parentId; }
public Task NotifyLastReplyReceived(MessageId relatedToMessageId) { return Task.Run(() => { var replyStream = _cache.Remove(relatedToMessageId) as ReplyStream; if (replyStream == null) { return; } replyStream.NotifyCompleted(); }); }
public void OffsetRoundtrip() { long value = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++) { var created = MessageId.CreateNew(value); Assert.AreEqual(value, created.GetOffset(), "instance " + created); var rehydrated = new MessageId(created.GetBytes()); Assert.AreEqual(value, rehydrated.GetOffset(), "roundtrip"); value = value << 1; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a request handler that can send TCP and UDP messages. /// </summary> /// <param name="tcsResponse">The future that will be called when we get an answer.</param> /// <param name="peerBean">The peer bean.</param> /// <param name="connectionBean">The connection bean.</param> /// <param name="configuration">The client-side connection configuration.</param> public RequestHandler(TaskCompletionSource<Message.Message> tcsResponse, PeerBean peerBean, ConnectionBean connectionBean, IConnectionConfiguration configuration) { _tcsResponse = tcsResponse; PeerBean = peerBean; ConnectionBean = connectionBean; _message = tcsResponse.Task.AsyncState as Message.Message; _sendMessageId = new MessageId(_message); IdleTcpSeconds = configuration.IdleTcpSeconds; IdleUdpSeconds = configuration.IdleUdpSeconds; ConnectionTimeoutTcpMillis = configuration.ConnectionTimeoutTcpMillis; //Logger.Info("Instantiated with object identity: {0}.", RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(this)); }
public Task ReplyReceived(object reply, MessageId relatedToMessageId) { CheckDisposed(); return Task.Run(() => { var replyStream = _cache.Get(relatedToMessageId) as ReplyStream; if (replyStream == null) { return; } replyStream.NotifyReplyReceived(reply); }); }
public void RandRoundtrip() { long value = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { var created = new MessageId(0, 0, i); Assert.AreEqual(i, created.GetRand(), "instance " + created); var rehydrated = new MessageId(created.GetBytes()); Assert.AreEqual(i, rehydrated.GetRand(), "roundtrip"); value = value << 1; } }
public RabbitMqMessage( string message, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> headers, Exchange exchange, RoutingKey routingKey, MessageId messageId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message)); if (headers == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(headers)); if (exchange == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(exchange)); if (routingKey == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(routingKey)); if (messageId == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messageId)); Message = message; Headers = headers; Exchange = exchange; RoutingKey = routingKey; MessageId = messageId; }
/// <summary> /// 通过“消息ID”和“参数列表”获取消息报文字节数组 /// </summary> /// <param name="msgId"> /// 消息ID /// <para>UInt16类型,长度为2个字节</para> /// </param> /// <param name="pmtList">参数列表</param> /// <returns></returns> protected Byte[] GetDatagram(MessageId msgId, List<Parameter> pmtList) { // 获取消息体对象 MessageBody mb = new MessageBody( msgId, DevId, pmtList); // 获取消息体字节数组 Byte[] msgBody = mb.GetBody(); // 获取消息头对象 MessageHead mh = new MessageHead( MessageType, (UInt16)(msgBody.Length), Counter.Instance.SeqNumber++, Crc.GetCrc(msgBody)); // 返回消息报文字节数组 return new Datagram(mh, mb).GetDatagram(); }
public ShowErrorHelper(IWin32Window owner, MessageId messageId, object[] args) { _owner = owner; _messageId = messageId; _args = args; }
/// <summary> /// 通过“消息ID”、“参数类型”和“参数值字节列表”执行操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="msgId">消息ID的枚举值</param> /// <param name="pmtType">参数的类型枚举值</param> /// <param name="pmtValueByteList">参数值字节列表</param> /// <returns></returns> public Byte[] OperateCommand(MessageId msgId, ParameterType pmtType, List <Byte> pmtValueByteList) { return(OperateCommand(msgId, new Parameter(pmtType, pmtValueByteList) )); }
public DisplayMessageHelper(IWin32Window owner, MessageId messageId, object[] parameters) { _owner = owner; _messageId = messageId; _parameters = parameters; }
public PersistentMessage Dequeue(string subqueue) { Api.JetSetCurrentIndex(session, msgs, "by_sub_queue"); Api.MakeKey(session, msgs, subqueue, Encoding.Unicode, MakeKeyGrbit.NewKey); if (Api.TrySeek(session, msgs, SeekGrbit.SeekGE) == false) { return(null); } Api.MakeKey(session, msgs, subqueue, Encoding.Unicode, MakeKeyGrbit.NewKey | MakeKeyGrbit.FullColumnEndLimit); try { Api.JetSetIndexRange(session, msgs, SetIndexRangeGrbit.RangeInclusive | SetIndexRangeGrbit.RangeUpperLimit); } catch (EsentErrorException e) { if (e.Error != JET_err.NoCurrentRecord) { throw; } return(null); } do { var id = new MessageId { MessageIdentifier = new Guid(Api.RetrieveColumn(session, msgs, msgsColumns["msg_id"])), SourceInstanceId = new Guid(Api.RetrieveColumn(session, msgs, msgsColumns["instance_id"])) }; var status = (MessageStatus)Api.RetrieveColumnAsInt32(session, msgs, msgsColumns["status"]).Value; logger.DebugFormat("Scanning incoming message {2} on '{0}/{1}' with status {3}", queueName, subqueue, id, status); if (status != MessageStatus.ReadyToDeliver) { continue; } try { using (var update = new Update(session, msgs, JET_prep.Replace)) { Api.SetColumn(session, msgs, msgsColumns["status"], (int)MessageStatus.Processing); update.Save(); } } catch (EsentErrorException e) { logger.DebugFormat("Write conflict on '{0}/{1}' for {2}, skipping message", queueName, subqueue, id); if (e.Error == JET_err.WriteConflict) { continue; } throw; } var bookmark = new MessageBookmark { QueueName = queueName }; Api.JetGetBookmark(session, msgs, bookmark.Bookmark, bookmark.Size, out bookmark.Size); changeNumberOfMessages(-1); logger.DebugFormat("Dequeuing message {2} from '{0}/{1}'", queueName, subqueue, id); var headersAsQueryString = Api.RetrieveColumnAsString(session, msgs, msgsColumns["headers"]); var message = new PersistentMessage { Bookmark = bookmark, Headers = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(headersAsQueryString), Queue = queueName, SentAt = DateTime.FromOADate(Api.RetrieveColumnAsDouble(session, msgs, msgsColumns["timestamp"]).Value), Data = Api.RetrieveColumn(session, msgs, msgsColumns["data"]), Id = id, SubQueue = subqueue, Status = (MessageStatus)Api.RetrieveColumnAsInt32(session, msgs, msgsColumns["status"]).Value }; return(message); } while (Api.TryMoveNext(session, msgs)); return(null); }
public Message PeekById(MessageId id) { return(queueManager.PeekById(queueName, id)); }
public override string ToString() => MessageId?.ToString() ?? "<unknown reference>";
/// <summary> /// 异步 /// </summary> static public void BroadcastAsync <T, U>(MessageId eventType, T arg1, U arg2) { DoBroadcast <T, U>((uint)eventType, arg1, arg2, true); }
/// <summary> /// 异步 /// </summary> static public void BroadcastAsync(MessageId eventType) { DoBroadcast((uint)eventType, true); }
/// <summary> /// 同步 /// </summary> static public void BroadcastSync(MessageId eventType) { DoBroadcast((uint)eventType, false); }
protected override Task ProcessBrowserMessage(string msg, CancellationToken token) { try { logger.LogTrace($"from-browser: {msg}"); var res = JObject.Parse(msg); if (res["error"] is not null) { logger.LogDebug($"from-browser: {res}"); } //if (method != "Debugger.scriptParsed" && method != "Runtime.consoleAPICalled") if (res["prototype"] != null || res["frames"] != null) { var msgId = new FirefoxMessageId(null, 0, res["from"].Value <string>()); // if (pending_cmds.ContainsKey(msgId)) { // HACK for now, as we don't correctly handle responses yet OnResponse(msgId, Result.FromJsonFirefox(res)); } } else if (res["resultID"] == null) { return(OnEvent(res.ToObject <SessionId>(), res, token)); } else if (res["type"] == null || res["type"].Value <string>() != "evaluationResult") { var o = JObject.FromObject(new { type = "evaluationResult", resultID = res["resultID"].Value <string>() }); var id = int.Parse(res["resultID"].Value <string>().Split('-')[1]); var msgId = new MessageId(null, id + 1); return(SendCommandInternal(msgId, "", o, token)); } else if (res["result"] is JObject && res["result"]["type"].Value <string>() == "object" && res["result"]["class"].Value <string>() == "Array") { var msgIdNew = new FirefoxMessageId(null, 0, res["result"]["actor"].Value <string>()); var id = int.Parse(res["resultID"].Value <string>().Split('-')[1]); var msgId = new FirefoxMessageId(null, id + 1, ""); var pendingTask = pending_cmds[msgId]; pending_cmds.Remove(msgId); pending_cmds.Add(msgIdNew, pendingTask); return(SendCommandInternal(msgIdNew, "", JObject.FromObject(new { type = "prototypeAndProperties", to = res["result"]["actor"].Value <string>() }), token)); } else { var id = int.Parse(res["resultID"].Value <string>().Split('-')[1]); var msgId = new FirefoxMessageId(null, id + 1, ""); if (pending_cmds.ContainsKey(msgId)) { OnResponse(msgId, Result.FromJsonFirefox(res)); } else { return(SendCommandInternal(msgId, "", res, token)); } return(null); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex.ToString()); _runLoop.Fail(ex); throw; } }
public TalkActivity(FDCreature creature, MessageId mId) { this.Creature = creature; this.MessageId = mId; }
public bool Receive() { try { if (m_stream == null) { return(true); } if (!m_receivedSessionId) { return(ParseSessionId()); } MessageId messageId = (MessageId)m_reader.ReadByte(); //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Message: {0}", messageId)); //TODO: Refactor candidate? switch (messageId) { case MessageId.MID_MapFunction: var mapFunc = Messages.MapFunction.Read(m_reader); MapFunction(mapFunc); break; case MessageId.MID_MapClass: var mapClass = Messages.MapClass.Read(m_reader); MapClass(mapClass); break; case MessageId.MID_MapThread: var mapThread = Messages.MapThread.Read(m_reader); MapThread(mapThread); break; case MessageId.MID_EnterFunction: var funcEvent = Messages.FunctionEvent.Read(m_reader); FunctionEvent(messageId, funcEvent); break; case MessageId.MID_LeaveFunction: case MessageId.MID_TailCall: var funcEvent2 = Messages.FunctionEvent.Read(m_reader); FunctionEvent(messageId, funcEvent2); break; case MessageId.MID_CreateThread: case MessageId.MID_DestroyThread: var threadEvent = Messages.CreateThread.Read(m_reader); UpdateThread(threadEvent.ThreadId, messageId == MessageId.MID_CreateThread ? true : false, null); break; case MessageId.MID_NameThread: var nameThread = Messages.NameThread.Read(m_reader); //asume that dead threads can't be renamed UpdateThread(nameThread.ThreadId, true, nameThread.Name); break; case MessageId.MID_Sample: var sample = Messages.Sample.Read(m_reader); ParseSample(sample); break; case MessageId.MID_PerfCounter: var counter = Messages.PerfCounter.Read(m_reader); ParseCounter(counter); break; case MessageId.MID_CounterName: var counterName = Messages.CounterName.Read(m_reader); NameCounter(counterName); break; case MessageId.MID_ObjectAllocated: var objectAllocated = Messages.ObjectAllocated.Read(m_reader); ObjectedAllocated(objectAllocated); break; case MessageId.MID_GarbageCollected: var garbageCollected = Messages.GarbageCollected.Read(m_reader); GarbageCollection(garbageCollected); break; case MessageId.MID_GenerationSizes: var generationSizes = Messages.GenerationSizes.Read(m_reader); Console.WriteLine("Gen0 size: {0}", generationSizes.Sizes[0]); break; case MessageId.MID_KeepAlive: //don't really need to do anything Debug.WriteLine("Keep alive."); break; default: #if DEBUG Debugger.Break(); #endif throw new InvalidOperationException(); //break; } return(true); } catch (IOException) { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 同步 /// </summary> static public void BroadcastSync <T, U, V>(MessageId eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3) { DoBroadcast <T, U, V>((uint)eventType, arg1, arg2, arg3, false); }
/// <summary> /// 通过“消息ID”初始化消息体对象实例 /// <para>默认设备ID为0X0000000000000000,即广播到所有设备</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="msgId"> /// 消息ID /// <para>UInt16类型,长度为2个字节</para> /// </param> public MessageBody(MessageId msgId) : this() { MsgId = msgId; DevId = 0X0000000000000000; }
/// <summary> /// 通过“消息ID”、“设备ID”和“参数列表”初始化消息体对象实例 /// </summary> /// <param name="msgId"> /// 消息ID /// <para>UInt16类型,长度为2个字节</para> /// </param> /// <param name="devId"> /// 设备ID /// <para>UInt64类型,长度为8个字节</para> /// </param> /// <param name="pmtList"> /// 参数列表 /// <para>长度可变</para> /// </param> public MessageBody(MessageId msgId, UInt64 devId, List<Parameter> pmtList) : this() { MsgId = msgId; DevId = devId; PmtList = pmtList; }
public IReaderBuilder StartMessageId(MessageId messageId) { _startMessageId = messageId; return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the value whether the specified message should be traced in current configuration. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"> /// <see cref="MessageId" /> for the trace message. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if the specified message should be traced; otherwise, <c>false</c>. /// </returns> public static bool ShouldTrace(MessageId id) { return(_source.Switch.ShouldTrace(_typeTable[id])); }
public HelloRequest(MessageId id, Subscriber subscriber) : base(id, StandardDialogs.Hello) { this.Subscriber = subscriber; }
public void ProcessArrow(TCPConnection TCPConnection) { #region Start //TCPConnection.WriteLineToResponseStream(ServiceBanner); TCPConnection.NoDelay = true; Byte Byte; var MemoryStream = new MemoryStream(); var EndOfSMTPCommand = EOLSearch.NotYet; var ClientClose = false; var ServerClose = false; var MailClientName = ""; #endregion try { var MailFroms = new EMailAddressList(); var RcptTos = new EMailAddressList(); TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.ServiceReady, _DefaultServerName + " ESMTP Vanaheimr Hermod Mail Transport Service"); do { switch (TCPConnection.TryRead(out Byte, MaxInitialWaitingTimeMS: ReadTimeout)) { // 421 4.4.2 Error: timeout exceeded #region DataAvailable case TCPClientResponse.DataAvailable: #region Check for end of SMTP line... if (EndOfSMTPCommand == EOLSearch.NotYet) { // \n if (Byte == 0x0a) { EndOfSMTPCommand = EOLSearch.EoL_Found; } // \r else if (Byte == 0x0d) { EndOfSMTPCommand = EOLSearch.R_Read; } } // \n after a \r else if (EndOfSMTPCommand == EOLSearch.R_Read) { if (Byte == 0x0a) { EndOfSMTPCommand = EOLSearch.EoL_Found; } else { EndOfSMTPCommand = EOLSearch.NotYet; } } #endregion MemoryStream.WriteByte(Byte); #region If end-of-line -> process data... if (EndOfSMTPCommand == EOLSearch.EoL_Found) { if (MemoryStream.Length > 0) { var RequestTimestamp = DateTime.Now; #region Check UTF8 encoding var SMTPCommand = String.Empty; try { SMTPCommand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(MemoryStream.ToArray()).Trim(); Debug.WriteLine("<< " + SMTPCommand); } catch (Exception e) { NotifyErrors(TCPConnection, RequestTimestamp, "", SMTPStatusCode.SyntaxError, Error: "Protocol Error: Invalid UTF8 encoding!"); } #endregion #region Try to parse SMTP commands #region "" if (SMTPCommand == "") { } #endregion #region HELO <MailClientName> else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper().StartsWith("HELO")) { if (SMTPCommand.Trim().Length > 5 && SMTPCommand.Trim()[4] == ' ') { MailClientName = SMTPCommand.Trim().Substring(5); // 250 TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.Ok, DefaultServerName); } else { // 501 Syntax: HELO hostname TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.SyntaxError, "Syntax: HELO hostname"); } } #endregion #region EHLO <MailClientName> else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper().StartsWith("EHLO")) { if (SMTPCommand.Trim().Length > 5 && SMTPCommand.Trim()[4] == ' ') { MailClientName = SMTPCommand.Trim().Substring(5); // // 250-PIPELINING // 250-SIZE 204800000 // 250-VRFY // 250-ETRN // 250-STARTTLS // 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5 // 250-AUTH=PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5 // 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES // 250-8BITMIME // 250 DSN TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.Ok, DefaultServerName, "VRFY", _UseTLS ? "STARTTLS" : null, _TLSEnabled ? "AUTH PLAIN LOGIN" : null, "SIZE 204800000", "ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES", "8BITMIME"); } else { // 501 Syntax: EHLO hostname TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.SyntaxError, "Syntax: EHLO hostname"); } } #endregion #region STARTTLS else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper() == "STARTTLS") { if (_TLSEnabled) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.BadCommandSequence, "5.5.1 TLS already started"); } else if (MailClientName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.BadCommandSequence, "5.5.1 EHLO/HELO first"); } else { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.ServiceReady, "2.0.0 Ready to start TLS"); // var _TLSStream = new SslStream(TCPConnection.NetworkStream); // _TLSStream.AuthenticateAsServer(TLSCert, false, SslProtocols.Tls12, false); _TLSEnabled = true; } } #endregion #region AUTH LOGIN|PLAIN|... else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper().StartsWith("AUTH ")) { if (!_TLSEnabled) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.BadCommandSequence, "5.5.1 STARTTLS first"); } } #endregion #region MAIL FROM: <SenderMailAddress> else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper().StartsWith("MAIL FROM")) { var SMTPCommandParts = SMTPCommand.Split(new Char[2] { ' ', ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (SMTPCommandParts.Length >= 3) { var MailFrom = SMTPCommandParts[2]; if (MailFrom[0] == '<' && MailFrom[MailFrom.Length - 1] == '>') { MailFrom = MailFrom.Substring(1, MailFrom.Length - 2); } MAIL_FROM_FilterResponse _SMTPFilterResponse = null; var MAIL_FROMFilterLocal = MAIL_FROMFilter; if (MAIL_FROMFilterLocal != null) { _SMTPFilterResponse = MAIL_FROMFilterLocal(MailFrom); } if (_SMTPFilterResponse == null) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.Ok, "2.1.0 " + MailFrom + " Sender ok"); MailFroms.Add(EMailAddress.Parse(MailFrom)); } else if (_SMTPFilterResponse.Forward) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.Ok, "2.1.0 " + MailFrom + " " + _SMTPFilterResponse.Description); MailFroms.Add(EMailAddress.Parse(MailFrom)); } else { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.TransactionFailed, "5.7.1 " + _SMTPFilterResponse.Description); } } else { // 501 Syntax: EHLO hostname TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.SyntaxError, "Syntax: MAIL FROM: <*****@*****.**>"); } } #endregion #region RCPT TO: <ReceiverMailAddress> else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper().StartsWith("RCPT TO")) { var SMTPCommandParts = SMTPCommand.Split(new Char[2] { ' ', ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (SMTPCommandParts.Length >= 3) { var RcptTo = SMTPCommandParts[2]; // telnet: > telnet smtp // telnet: Trying // telnet: Connected to // telnet: Escape character is '^]'. // server: 220 ESMTP server ready Tue, 20 Jan 2004 22:33:36 +0200 // client: HELO // server: 250 // client: MAIL from: <*****@*****.**> // server: 250 Sender <*****@*****.**> Ok // 250 2.1.0 Ok // client: RCPT to: <*****@*****.**> // server: 250 Recipient <*****@*****.**> Ok // server: 554 5.7.1 <*****@*****.**>: Relay access denied // client: DATA // server: 354 Ok Send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF> // client: From: [email protected] // client: To: [email protected] // client: Subject: Test message // client: // client: This is a test message. // client: . // server: 250 Message received: [email protected] // client: QUIT // server: 221 ESMTP server closing connection // MAIL FROM: [email protected] // 250 2.1.0 [email protected]... Sender ok // // RCPT TO: [email protected] // 250 2.1.0 [email protected]... Recipient ok if (RcptTo[0] == '<' && RcptTo[RcptTo.Length - 1] == '>') { RcptTo = RcptTo.Substring(1, RcptTo.Length - 2); } RCPT_TO_FilterResponse _SMTPFilterResponse = null; var RCPT_TOFilterLocal = RCPT_TOFilter; if (RCPT_TOFilterLocal != null) { _SMTPFilterResponse = RCPT_TOFilterLocal(RcptTo); } if (_SMTPFilterResponse == null) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.Ok, "2.1.0 " + RcptTo + " Recipient ok"); RcptTos.Add(EMailAddress.Parse(RcptTo)); } else if (_SMTPFilterResponse.Forward) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.Ok, "2.1.0 " + RcptTo + " " + _SMTPFilterResponse.Description); RcptTos.Add(EMailAddress.Parse(RcptTo)); } else { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.TransactionFailed, "5.7.1 " + _SMTPFilterResponse.Description); } } else { // 501 Syntax: EHLO hostname TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.SyntaxError, "Syntax: RCPT TO: <*****@*****.**>"); } } #endregion #region DATA else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper().StartsWith("DATA")) { if (MailFroms.Count == 0 || RcptTos.Count == 0) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.BadCommandSequence, "Bad command sequence!"); } else { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.StartMailInput, "Ok Send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF>"); #region Read all e-mail lines... var MailText = new List <String>(); var MailLine = ""; do { MailLine = TCPConnection.ReadLine(); // "." == End-of-EMail... if (MailLine != null && MailLine != ".") { MailText.Add(MailLine); Debug.WriteLine("<<< " + MailLine); } } while (MailLine != "."); #endregion #region Try to parse the incoming e-mail... EMail IncomingMail = null; try { IncomingMail = EMail.Parse(MailText); } catch (Exception) { } if (IncomingMail == null) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.TransactionFailed, "The e-mail could not be parsed!"); Debug.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now + "] Incoming e-mail could not be parsed!"); Debug.WriteLine(MailText.AggregateWith(Environment.NewLine)); } #endregion #region Generate a MessageId... if needed! var _MessageId = IncomingMail.MessageId; if (_MessageId == null) { _MessageId = MessageId.Parse(Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "@" + _DefaultServerName); IncomingMail = EMail.Parse(new String[] { "Message-Id: " + _MessageId + Environment.NewLine }.Concat(MailText)); } #endregion TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.Ok, "Message received: " + _MessageId); var OnNotificationLocal = OnNotification; if (OnNotificationLocal != null) { OnNotificationLocal(new EMailEnvelop(MailFrom: MailFroms, RcptTo: RcptTos, EMail: IncomingMail, RemoteSocket: TCPConnection.RemoteSocket)); } } } #endregion #region RSET else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper() == "RSET") { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.Ok, "2.0.0 Ok"); MailClientName = ""; MailFroms.Clear(); RcptTos.Clear(); } #endregion #region NOOP else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper() == "NOOP") { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.Ok, "2.0.0 Ok"); } #endregion #region VRFY else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper().StartsWith("VRFY")) { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.CannotVerifyUserWillAttemptDelivery, "2.0.0 Send some mail. I'll try my best!"); MailClientName = ""; MailFroms.Clear(); RcptTos.Clear(); } #endregion #region QUIT else if (SMTPCommand.ToUpper() == "QUIT") { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.ServiceClosingTransmissionChannel, "2.0.0 closing connection"); ClientClose = true; } #endregion #region else error... else { TCPConnection.WriteLineSMTP(SMTPStatusCode.CommandUnrecognized, "2.0.0 I don't understand how to handle '" + SMTPCommand + "'!"); NotifyErrors(TCPConnection, RequestTimestamp, SMTPCommand.Trim(), SMTPStatusCode.BadCommandSequence, Error: "Invalid SMTP command!"); } #endregion #endregion } MemoryStream.SetLength(0); MemoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); EndOfSMTPCommand = EOLSearch.NotYet; } #endregion break; #endregion #region CanNotRead case TCPClientResponse.CanNotRead: ServerClose = true; break; #endregion #region ClientClose case TCPClientResponse.ClientClose: ClientClose = true; break; #endregion #region Timeout case TCPClientResponse.Timeout: ServerClose = true; break; #endregion } } while (!ClientClose && !ServerClose); } #region Process exceptions catch (IOException ioe) { if (ioe.Message.StartsWith("Unable to read data from the transport connection")) { } else if (ioe.Message.StartsWith("Unable to write data to the transport connection")) { } else { //if (OnError != null) // OnError(this, DateTime.Now, ConnectionIdBuilder(newTCPConnection.RemoteIPAddress, newTCPConnection.RemotePort), ioe, MemoryStream); } } catch (Exception e) { //if (OnError != null) // OnError(this, DateTime.Now, ConnectionIdBuilder(newTCPConnection.RemoteIPAddress, newTCPConnection.RemotePort), e, MemoryStream); } #endregion #region Close the TCP connection try { TCPConnection.Close((ClientClose) ? ConnectionClosedBy.Client : ConnectionClosedBy.Server); } catch (Exception) { } #endregion }
public MessageData(MessageId id, object data = null) { Id = id; Data = data; }
public void CancelRequest(MessageId id) { RequestContext.Features.Get <IRequestCancellationFeature>().TryCancel(id); }
public void TestEncode() { GameInfoMessage gim = new GameInfoMessage(MessageId.Create(), 1, 2, "1.2.3", "4.5.6"); byte[] bytes = gim.Encode(); byte[] messagePIdBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(gim.msgId.Pid)); byte[] messageSeqBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(gim.msgId.Seq)); byte[] convPIdBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(gim.convId.Pid)); byte[] convSeqBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(gim.convId.Seq)); int currByte = 0; //MessageId //pid Assert.AreEqual(messagePIdBytes[0], bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(messagePIdBytes[1], bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); //seq Assert.AreEqual(messageSeqBytes[0], bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(messageSeqBytes[1], bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); //ConversationId //pid Assert.AreEqual(convPIdBytes[0], bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(convPIdBytes[1], bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); //seq Assert.AreEqual(convSeqBytes[0], bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(convSeqBytes[1], bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); //short MessageType Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(2, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); //short GameId Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(1, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); //short UserId Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(2, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did not match asserted value"); //string GMAddress Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(10, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(49, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(46, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(50, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(46, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(51, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); //string UAAddress Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(10, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(52, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(46, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(53, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(46, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); Assert.AreEqual(54, bytes[currByte], $"bytes[{currByte++}] did note match asserted value"); }
/// <summary> /// 通过“消息ID”、“参数类型”和“字符串类型的参数值”执行操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="msgId">消息ID的枚举值</param> /// <param name="pmtType">参数的类型枚举值</param> /// <param name="pmtValueString">字符串类型的参数值</param> /// <returns></returns> public Byte[] OperateCommand(MessageId msgId, ParameterType pmtType, string pmtValueString) { return(OperateCommand(msgId, pmtType, pmtValueString.ToByteArray())); }
public RequestCancellingEventArgs(MessageId requestId) { RequestId = requestId; }
/// <summary> /// 通过“消息ID”、“参数类型”和“字节数组类型的参数值”执行操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="msgId">消息ID的枚举值</param> /// <param name="pmtType">参数的类型枚举值</param> /// <param name="byteArray">字节数组类型的参数值</param> /// <returns></returns> public Byte[] OperateCommand(MessageId msgId, ParameterType pmtType, Byte[] byteArray) { return(OperateCommand(msgId, pmtType, GetByteList(byteArray))); }
public static Type GetCorrespondingMessageType(this MessageId messageId) { switch (messageId) { case MessageId.CheckShamRequest: return(typeof(Message <CheckShamRequest>)); case MessageId.DestroyPieceRequest: return(typeof(Message <DestroyPieceRequest>)); case MessageId.DiscoverRequest: return(typeof(Message <DiscoverRequest>)); case MessageId.ExchangeInformationResponse: return(typeof(Message <ExchangeInformationResponse>)); case MessageId.ExchangeInformationRequest: return(typeof(Message <ExchangeInformationRequest>)); case MessageId.JoinRequest: return(typeof(Message <JoinRequest>)); case MessageId.MoveRequest: return(typeof(Message <MoveRequest>)); case MessageId.PickUpPieceRequest: return(typeof(Message <PickUpPieceRequest>)); case MessageId.PutDownPieceRequest: return(typeof(Message <PutDownPieceRequest>)); case MessageId.CheckShamResponse: return(typeof(Message <CheckShamResponse>)); case MessageId.DestroyPieceResponse: return(typeof(Message <DestroyPieceResponse>)); case MessageId.DiscoverResponse: return(typeof(Message <DiscoverResponse>)); case MessageId.EndGameMessage: return(typeof(Message <EndGamePayload>)); case MessageId.StartGameMessage: return(typeof(Message <StartGamePayload>)); case MessageId.ExchangeInformationRequestForward: return(typeof(Message <ExchangeInformationRequestForward>)); case MessageId.JoinResponse: return(typeof(Message <JoinResponse>)); case MessageId.MoveResponse: return(typeof(Message <MoveResponse>)); case MessageId.PickUpPieceResponse: return(typeof(Message <PickUpPieceResponse>)); case MessageId.PutDownPieceResponse: return(typeof(Message <PutDownPieceResponse>)); case MessageId.ExchangeInformationResponseForward: return(typeof(Message <ExchangeInformationResponseForward>)); case MessageId.MoveError: return(typeof(Message <MoveError>)); case MessageId.PickUpPieceError: return(typeof(Message <PickUpPieceError>)); case MessageId.PutDownPieceError: return(typeof(Message <PutDownPieceError>)); case MessageId.IgnoredDelayError: return(typeof(Message <IgnoredDelayError>)); case MessageId.UndefinedError: return(typeof(Message <UndefinedError>)); default: throw new ArgumentException($"No payload type corresponding to message: {messageId.ToString()}"); } }
public MessageExecutionCompleted(MessageId sourceCommandId, int errorCode) : this(sourceCommandId, errorCode, null) { }
public MessageExecutionCompleted(MessageId sourceCommandId, int errorCode, string responseMessage) { SourceCommandId = sourceCommandId; ErrorCode = errorCode; ResponseMessage = responseMessage ?? string.Empty; }
// GET: /Bedrijf/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int id, MessageId? message) { ViewBag.StatusMessage = message == MessageId.ChangeSuccess ? "Uw wijzigingen zijn succesvol opgeslagen." : message == MessageId.ChangeFaild ? "Uw wijzigingen zijn onsuccesvol opgeslagen." : message == MessageId.Error ? "Een fout deed zich voor." : ""; Bedrijf bedrijf = bedrijfRepository.FindById(id); if (bedrijf == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return View(bedrijf); }
public static MessageExecutionCompleted Failure(MessageId sourceCommandId, IEnumerable <Exception> exceptions) { var errorStatus = CommandResult.GetErrorStatus(exceptions); return(new MessageExecutionCompleted(sourceCommandId, errorStatus.Code, errorStatus.Message)); }
/// <summary> /// 通过“消息ID”和“设备ID”初始化消息体对象实例 /// </summary> /// <param name="msgId"> /// 消息ID /// <para>UInt16类型,长度为2个字节</para> /// </param> /// <param name="devId"> /// 设备ID /// <para>UInt64类型,长度为8个字节</para> /// </param> public MessageBody(MessageId msgId, UInt64 devId) : this() { MsgId = msgId; DevId = devId; }
/// <summary> /// Outputs the raw data for the interesting event. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"> /// <see cref="MessageId" /> for the trace data. /// </param> /// <param name="data"> /// The raw data for this event. /// </param> public static void TraceData(MessageId id, params object[] data) { _source.TraceData(_typeTable[id], ( int )id, data); }
//from ide protected override async Task <bool> AcceptCommand(MessageId sessionId, JObject args, CancellationToken token) { if (args["type"] == null) { return(false); } switch (args["type"].Value <string>()) { case "resume": { if (!contexts.TryGetValue(sessionId, out ExecutionContext context)) { return(false); } context.PausedOnWasm = false; if (context.CallStack == null) { return(false); } if (args["resumeLimit"] == null || args["resumeLimit"].Type == JTokenType.Null) { await OnResume(sessionId, token); return(false); } switch (args["resumeLimit"]["type"].Value <string>()) { case "next": await context.SdbAgent.Step(context.ThreadId, StepKind.Over, token); break; case "finish": await context.SdbAgent.Step(context.ThreadId, StepKind.Out, token); break; case "step": await context.SdbAgent.Step(context.ThreadId, StepKind.Into, token); break; } await SendResume(sessionId, token); return(true); } case "isAttached": case "attach": { var ctx = GetContextFixefox(sessionId); ctx.ThreadName = args["to"].Value <string>(); break; } case "source": { return(await OnGetScriptSource(sessionId, args["to"].Value <string>(), token)); } case "getBreakableLines": { return(await OnGetBreakableLines(sessionId, args["to"].Value <string>(), token)); } case "getBreakpointPositionsCompressed": { //{"positions":{"39":[20,28]},"from":"server1.conn2.child10/source27"} if (args["to"].Value <string>().StartsWith("dotnet://")) { var line = new JObject(); var offsets = new JArray(); offsets.Add(0); line.Add(args["query"]["start"]["line"].Value <string>(), offsets); var o = JObject.FromObject(new { positions = line, from = args["to"].Value <string>() }); await SendEventInternal(sessionId, "", o, token); return(true); } break; } case "setBreakpoint": { if (!contexts.TryGetValue(sessionId, out ExecutionContext context)) { return(false); } var req = JObject.FromObject(new { url = args["location"]["sourceUrl"].Value <string>(), lineNumber = args["location"]["line"].Value <int>() - 1, columnNumber = args["location"]["column"].Value <int>() }); var bp = context.BreakpointRequests.Where(request => request.Value.CompareRequest(req)).FirstOrDefault(); if (bp.Value != null) { bp.Value.UpdateCondition(args["options"]?["condition"]?.Value <string>()); await SendCommand(sessionId, "", args, token); return(true); } string bpid = Interlocked.Increment(ref context.breakpointId).ToString(); if (args["options"]?["condition"]?.Value <string>() != null) { req["condition"] = args["options"]?["condition"]?.Value <string>(); } var request = BreakpointRequest.Parse(bpid, req); bool loaded = context.Source.Task.IsCompleted; context.BreakpointRequests[bpid] = request; if (await IsRuntimeAlreadyReadyAlready(sessionId, token)) { DebugStore store = await RuntimeReady(sessionId, token); Log("verbose", $"BP req {args}"); await SetBreakpoint(sessionId, store, request, !loaded, false, token); } await SendCommand(sessionId, "", args, token); return(true); } case "removeBreakpoint": { if (!contexts.TryGetValue(sessionId, out ExecutionContext context)) { return(false); } Result resp = await SendCommand(sessionId, "", args, token); var reqToRemove = JObject.FromObject(new { url = args["location"]["sourceUrl"].Value <string>(), lineNumber = args["location"]["line"].Value <int>() - 1, columnNumber = args["location"]["column"].Value <int>() }); foreach (var req in context.BreakpointRequests.Values) { if (req.CompareRequest(reqToRemove)) { foreach (var bp in req.Locations) { var breakpoint_removed = await context.SdbAgent.RemoveBreakpoint(bp.RemoteId, token); if (breakpoint_removed) { bp.RemoteId = -1; bp.State = BreakpointState.Disabled; } } } } return(true); } case "prototypeAndProperties": case "slice": { var to = args?["to"].Value <string>().Replace("propertyIterator", ""); if (!DotnetObjectId.TryParse(to, out DotnetObjectId objectId)) { return(false); } var res = await RuntimeGetObjectMembers(sessionId, objectId, args, token); var variables = ConvertToFirefoxContent(res); var o = JObject.FromObject(new { ownProperties = variables, from = args["to"].Value <string>() }); if (args["type"].Value <string>() == "prototypeAndProperties") { o.Add("prototype", GetPrototype(objectId, args)); } await SendEvent(sessionId, "", o, token); return(true); } case "prototype": { if (!DotnetObjectId.TryParse(args?["to"], out DotnetObjectId objectId)) { return(false); } var o = JObject.FromObject(new { prototype = GetPrototype(objectId, args), from = args["to"].Value <string>() }); await SendEvent(sessionId, "", o, token); return(true); } case "enumSymbols": { if (!DotnetObjectId.TryParse(args?["to"], out DotnetObjectId objectId)) { return(false); } var o = JObject.FromObject(new { type = "symbolIterator", count = 0, actor = args["to"].Value <string>() + "symbolIterator" }); var iterator = JObject.FromObject(new { iterator = o, from = args["to"].Value <string>() }); await SendEvent(sessionId, "", iterator, token); return(true); } case "enumProperties": { //{"iterator":{"type":"propertyIterator","actor":"server1.conn19.child63/propertyIterator73","count":3},"from":"server1.conn19.child63/obj71"} if (!DotnetObjectId.TryParse(args?["to"], out DotnetObjectId objectId)) { return(false); } var res = await RuntimeGetObjectMembers(sessionId, objectId, args, token); var variables = ConvertToFirefoxContent(res); var o = JObject.FromObject(new { type = "propertyIterator", count = variables.Count, actor = args["to"].Value <string>() + "propertyIterator" }); var iterator = JObject.FromObject(new { iterator = o, from = args["to"].Value <string>() }); await SendEvent(sessionId, "", iterator, token); return(true); } case "getEnvironment": { if (!DotnetObjectId.TryParse(args?["to"], out DotnetObjectId objectId)) { return(false); } var ctx = GetContextFixefox(sessionId); if (ctx.CallStack == null) { return(false); } Frame scope = ctx.CallStack.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == objectId.Value); var res = await RuntimeGetObjectMembers(sessionId, objectId, args, token); var variables = ConvertToFirefoxContent(res); var o = JObject.FromObject(new { actor = args["to"].Value <string>() + "_0", type = "function", scopeKind = "function", function = new { displayName = scope.Method.Name }, bindings = new { arguments = new JArray(), variables }, from = args["to"].Value <string>() }); await SendEvent(sessionId, "", o, token); return(true); } case "frames": { ExecutionContext ctx = GetContextFixefox(sessionId); if (ctx.PausedOnWasm) { try { await GetFrames(sessionId, ctx, args, token); return(true); } catch (Exception) //if the page is refreshed maybe it stops here. { await SendResume(sessionId, token); return(true); } } //var ret = await SendCommand(sessionId, "frames", args, token); //await SendEvent(sessionId, "", ret.Value["result"]["fullContent"] as JObject, token); return(false); } case "evaluateJSAsync": { var context = GetContextFixefox(sessionId); if (context.CallStack != null) { var resultID = $"runtimeResult-{context.GetResultID()}"; var o = JObject.FromObject(new { resultID, from = args["to"].Value <string>() }); await SendEvent(sessionId, "", o, token); Frame scope = context.CallStack.First <Frame>(); var resolver = new MemberReferenceResolver(this, context, sessionId, scope.Id, logger); JObject retValue = await resolver.Resolve(args?["text"]?.Value <string>(), token); if (retValue == null) { retValue = await ExpressionEvaluator.CompileAndRunTheExpression(args?["text"]?.Value <string>(), resolver, logger, token); } var osend = JObject.FromObject(new { type = "evaluationResult", resultID, hasException = false, input = args?["text"], from = args["to"].Value <string>() }); if (retValue["type"].Value <string>() == "object") { osend["result"] = JObject.FromObject(new { type = retValue["type"], @class = retValue["className"], description = retValue["description"], actor = retValue["objectId"], }); } else { osend["result"] = retValue["value"]; osend["resultType"] = retValue["type"]; osend["resultDescription"] = retValue["description"]; } await SendEvent(sessionId, "", osend, token); } else { var ret = await SendCommand(sessionId, "evaluateJSAsync", args, token); var o = JObject.FromObject(new { resultID = ret.FullContent["resultID"], from = args["to"].Value <string>() }); await SendEvent(sessionId, "", o, token); await SendEvent(sessionId, "", ret.FullContent, token); } return(true); } case "DotnetDebugger.getMethodLocation": { var ret = await GetMethodLocation(sessionId, args, token); ret.Value["from"] = "internal"; await SendEvent(sessionId, "", ret.Value, token); return(true); } default: return(false); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 同步 /// </summary> static public void BroadcastSync <T>(MessageId eventType, T arg1) { DoBroadcast <T>((uint)eventType, arg1, false); }
// GET: /Student/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int id, MessageId? message) { ViewBag.StatusMessage = message == MessageId.ChangeSuccess ? "Uw wijzigingen zijn succesvol opgeslagen." : message == MessageId.ChangeFaild ? "Uw wijzigingen zijn onsuccesvol opgeslagen." : message == MessageId.Error ? "Een fout deed zich voor." : ""; Student student = studentRepository.FindById(id); TempData["fotourl"] = student.Foto; ViewBag.fotourl = student.Foto; if (student == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return View(student); }
private void SendToPersistenceService(IMessage message, IEnumerable <Peer> persistentPeers) { var transportMessage = _serializer.ToTransportMessage(message, MessageId.NextId(), PeerId, InboundEndPoint); _innerTransport.Send(transportMessage, persistentPeers); }