public static void logout(object sender, object e) { token = null; loggedIn = false; MessageDialogAction msg = new MessageDialogAction(); msg.Title = "You successfully logged out!"; msg.Content = "Please login if you want to use the application!"; msg.Execute(sender, e); }
public void CancelRequestAccessDialog() { if (CurrentDialog != null && CurrentDialog.DialogShown) { MpDialog diag = CurrentDialog.Dialog; if (diag.AvailableActions.Contains("cancel")) { MessageDialogAction action = new MessageDialogAction() { ActionType = "cancel", DialogId = diag.DialogId, DialogType = diag.DialogType }; SendCommand(action); } } }
private async void searchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (keywordField.Text.Length > 0) { await ViewModel.getSearchedResults(keywordField.Text); } else { return; } if (ViewModel.SearchResult.Count < 1) { MessageDialogAction msg = new MessageDialogAction(); msg.Title = "Not found!"; msg.Content = "There is no matching user with keyword \'" + keywordField.Text + "\'"; msg.Execute(sender, e); } else { searchListView.ItemsSource = ViewModel.SearchResult; } }