Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Block chopping logic
    /// </summary>
    void ChopBlock()
        VectorHelper.Vector3Coord axis = xOrZ ? VectorHelper.Vector3Coord.x : VectorHelper.Vector3Coord.z;


        currentBlock.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = blockMat;

        //Storing  base and current block's position because this are being used in a lot of places
        float baseBlockPos    = xOrZ ? baseBlock.localPosition.x : baseBlock.localPosition.z;
        float baseBlockScale  = xOrZ ? baseBlock.lossyScale.x : baseBlock.lossyScale.z;
        float currentBlockPos = xOrZ ? currentBlock.transform.localPosition.x : currentBlock.transform.localPosition.z;

        //Distane between the blocks
        float relDist = Mathf.Abs(baseBlockPos - currentBlockPos);

        //Scale of the remaining block is equal to the above distance subracted from base block's scale . (refer documentation for a detailed explaination)
        float remainingBlockScale = baseBlockScale - relDist;

        //This is the piece left after the cut
        GameObject leftoverBlockPiece = objectPooler.GetPooledObject(ObjectPoolItems.leftoverBlock, true);

        leftoverBlockPiece.transform.SetParent(stack, true);

        int sign = currentBlockPos < baseBlockPos ? -1 : 1;

        float remainingBlockPos  = (baseBlockPos + sign * baseBlockScale * 0.5f) - sign * remainingBlockScale * 0.5f;
        float leftoverBlockScale = relDist;// also equal to baseBlockScale - newBlockScale;
        float leftoverBlockPos   = remainingBlockPos + sign * remainingBlockScale * 0.5f + sign * leftoverBlockScale * 0.5f;

        leftoverBlockPiece.transform.localScale    = VectorHelper.GetVectorWith(axis, currentBlock.transform.lossyScale, leftoverBlockScale);
        leftoverBlockPiece.transform.localPosition = VectorHelper.GetVectorWith(axis, currentBlock.transform.localPosition, leftoverBlockPos);

        leftoverBlockPiece.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = blockMat;

        //current block is the new Block
        currentBlock.transform.localPosition       = VectorHelper.GetVectorWith(axis, currentBlock.transform.localPosition, remainingBlockPos);
        currentBlock.transform.localScale          = VectorHelper.GetVectorWith(axis, currentBlock.transform.lossyScale, remainingBlockScale);
        leftoverBlockPiece.transform.localRotation = currentBlock.transform.localRotation;

        currentBlock.GetComponent <BlockScript>().enabled = false;

        //Adjust UVs for the pieces . xOrZ and currentBlockPos<baseBlockPos determine the order for UV adjustment.
        //For UV adjsutment logic check MeshUVAdjuster.
        if (xOrZ)
            MeshUVAdjuster.AjustUVsforpiecesFromX(baseBlock, leftoverBlockPiece.transform, currentBlock.transform, currentBlockPos < baseBlockPos);
            MeshUVAdjuster.AdjustUVsforpiecesFromZ(baseBlock, currentBlock.transform, leftoverBlockPiece.transform, currentBlockPos < baseBlockPos);
        baseBlock = currentBlock.transform;
Пример #2
    IEnumerator ContinueGameCoruoutine()
        alreadyContinued = true;
        //Get the difference in x and z scale of the current block and desired block.
        float xScale = continueBlockSize - currentBlock.transform.lossyScale.x;
        float zScale = continueBlockSize - currentBlock.transform.lossyScale.z;

        //Will instantiate these many blocks to get to the desired size
        int steps = 3;

        for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
            if (i < steps - 1)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

            GameObject block = objectPooler.GetPooledObject(ObjectPoolItems.Block, true);
            block.GetComponent <BlockScript>().enabled = false;

            //Assign the scale and position
            block.transform.localScale    = baseBlock.transform.localScale + new Vector3(xScale / steps, 0, zScale / steps);
            block.transform.localPosition = baseBlock.transform.localPosition + Vector3.up * yOffset;

            //Align the position of the new block according to the last split
            Vector3 posDiff = new Vector3(baseBlock.localPosition.x + baseBlock.lossyScale.x / 2, 0, baseBlock.localPosition.z + baseBlock.lossyScale.z / 2) - new Vector3(block.transform.localPosition.x + block.transform.lossyScale.x / 2, 0, block.transform.localPosition.z + block.transform.lossyScale.z / 2);
            block.transform.localPosition -= posDiff;

            //Create a new material for the block and set its color and texture
            blockMat = new Material(Shader.Find(shaderType));
            blockMat.SetColor("_Color", colorController.BlockColor);
            blockMat.mainTexture = selectedSkinTexture;
            block.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = blockMat;

            //Update Camera pos and set this block and baseblock
            baseBlock = block.transform;

        //continue game
        isGameRunning = true;
        Invoke("ActivateInputWithDelay", 0.2f);
Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// This is when the game has initialised but has not started.
    /// </summary>
    void InitGame()
        baseBlock = startBaseBlock;

        //Reset the Color conttoller and assign the first colors
        baseBlock.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", colorController.BlockColor);


        //So that we start with default speed for the first block
        blockSpeed = defaultBlockSpeed - blockSpeedDelta;
        if (isARModeOn)
            blockCount = 0;

        alreadyContinued = false;
Пример #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Responsible for the block cutting , perfect and game over logic when user taps.
    /// </summary>
    void Tap()
        //Storing positions with other component zeroed out so that the distance can be along one for score/gameover. (can also be checked on XZ plane)
        //Using some util methods for doing so. Makes the code smaller
        Vector3 currentBlockPosVector = xOrZ ? VectorHelper.GetXVector(currentBlock.transform.localPosition) : VectorHelper.GetZVector(currentBlock.transform.localPosition);
        Vector3 baseBlockPosVector    = xOrZ ? VectorHelper.GetXVector(baseBlock.transform.localPosition) : VectorHelper.GetZVector(baseBlock.transform.localPosition);

        float gameOverDist = xOrZ ? currentBlock.transform.lossyScale.x * 0.5f + baseBlock.lossyScale.x * 0.5f :
                             currentBlock.transform.lossyScale.z * 0.5f + baseBlock.lossyScale.z * 0.5f;

        if (Vector3.Distance(currentBlockPosVector, baseBlockPosVector) > gameOverDist)
            //This is game over and the desired behaviour is that the block simply falls.
            //Instead of attaching a rb to this block, replacing the current block with a leftover block and disabling current block, since leftover Block already has a rigidbody attached.

            GameObject leftoverBlockPiece = objectPooler.GetPooledObject(ObjectPoolItems.leftoverBlock, true);
            VectorHelper.CopyTransformProperties(leftoverBlockPiece.transform, currentBlock.transform);

            leftoverBlockPiece.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = blockMat;
            MeshUVAdjuster.CopyUVs(currentBlock.transform, leftoverBlockPiece.transform);

            isGameRunning    = false;
            isInputActivated = false;

            //Stack tower should move up in gameover to reveal its actual height.
            if (isARModeOn)
                stackTargetPos = stackStartPos;
                stackMoveSpeed = moveUpSpeed;

            //Don't show Continue game screen if Ad is not enabled
            //Decide whether to end game or present the continue option
            //Continue if frequency matches and current score is higher than minimum score. Else, end game.
            if (!isARModeOn && !alreadyContinued && frequency != 0 && gameOverCount % frequency == 0 && ScoreAndCashManager.Instance.currentScore >= minScoreToContinue)

        //If the distance between the blocks is less than the perfetDist, It is a perfect score. YAY!!
        if (Vector3.Distance(currentBlockPosVector, baseBlockPosVector) < perfectDist)

Пример #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Responsible for instantiating and setting up next blocks on scoring.
    /// </summary>
    void BringNewBlock()
        //Inverting the boolean because the blocks come from alternate directions everytime you score
        // If xOrZ is true the block is coming from x direction, otherwise from z.
        xOrZ = !xOrZ;

        //Get a new block from Object pooler
        GameObject block = objectPooler.GetPooledObject(ObjectPoolItems.Block, true);


        //Set the block's scale to the scale of the base block
        block.transform.localScale = baseBlock.transform.localScale;

        float x      = baseBlock.transform.localPosition.x;
        float y      = baseBlock.transform.localPosition.y + yOffset;
        float z      = baseBlock.transform.localPosition.z;
        float offset = 0;

        if (isARModeOn)
            //If max block height is reached feed in the lower position for the stack to move down.
            if (blockCount > heightCutOffInBlockCount)
                stackTargetPos = stack.position - Vector3.up * yOffset;

        BlockScript blockScript = block.GetComponent <BlockScript>();

        //Calculating the ranges inside which the blocks will oscillate. Since the sizes of the blocks change as we progress in the game, the position also changes.
        // offsetFromCentre_x / offsetFromCentre_z are offsets from the centre. it is taken as 85 % of the start base block's scale towards the respective incoming direction
        // This offset is then added to half of incoming block's scale. This total offset is calculated so that start and end points of incoming block never overlap with the start base block.
        if (xOrZ)
            offset = startBaseBlock.transform.lossyScale.x * 0.85f + block.transform.localScale.x * 0.5f;
                new Vector3(startBaseBlock.transform.localPosition.x + offset, y, z),
                new Vector3(startBaseBlock.transform.localPosition.x - offset, y, z));
            offset = startBaseBlock.transform.lossyScale.z * 0.85f + block.transform.localScale.z * 0.5f;
                new Vector3(x, y, startBaseBlock.transform.localPosition.z + offset),
                new Vector3(x, y, startBaseBlock.transform.localPosition.z - offset));

        //Start position is offset by twice so that the block starts from outside the screen
        Vector3 offsetVector = xOrZ ? offset * Vector3.right : offset * Vector3.forward;
        Vector3 yoffset      = Vector3.up * yOffset;
        block.transform.localPosition = baseBlock.transform.localPosition - offsetVector * 2 + yoffset;
        block.transform.rotation      = baseBlock.transform.rotation;

        //Create a new material for the block and set its color and texture
        blockMat = new Material(Shader.Find(shaderType));
        blockMat.SetColor("_Color", colorController.BlockColor);
        blockMat.mainTexture = selectedSkinTexture;
        block.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = blockMat;

        //Setting a higher Render queue for depth mask to work in AR
        if (isARModeOn)
            blockMat.renderQueue = 3000;
        //Block speed
        if (ScoreAndCashManager.Instance.currentScore % blockSpeedResetScore == 0)
            blockSpeed = defaultBlockSpeed;
        else if (ScoreAndCashManager.Instance.currentScore % blockSpeedIncreaseScore == 0)
            float newSpeed = blockSpeed + blockSpeedDelta;
            blockSpeed = newSpeed <= maxBlockSpeed ? newSpeed : maxBlockSpeed;
        blockScript.speed = blockSpeed;

        //Set currentBlock and enable blockScript since it might be disabled if it is a pooled object.
        currentBlock        = block;
        blockScript.enabled = true;

        //Copy the uvs from baseBlock to this newBlock because default UVs will not work as the UVs are adjusted to match a cut.
        MeshUVAdjuster.CopyUVs(baseBlock, currentBlock.transform);